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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 160

 Function to display the details of the selected employee for T4/T4A Report Type
 FUNCTION  formated_detail_string(
              p_output_file_type  in VARCHAR2
             ,p_year                 VARCHAR2
             ,p_gre                  VARCHAR2
             ,p_employee_name        VARCHAR2
             ,p_employee_sin         VARCHAR2
             ,p_employee_number      VARCHAR2
             ) RETURN VARCHAR2
    lv_format1          VARCHAR2(22000);
Line: 196

 Function to display the details of the selected employee for RL1/RL2 Report Type
 FUNCTION  formated_detail_string_rl(
              p_output_file_type  in VARCHAR2
             ,p_year                 VARCHAR2
             ,p_pre                  VARCHAR2
             ,p_employee_name        VARCHAR2
             ,p_employee_sin         VARCHAR2
             ,p_employee_number      VARCHAR2
             ) RETURN VARCHAR2
    lv_format1          VARCHAR2(22000);
Line: 232

   Procedure to display message if no employees are selected
 PROCEDURE  formated_zero_count(output_file_type VARCHAR2)
      lvc_message VARCHAR2(200);
Line: 250

   Procedure to display the name of the assignment set to which the selected
   assignments are added
 PROCEDURE formated_assign_count(assignment_set_name in varchar2,
                                 assignment_set_id   in number,
                                 record_count        in number,
                                 assign_set_created  in number,
                                 output_file_type    in varchar2)

 lvc_message1 VARCHAR2(400);
Line: 309

   Name: select_employee
   Description: The input parameters for the procedure are
   Date,GRE/PRE,Assignment Set and output file type from
   the concurrent program. The procedure identifies the
   missing assignments , adds them to the assignment
   set entered and generates the report in the specified

PROCEDURE select_employee(errbuf             OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
                          retcode            OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
                          p_effective_date   IN          VARCHAR2,
                          p_bus_grp          IN          NUMBER,
                          p_report_type      IN          VARCHAR2,
                          p_dummy1           IN          VARCHAR2,
                          p_gre_id           IN          NUMBER,
                          p_dummy2           IN          VARCHAR2,
                          p_pre_id           IN          NUMBER,
                          p_assign_set       IN          VARCHAR2,
			  p_output_file_type IN          VARCHAR2)

/* Cursor to select primary assignments that are not archived by the
  YEPP in the given year for the given GRE */

     CURSOR c_missing_assignments(cp_effective_date date,
                                  cp_bus_grp        number,
                                  cp_report_type    varchar2,
                                  cp_tax_unit_id    number) is
     SELECT DISTINCT asg.assignment_id  ass_id
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f  asg,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
            per_all_people_f       ppf
     WHERE ppa.effective_date BETWEEN cp_effective_date
                                  AND add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     AND  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     AND  paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
     AND  paa.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
     AND  ppa.business_group_id+0 = cp_bus_grp
     AND  ppa.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id +0
     AND  asg.person_id = ppf.person_id
     AND  asg.assignment_type  = 'E'
     AND  ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date AND  asg.effective_end_date
     AND  ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date AND  ppf.effective_end_date
                      FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa1,
                           pay_assignment_actions paa1
                      WHERE ppa1.report_type = cp_report_type
		      AND ppa1.report_qualifier = 'CAEOY'
                      AND ppa1.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                      AND get_parameter('TRANSFER_GRE',ppa1.legislative_parameters) = to_char(cp_tax_unit_id)
                      AND ppa1.payroll_action_id = paa1.payroll_action_id
                      AND ppa1.business_group_id+0 = cp_bus_grp
                      AND paa1.serial_number = to_char(ppf.person_id))
     ORDER  BY asg.assignment_id DESC;
Line: 367

/* Cursor to select primary assignments that are not archived by the
  YEPP in the given year for the given PRE of Report Type RL1*/

     CURSOR c_missing_assignments_rl1(cp_effective_date date,
                                      cp_bus_grp        number,
                                      cp_report_type    varchar2,
                                      cp_pre_id         number) is
     SELECT DISTINCT ASG.assignment_id      ass_id
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f  ASG,
            pay_all_payrolls_f     PPY,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex SCL
     WHERE  ASG.business_group_id + 0  =  cp_bus_grp
     AND  ASG.assignment_type        = 'E'
     AND  ASG.effective_start_date  <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
     AND  ASG.effective_end_date    >= cp_effective_date
     AND  SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id = ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
     AND  (
              (rtrim(ltrim(SCL.segment1))  in
               (select to_char(hoi.organization_id)
                from  hr_organization_information hoi
                where hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
                and   hoi.org_information2  = to_char(cp_pre_id) ))
              (rtrim(ltrim(SCL.segment11))  in
                (select to_char(hoi.organization_id)
                from    hr_organization_information hoi
                where   hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
                and hoi.org_information2  = to_char(cp_pre_id) ))
     AND  PPY.payroll_id           = ASG.payroll_id
     AND EXISTS    (select 'X'
                    from  pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts fc
                    where pac.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                    and   pac.context_id = fc.context_id
                    and   fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                    and   pac.context_value = 'QC')
                     FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                            pay_assignment_actions paa
                     WHERE ppa.report_type = cp_report_type
	    	     AND   ppa.report_qualifier = 'CAEOYRL1'
                     AND   ppa.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                     AND   get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters) = to_char(cp_pre_id)
                     AND   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                     AND   ppa.business_group_id+0 = cp_bus_grp
                     AND   paa.serial_number = to_char(ASG.person_id))
     ORDER  BY asg.assignment_id DESC;
Line: 415

