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2 /* $Header: pyasa01t.pkb 120.3.12010000.1 2008/07/27 22:03:38 appldev ship $ */
3 /*
6    Oracle*Payroll
7    --
8    NAME
9       pyasa01t.pkh
10    --
12       Contains routines used to support the Assignment level windows in the
13       Payroll Process Results window.
14    --
16    dkerr	 40.0      02-NOV-1993        Created
17    dkerr	 40.4      11-APP-1996        Added get_action_status and
18 					      get_payment_status to support
19 					      void payments process.
20    jalloun                 30-JUL-1996        Added error handling.
21    dkerr	 40.7      05-SEP-1996        Bug 394529 :
22 					      Test for external manual payments
23 					      and magnetic tape. Changed cursor
24 					      and variable names appropriately.
25    sbilling	 40.8      30-MAR-1998        Bug 596810 :
26 				              Added extra case ('A') on
27 					      action_type filter on cursor
28 					      get_locking_payments.
29    nbristow     115.2      27-JUN-2000        Changed get_action_status to
30                                               handle Continuous Calc.
31    nbristow     115.3      12-JUN-2001        Change to get_action_status to
32                                               handle RetroNotifications.
33    exjones                 16-JAN-2002        Added ability to enable/disable
34                                               get_action_status to improve
35                                               query performance in PAYWSACT
36    exjones      115.5      03-MAY-2002        Added dbdrv commands
37    M.Reid       115.8      29-MAY-2003        Added get_payment_status_code
38                                               function for bug 2976050
39    A.Logue      115.6      13-JUN-2003        Added message_line_exists
40                                               function for 2981945
41    SuSivasu     115.10     16-Sep-2003        Modified get_action_status to
42                                               call PAY_CC_PROCESS_UTILS.
43                                               get_asg_act_status.
44    nbristow     115.11     23-MAY-2006        Changed get_payment_status
45                                               to include the Postal Payment
46    alogue       115.12     22-JAN-2007        Added archive_assignment_start_date
47                                               and archive_person_start_date.
48    alogue       115.13     29-JAN-2007        Handled future started asgs/pers
49                                               in above.
50 */
51 --
52  g_action_status_enabled varchar2(1) := 'Y';
53  g_asg_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type := null;
54  g_asg_eff_date date := null;
55  g_asg_date date := null;
56  g_per_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type := null;
57  g_per_eff_date date := null;
58  g_per_date date := null;
59 --
60  procedure update_row(p_rowid                          in varchar2,
61 		      p_action_status                  in varchar2 ) is
62   begin
63   --
65    set    ACTION_STATUS   = p_action_status
66    where  ROWID           = p_rowid;
67   --
68   end update_row;
69 --
70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71   procedure delete_row(p_rowid   in varchar2) is
72   --
73   begin
74   --
75     delete from PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS
76     where  ROWID = p_rowid;
77   --
78   end delete_row;
79 --
80   procedure lock_row (p_rowid                          in varchar2,
81 		      p_action_status                  in varchar2 ) is
83   --
84     cursor C is select *
85                 from   PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS
86                 where  rowid = p_rowid
87                 for update of PAYROLL_ACTION_ID NOWAIT ;
88   --
89     rowinfo  C%rowtype;
90   --
91   begin
92   --
93     open C;
94     fetch C into rowinfo;
95     close C;
96     --
97     if ( (rowinfo.ACTION_STATUS             = p_action_status)
98      or  (rowinfo.ACTION_STATUS             is null and p_action_status
99 	  is null ))
100     then
101        return ;
102     else
103        fnd_message.set_name( 'FND' , 'FORM_RECORD_CHANGED');
104        app_exception.raise_exception ;
105     end if;
106   end lock_row;
107 --
109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111  function  get_action_status ( p_assignment_action_id in number,
112 			       p_action_type          in varchar2,
113 			       p_action_status        in varchar2 )
114   return varchar2  is
115 -- Bug 2976915.
116 -- This function now uses the PAY_CC_PROCESS_UTILS.get_asg_act_status
117 -- function to derive its value.
118 -- --
119 -- -- A given assignment action is void if there is a payroll action of type 'D'
120 -- -- locks ( though PAY_ACTION_INTERLOCKS ) the assignment action.
