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Line 557: -- Description : Checks if application_id exists in fnd_application

553: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
554: -- Start of comments
555: --
556: -- Procedure Name : Validate_Application_Id
557: -- Description : Checks if application_id exists in fnd_application
558: -- Business Rules :
559: -- Parameters :
560: -- Version : 1.0
561: -- End of comments

Line 568: from fnd_application

564: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
565: p_fepv_rec IN fepv_rec_type) IS
566: Cursor application_id_cur(p_application_id IN NUMBER) IS
567: select '1'
568: from fnd_application
569: where application_id = p_application_id;
570: l_dummy VARCHAR2(1) := '?';
571: BEGIN
572: -- initialize return status

Line 576: --Check if application id exists in the fnd_application or not

572: -- initialize return status
573: x_return_status := OKC_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
575: IF p_fepv_rec.application_id IS NOT NULL THEN
576: --Check if application id exists in the fnd_application or not
577: OPEN application_id_cur(p_fepv_rec.application_id);
578: FETCH application_id_cur INTO l_dummy;
579: CLOSE application_id_cur ;
580: IF l_dummy = '?' THEN