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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 57

    Select orig_sys_document_ref
    Into   l_orig_sys_document_ref
    From   oe_order_headers
    Where  header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 62

    Select orig_sys_document_ref
    Into   l_orig_sys_document_ref
    From   oe_order_lines
    Where  line_id = p_line_id;
Line: 111

    Select header_id
    Into   l_header_id
    From   oe_order_headers
    Where  order_source_id       = G_XML_ORDER_SOURCE_ID
    And    orig_sys_document_ref = p_orig_sys_document_ref
    AND decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
        nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
      = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
        nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1)
    And    rownum                = 1;
Line: 128

    Select header_id
    Into   l_header_id
    From   oe_order_lines
    Where  line_id               = p_line_id
    And    order_source_id       = G_XML_ORDER_SOURCE_ID
    And    rownum                = 1;
Line: 220

  Select Oe_Xml_Message_Seq_S.nextval
  Into   l_itemkey
  From   dual;
Line: 279

Line: 366

   select OE_XML_MESSAGE_SEQ_S.nextval
   into l_itemkey
   from dual;
Line: 489

Line: 745

PROCEDURE Insert_Header
( p_header_rec             IN   OE_Order_Pub.Header_Rec_Type,
  p_header_status          IN   Varchar2,
  p_ack_type               IN   Varchar2,
  p_itemkey                IN   Number,
  x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */  Varchar2

 l_header_status             varchar2(30);
Line: 760

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'ENTERNING: OEXPACK PROCEDURE INSERT_HEADER' ) ;
Line: 775

   Insert Into OE_HEADER_ACKS (header_id, acknowledgment_type, last_ack_code, request_id, sold_to_org_id, change_sequence)
   Values (p_header_rec.header_id, p_ack_type, l_header_status, p_itemkey, --p_header_rec.request_id
           p_header_rec.sold_to_org_id, p_header_rec.change_sequence);
Line: 781

          oe_debug_pub.add(  'INSERTED HEADER_ID => ' || P_HEADER_REC.HEADER_ID ) ;
Line: 786

          oe_debug_pub.add(  'NOT INSERTED HEADER_ID => ' || P_HEADER_REC.HEADER_ID ) ;
Line: 792

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'EXITING: OEXPACK PROCEDURE INSERT_HEADER' ) ;
Line: 797

            FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg (G_PKG_NAME, 'insert_header');
Line: 799

END Insert_Header;
Line: 803

( p_line_rec               IN   OE_Order_Pub.Line_Rec_Type,
  p_line_status            IN   Varchar2,
  p_ack_type               IN   Varchar2,
  p_itemkey                IN   Number,
  x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */  Varchar2
l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;
Line: 816

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'ENTERNING: OEXPACK PROCEDURE INSERT_LINE' ) ;
Line: 819

   Insert Into OE_LINE_ACKS (header_id,           line_id,
                             acknowledgment_type, last_ack_code, request_id,
			     sold_to_org_id, change_sequence)
   Values (p_line_rec.header_id, p_line_rec.line_id,
           p_ack_type,           p_line_status,
           p_itemkey,  --p_line_rec.request_id
Line: 830

          oe_debug_pub.add(  'INSERTED LINE_ID => ' || P_LINE_REC.LINE_ID ) ;
Line: 835

          oe_debug_pub.add(  'NOT INSERTED LINE_ID => ' || P_LINE_REC.LINE_ID ) ;
Line: 841