121 -- -- Note that this cursor does not check whether the void assignment action has
122 -- -- a status of complete
123 -- --
124 -- cursor c_is_voided ( p_assignment_action_id in number ) is
125 --   select intloc.locking_action_id
126 --   from   pay_assignment_actions assact,
127 -- 	 pay_action_interlocks  intloc,
128 -- 	 pay_payroll_actions    pact
129 --   where  intloc.locked_action_id  = p_assignment_action_id
130 --   and    intloc.locking_action_id = assact.assignment_action_id
131 --   and    assact.payroll_action_id = pact.payroll_action_id
132 --   and    pact.action_type         = 'D';
133 -- --
134 -- cursor run_modified (p_assignment_action_id in number ) is
135 -- select paa.assignment_action_id
136 -- from
137 --      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
138 --      pay_assignment_actions paa
139 -- where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
140 -- and   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
141 -- and   paa.action_status = 'C'
142 -- and exists (select ''
143 --               from pay_process_events ppe
144 --              where ppe.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
145 --                and ppe.effective_date < ppa.effective_date
146 --                and ppe.change_type in ('GRE', 'DATE_EARNED', 'DATE_PROCESSED')
147 --                and ppe.status <> 'C'
148 --            )
149 -- and not exists (select ''
150 --                   from pay_assignment_actions paa1, -- Prepay/Costing
151 --                        pay_action_interlocks  pai1,
152 --                        pay_assignment_actions paa2,-- Payment/Trans GL
153 --                        pay_action_interlocks  pai2
154 --                  where pai1.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
155 --                    and pai1.locking_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id
156 --                    and pai2.locked_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id
157 --                    and pai2.locking_action_id = paa2.assignment_action_id);
158 -- --
159 -- cursor prepay_modified (p_assignment_action_id in number ) is
160 -- select paa.assignment_action_id
161 -- from
162 --      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
163 --      pay_assignment_actions paa
164 -- where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
165 -- and   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
166 -- and   paa.action_status = 'C'
167 -- and not exists (select ''
168 --                   from pay_assignment_actions paa1, -- Payment/Trans GL
169 --                        pay_action_interlocks  pai1
170 --                  where pai1.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
171 --                    and pai1.locking_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id)
172 -- and (exists (select ''
173 --               from pay_process_events ppe
174 --              where ppe.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
175 --                and ppe.effective_date < ppa.effective_date
176 --                and ppe.change_type in ('PAYMENT')
177 --                and ppe.status <> 'C'
178 --             )
179 --    or
180 --      exists (select ''
181 --               from pay_action_interlocks pai,
182 --                    pay_assignment_actions paa2,
183 --                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa2
184 --              where pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
185 --                and pai.locked_action_id = paa2.assignment_action_id
186 --                and paa2.payroll_action_id = ppa2.payroll_action_id
187 --                and ppa2.action_type in ('R','Q')
188 --                and exists (select ''
189 --                              from pay_process_events ppe
190 --                             where ppe.assignment_id = paa2.assignment_id
191 --                               and ppe.effective_date < ppa2.effective_date
192 --                               and ppe.change_type in ('GRE', 'DATE_EARNED', 'DATE_PROCESSED')
193 --                               and ppe.status <> 'C'
194 --                           )
195 --               )
196 --      );
197 -- --
198 -- cursor cost_modified (p_assignment_action_id in number ) is
199 -- select paa.assignment_action_id
200 -- from
201 --      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
202 --      pay_assignment_actions paa
203 -- where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
204 -- and   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
205 -- and   paa.action_status = 'C'
206 -- and not exists (select ''
207 --                   from pay_assignment_actions paa1, -- Payment/Trans GL
208 --                        pay_action_interlocks  pai1
209 --                  where pai1.locked_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
210 --                    and pai1.locking_action_id = paa1.assignment_action_id)
211 -- and exists (select ''
212 --               from pay_process_events ppe
213 --              where ppe.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
214 --                and ppe.effective_date < ppa.effective_date
215 --                and ppe.change_type in ('COST_CENTRE')
216 --                and ppe.status <> 'C'
217 --            )
218 -- and exists (select ''
219 --               from pay_action_interlocks pai,
220 --                    pay_assignment_actions paa2,
221 --                    pay_payroll_actions    ppa2
222 --              where pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
223 --                and pai.locked_action_id = paa2.assignment_action_id
224 --                and paa2.payroll_action_id = ppa2.payroll_action_id
225 --                and ppa2.action_type in ('R','Q')
226 --                and exists (select ''
227 --                              from pay_process_events ppe
228 --                             where ppe.assignment_id = paa2.assignment_id
229 --                               and ppe.effective_date < ppa2.effective_date
230 --                               and ppe.change_type in ('GRE', 'DATE_EARNED', 'DATE_PROCESSED')
231 --                               and ppe.status <> 'C'
232 --                           )
233 --              );
234 -- --
235 -- --
236 -- l_return_value    hr_lookups.meaning%type ;
237 -- l_dummy_action_id pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type ;
238 -- ischanged         boolean;
239 begin
240 -- --
241 --   if g_action_status_enabled = 'N' then
242 --     return null;
243 --   end if;
244 -- --
245 --   if ( p_action_type in ('R', 'Q')) then
246 -- --
247 --      ischanged := FALSE;
248 -- --
249 --      -- Check Run change.
