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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 98

 |       Cursor for Selecting Standing Charges          |
 |                                                      |
        ,      sc.set_of_books_id
        ,      sc.comments
        ,      sc.charge_reference
        ,      sc.description           desc_1
        ,      sc.bill_to_customer_id
        ,      sc.bill_to_site_use_id
        ,      sc.bill_to_contact_id
        ,      sc.ship_to_customer_id
        ,      sc.ship_to_address_id
        ,      sc.bill_to_address_id
        ,      sc.ship_to_site_use_id
        ,      sc.ship_to_contact_id
        ,      sc.start_date
        ,      sc.end_date
        ,      sc.standing_charge_date
        ,      sc.next_due_date
        ,      sc.suppress_inv_print
        ,      sc.cust_trx_type_id
        ,      sc.receipt_method_id
        ,      sc.batch_source_id
        ,      sc.salesrep_id
        ,      sc.advance_arrears_ind  -- change here to do testing
        ,      sc.bank_account_id
	,      sc.payment_trxn_extension_id	/*Bug No 5905216 Payment Upgrade for R12*/
        ,      sc.previous_due_date    -- change here to do testing
        ,      sc.creation_date
        ,      sc.created_by
        ,      sc.last_update_date
        ,      sc.last_updated_by
        ,      sc.last_update_login
        ,      SYSDATE
        ,      sc.period_name          sc_period_name
        ,      sc.rowid                sc_rowid
        ,      sc.default_invoicing_rule
        ,      bs.name                 bs_name
        ,      nvl(sc.term_id,4) term_id
        ,      bs.rev_acc_allocation_rule
        ,      sob.currency_code
	,      sc.org_id
	,      sc.legal_entity_id
        FROM   gl_sets_of_books           sob
        ,      igi_rpi_standing_charges   sc
        ,      ar_system_parameters       sp
        ,      ra_batch_sources           bs
        ,      ra_cust_trx_types          ct
        ,      hz_cust_accounts           ca
        WHERE  sp.set_of_books_id    = cp_sob_id
        AND    sp.set_of_books_id    = sob.set_of_books_id
        AND    sp.set_of_books_id    = sc.set_of_books_id
        AND    bs.batch_source_id    = NVL(cp_batch_source_id,bs.batch_source_id)
        AND    nvl(bs.end_date,cp_run_date +1)   >= cp_run_date
        AND    nvl(bs.start_date,cp_run_date-1) <= cp_run_date
        AND    sc.batch_source_id            = bs.batch_source_id
        AND    sc.cust_trx_type_id           = ct.cust_trx_type_id
        AND    nvl(ct.end_date,cp_run_date+1)   >= cp_run_date
        AND    nvl(ct.start_date,cp_run_date-1) <= cp_run_date
        AND    nvl(sc.date_synchronized_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
        AND    sc.status                     = STANDING_CHARGE_STATUS
        /*changed the following AND clause for bug 4436839*/
        AND    (

                 (  nvl(sc.advance_arrears_ind,sc.default_invoicing_rule) = ARREARS_STATUS
                    AND nvl(sc.previous_due_date,sc.start_date) <= nvl(sc.end_date,sc.next_due_date)
                 (   nvl(sc.advance_arrears_ind,sc.default_invoicing_rule)   = ADVANCE_STATUS
                     AND sc.next_due_date <= NVL(sc.end_date,sc.next_due_date)
	AND    cp_run_date                   >= sc.next_due_date
        AND sc.bill_to_customer_id = ca.cust_account_id
        AND ca.status = 'A'
        ORDER BY sc.standing_charge_id;
Line: 181