       oe_debug_pub.add(  'EXITING: OEXPACK PROCEDURE INSERT_LINE' ) ;
Line: 846

            FND_MSG_PUB.Add_Exc_Msg (G_PKG_NAME, 'insert_line');
Line: 848

END Insert_Line;
Line: 880

  SELECT order_source_id               , orig_sys_document_ref
       , change_sequence               , booked_flag
       , customer_number               , customer_po_number
       , freight_terms_code            , freight_terms
       , fob_point_code                , fob_point
       , invoice_to_org_id             , invoice_to_org
       , invoice_address1              , invoice_address2
       , invoice_address3              , invoice_city
       , invoice_state                 , invoice_postal_code
       , invoice_county                , invoice_country
       , ship_from_org_id              , ship_from_org
-- ?? Should we add all the ship from address columns??
       , ship_to_org_id                , ship_to_org
       , ship_to_address1              , ship_to_address2
       , ship_to_address3              , ship_to_city
       , ship_to_state                 , ship_to_postal_code
       , ship_to_county                , ship_to_country
-- ?? Should we add all the sold to address columns??
       , sold_to_org_id                , sold_to_org
       , org_id                        , request_id
       , xml_message_id                , payment_term
    FROM oe_headers_interface
   WHERE order_source_id            = p_order_source_id
     AND orig_sys_document_ref      = p_orig_sys_document_ref
     AND decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	 nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
         = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	 nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1)
     AND nvl(change_sequence,                 ' ')
       = nvl(p_change_sequence,               ' ')
     AND nvl(request_id,                      -999)
       = nvl(p_request_id,                    -999)
     AND xml_transaction_type_code  = p_xml_transaction_type_code
     AND error_flag                 = 'Y'
Line: 920

  SELECT order_source_id               , orig_sys_document_ref
       , customer_item_name            , customer_item_id
       , customer_po_number            , orig_sys_line_ref
       , ordered_quantity              , order_quantity_uom
       , request_date                  , orig_sys_shipment_ref
       , org_id                        , request_id
       , change_sequence               , sold_to_org_id
       , customer_line_number          , customer_shipment_number
    FROM oe_lines_interface
   WHERE order_source_id            = p_order_source_id
     AND orig_sys_document_ref      = p_orig_sys_document_ref
     AND decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	 nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
         = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	 nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1)
     AND nvl(change_sequence,                 ' ')
       = nvl(p_change_sequence,               ' ')
     AND nvl(request_id,                      -999)
       = nvl(p_request_id,                    -999)
     AND xml_transaction_type_code  = p_xml_transaction_type_code
  ORDER BY orig_sys_line_ref, orig_sys_shipment_ref;
Line: 1124

         Select Line_Id
         From   oe_line_acks
         Where  header_id           =  l_header_id
         And    acknowledgment_type =  l_acknowledgment_type
         And decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	     nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
           = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	     nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1);
Line: 1134

         Select Line_Id
         From   oe_order_lines
         Where  request_id             = l_request_id
         And    header_id              = l_header_id
         And decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
             nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
           = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	     nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1);
Line: 1144

         Select Line_Id, Last_Ack_Code
         From   oe_line_acks
         Where  header_id           =  l_header_id
         And    acknowledgment_type =  l_acknowledgment_type
         And    request_id          =  l_request_id
         And decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	     nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
           = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	     nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1);
Line: 1194

       Select  orig_sys_document_ref
       into    l_orig_sys_document_ref
       From    oe_headers_interface
       Where   order_source_id       =  G_XML_ORDER_SOURCE_ID
       And     orig_sys_document_ref = p_orig_sys_document_ref
       And     decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	       nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
               = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	       nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1)
       AND nvl(change_sequence,               ' ')
         = nvl(p_change_sequence,             ' ')
       And     xml_transaction_type_code = p_transaction_type
       And     request_id            = p_request_id;
Line: 1223

             oe_debug_pub.add(  'OEXPACKB: OTHERS IN SELECT FROM OE_HEADERS_INTERFACE' ) ;
Line: 1248

        Select  header_id
        into    l_header_id
        From    oe_order_headers
        Where   order_source_id       =  G_XML_ORDER_SOURCE_ID
        And     orig_sys_document_ref = p_orig_sys_document_ref
        And decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	    nvl(sold_to_org_id,                  -999), 1)
          = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	    nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1);
Line: 1262

           p_header_id            => l_header_id
Line: 1275

             oe_debug_pub.add(  'OEXPACKB: OTHERS IN SELECT FROM OE_ORDER_HEADERS' ) ;
Line: 1320

      Select last_ack_code
      into l_header_last_ack_code
      from oe_header_acks
      where acknowledgment_type = p_transaction_type
      and header_id = l_header_id
      and request_id = l_request_id;
Line: 1409

