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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 17

                            while calling insert_row of IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB_PKG
   pmarada    26-jul-2004   Bug 3792800, Added code to bypass the holds apply validation in finp_apply_holds procedure
   pathipat   12-Aug-2003   Enh 3076768 - Automatic Release of Holds
                            Added procedure finp_auto_release_holds(), modified validate_holds() and all its call-outs
                            Modified validate_param - removed calls to igs_pe_gen_001.get_hold_auth.
   pathipat   23-Jun-2003   Bug: 3018104 - Impact of changes in person id group views
                            Replaced all occurrences of igs_pe_persid_group_v and igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem_v
                            with igs_pe_persid_group and igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem respectively
   pathipat   05-May-2003   Enh 2831569 - Commercial Receivables Build
                            Modified finp_apply_holds() and finp_release_holds_main() - Added check for manage_accounts
   vvutukur   05-Mar-2003   Bug#2824994.Modified procedure finp_apply_holds,function validate_holds(used in releasing holds),holds_balance.
   pathipat   25-Feb-2003   Enh:2747341 - Additional Security for Holds build
                            Modifications according to FI206_TD_SWS_Additional_Security_for_Holds_s1a.doc
                            Modified cursor c_person - selected from igs_pe_person_base_v instead of igs_pe_person
                            Changed declaration of local variable person_name appropriately.
   ssawhney   17-feb-2003   Bug : 2758856  : Added the parameter x_external_reference in the call to IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB_PKG.UPDATE_ROW

   SYKRISHn    03-JAN-2002              Bug 2684895 --Procedure finp_apply_holds  and finp_release_holds_main
                                        Logging Person Group Cd instead of person group id.
   SYKRISHN    31DEC2002                Bug 2676524 - Procedure finp_apply_holds
                                        Derived the person number for the parameter p_auth_person_id
                                        to display in the concurrent log file instead of the P_auth_person_id which
                                        was logged earlier.
   smadathi    20-dec-2002   Enh. Bug 2566615. Removed  the references of obsoleted table IGS_FI_HOLD_PLN_LNS and
                             incorporated changes suggested as per FICR102 TD. Removed lookup_desc function
   agairola     03-Dec-2002 Bug No: 2584741 As part of the Deposits Build, modified the cursor c_credit_amount to exclude
                            credits of Credit Class Enrolment Deposit and Other Deposit
   pathipat            04-OCT-2002      Enh Bug:2562745 --  Reassess Balances build
                                        1. Added check in finp_apply_holds() and in finp_release_holds_main() to check if
                                           holds conversion process is running before continuing with further processing
                                        2. Added check in validate_param() to check if active balance rule has been defined for the
                                           balance type of HOLDS.
                                        3. Also added in the same function, check if the process start date is not later than the
                                           last_conversion_date of the balance rule when the hold plan name is at 'Account' level.
                                        4. In validate_holds(), removed insertion of balance_amount into the igs_fi_person_holds
                                           table as the column is being obsoleted. Added cursor c_bal_amount to obtain holds balance
                                           from igs_fi_balances (in place of balance amount from igs_fi_person_holds)
                                        5. Added parameter balance_rule_id in calls to check_exclusion_rules()
                                        6. Removed igs_ge_date.igsdate(p_process_start_date) and replaced with just
                                           p_process_Start_date. similarly for process_end_date also.
   pkpatel             30-SEP-2002      Bug No: 2600842
                                        Added the parameter auth_resp_id in the call to the procedures of TBH igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg
   vchappid            07-Jun-2002      Bug 2392486#, Calculation of the holds balance incase the Holds plan is at subaccount
                                        is corrected , Holds Balance should be added only when the balance record is found in
                                        the balances table
   SYkrishn            30/APR/2002      in function validate_param
                                        Changes in curor c_fee_type to compare ci ststu with system fee structure ststua
                                        Bug 2348883
   SYkrishn            03-APR-2002      Changes according to Build 2293676 - Planned Credits Functionality introduced.
   vvutukur            28-02-2002       Modified the cursor c_person by selecting from igs_pe_person
                                        instead of igs_fi_parties_v.for bug:2238362(reverting back the earlier fix).
   vvutukur            27-02-2002       Modified cursor c_person by selecting from igs_fi_parties_v
                                        instead of igs_pe_person for bug:2238362.