 | Select Cursor for Line Details based on the Selected Standing Charge
 | cursor above
        SELECT NVL(ld.price,0)            price
        ,      NVL(ld.previous_price,0)   previous_price
        ,      NVL(ld.revised_price,0)    revised_price
        ,      ld.charge_item_number
        ,      ld.revised_effective_date
        ,      ld.current_effective_date
        ,      ld.previous_effective_date
        ,      ld.line_item_id
        ,      ld.item_id
        ,      ld.quantity
        ,      ld.description          desc_2
        ,      ld.vat_tax_id
        ,      ld.revenue_code_combination_id
        ,      ld.receivable_code_combination_id
        ,      ld.period_name          ld_period_name
        ,      ld.accounting_rule_id
        ,      decode( ld.accounting_rule_id, null, null,
                       ld.start_date )   start_date
        ,      decode( ld.accounting_rule_id, null, null,
                       ld.duration )   duration
        ,      uom.uom_code            uom_uom_code
        ,      uom.unit_of_measure     unit_of_measure
        ,      vt.tax_rate_code
        ,      vt.percentage_rate
        ,      nvl(vt.allow_adhoc_tax_rate_flag,'N')  validate_flag
        ,      ld.rowid ld_rowid
	,      ld.legal_entity_id
        FROM   igi_rpi_line_details     ld
        ,      mtl_units_of_measure       uom
        ,      igi_rpi_component_periods  rcp
        ,      ZX_RATES_B             vt                         			 /*Bug No 7606235*/
        WHERE  ld.standing_charge_id          = cp_standing_charge_id
        --AND    nvl(uom.disable_date,SYSDATE) >= SYSDATE
        AND    uom.unit_of_measure            = rcp.unit_of_measure
        AND    rcp.period_name                = ld.period_name
        AND    ld.vat_tax_id                  = vt.tax_rate_id(+)
        AND    NVL(vt.effective_from, SYSDATE)   <=  SYSDATE
        AND    NVL(vt.effective_to, SYSDATE)     >=  SYSDATE        ORDER BY ld.line_item_id ;
Line: 230

          SELECT  igiaso.rpi_header_context_code
          ,       igiaso.rpi_line_context_code
          FROM    igi_ar_system_options igiaso
Line: 236

          SELECT  meaning
          FROM    igi_lookups
          WHERE   lookup_type = 'RPI_LABELS'
          AND     lookup_code = label_code
Line: 280

        SELECT 'x'
        FROM   ar_system_parameters
        WHERE  salesrep_required_flag = 'Y'
Line: 287

        select 'x'
        from ra_account_defaults rad,
            ra_account_default_segments rads
        where rads.gl_default_id = rad.gl_default_id
        and rads.table_name = 'RA_SALESREPS'
Line: 311

        SELECT 'x'
        FROM   ra_batch_sources
        WHERE  allow_sales_credit_flag = 'Y'
        AND    batch_source_id = cp_source_id
Line: 342

    SELECT rule_id
    FROM   ra_rules
    WHERE  rule_id IN (-2,-3)
    AND    type    = 'I'
    AND    UPPER(name) LIKE UPPER(fp_name)||'%'; -- Bug 2413794 vgadde added UPPER both sides
Line: 363

    SELECT date1, date2, date3, date4
           , pp_cur_next_due_date old_date
    FROM   igi_rpi_period_schedules
    WHERE  schedule_id  = pp_sched_id
    AND    period_name  = pp_period_name
    AND    nvl(enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
Line: 473

     SELECT DECODE(component
            ,'DAY'   ,TO_NUMBER(factor)*1 + pp_curr_next_due_date
            ,'WEEK'  ,TO_NUMBER(factor)*7 + pp_curr_next_due_date
            ,'MONTH' ,ADD_MONTHS(pp_curr_next_due_date,TO_NUMBER(factor))
            ,'YEAR'  ,ADD_MONTHS(pp_curr_next_due_date,TO_NUMBER(factor)*12)
            ) new_next_due_date
     ,      DECODE(component,'DAY'   ,TO_NUMBER(factor)* -1 + pp_curr_next_due_date
            ,'WEEK'  ,TO_NUMBER(factor)* -7 + pp_curr_next_due_date
            ,'MONTH' ,ADD_MONTHS(pp_curr_next_due_date,TO_NUMBER(factor)* -1)
            ,'YEAR'  ,ADD_MONTHS(pp_curr_next_due_date,TO_NUMBER(factor)* -12)
            ) new_prev_due_date
     ,      nvl( schedule_id,0) schedule_id
     ,      period_name
     ,      use_schedules_flag
     ,      factor
     ,      component
     FROM   igi_rpi_component_periods
     WHERE  period_name = pp_period_name
     AND    nvl(enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y' ;
Line: 727

           pp_raid_table ( pp_curr_rec_idx ).last_updated_by           := pp_sc.last_updated_by;
Line: 728

           pp_raid_table ( pp_curr_rec_idx ).last_update_date          := sysdate;
Line: 748

           pp_raid_table ( pp_curr_rev_idx ).last_updated_by           := pp_sc.last_updated_by;
Line: 749

           pp_raid_table ( pp_curr_rev_idx ).last_update_date          := sysdate;
Line: 777

