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2 /* $Header: GMIVTDXS.pls 120.0 2005/05/25 15:57:44 appldev noship $
3  +==========================================================================+
4  |                   Copyright (c) 1998 Oracle Corporation                  |
5  |                          Redwood Shores, CA, USA                         |
6  |                            All rights reserved.                          |
7  +==========================================================================+
8  | FILE NAME                                                                |
9  |    GMIVTDXS.pls                                                          |
10  |                                                                          |
11  | TYPE                                                                     |
12  |   Private                                                                |
13  |                                                                          |
14  | PACKAGE NAME                                                             |
15  |    GMIVTDX                                                               |
16  |                                                                          |
17  | DESCRIPTION                                                              |
18  |    This package contains the private APIs for Process / Discrete Transfer|
19  |    inserting transactions, creating lots in ODM  and updating balances   |
20  |    in OPM inventory and Oracle Inventory.                                |
21  |                                                                          |
22  | Contents                                                                 |
23  |    create_txn_update_balances                                            |
24  |    create_txn_update_bal_in_opm                                          |
25  |    complete_transaction_in_opm                                           |
26  |    create_txn_update_bal_in_odm                                          |
27  |                                                                          |
28  | HISTORY                                                                  |
29  |    Created - Jalaj Srivastava                                            |
30  |                                                                          |
31  |                                                                          |
32  +==========================================================================+
33 */
35 TYPE txn_vars_type IS RECORD
36 (
37   opm_item_um			VARCHAR2(4)
38 , opm_item_um2			VARCHAR2(4)
39 , lot_control           	pls_integer
40 , opm_lot_indivisible       	pls_integer
41 , odm_lot_number_uniqueness	pls_integer
42 , opm_qty_line_type		pls_integer
43 , odm_qty_line_type		pls_integer
44 );
46 PROCEDURE create_txn_update_balances
47 ( p_api_version          	IN               NUMBER
48 , p_init_msg_list        	IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
49 , p_commit               	IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
50 , p_validation_level     	IN               NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
51 , x_return_status        	OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
52 , x_msg_count            	OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
53 , x_msg_data             	OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
54 , p_transfer_id              	IN               NUMBER
55 , p_line_id            	        IN               NUMBER
56 , x_transaction_header_id 	IN OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
57 );
59 PROCEDURE create_txn_update_bal_in_opm
60 ( p_api_version            IN               NUMBER
61 , p_init_msg_list          IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
62 , p_commit                 IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
63 , p_validation_level       IN               NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
64 , x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
65 , x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
66 , x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
67 , p_hdr_row                IN               gmi_discrete_transfers%ROWTYPE
68 , p_line_row               IN               gmi_discrete_transfer_lines%ROWTYPE
69 , p_lot_row_tbl            IN               GMIVDX.lot_row_tbl
70 , p_txn_vars_rec           IN               txn_vars_type
71 );
73 PROCEDURE create_txn_update_bal_in_odm
74 ( p_api_version            IN               NUMBER
75 , p_init_msg_list          IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
76 , p_commit                 IN               VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE
77 , p_validation_level       IN               NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
78 , x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
79 , x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY       NUMBER
80 , x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY       VARCHAR2
81 , p_hdr_row                IN               gmi_discrete_transfers%ROWTYPE
82 , p_line_row               IN               gmi_discrete_transfer_lines%ROWTYPE
83 , p_lot_row_tbl            IN               GMIVDX.lot_row_tbl
84 , p_txn_vars_rec           IN               txn_vars_type
85 , p_odm_txn_type_rec       IN               inv_validate.transaction
86 , x_transaction_header_id  IN OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
87 );