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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 33

**  also updated to the same status.
**  If the Contract has to be Cancelled then the source for the
**  cancel action needs to be passed (i.e, MANUAL or IBTRANSFER). -- made change from 'TRANSFER' to 'IBTRANSFER'
**  In cancellation case the amount for the Header and Lines is
**  updated to reflect the cancel action.

procedure Update_header_status(x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                               x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                               x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                               p_init_msg_list       in  varchar2,
                               p_id                 in number,
                               p_new_sts_code       in varchar2,
                               p_canc_reason_code   in varchar2,
                               p_old_sts_code       in varchar2,
                               p_comments           in varchar2,
                               p_term_cancel_source in varchar2,
                               p_date_cancelled     in date,
                               p_validate_status    in varchar2) is

l_chr_id            number;
Line: 60

l_api_name          CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_HEADER_STATUS';
Line: 68

                            '100: Entered UPDATE_HEADER_STATUS');
Line: 130

                            '130: Calling Update_Header_status with chrv_tbl populated');
Line: 139

  Update_header_status( x_return_status => x_return_status,
                        x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
                        x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                        p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                        p_chrv_tbl => l_chrv_tbl,
                        p_canc_reason_code => p_canc_reason_code,
                        p_comments => p_comments,
                        p_term_cancel_source => p_term_cancel_source,
                        p_date_cancelled => p_date_cancelled);
Line: 157

                            '170: Completed Update_header_status succesfully');
Line: 195

procedure Update_header_status(x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                               x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                               x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                               p_init_msg_list      in varchar2,
                               p_chrv_tbl           in OUT NOCOPY chrv_tbl_type,
                               p_canc_reason_code   in varchar2,
                               p_comments           in varchar2,
                               p_term_cancel_source in varchar2,
                               p_date_cancelled     in date,
                               p_validate_status    in varchar2) is

p_control_rec           okc_util.okc_control_rec_type;
Line: 212

l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_HEADER_STATUS';
Line: 213

l_line_update               varchar2(1);
Line: 224

SELECT wf_item_key
  FROM oks_k_headers_b
WHERE chr_id = p_contract_id;
Line: 237

                            '400: Entere Update_Header_Status');
Line: 300

                              '430: calling okc_contract_pub.update_contract_header');
Line: 321

        p_api_version           => g_api_version,
        P_INIT_MSG_LIST         => 'F',
        x_return_status         => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count             => g_msg_count,
        x_msg_data              => g_msg_data,
        p_restricted_update     => 'T',
        p_chrv_rec              => p_chrv_tbl(i),
        p_control_rec           => p_control_rec,
        x_chrv_rec              => l_chrv_tbl(i));
Line: 341

                              '440: Calling oks_change_status_pvt.update_line_status ');
Line: 344

                        x_return_status => x_return_status,
                        x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
                        x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                        p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list,
                        p_id => p_chrv_tbl(i).id,
                        p_cle_id => l_cle_id,
                        p_new_sts_code => p_chrv_tbl(i).new_sts_code,
                        p_canc_reason_code => p_canc_reason_code,
                        p_old_sts_code => p_chrv_tbl(i).old_sts_code,
                        p_old_ste_code => p_chrv_tbl(i).old_ste_code,
                        p_new_ste_code => p_chrv_tbl(i).new_ste_code,
                        p_term_cancel_source => p_term_cancel_source,
                        p_date_cancelled => p_date_cancelled,
                        p_comments => p_comments,
                        p_validate_status => 'N');
Line: 491

                          '485: exiting Update_header_status ');
Line: 529

     SELECT object_version_number, decode(
            NVL(sign(months_between(END_DATE,sysdate-1)),1),1,'ACTIVE','EXPIRED'),'SIGNED' )
     FROM okc_k_headers_b
     WHERE id = p_id;
Line: 653

 select 'Y'
   into l_renewed
   from okc_operation_instances OIE,
        okc_class_operations COP
  where OIE.cop_id=COP.id
    and COP.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
    and target_chr_id = l_chr_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 679

     select distinct contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
            contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
       from okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okc_operation_lines OLI,
            okc_operation_instances OIE,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP              --**
      where OLI.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        and OLI.object_chr_id = chr.id
        and OLI.oie_id = OIE.id                     --**
        and OIE.cop_id = COP.id                     --**
        and COP.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')  --**
        and OLI.subject_cle_id > 0;
Line: 695

     select contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
            contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
       from okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okc_operation_lines OLI,
            okc_operation_instances OIE,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP              --**
      where OLI.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        and OLI.subject_cle_id = p_cle_id
        and OLI.object_chr_id = chr.id
        and OLI.oie_id = OIE.id                     --**
        and OIE.cop_id = COP.id                     --**
        and COP.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')  --**
        and OLI.subject_cle_id > 0;
Line: 728