       SELECT ras.salesrep_id
            , ras.salesrep_number
            , ras.sales_credit_type_id
            , sct.name sales_credit_type_name
       FROM ra_salesreps ras
           , so_sales_credit_types sct
       WHERE ras.salesrep_id = cp_salesrep_id
Line: 789

        SELECT 'x'
        FROM   ra_batch_sources
        WHERE  batch_source_id = fp_batch_source_id
        AND    upper(sales_credit_rule) = upper('Amount')
Line: 807

        SELECT 'x'
        FROM   ra_batch_sources
        WHERE  batch_source_id = fp_batch_source_id
        AND    upper(sales_credit_type_rule) = upper('Value')
Line: 825

        SELECT 'x'
        FROM   ra_batch_sources
        WHERE  batch_source_id = fp_batch_source_id
        AND    upper(salesperson_rule) = upper('Number')
Line: 843

        SELECT   'x'
        FROM     ra_interface_salescredits
            pp_rail.interface_line_context      = interface_line_context
        AND pp_rail.interface_line_attribute1   = interface_line_attribute1
        AND pp_rail.interface_line_attribute2   = interface_line_attribute2
        AND pp_rail.interface_line_attribute3   = interface_line_attribute3
        AND pp_rail.interface_line_attribute4   = interface_line_attribute4
Line: 871

         INSERT INTO ra_interface_salescredits
                  (  interface_line_context
                  ,  interface_line_attribute1
                  ,  interface_line_attribute2
                  ,  interface_line_attribute3
                  ,  interface_line_attribute4
                  ,  sales_credit_amount_split
                  ,  sales_credit_percent_split
                  ,  sales_credit_type_name
                  ,   sales_credit_type_id
                  ,   salesrep_id
                  ,  salesrep_number
                  ,  created_by
                  ,  creation_date
                  ,  last_updated_by
                  ,  last_update_date
		  ,  org_id
         VALUES (   pp_rail.interface_line_context
                 ,  pp_rail.interface_line_attribute1
                 ,  pp_rail.interface_line_attribute2
                 ,  pp_rail.interface_line_attribute3
                 ,  pp_rail.interface_line_attribute4
                 ,  pp_rail.amount
                 ,  100
                 ,  l_sc.sales_credit_type_name
                 ,  l_sc.sales_credit_type_id
                 ,  l_sc.salesrep_id
                 ,  l_sc.salesrep_number
                 ,  pp_rail.created_by
                 ,  pp_rail.creation_date
                 ,  pp_rail.last_updated_by
                 ,  pp_rail.last_update_date
		 ,  pp_rail.org_id
Line: 934

     INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines( batch_source_name     -- Mandatory
                                      , currency_code         -- Mandatory
                                      , line_type             -- Mandatory
                                      , set_of_books_id       -- Mandatory
                                      , description           -- Mandatory
                                      , conversion_type       -- MandatorY
                                      , tax_code
                                      , tax_rate
                                      , link_to_line_context
                                      , conversion_rate
                                      , cust_trx_type_id
                                      , interface_line_attribute1
                                      , interface_line_attribute2
                                      , interface_line_attribute3
                                      , interface_line_attribute4
                                      , link_to_line_attribute1
                                      , link_to_line_attribute2
                                      , link_to_line_attribute3
                                      , link_to_line_attribute4
                                      , interface_line_context
                                      , created_by
                                      , creation_date
                                      , last_updated_by
                                      , last_update_date
				      , org_id
				      , legal_entity_id	)
                               (   l_rail.batch_source_name     -- Mandatory
                                 , l_rail.currency_code         -- Mandatory
                                 , l_rail.line_type             -- Mandatory
                                 , l_rail.set_of_books_id       -- Mandatory
                                 , l_rail.description           -- Mandatory
                                 , l_rail.conversion_type       -- MandatorY
                                 , l_rail.tax_code
                                 , l_rail.tax_rate
                                 , l_rail.link_to_line_context
                                 , l_rail.conversion_rate
                                 , l_rail.cust_trx_type_id
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_attribute1
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_attribute2
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_attribute3
                                 , l_line_number
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_attribute1
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_attribute2
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_attribute3
                                 , pp_line_number
                                 , l_rail.interface_line_context
                                 , l_rail.created_by
                                 , l_rail.creation_date
                                 , l_rail.last_updated_by
                                 , l_rail.last_update_date
				 , l_rail.org_id
				 , l_rail.legal_entity_id
Line: 1028

