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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

 |    04/15/2002   Venkat Ramana Bug#2317115 Modified the select statement  |
 |                               in the function co_orgn_whse_valid.        |
 |    05/06/2002   Sastry/Ravi   BUG#2354190/2354168 Modified the code in   |
 |                               Procedure Validate_Inventory_Posting.      |
 |    30/Apr/2002  B.Ravishanker Bug#2340824 Modified code in the function  |
 |                               whse_locations_valid and                   |
 |                               Validate_Inventory_Posting procedure to    |
 |                               display the correct error message when the |
 |                               to_location is invalid (Marked for Purged).|
 |   07/02/2002   Jalaj Srivastava Bug 2483656
 |                               Modified to enable creation of journals    |
 |                               through inventory APIs
 |   11/11/2002   Joe DiIorio    Bug 2643440
 |                               11.5.1J - added nocopy.                    |
 |   21/11/2002   Sastry         Bug 2665243 Modified elsif condition       |
 |                               in procedure validate_inventory_posting.   |
 |   09/05/2003   Sastry         BUG 2861715 Modified code in Procedure     |
 |                               Validate_Inventory_Posting.                |
 |   10/09/2003   James Bernard  Bug 3127824 Modified code in               |
 |                               validate_inventory_posting so that user is |
 |                               allowed to move qty from source whse even  |
 |                               when on hand qty is NULL.Also modifed code |
 |                               so that negative qty not allowed message is|
 |                               displayed when onhand qty is going negative|
 |                               for IC$ALLOWNEGINV is zero.                |
 |   09/10/2003  James Bernard   Bug 3171345 Added code to set lot status of|
 |                               source whse to default lot status if the   |
 |                               destination whse also does not have any    |
 |                               lot status. If destination whse has a lot  |
 |                               status then the source whse will have lot  |
 |                               status of the destination whse. This is    |
 |                               is done if the onhand qty in source whse   |
 |                               is NULL while doing TRN transactions.      |
  Body end of comments
/*  Global variables */
Line: 113

  ic_adjs_jnl a, ic_jrnl_mst j
  a.item_id    = p_item_id AND
  a.lot_id     = p_lot_id AND
  a.whse_code  = p_whse_code AND
  a.location   = p_location AND
  a.journal_id = j.journal_id AND
  j.posted_ind = 0 AND
  j.delete_mark = 0 AND
  p_lot_status <> a.lot_status;
Line: 191

  ic_adjs_jnl a, ic_jrnl_mst j
  a.item_id    = p_item_id AND
  a.lot_id     = p_lot_id AND
  a.journal_id = j.journal_id AND
  j.posted_ind = 0 AND
  j.delete_mark = 0 AND
  p_qc_grade   <> a.qc_grade;
Line: 237

  INTO   l_count
  FROM   sy_orgn_mst co,
         sy_orgn_mst org
  WHERE  co.orgn_code = p_qty_rec.co_code AND
         co.delete_mark = 0 AND
         org.orgn_code = p_qty_rec.orgn_code AND
         org.co_code = p_qty_rec.co_code AND
Line: 278

  SELECT fw.loct_ctl, tw.loct_ctl
  INTO   x_from_loct_ctl, x_to_loct_ctl
  FROM   ic_whse_mst fw,
         ic_whse_mst tw,
         sy_orgn_mst fo,
         sy_orgn_mst toc
  WHERE  fw.whse_code = l_from_whse AND
         tw.whse_code = l_to_whse AND
         fo.orgn_code = fw.orgn_code AND
         toc.orgn_code = tw.orgn_code AND
         fw.delete_mark = 0 AND
         tw.delete_mark = 0 AND
         fo.delete_mark = 0 AND
         toc.delete_mark = 0;
Line: 332

    SELECT 1
    INTO   l_count
    FROM   ic_loct_mst
    WHERE  whse_code = l_from_whse
    AND    location = l_from_location
    AND    delete_mark = 0;
Line: 343

    SELECT 1
    INTO   l_count
    FROM   ic_loct_mst
    WHERE  whse_code = l_to_whse
    AND    location = l_to_location
    AND    delete_mark = 0;
Line: 520

  SELECT sum(loct_onhand),sum(loct_onhand2)
  FROM   ic_loct_inv
  WHERE  item_id = p_ic_item_mst_row.item_id
  AND    lot_id  = p_ic_lots_mst_row.lot_id;
Line: 527

  SELECT lot_status
  FROM   ic_item_mst
  WHERE  item_id = p_ic_item_mst_row.item_id;
Line: 668

  OR p_ic_item_mst_row.delete_mark = 1
  OR p_ic_item_mst_row.noninv_ind = 1
  OR p_ic_item_mst_row.inactive_ind =1 AND GMIGUTL.IC$API_ALLOW_INACTIVE=0
Line: 690

    OR p_ic_lots_mst_row.delete_mark = 1
    OR p_ic_lots_mst_row.inactive_ind = 1 AND GMIGUTL.IC$API_ALLOW_INACTIVE = 0
Line: 998

       ic_loct_inv using GMIVDBL.ic_loct_inv_select which uses a
       rownum? to restrict rows to 1.
       ************************************************************* */
    OPEN  Cur_get_onhand_for_grade;
Line: 1422

       SELECT nvl(sum(a.qty),0)
       INTO   l_other_lines_qty
       FROM   ic_jrnl_mst j, ic_adjs_jnl a
       WHERE  j.orgn_code    = l_qty_rec.orgn_code
       AND    j.journal_no   = nvl(l_qty_rec.journal_no,GMIGAPI.prev_journal_no)
       AND    a.journal_id   = j.journal_id
       AND    a.line_type   <> -1
       AND    a.item_id      = p_ic_item_mst_row.item_id
       AND    a.lot_id       = nvl(p_ic_lots_mst_row.lot_id,0)
       AND    a.whse_code    = l_qty_rec.from_whse_code
       AND    a.location     = nvl(l_qty_rec.from_location,GMIGUTL.IC$DEFAULT_LOCT);
Line: 1502

	   SELECT co_code INTO l_from_whse_co_code
	   FROM   sy_orgn_mst
	   WHERE  orgn_code = (SELECT orgn_code
			       FROM   ic_whse_mst
			       WHERE  whse_code = l_qty_rec.from_whse_code);
Line: 1546

  x_ic_jrnl_mst_row.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 1551

  x_ic_jrnl_mst_row.last_updated_by := l_user_id;
Line: 1553

  x_ic_jrnl_mst_row.delete_mark   := 0;
Line: 1556

  x_ic_jrnl_mst_row.last_update_login := NULL;
Line: 1559

  x_ic_jrnl_mst_row.program_update_date := NULL;
Line: 1634

  x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.last_update_date := SYSDATE;
Line: 1639

  x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.last_updated_by := l_user_id;
Line: 1641

  x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.last_update_login := NULL;
Line: 1644

  x_ic_adjs_jnl_row1.program_update_date := NULL;