--Skip exception used to skip a record FROM the cursor based on the condition
Line: 77

SELECT person_number,
FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
WHERE  person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 183

  SELECT        hold_plan_level,
                offset_days                    ,
                payment_plan_threshold_amt     ,
  FROM    igs_fi_hold_plan
  WHERE   hold_plan_name = p_hold_plan_name;
Line: 196

  SELECT holds_balance
  FROM  igs_fi_balances
  WHERE party_id = p_person_id
  AND   holds_balance IS NOT NULL
  AND   TRUNC(balance_date) <= TRUNC(p_process_start_date)
  ORDER BY balance_date desc;
Line: 205

  SELECT crd.credit_id,
  FROM igs_fi_credits crd,
       igs_fi_cr_types crt
  WHERE TRUNC(crd.effective_date)  between  (TRUNC(p_process_start_date) + 1) AND  TRUNC(l_payment_due_date)
  AND crd.status = 'CLEARED'
  AND crd.party_id = p_person_id
  AND crd.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
  AND crt.credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT')
  ORDER BY crd.credit_id ;
Line: 220

  SELECT invoice_id,
         invoice_amount  amount,
         invoice_amount_due ,
  FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv
  WHERE  fee_type               = l_fee_type
  AND    fee_cal_type           = p_fee_cal_type
  AND    fee_ci_sequence_number = p_fee_ci_sequence_number
  AND    TRUNC(invoice_creation_date) <= TRUNC(p_process_start_date)
  AND    person_id = p_person_id
                     FROM  igs_fi_inv_wav_det
                     WHERE invoice_id = inv.invoice_id
                     AND   balance_type = 'HOLDS'
                     AND  (
                           TRUNC(end_dt) IS NOT NULL AND
                           TRUNC(p_process_start_date) BETWEEN  TRUNC(start_dt) AND TRUNC(end_dt)
                          (TRUNC(p_process_start_date) >= TRUNC(start_dt) AND  TRUNC(end_dt) is null)
Line: 247

  SELECT SUM(installment_amt) installment_amt,
         SUM(due_amt)         due_amt,
         MAX(due_date)        due_date
  FROM   igs_fi_pp_instlmnts
  WHERE  student_plan_id = cp_n_student_plan_id
  AND    due_date        <= cp_d_d_pay_det_date;
Line: 259

    SELECT NVL(SUM(chg.invoice_amount), 0)
    FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all chg,
         igs_fi_inv_wav_det wav
    WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id
    AND chg.invoice_id = wav.invoice_id
    AND wav.balance_type = 'HOLDS'
    AND cp_d_process_start_date BETWEEN TRUNC(start_dt) AND NVL(TRUNC(end_dt), cp_d_process_start_date);
Line: 599

   sapanigr             04-May-2006     Enh#3924836 Precision Issue. Amount values being inserted into igs_fi_person_holds
                                        are now rounded off to currency precision
   svuppala             17-AUG-2005     Bug 4557933 - Unable to remove holds that were put on with concurrent manager
                                        Passing global values to AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID and AUTH_RESP_ID from SWS Holds API
                                        while calling insert_row of IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB_PKG
   smadathi             28-Aug-2003     Enh Bug 3045007. Added 2 new IN parameter - p_n_student_plan_id and
   pathipat             12-Aug-2003     Enh 3076768 - Automatic Release of Holds
                                        Added param x_release_credit_id to TBH calls of igs_fi_person_holds
   pathipat             25-Feb-2003     Enh:2747341 - Additional Security for Holds build
                                        Removed parameter p_auth_person_id. Passed Null to authorising_person_id
                                        in the call to igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.insert_row
  ssawhney   17-feb-2003   Bug : 2758856  : Added the parameter x_external_reference in the call to IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB_PKG.UPDATE_ROW
  pathipat             04-OCT-2002     Enh Bug: 2562745 -- obsoleted column balance_amount from igs_fi_person_holds
                                        Removed column balance_amount from call to igs_fi_person_holds_pkg.insert_row()
   pkpatel              04-OCT-2002     Bug No: 2600842
                                        Added the parameter auth_resp_id in the call to TBH igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg


--to check if reocrd exist in IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB for the passed start date
CURSOR c_hold_exist
FROM    igs_pe_pers_encumb
WHERE   person_id = p_person_id
AND     encumbrance_type = p_hold_type
AND     TRUNC(start_dt) = TRUNC(p_hold_start_date);
Line: 668