	INTO v_precision, v_min_acc_unit
	WHERE C.CURRENCY_CODE = l_rail.currency_code;
Line: 1054

  /** Insert normal LINE for this ITEM **/

  INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all ( accounting_rule_id
                                    , amount
                                    , batch_source_name       -- Mandatory
                                    , comments
                                    , description             -- Mandatory
                                    , currency_code           -- Mandatory
                                    , conversion_rate
                                    , conversion_type         -- Mandatory
                                    , customer_bank_account_id
				    , PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID	/*Bug No 5905216 Payment Upgrade - for R12*/
                                    , cust_trx_type_id
                                    , interface_line_attribute1
                                    , interface_line_attribute2
                                    , interface_line_attribute3
                                    , interface_line_attribute4
                                    , interface_line_context
                                    , tax_code
                                    , tax_rate
                                    , link_to_line_context
                                    , invoicing_rule_id
                                    , line_number
                                    , line_type               -- Mandatory
                                    , orig_system_bill_customer_id
                                    , orig_system_bill_address_id
                                    , orig_system_bill_contact_id
                                    , orig_system_ship_customer_id
                                    , orig_system_ship_address_id
                                    , orig_system_ship_contact_id
                                    , primary_salesrep_id
                                    , printing_option
                                    , quantity
                                    , receipt_method_id
                                    , set_of_books_id         -- Mandatory
                                    , trx_date
                                    , uom_name
                                    , uom_code
                                    , unit_selling_price
                                    , created_by
                                    , creation_date
                                    , last_updated_by
                                    , last_update_date
                                    , accounting_rule_duration
                                    , rule_start_date
                                    , gl_date
                                    , term_id
				    , org_id
				    , legal_entity_id
                            , TAX_RATE_CODE           /*Bug No 7606235*/
                            , TAXABLE_AMOUNT 	      /*Bug No 7606235*/ )
                               ( l_rail.accounting_rule_id
                                    , l_rail.amount
                                    , l_rail.batch_source_name       -- Mandatory
                                    , l_rail.comments
                                    , l_rail.description             -- Mandatory
                                    , l_rail.currency_code           -- Mandatory
                                    , l_rail.conversion_rate
                                    , l_rail.conversion_type         -- Mandatory
                                    , l_rail.customer_bank_account_id
				    , l_rail.payment_trxn_extension_id		/*Bug No 5905216 Payment Upgrade for R12*/
                                    , l_rail.cust_trx_type_id
                                    , l_rail.interface_line_attribute1
                                    , l_rail.interface_line_attribute2
                                    , l_rail.interface_line_attribute3
                                    , l_rail.interface_line_attribute4
                                    , l_rail.interface_line_context
                                    , l_rail.tax_code
                                    , l_rail.tax_rate
                                    , l_rail.link_to_line_context
                                    , l_rail.invoicing_rule_id
                                    , l_rail.line_number
                                    , l_rail.line_type               -- Mandatory
                                    , l_rail.orig_system_bill_customer_id
                                    , l_rail.orig_system_bill_address_id
                                    , l_rail.orig_system_bill_contact_id
                                    , l_rail.orig_system_ship_customer_id
                                    , l_rail.orig_system_ship_address_id
                                    , l_rail.orig_system_ship_contact_id
                                    , l_rail.primary_salesrep_id
                                    , l_rail.printing_option
                                    , l_rail.quantity
                                    , l_rail.receipt_method_id
                                    , l_rail.set_of_books_id         -- Mandatory
                                    , l_rail.trx_date
                                    , l_rail.uom_name
                                    , l_rail.uom_code
                                    , l_rail.unit_selling_price
                                    , l_rail.created_by
                                    , l_rail.creation_date
                                    , l_rail.last_updated_by
                                    , l_rail.last_update_date
                                    , l_rail.accounting_rule_duration
                                    , l_rail.rule_start_date
                                    , l_rail.gl_date
                                    , l_rail.term_id
				    , l_rail.org_id
				    , l_rail.legal_entity_id
 				    , l_rail.tax_code             /*Bug No 7606235*/
 				    , l_rail.amount	          /*Bug No 7606235*/ );
Line: 1656

