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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 59

   select invoice_currency_code, org_id
     from ra_customer_trx
    where customer_trx_id = l_disp_header_rec.cust_trx_id;
Line: 139

    select TRX_TYPE.creation_sign, TRX_TYPE.CREDIT_MEMO_TYPE_ID into l_creationSign, l_credit_memo_type_id
      from ra_cust_trx_types TRX_TYPE,
           ra_customer_trx TRX
           TRX.Customer_Trx_ID = l_disp_header_rec.cust_trx_id;
Line: 162

         select decode(l_disp_header_rec.line_amt, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, 0, l_disp_header_rec.line_amt) into l_line
           from dual;
Line: 164

         select decode(l_disp_header_rec.tax_amt, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, 0, l_disp_header_rec.tax_amt) into l_tax
           from dual;
Line: 166

         select decode(l_disp_header_rec.freight_amt, FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, 0, l_disp_header_rec.freight_amt) into l_freight
           from dual;
Line: 185

                            SELECT UNIT_SELLING_PRICE
                              INTO l_disp_line_tbl(i).price
                              FROM ra_customer_trx_lines
                             WHERE customer_trx_line_id = l_disp_line_tbl(i).customer_trx_line_id;
Line: 236

            SELECT iex_disputes_s.nextval INTO l_dis_id FROM dual;
Line: 240

              IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('Create_Dispute: ' || 'IEX_DISPUTES_PVT: CreateDispute: Inserting a dispute row in IEX_DISPUTES');
Line: 242

           IEX_DISPUTES_PKG.Insert_Row(x_rowid              => x,
                                       p_dispute_id         => l_dis_id,
                                       p_last_update_date   => sysdate,
                                       p_last_updated_by    => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
                                       p_creation_date      => sysdate,
                                       p_created_by         => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
                                       p_last_update_login  => FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID,
                                       p_cm_request_id      => l_request_id,
                                       p_dispute_section    => p_disp_header_rec.dispute_section,
                                       p_delinquency_id     => p_disp_header_rec.delinquency_id);
Line: 255

                 IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('Create_Dispute: ' || 'IEX_DISPUTES_PVT: CreateDispute: Insert Failed');
Line: 362

      select count(1) into l_count
      from   iex_disputes
      where  DELINQUENCY_ID = l_delinquency_id ;
Line: 372

        select cm_request_id into l_request_id
        from   iex_disputes
        where  delinquency_id = l_delinquency_id ;
Line: 376

        select status into l_status
        from   ra_cm_requests
        where  request_id = l_request_id ;
Line: 463

l_last_updated_by		NUMBER;
Line: 464

l_last_update_login		NUMBER;
Line: 465

l_last_update_date		DATE;
Line: 481

SELECT payment_schedule_id,
FROM ar_payment_schedules ps
WHERE ps.customer_trx_id = p_customer_trx_id;
Line: 489

SELECT item_type
FROM wf_items
WHERE item_key = l_item_key
 AND item_type IN('ARCMREQ',   'ARAMECM');
Line: 495

	select party_id
	from hz_cust_accounts
	where cust_account_id = p_cust_acct_id;
Line: 500

            select bill_to_site_use_id
              from ra_customer_trx
              where customer_trx_id = p_cust_trx_id;
Line: 505

           select customer_id,payment_schedule_id
             from ar_payment_schedules
             where customer_trx_id = p_cust_trx_id;
Line: 537

        SELECT org_id
        INTO l_org_id
        FROM ra_cm_requests_all
        WHERE request_id = p_dispute_id;
Line: 577

        SELECT total_amount * -1
        INTO remove_from_dispute_amt
        FROM ra_cm_requests
        WHERE request_id = p_dispute_id;
Line: 602

            arp_process_cutil.update_ps(p_ps_id			=> ps_rec.payment_schedule_id,
					p_due_date		=> ps_rec.due_date,
					p_amount_in_dispute	=> new_dispute_amt,
					p_dispute_date		=> new_dispute_date,
					p_update_dff		=> 'N',
					p_attribute_category	=> NULL,
					p_attribute1		=> NULL,
					p_attribute2		=> NULL,
					p_attribute3		=> NULL,
					p_attribute4		=> NULL,
					p_attribute5		=> NULL,
					p_attribute6		=> NULL,
					p_attribute7		=> NULL,
					p_attribute8		=> NULL,
					p_attribute9		=> NULL,
					p_attribute10		=> NULL,
					p_attribute11		=> NULL,
					p_attribute12		=> NULL,
					p_attribute13		=> NULL,
					p_attribute14		=> NULL,
					p_attribute15		=> NULL);
Line: 624

		IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('CANCEL_DISPUTE: After arp_process_cutil.update_ps for p_ps_id => ' || ps_rec.payment_schedule_id);
Line: 684

      l_debug_mesg := 'Insert Rejected Response notes';
Line: 688

		IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('CANCEL_DISPUTE: Insert Rejected Response notes');
Line: 692

        l_last_updated_by := arp_global.user_id;
Line: 693

        l_last_update_login := arp_global.last_update_login;
Line: 695

		IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('CANCEL_DISPUTE: l_last_updated_by: ' || l_last_updated_by || ' l_last_update_login: '|| l_last_update_login);
Line: 707

		SELECT customer_trx_id
		INTO l_customer_trx_id
		FROM ra_cm_requests
		WHERE request_id = l_document_id;
Line: 739

          l_debug_mesg := 'Insert call topic notes';
Line: 746

          l_last_update_login := arp_global.last_update_login;
Line: 747

          l_last_update_date := sysdate;
Line: 748

          l_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 750

		IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('CANCEL_DISPUTE: Before calling arp_notes_pkg.insert_cover');
Line: 752

		p_note_type              => 'MAINTAIN',
		p_text                   => l_note_text,
		p_customer_call_id       => null,
		p_customer_call_topic_id => null,
		p_call_action_id         => NULL,
		p_customer_trx_id        => l_customer_trx_id,
		p_note_id                => l_note_id,
		p_last_updated_by        => l_last_updated_by,
		p_last_update_date       => l_last_update_date,
		p_last_update_login      => l_last_update_login,
		p_created_by             => l_created_by,
		p_creation_date          => l_creation_date);
Line: 778

		IEX_DEBUG_PUB.logMessage('CANCEL_DISPUTE: After calling arp_notes_pkg.insert_cover');