                          igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.insert_row (
                                                              X_Mode                              => 'R',
                                                              X_RowId                             => l_rowid,
                                                              X_Person_Id                         => p_person_id,
                                                              X_Encumbrance_Type                  => p_hold_type,
                                                              X_CAL_TYPE                          => null,
                                                              X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER                   => null,
                                                              X_Start_Dt                          => p_hold_start_date,
                                                              X_Expiry_Dt                         => null,
                                                              X_Authorising_Person_Id             => g_n_person_id,
                                                              X_Comments                          => null,
                                                              X_Spo_Course_Cd                     => null,
                                                              X_Spo_Sequence_Number               => null,
                                                              x_auth_resp_id                      => g_n_resp_id,
                                                              x_external_reference                => null); -- should always be null when passed from internal system
Line: 730

                                           x_Mode                              => 'R',
                                           x_RowId                             => l_rowid,
                                           x_person_id                         => p_person_id,
                                           x_hold_plan_name                    => p_hold_plan_name ,
                                           x_hold_type                         => p_hold_type ,
                                           x_hold_start_dt                     => p_hold_start_date,
                                           x_process_start_dt                  => p_process_start_dt,
                                           x_process_end_dt                    => p_process_end_dt,
                                           x_offset_days                       => p_offset_days,
                                           x_past_due_amount                   => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(P_holds_final_balance),
                                           x_fee_cal_type                      => NULL,
                                           x_fee_ci_sequence_number            => NULL,
                                           x_fee_type_invoice_amount           => NULL,
                                           x_release_credit_id                 => NULL,
                                           x_student_plan_id                   => p_n_student_plan_id,
                                           x_last_instlmnt_due_date            => p_d_last_inst_due_date
Line: 753

                                           x_Mode                              => 'R',
                                           x_Rowid                             => l_rowid,
                                           x_person_id                         => p_person_id,
                                           x_hold_plan_name                    => p_hold_plan_name ,
                                           x_hold_type                         => p_hold_type ,
                                           x_hold_start_dt                     => p_hold_start_date,
                                           x_process_start_dt                  => p_process_start_dt,
                                           x_process_end_dt                    => p_process_start_dt,
                                           x_offset_days                       => NULL,
                                           x_past_due_amount                   => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(P_holds_final_balance),
                                           x_fee_cal_type                      => P_fee_cal_type ,
                                           x_fee_ci_sequence_number            => P_fee_ci_sequence_number ,
                                           x_fee_type_invoice_amount           => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(p_holds_charges),
                                           x_release_credit_id                 => NULL,
                                           x_student_plan_id                   => p_n_student_plan_id,
                                           x_last_instlmnt_due_date            => p_d_last_inst_due_date
Line: 827

 SELECT group_id
 FROM igs_pe_persid_group
 WHERE group_id   =  p_person_id_group
 AND   TRUNC(create_dt)  <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
 AND   closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 835

  SELECT hold_plan_name,
  FROM igs_fi_hold_plan
  WHERE   hold_plan_name = p_hold_plan_name
  AND    closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 844

  SELECT fcc.fee_cal_type
  FROM igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst fcc,
        igs_fi_fee_str_stat fss
  WHERE fcc.fee_type_ci_status = fss.fee_structure_status
  AND    fss.s_fee_structure_status = 'ACTIVE'
  AND    fcc.fee_cal_type = p_fee_cal_type
  AND    fcc.fee_ci_sequence_number = p_fee_ci_sequence_number ;
Line: 1070

  SELECT person_id
  FROM   igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem
  WHERE  (TRUNC(end_date) IS NULL OR TRUNC(end_date) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
  AND    group_id = p_person_id_group;
Line: 1076

  FROM igs_fi_inv_int;
Line: 1542

 SELECT  group_id
 FROM igs_pe_persid_group
 WHERE group_id   =  p_person_id_group
 AND   TRUNC(create_dt)  <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
 AND   closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 1550

  SELECT hold_plan_name
  FROM igs_fi_hold_plan
  WHERE   hold_plan_name = p_hold_plan_name;
Line: 1653