         Select cancelled_flag
         Into   l_cancelled_flag
         From   oe_order_headers
         Where  header_id  =  l_header_id;
Line: 1545

     ( p_header_rec            =>  l_header_rec
     , p_header_val_rec        =>  l_header_val_rec
     , p_old_header_rec        =>  l_header_rec
     , p_old_header_val_rec    =>  l_header_val_rec
     , p_reject_order          =>  l_reject_order
     , p_ack_type              =>  l_acknowledgment_type
     , x_return_status         =>  l_return_status
Line: 1562

     ( p_line_tbl             =>  l_line_tbl
     , p_line_val_tbl         =>  l_line_val_tbl
     , p_old_line_tbl         =>  l_line_tbl
     , p_old_line_val_tbl     =>  l_line_val_tbl
     , p_buyer_seller_flag    =>  'B'
     , p_reject_order         =>  l_reject_order
     , p_ack_type             =>  l_acknowledgment_type
     , x_return_status        =>  l_return_status
Line: 1622

   Select /* MOAC_SQL_CHANGE */ a.cust_acct_site_id, a.party_site_id, c.party_id
   Into   l_cust_acct_site_id, l_party_site_id,  l_party_id
   From   hz_cust_acct_sites_all a, hz_cust_site_uses_all b, hz_cust_accounts c
   Where  a.cust_acct_site_id = b.cust_acct_site_id
   And    a.cust_account_id  = p_customer_id
   And    a.cust_account_id  = c.cust_account_id
            1,1),' ',NULL,SUBSTRB(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10))),-99)) =
            ' ',NULL,SUBSTRB(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10))),-99)  */
   And    a.org_id = l_org_id
   And    b.site_use_code = 'SOLD_TO'
   And    b.primary_flag = 'Y'
   And    b.status = 'A'
   And    a.status ='A'; --bug 2752321
Line: 1749

   l_insert_sync_line          VARCHAR2(1); -- := 'N';
Line: 1794

   select OE_XML_MESSAGE_SEQ_S.nextval
   into l_itemkey_sso
   from dual;
Line: 1798

   select OE_XML_MESSAGE_SEQ_S.nextval
   into l_itemkey_cso
   from dual;
Line: 2032

    if l_line_tbl(i).operation = Oe_Globals.G_OPR_UPDATE then
        IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
            oe_debug_pub.add(  'OEXPACKB: LINE OPERATIONS IS UPDATE' ) ;
Line: 2090

	            l_insert_sync_line := 'Y';
Line: 2117

              l_insert_sync_line := 'Y';
Line: 2142

              l_insert_sync_line := 'Y';
Line: 2158

	            l_insert_sync_line := 'Y';
Line: 2169

                 oe_debug_pub.add(  'Genesis:  l_insert_sync_line '|| l_insert_sync_line);
Line: 2173

	      IF l_insert_sync_line = 'Y' and
	         (OE_GENESIS_UTIL.source_aia_enabled(l_header_rec.order_source_id)) THEN
	      OE_SYNC_ORDER_PVT.INSERT_SYNC_lINE(P_LINE_rec       => l_line_tbl(i),
	                                      p_change_type   => l_change_type,
		                                    p_req_id        => l_itemkey_sso,
		                                    X_RETURN_STATUS => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 2180

        l_insert_sync_line := 'N';
Line: 2182

           oe_debug_pub.add(  'Genesis:  after insert :l_insert_sync_line '|| l_insert_sync_line);
Line: 2196

     end If; -- Update operation
Line: 2217

     if p_old_line_tbl(j).operation = Oe_Globals.G_OPR_INSERT or
        p_old_line_tbl(j).operation = Oe_Globals.G_OPR_CREATE then
        IF l_debug_level  > 0 THEN
            oe_debug_pub.add(  'OEXPACKB: LINE OPERATIONS IS INSERT' ) ;
Line: 2235