     SELECT distinct contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
            contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okc_operation_lines OLI1,
            okc_operation_lines OLI2,
            okc_operation_instances OIE1,
            okc_class_operations    COP1,
            okc_operation_instances OIE2,
            okc_class_operations    COP2
      WHERE CHR.id = OLI1.subject_chr_id
        and OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
        and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id
        and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id
        and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
        and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id
        and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id
        and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
        and OLI2.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        and OLI1.subject_chr_id <> l_chr_id
        and OLI2.subject_cle_id > 0
        and OLI1.subject_cle_id > 0;
Line: 752

SELECT  contract_number, contract_number_modifier,
            contract_number||decode(contract_number_modifier, NULL,'','-'||contract_number_modifier) contracts
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okc_k_lines_b CLE,
            okc_statuses_b STE,
            okc_operation_lines OLI1,
                okc_operation_lines OLI2,
            okc_operation_instances OIE1,
            okc_class_operations    COP1,
            okc_operation_instances OIE2,
            okc_class_operations    COP2
      WHERE CHR.id = OLI1.subject_chr_id
    and OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
    and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id
        and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id
        and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
        and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id
        and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id
        and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
        and CHR.id = CLE.dnz_chr_id
        and CLE.sts_code = STE.Code
        and STE.STE_CODE = 'ENTERED'   -- this is a retrictive condn.
        and CLE.id = OLI1.subject_cle_id
        and OLI2.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        and OLI1.subject_chr_id <> l_chr_id
        and OLI2.subject_cle_id = p_cle_id
        and OLI1.object_cle_id = OLI2.object_cle_id
        and OLI1.subject_cle_id <> p_cle_id;
Line: 806

   select distinct 'Y'
     from OKC_K_HEADERS_B CHR,
          okc_operation_lines OLI,
          okc_operation_instances OIE,
          okc_class_operations    COP
    where chr.id = oli.object_chr_id
      and OLI.oie_id = OIE.id
      and OIE.cop_id = COP.id
      and COP.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
      and oli.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
      and CHR.date_renewed is NOT NULL;
Line: 819

   select distinct 'Y'
     from OKC_K_LINES_B CLE,
          okc_operation_lines OLI,
          okc_operation_instances OIE,
          okc_class_operations    COP
    where cle.id = oli.object_cle_id
      and OLI.oie_id = OIE.id
      and OIE.cop_id = COP.id
      and COP.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')
      and oli.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
      and Cle.date_renewed is NOT NULL;
Line: 851

     SELECT distinct 'Y'
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okc_statuses_b  STS,
            okc_operation_lines OLI1,
            okc_operation_lines OLI2,
            okc_operation_instances OIE1,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP1,             --**
            okc_operation_instances OIE2,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP2              --**
      WHERE CHR.id = OLI1.subject_chr_id
        and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id                     --**
        and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id                     --**
        and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id                     --**
        and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id                     --**
        and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        AND OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
        AND OLI2.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        AND OLI1.subject_cle_id IS NULL
        AND OLI2.subject_cle_id IS NULL
        AND CHR.sts_code = STS.code
        AND STS.ste_code = 'ENTERED'
	AND OLI1.active_yn = 'Y'
        AND OLI1.process_flag = 'P'
        AND OLI2.process_flag = 'P';
Line: 880