                    INSERT INTO ra_interface_distributions(  account_class    -- Mandatory
                                      ,  interface_line_context
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute1
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute2
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute3
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute4
                                      ,  amount
                                      ,  percent
                                      ,  code_combination_id
                                      ,  created_by
                                      ,  creation_date
                                      ,  last_updated_by
                                      ,  last_update_date
				      ,  org_id
                                    (    pp_raid_table ( idx ).account_class    -- Mandatory
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).interface_line_context
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).interface_line_attribute1
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).interface_line_attribute2
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).interface_line_attribute3
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).interface_line_attribute4
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).amount
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).percent
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).code_combination_id
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).created_by
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).creation_date
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).last_updated_by
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).last_update_date
				      ,  pp_raid_table ( idx ).org_id
Line: 1696

                   pp_raid_table.delete( idx );
Line: 1704

                   pp_raid_table.delete( idx );
Line: 1769

                    INSERT INTO ra_interface_distributions(  account_class    -- Mandatory
                                      ,  interface_line_context
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute1
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute2
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute3
                                      ,  interface_line_attribute4
                                      ,  amount
                                      ,  percent
                                      ,  code_combination_id
                                      ,  created_by
                                      ,  creation_date
                                      ,  last_updated_by
                                      ,  last_update_date
				      ,  org_id
                                    (    pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).account_class    -- Mandatory
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).interface_line_context
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).interface_line_attribute1
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).interface_line_attribute2
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).interface_line_attribute3
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).interface_line_attribute4
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).amount
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).percent
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).code_combination_id
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).created_by
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).creation_date
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).last_updated_by
                                      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).last_update_date
				      ,  pp_raid_table ( rev_idx ).org_id
Line: 1943

           select 'x'
           from   ra_rules
           where  rule_id = fp_rule_id
           and    type    = 'ACC_DUR'
Line: 1993

     SELECT decode(pp_sc.suppress_inv_print,'Y','PRI','NOT')
     INTO l_rail.printing_option
     FROM sys.dual;
Line: 2005

    l_rail.last_updated_by              :=  pp_sc.created_by;
Line: 2006

    l_rail.last_update_date             :=  pp_sc.sysdate;
Line: 2087

           select   (  to_date(to_char(pp_end_date,DEF_DATE_FORMAT)||END_DATE_TIME,RPI_DATE_FORMAT)
                     - to_date(to_char(pp_start_date,DEF_DATE_FORMAT)||BEGIN_DATE_TIME,RPI_DATE_FORMAT)
                   / (  to_date(to_char(pp_end_date,DEF_DATE_FORMAT)||END_DATE_TIME,RPI_DATE_FORMAT)
                     - to_date(to_char(pp_actual_start_date,DEF_DATE_FORMAT)||BEGIN_DATE_TIME,RPI_DATE_FORMAT)
           into   l_factor
           from    sys.dual
Line: 2271

        SELECT igi_rpi_generate_s.nextval
        INTO   l_run_sequence
        FROM   sys.dual ;
Line: 2296

Line: 2318

                Update igi_rpi_standing_charges
                set     generate_sequence = l_run_sequence
                ,       date_synchronized_flag = 'N'
                where   standing_charge_id = std_rec.standing_charge_id
                and     set_of_books_id    = std_rec.set_of_books_id;