             OE_SYNC_ORDER_PVT.INSERT_SYNC_lINE(P_LINE_rec  => l_line_tbl(i),
 	  	                                p_change_type   => l_change_type,
		                                  p_req_id        => l_itemkey_sso,
			                                X_RETURN_STATUS => L_RETURN_STATUS);
Line: 2371

         l_line_req_cso := 'N'; -- don't insert the line
Line: 2439

             Insert_Header ( p_header_rec    =>  l_header_rec,
                             p_header_status =>  l_header_status,
                             p_ack_type      =>  l_ack_type, -- GENESIS G_TRANSACTION_SSO,
                             p_itemkey       =>  l_itemkey_sso,
                             x_return_status =>  l_return_status
Line: 2454

	    oe_debug_pub.add(  'INSERTING LINE RECORD WITH INDEX = ' || I ) ;
Line: 2476

           Insert_Line ( p_line_rec      =>  l_line_rec,
                         p_line_status   =>  l_line_status,
                         p_ack_type      =>  l_ack_type, -- GENESIS G_TRANSACTION_SSO,
                         p_itemkey       =>  l_itemkey_sso,
                         x_return_status =>  l_return_status
Line: 2505

                Insert_Header ( p_header_rec    =>  l_header_rec,
                                p_header_status =>  l_header_status_cso,
                                p_ack_type      =>  G_TRANSACTION_CSO,
                                p_itemkey       =>  l_itemkey_cso,
                                x_return_status =>  l_return_status
Line: 2521

	    oe_debug_pub.add(  'INSERTING LINE RECORD WITH INDEX = ' || I ) ;
Line: 2564

          Insert_Line ( p_line_rec    =>  l_line_rec,
                        p_line_status =>  l_line_status_cso,
                        p_ack_type      =>  G_TRANSACTION_CSO,
                        p_itemkey       =>  l_itemkey_cso,
                         x_return_status =>  l_return_status
Line: 2601

          Insert_Header ( p_header_rec    =>  l_header_rec,
                          p_header_status =>  l_header_status,
                          p_ack_type      =>  l_ack_type, -- GENESIS G_TRANSACTION_SSO,
                          p_itemkey       =>  l_itemkey_sso,
                          x_return_status =>  l_return_status
Line: 2621

             Insert_Header ( p_header_rec    =>  l_header_rec,
                             p_header_status =>  l_header_status_cso,
                             p_ack_type      =>  G_TRANSACTION_CSO,
                             p_itemkey       =>  l_itemkey_cso,
                             x_return_status =>  l_return_status
Line: 2787

     SELECT  header_id, sold_to_org_id, order_number, orig_sys_document_ref, order_source_id, change_sequence,org_id
     FROM    oe_order_headers
     WHERE   sold_to_org_id  = p_customer_id
--   AND     open_flag       = 'Y' -- only open orders are supported currently
     AND     open_flag       IN  ('Y', l_open_flag)
     AND     order_source_id = G_XML_ORDER_SOURCE_ID
     AND     order_number BETWEEN nvl(p_so_number_from,order_number) AND nvl(p_so_number_to,order_number)
     AND     ordered_date BETWEEN nvl(l_so_date_from,ordered_date) AND nvl(l_so_date_to + 1,ordered_date + 1)
     AND     nvl(cust_po_number, -99) BETWEEN nvl(p_customer_po_no_from,nvl(cust_po_number, -99)) AND nvl(p_customer_po_no_to,nvl(cust_po_number, -99))
     AND     org_id = nvl(p_operating_unit,org_id);
Line: 3049

    INTO l_eventkey
    FROM dual;
Line: 3063

Line: 3084

                NULL, SUBSTRB(USERENV('CLIENT_INFO'),1,10))) into l_org_id from DUAL; */
Line: 3135

            Select order_number, order_type_id, header_id
              Into l_document_num, l_order_type_id, l_header_id
              From oe_order_headers
             Where orig_sys_document_ref = p_partner_document_num
               And order_source_id = 20
               And decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
	          nvl(sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1)
                  = decode(l_customer_key_profile, 'Y',
                  nvl(p_sold_to_org_id,                -999), 1);
Line: 3388

Line: 3410

Line: 3861

    INTO    l_transaction_type
    WHERE   LOOKUP_CODE = p_txn_code
Line: 3916

       INTO l_eventkey
       FROM dual;
Line: 3929

Line: 3933