250 ----       open run_modified( p_assignment_action_id );
251 --      fetch run_modified into l_dummy_action_id ;
252 --      if run_modified%found then
253 --        ischanged := TRUE;
254 --      end if;
255 --      close run_modified ;
256 -- --
257 --      if (ischanged) then
258 --         l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
259 --      else
260 --         l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
261 --      end if;
262 -- --
263 --   elsif ( p_action_type in ('P', 'U')) then
264 -- --
265 --      ischanged := FALSE;
266 -- --
267 --      -- Check Prepay change.
268 --      open prepay_modified( p_assignment_action_id );
269 --      fetch prepay_modified into l_dummy_action_id ;
270 --      if prepay_modified%found then
271 --        ischanged := TRUE;
272 --      end if;
273 --      close prepay_modified ;
274 -- --
275 --      if (ischanged) then
276 --         l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
277 --      else
278 --         l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
279 --      end if;
280 -- --
281 --   elsif ( p_action_type = 'C') then
282 -- --
283 --      ischanged := FALSE;
284 -- --
285 --      -- Check Costing change.
286 --      open cost_modified( p_assignment_action_id );
287 --      fetch cost_modified into l_dummy_action_id ;
288 --      if cost_modified%found then
289 --        ischanged := TRUE;
290 --      end if;
291 --      close cost_modified ;
292 -- --
293 --      if (ischanged) then
294 --         l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','MO');
295 --      else
296 --         l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
297 --      end if;
298 -- --
299 -- --
300 --   elsif ( p_action_type = 'H' ) then
301 --      open c_is_voided( p_assignment_action_id ) ;
302 --      fetch c_is_voided into l_dummy_action_id ;
303 --      if c_is_voided%found then
304 -- 	l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS','V');
305 --      else
306 -- 	l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
307 --      end if;
308 --      close c_is_voided ;
309 --   else
310 -- 	l_return_value := hr_general.decode_lookup('ACTION_STATUS',p_action_status ) ;
311 --   end if;
312 --   return ( l_return_value ) ;
313     return (PAY_CC_PROCESS_UTILS.get_asg_act_status(p_assignment_action_id,
314                                                    p_action_type,
315                                                    p_action_status));
316 end get_action_status ;
317 -- --
321 end enable_action_status;
318 procedure enable_action_status is
319 begin
320     g_action_status_enabled := 'Y';
322 --
323 procedure disable_action_status is
324 begin
325     g_action_status_enabled := 'N';
326 end disable_action_status;
327 --
328 function action_status_enabled return varchar2 is
329 begin
330   return g_action_status_enabled;
331 end action_status_enabled;
332 --
333 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334 function  get_payment_status_code ( p_assignment_action_id in number,
335 			            p_pre_payment_id       in number )
336 return varchar2 is
337  --
338  -- This cursor retrieves all completed payments for the given
339  -- assignment action
340  --
341  cursor get_locking_payments ( p_assignment_action_id number,
342 			       p_pre_payment_id       number ) is
343     select aac.assignment_action_id,
344 	   aac.action_status,
345 	   pac.action_type
346     from   pay_payroll_actions    pac,
347 	   pay_assignment_actions aac,
348 	   pay_action_interlocks  loc
349     where  loc.locked_action_id  = p_assignment_action_id
350     and    loc.locking_action_id = aac.assignment_action_id
351     and    aac.pre_payment_id    = p_pre_payment_id
352     and    aac.action_status     = 'C'
353     and    pac.payroll_action_id = aac.payroll_action_id
354     and    pac.action_type  in ('H','E','M','A', 'PP') ;
355  --
356  -- This cursor retrieves a void action which locks a given
357  -- check action.