   SELECT  distinct 'Y'
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
        okc_k_lines_b CLE,
            okc_statuses_b  STS,
            okc_operation_lines OLI1,
            okc_operation_lines OLI2,
            okc_operation_instances OIE1,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP1,             --**
            okc_operation_instances OIE2,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP2              --**
      WHERE CHR.id = OLI1.subject_chr_id
        and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id                     --**
        and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id                     --**
        and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id                     --**
        and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id                     --**
        and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        AND OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
        AND OLI2.subject_chr_id =  l_chr_id
        AND OLI1.subject_chr_id <> l_chr_id
        AND OLI1.subject_cle_id <> p_cle_id
        AND OLI2.subject_cle_id = p_cle_id
    AND CLE.sts_code = STS.code
    AND STS.ste_code <> 'ENTERED'
    AND CLE.ID = OLI1.subject_cle_id
        AND OLI1.object_cle_id = OLI2.object_cle_id
 AND OLI1.active_yn = 'Y'
        AND OLI1.process_flag = 'P'
        AND OLI2.process_flag = 'P';
Line: 937

     SELECT distinct 'Y'
       FROM okc_k_headers_b     CHR,
            okc_statuses_b      STS,
            okc_operation_lines OLI1,
            okc_operation_lines OLI2,
            okc_operation_instances OIE1,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP1,             --**
            okc_operation_instances OIE2,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP2              --**
      WHERE CHR.id = OLI1.subject_chr_id
        and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id                     --**
        and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id                     --**
        and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id                     --**
        and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id                     --**
        and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        AND OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
        AND OLI2.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        AND OLI1.subject_cle_id IS NULL
        AND OLI2.subject_cle_id IS NULL
        AND STS.ste_code not in ('ENTERED', 'CANCELLED')
	AND OLI1.active_yn = 'Y'
        AND OLI1.process_flag = 'P'
        AND OLI2.process_flag = 'P';
Line: 966

     SELECT distinct 'Y'
       FROM okc_k_headers_b     CHR,
        okc_k_lines_b CLE,
            okc_statuses_b      STS,
            okc_operation_lines OLI1,
            okc_operation_lines OLI2,
            okc_operation_instances OIE1,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP1,             --**
            okc_operation_instances OIE2,             --**
            okc_class_operations    COP2              --**
      WHERE CHR.id = OLI1.subject_chr_id
        and CHR.id = CLE.dnz_chr_id
        and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id                     --**
        and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id                     --**
        and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id                     --**
        and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id                     --**
        and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
        AND OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
        AND OLI2.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
        AND OLI1.subject_cle_id IS NULL
        AND OLI2.subject_cle_id IS NULL
        AND STS.ste_code not in ('ENTERED', 'CANCELLED')
        AND OLI1.object_cle_id = OLI2.object_cle_id
        AND OLI2.subject_cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 1026

select distinct 'Y'
  from okc_operation_lines OLI1,
       okc_operation_lines OLI2,
       okc_operation_instances OIE1,             --**
       okc_class_operations    COP1,             --**
       okc_operation_instances OIE2,             --**
       okc_class_operations    COP2              --**
 where OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
   and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id                     --**
   and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id                     --**
   and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
   and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id                     --**
   and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id                     --**
   and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
   and OLI1.subject_chr_id <> OLI2.subject_chr_id
   and OLI1.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
   and OLI2.subject_cle_id > 0
   and OLI1.subject_cle_id > 0;
Line: 1047

select distinct 'Y'
  from okc_operation_lines OLI1,
       okc_operation_lines OLI2,
       okc_operation_instances OIE1,             --**
       okc_class_operations    COP1,             --**
       okc_operation_instances OIE2,             --**
       okc_class_operations    COP2              --**
 where OLI1.object_chr_id = OLI2.object_chr_id
   and OLI1.oie_id = OIE1.id                     --**
   and OIE1.cop_id = COP1.id                     --**
   and COP1.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
   and OLI2.oie_id = OIE2.id                     --**
   and OIE2.cop_id = COP2.id                     --**
   and COP2.opn_code in ('RENEWAL', 'REN_CON')   --**
   and OLI1.subject_chr_id <> OLI2.subject_chr_id
   and OLI1.subject_chr_id = l_chr_id
   and OLI2.subject_cle_id <> OLI1.subject_cle_id
   and OLI1.subject_cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 1094

procedure Update_line_status (x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                              x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                              x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                              p_init_msg_list       in  varchar2,
                              p_id                  in number,
                              p_cle_id              in number,
                              p_new_sts_code        in varchar2,
                              p_canc_reason_code    in varchar2,
                              p_old_sts_code        in varchar2,
                              p_old_ste_code        in varchar2,
                              p_new_ste_code        in varchar2,
                              p_term_cancel_source  in varchar2,
                              p_date_cancelled      in Date,
                              p_comments            in varchar2,
                              p_validate_status     in varchar2) is

