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Line 1308: -- the unit level in table igs_ps_awd_hnr_base and the student has attempted some unit at that level, then the weghted avg mark should be

1305: */
1307: -- cursor to fetch all associated unit level with the passed award code. Note that if there is no configuration done here for
1308: -- the unit level in table igs_ps_awd_hnr_base and the student has attempted some unit at that level, then the weghted avg mark should be
1309: -- considered as 1.
1310: CURSOR c_unit_levels (cp_award_cd igs_ps_awd.award_cd%TYPE) IS
1311: SELECT unit_level, weighted_average
1312: FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base

Line 1312: FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base

1308: -- the unit level in table igs_ps_awd_hnr_base and the student has attempted some unit at that level, then the weghted avg mark should be
1309: -- considered as 1.
1310: CURSOR c_unit_levels (cp_award_cd igs_ps_awd.award_cd%TYPE) IS
1311: SELECT unit_level, weighted_average
1312: FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base
1313: WHERE award_cd = cp_award_cd
1314: AND unit_level IS NOT NULL
1315: UNION
1316: SELECT NVL(ul.unit_level, uv.unit_level) AS unit_level, 1 AS weighted_average

Line 1326: NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base hb WHERE NVL(ul.unit_level, uv.unit_level) = hb.unit_level);

1322: sua.course_cd = ul.course_cd(+) AND
1323: sua.unit_cd = ul.unit_cd(+) AND
1324: sua.version_number = ul.version_number(+) AND
1325: sua.person_id = p_person_id and sua.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
1326: NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base hb WHERE NVL(ul.unit_level, uv.unit_level) = hb.unit_level);
1328: -- cursor to get the stat details
1329: CURSOR c_stat_dtls (cp_award_cd igs_ps_awd.award_cd%TYPE) IS
1330: SELECT stat_type,

Line 1333: FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base

1329: CURSOR c_stat_dtls (cp_award_cd igs_ps_awd.award_cd%TYPE) IS
1330: SELECT stat_type,
1331: s_stat_element,
1332: timeframe
1333: FROM igs_ps_awd_hnr_base
1334: WHERE award_cd = cp_award_cd
1335: AND stat_type IS NOT NULL;
1337: rec_stat_dtls c_stat_dtls%ROWTYPE;