                            Replaced call to igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg.update_row with call to igs_pe_gen_001.release_hold
   ssawhney   17-feb-2003   Bug : 2758856  : Added the parameter x_external_reference in the call to IGS_PE_PERS_ENCUMB_PKG.UPDATE_ROW

   smadathi    20-dec-2002   Enh. Bug 2566615. Removed  the references of obsoleted table IGS_FI_HOLD_PLN_LNS and
                             incorporated changes suggested as per FICR102 TD
   agairola     03-Dec-2002 Bug No: 2584741 As part of the Deposits Build, modified the cursor c_credit_amount to exclude
                            credits of Credit Class Enrolment Deposit and Other Deposit
   pathipat     04-OCT-2002     Enh Bug: 2562745  -- Removed selection of balance_amount from cursor c_hold_type
                                Added cursor c_bal_amount to obtain holds balance amount from igs_fi_balances
                                Changed type of p_release and l_release_ind to PLS_INTEGER instead of NUMBER
   pkpatel      04-OCT-2002     Bug No: 2600842
                                Added the parameter auth_resp_id in the call to TBH igs_pe_pers_encumb_pkg
   sarakshi     23-sep-2002     Enh#2564643,removed the reference of subaccount from this function as mentioned in the TD
   sykrishn     07-APR-2002     Introduced planned credits functionality as per SFCR018 DLD
                                2293676 - Planned Credits are also considered for release of holds along with
                                the actual credits . (suba account level holds plan)

CURSOR c_hold_type IS
    SELECT  a.person_id                person_id,
            a.encumbrance_type         encumbrance_type,
            a.start_dt                 start_dt,
            c.rowid                    row_id,
            a.comments                 comments,
            a.expiry_dt                expiry_dt,
            a.authorising_person_id    authorising_person_id,
            a.spo_course_cd            spo_course_cd,
            a.spo_sequence_number      spo_sequence_number,
            a.cal_type                 cal_type,
            a.sequence_number          sequence_number  ,
            c.hold_plan_name           hold_plan_name,
            c.process_start_dt         process_start_dt ,
            c.fee_type_invoice_amount  fee_type_invoice_amount,
            c.fee_ci_sequence_number   fee_ci_sequence_number,
            c.fee_cal_type             fee_cal_type,
            c.hold_type                hold_type,
            a.auth_resp_id             auth_resp_id,
            a.external_reference       external_reference,
            c.hold_start_dt            hold_start_dt,
            c.process_end_dt           process_end_dt,
            c.offset_days              offset_days,
            c.past_due_amount          past_due_amount,
            hplan.hold_plan_level      hold_plan_level,
            hplan.threshold_amount     threshold_amount,
            hplan.threshold_percent    threshold_percent,
            hplan.payment_plan_threshold_amt    payment_plan_threshold_amt  ,
            hplan.payment_plan_threshold_pcent  payment_plan_threshold_pcent,
            c.student_plan_id          student_plan_id,
            c.last_instlmnt_due_date   last_instlmnt_due_date
    FROM    igs_pe_pers_encumb   a,
            igs_fi_person_holds  c,
            igs_fi_hold_plan     hplan
    WHERE   (a.person_id = p_person_id OR p_person_id IS NULL)
    AND     a.start_dt <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    AND     (a.expiry_dt IS NULL OR TRUNC(SYSDATE) < a.expiry_dt )
    AND     c.hold_plan_name   = hplan.hold_plan_name
    AND     c.person_id = a.person_id
    AND     c.hold_start_dt =  a.start_dt
    AND     c.hold_type = a.encumbrance_type
    AND     (c.hold_plan_name = p_hold_plan_name  OR p_hold_plan_name is null)
    AND     (hplan.hold_plan_level = p_hold_plan_level OR p_hold_plan_level IS NULL);
Line: 1716

  SELECT crd.credit_id,
  FROM   igs_fi_credits crd,
         igs_fi_cr_types crt
  WHERE TRUNC(crd.effective_date)  between
        (TRUNC(l_process_start_date) + 1 )and  TRUNC(SYSDATE)
  AND crd.status = 'CLEARED'
  AND crd.party_id = p_person_id
  AND crd.credit_type_id = crt.credit_type_id
  AND crt.credit_class NOT IN ('ENRDEPOSIT','OTHDEPOSIT')
  ORDER BY crd.credit_id;
Line: 1730

SELECT  fee_type
FROM    igs_fi_hold_plan fhpl
WHERE   fhpl.hold_plan_name = cp_c_hold_plan_name;
Line: 1741