/* Cursor to select primary assignments that are not archived by the
  YEPP in the given year for the given PRE of Report Type RL2 */

     CURSOR c_missing_assignments_rl2(cp_effective_date date,
                                      cp_bus_grp        number,
                                      cp_report_type    varchar2,
                                      cp_pre_id         number) is
     SELECT DISTINCT ASG.assignment_id      ass_id
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f  ASG,
            pay_all_payrolls_f     PPY,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex SCL
     WHERE  ASG.business_group_id + 0  = cp_bus_grp
       AND  ASG.assignment_type        = 'E'
       AND  ASG.effective_start_date  <= add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
       AND  ASG.effective_end_date    >= cp_effective_date
       AND  SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id = ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
       AND  rtrim(ltrim(SCL.segment12))  in
            (select to_char(hoi.organization_id)
             from   hr_organization_information hoi
             where  hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
              and   hoi.org_information2  = to_char(cp_pre_id)
              and   hoi.org_information5 = 'T4A/RL2')
       AND  PPY.payroll_id             = ASG.payroll_id
       AND  EXISTS (select 'X' from pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts fc
                    where pac.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                    and   pac.context_id = fc.context_id
                    and   fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                    and   pac.context_value = 'QC')
                       FROM pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                            pay_assignment_actions paa
                       WHERE ppa.report_type = cp_report_type
		       AND ppa.report_qualifier = 'CAEOYRL2'
                       AND ppa.effective_date = add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                       AND get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',ppa.legislative_parameters)= to_char(cp_pre_id)
                       AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                       AND ppa.business_group_id+0 = cp_bus_grp
                       AND paa.serial_number = to_char(ASG.person_id))
     ORDER  BY asg.assignment_id DESC;
Line: 455

/* Cursor to check if the assignment selected has atleast a single
   non zero run result value with an input value of Money in the
   entered year */

  CURSOR c_non_zero_run_result(cp_business_group number,
                             cp_assignment_id  number,
                             cp_effective_date date,
                             cp_tax_unit_id    number) is
  SELECT 1 FROM dual
                  FROM pay_run_results prr,
                       pay_run_result_values prrv,
                       pay_input_values_f piv,
                       pay_assignment_actions paa,
                       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_all_payrolls_f ppf
                 WHERE ppa.business_group_id+0 = cp_business_group
                   AND paa.assignment_id = cp_assignment_id
                   AND paa.tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
                   AND prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                   AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                   AND ppa.action_type in ('R','B','Q','V','I')
                   AND ppa.effective_date between cp_effective_date
                                       AND add_months(cp_effective_date, 12) - 1
                   AND ppa.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id
                   AND ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                       AND ppf.effective_end_date
                   AND ppf.payroll_id > 0
                   AND prrv.run_result_id = prr.run_result_id
                   AND prrv.result_value <> '0'
                   AND piv.input_value_id = prrv.input_value_id
                   AND ppa.effective_date between piv.effective_Start_date
                                              AND piv.effective_end_date
                   AND piv.uom = 'M'
                   AND EXISTS (SELECT '1'
                               FROM pay_balance_feeds_f pbf
                               WHERE piv.input_value_id = pbf.input_value_id
                               AND   ppa.effective_date BETWEEN pbf.effective_Start_date
                                                            AND pbf.effective_end_date));
Line: 496

FROM hr_all_organization_units_tl
WHERE  organization_id  = p_org_id
AND    language         = userenv('LANG');
Line: 502

SELECT person_id
FROM per_all_assignments_f
WHERE assignment_id       = c_assign_id
AND   business_group_id+0 = p_bus_grp;
Line: 508

SELECT assignment_number
FROM per_all_assignments_f
WHERE  assignment_id   = c_assign_id;
Line: 513

SELECT full_name,national_identifier
FROM per_all_people_f
WHERE  person_id   = c_person_id;
Line: 518

SELECT hr_assignment_sets_s.nextval
FROM dual;
Line: 522

SELECT assignment_set_id
FROM hr_assignment_sets
WHERE assignment_set_name=assign_set_name;
Line: 528

FROM hr_assignment_set_amendments
WHERE assignment_set_id = c_assignment_set_id
AND assignment_id       = c_assignment_id;
Line: 534

SELECT hoi.organization_id gre_id
FROM  hr_organization_information hoi,
      hr_all_organization_units   hou
WHERE hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
AND hoi.org_information2  = to_char(cp_pre_id)
AND hou.business_group_id = p_bus_grp
AND hou.organization_id   = hoi.organization_id;
Line: 714

              /* Inserting the New Assignment set into hr_assignment_sets table */
Line: 736

Line: 740

Line: 769

 END LOOP; /*loop for checking the nonzero run_result values for selected assignments*/
Line: 789

     UPDATE fnd_concurrent_requests
     SET output_file_type = 'HTML'
Line: 800

END select_employee;