358  --
359  cursor get_locking_void_action ( p_assignment_action_id number ) is
360     select aac.assignment_action_id
361     from   pay_payroll_actions    pac,
362 	   pay_assignment_actions aac,
363 	   pay_action_interlocks  loc
364     where  loc.locked_action_id  = p_assignment_action_id
365     and    loc.locking_action_id = aac.assignment_action_id
366     and    aac.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
367     and    pac.action_type       = 'D' ;
369  status_code           hr_lookups.lookup_code%type ;
370  l_void_assact         pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type ;
371  found_payment         boolean    := FALSE ;
372  found_non_void_action boolean    := FALSE ;
374 begin
376   for theRow in get_locking_payments( p_assignment_action_id ,
377 				      p_pre_payment_id )  loop
378      exit when found_non_void_action = TRUE ;
380      found_payment := TRUE ;
382      --
383      -- Only check actions can be voided
384      --
385      open get_locking_void_action ( theRow.assignment_action_id ) ;
386      fetch get_locking_void_action into l_void_assact ;
388      if get_locking_void_action%notfound
389      then
390         found_non_void_action := TRUE ;
391      end if;
393      close get_locking_void_action ;
395   end loop ;
398   --
399   -- If there was a check action found then return 'Paid' if a non-voided action
400   -- was found
401   --
402   if ( found_payment = TRUE )
403   then
405       if ( found_non_void_action = TRUE ) then
407 	 status_code := 'P' ;
409       else
411 	 status_code := 'V' ;
413       end if;
415   else
417 	status_code  := 'U' ;
419   end if;
421   return( status_code );
423 end get_payment_status_code ;
425 function  get_payment_status  (p_assignment_action_id in number,
426                                p_pre_payment_id       in number)
427 return varchar2 is
428 begin
430   return( hr_general.decode_lookup('PAY_STATUS',
431     get_payment_status_code (p_assignment_action_id, p_pre_payment_id) ) ) ;
433 end get_payment_status;
435 --
436 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
437 function message_line_exists (p_assignment_action_id in number)
438 return varchar2 is
439 --
440 l_exists varchar2(1);
441 --
442 begin
443 --
444   begin
445     select 'Y'
446     into l_exists
447     from dual
448     where exists (
449                    select null
450                    from pay_message_lines pml
451                    where pml.source_id   = p_assignment_action_id
452                    and   pml.source_type = 'A');
453   exception
454     when others then
455       l_exists := 'N';
456   end;
458   return l_exists;
459 end message_line_exists;
460 --
461 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 function archive_assignment_start_date (p_assignment_id  in number,
463                                         p_effective_date in date)
464 return date is
465 --
466 l_date date := null;
467 --
468 begin
469 --
470   if (g_asg_id is not null and p_assignment_id = g_asg_id
471       and p_effective_date = g_asg_eff_date) then
472      l_date := g_asg_date;
473   else
475      select max(asg.effective_start_date)
476        into l_date
477        from per_all_assignments_f asg
478       where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
479         and asg.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date;
481      if l_date is null then
483       select max(asg.effective_start_date)
484         into l_date
485         from per_all_assignments_f asg
486        where asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
487          and asg.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date;
488      end if;
490      g_asg_id := p_assignment_id;
491      g_asg_eff_date := p_effective_date;
492      g_asg_date := l_date;
493   end if;
495   return l_date;
496 end archive_assignment_start_date;
497 --
498 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
499 function archive_person_start_date (p_person_id  in number,
500                                     p_effective_date in date)
501 return date is
502 --
503 l_date date := null;
504 --
505 begin
506 --
507   if (g_per_id is not null and p_person_id = g_per_id
508        and p_effective_date =  g_per_eff_date) then
509       l_date := g_per_date;
510   else
511      select max(pep.effective_start_date)
512        into l_date
513        from per_all_people_f pep
514       where pep.person_id = p_person_id
515         and pep.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date;
517      if l_date is null then
519       select max(pep.effective_start_date)
520         into l_date
521         from per_all_people_f pep
522        where pep.person_id = p_person_id
523          and pep.effective_start_date >= p_effective_date;
524      end if;
526      g_per_id := p_person_id;
527      g_per_eff_date := p_effective_date;
528      g_per_date := l_date;
529   end if;
531   return l_date;
532 end archive_person_start_date;
533 --