  SELECT invoice_id,
  FROM   igs_fi_inv_int inv
  WHERE  fee_type     = cp_c_fee_type
  AND    fee_cal_type = l_fee_cal_type
  AND    fee_ci_sequence_number = l_fee_ci_sequence_number
  AND    TRUNC(invoice_creation_date) <= TRUNC(l_process_start_dt)
  AND    person_id = p_person_id
  AND    NVL(invoice_amount_due,0) > 0
                       FROM igs_fi_inv_wav_det
                       WHERE invoice_id = inv.invoice_id
                       AND balance_type = 'HOLDS'
                       AND ( (TRUNC(end_dt) IS NOT NULL AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN  TRUNC(start_dt) AND TRUNC(end_dt))
                             (TRUNC(SYSDATE) >= TRUNC(start_dt) AND  TRUNC(end_dt) IS NULL)
Line: 1766

  SELECT holds_balance
  FROM   igs_fi_balances
  WHERE  party_id = cp_person_id
  AND    holds_balance IS NOT NULL
  AND    TRUNC(balance_date) <= TRUNC(cp_process_start_dt)
  ORDER BY balance_date DESC;
Line: 1776

  SELECT SUM(installment_amt) installment_amt,
         SUM(due_amt)         due_amt
  FROM   igs_fi_pp_instlmnts
  WHERE  student_plan_id = cp_n_student_plan_id
  AND    due_date        <= cp_d_inst_due_date;
Line: 1787

    SELECT NVL(SUM(chg.invoice_amount), 0)
    FROM igs_fi_inv_int_all chg,
         igs_fi_inv_wav_det wav
    WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id
    AND chg.invoice_id = wav.invoice_id
    AND wav.balance_type = 'HOLDS'
    AND cp_d_process_start_date BETWEEN TRUNC(start_dt) AND NVL(TRUNC(end_dt), cp_d_process_start_date);
Line: 2125

                           igs_fi_person_holds_pkg.update_row ( x_rowid                   => l_hold_type_rec.row_id,
                                                                x_person_id               => l_hold_type_rec.person_id,
                                                                x_hold_plan_name          => l_hold_type_rec.hold_plan_name,
                                                                x_hold_type               => l_hold_type_rec.hold_type,
                                                                x_hold_start_dt           => l_hold_type_rec.hold_start_dt,
                                                                x_process_start_dt        => l_hold_type_rec.process_start_dt,
                                                                x_process_end_dt          => l_hold_type_rec.process_end_dt,
                                                                x_offset_days             => l_hold_type_rec.offset_days,
                                                                x_past_due_amount         => l_hold_type_rec.past_due_amount,
                                                                x_fee_cal_type            => l_hold_type_rec.fee_cal_type,
                                                                x_fee_ci_sequence_number  => l_hold_type_rec.fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                                                x_fee_type_invoice_amount => l_hold_type_rec.fee_type_invoice_amount,
                                                                x_mode                    => 'R',
                                                                x_release_credit_id       => p_release_credit_id ,
                                                                x_student_plan_id         => l_hold_type_rec.student_plan_id,
                                                                x_last_instlmnt_due_date  => l_hold_type_rec.last_instlmnt_due_date
Line: 2255

    SELECT  person_id
                FROM   igs_pe_prsid_grp_mem
                WHERE (TRUNC(end_date) IS NULL OR TRUNC(end_date) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE))
                AND group_id = p_person_id_group;
Line: 2261

    SELECT person_id, person_number
    FROM  igs_pe_person_base_v per
                   FROM igs_fi_person_holds hold
                   WHERE hold.person_id = per.person_id);
Line: 2662

    SELECT  'X'
    FROM    igs_pe_pers_encumb   pe_encmb,
            igs_fi_person_holds  fi_holds,
            igs_fi_hold_plan     hplan
    WHERE  pe_encmb.person_id      = p_person_id
    AND    pe_encmb.start_dt       <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
    AND    (pe_encmb.expiry_dt IS NULL OR TRUNC(SYSDATE) < pe_encmb.expiry_dt)
    AND    fi_holds.person_id      = pe_encmb.person_id
    AND    fi_holds.hold_start_dt  = pe_encmb.start_dt
    AND    fi_holds.hold_type      = pe_encmb.encumbrance_type
    AND    fi_holds.hold_plan_name = hplan.hold_plan_name
    AND    hplan.hold_plan_level   = p_hold_plan_level
    AND    ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 2677

    SELECT credit_number
    FROM igs_fi_credits_all
    WHERE credit_id = cp_release_credit_id;