l_api_name      Varchar2(100) := 'UPDATE_LINE_STATUS';
Line: 1119

l_line_update   Varchar2(1) := 'Y';
Line: 1127

   select ste_code
     from okc_statuses_v
    where code=p_new_sts_code;
Line: 1134

   select ste_code
     from okc_statuses_v
    where code=p_old_sts_code;
Line: 1143

   select id
   from okc_k_lines_b
   where id=p_cle_id
   and cle_id is null;
Line: 1153

   select code
     from okc_statuses_v
    where ste_code='SIGNED'
      and default_yn='Y';
Line: 1161

   select code
     from okc_statuses_v
    where ste_code='EXPIRED'
      and default_yn='Y';
Line: 1168

        SELECT to_char (major_version)||'.'||to_char(minor_version)
        FROM okc_k_vers_numbers
        WHERE chr_id=p_chr_id;
Line: 1175

        SELECT  scs_code
        FROM    okc_k_headers_b
        WHERE   id= p_id;
Line: 1194

                            '600: Entered UPDATE_LINE_STATUS');
Line: 1244

        open c_lines for select L.id, decode(l_type,'ACTIVE',
                  ,p_new_sts_code) code, L.lse_id,
            from  okc_k_lines_v L, okc_statuses_v ls
           where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
             and ls.code = L.sts_code
             and ls.ste_code in (l_old_type,'SIGNED')
             and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE
Line: 1258

        open c_lines for select L.id, decode(l_type,'ACTIVE',
                  ,p_new_sts_code) code, L.lse_id,
            from  okc_k_lines_v L, okc_statuses_v ls
           where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
             and ls.code = L.sts_code
             and ls.ste_code in (l_type,l_old_type)
             and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE
Line: 1285

            open c_lines for select L.id,p_new_sts_code  code, L.lse_id,L.object_version_number
            from okc_k_lines_b L
            where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
	    and (L.id =	p_cle_id or
	    L.cle_id = p_cle_id)
	    and EXISTS (select 'x'
	    from okc_statuses_b
	    where code = l.sts_code
	    and ste_code = 'CANCELLED')
            and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE
Line: 1298

            open c_lines for select L.id, p_new_sts_code code, L.lse_id,L.object_version_number
            from okc_k_lines_b L
	    where L.dnz_chr_id = p_id
	    and (L.id =	p_cle_id or
	    L.cle_id = p_cle_id)
	    and EXISTS( select 'x'
	    from OKC_STATUSES_B
	    where code = l.sts_code
            and ste_code = l_old_type)
            and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE
Line: 1312

            open c_lines for select L.id, p_new_sts_code code, L.lse_id,L.object_version_number
            from okc_k_lines_b L
            where L.id = p_cle_id
           and NVL(L.term_cancel_source,'MANUAL') NOT IN ('IBTRANSFER', 'IBRETURN', 'IBTERMINATE', 'IBREPLACE'); --To ignore lines/sublines due to IBTRANSFER, IBRETURN, IBTERMINATE, IBREPLACE
Line: 1408

              '650: Calling OKC_CONTRACT_PUB.update_contract_line ');
Line: 1430

        p_api_version           => 1,
        P_INIT_MSG_LIST         => 'T',
        p_restricted_update     => 'T',
        x_return_status         => x_return_status,
        x_msg_count             => x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data              => x_msg_data,
        p_clev_tbl              => l_clev_tbl,
        x_clev_tbl              => l1_clev_tbl);
Line: 1448

               '660: Succesfully completed OKC_CONTRACT_PUB.update_contract_line ');
Line: 1516

                 '690: calling okc_contract_pvt.update_contract_amount, p_cle_id is not null '||p_cle_id);
Line: 1519

                p_api_version => 1,
                p_init_msg_list   => 'F',
                p_id                =>  p_id,
                p_from_ste_code =>  p_old_ste_code,
                p_to_ste_code   =>      p_new_ste_code,
                p_cle_id            =>  p_cle_id,
                x_return_status => x_return_status,
                x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
Line: 1539

               '695: calling update_contract_tax_amount, p_cle_id is not null '||p_cle_id);
Line: 1542

                p_api_version => 1,
                p_init_msg_list   => 'F',
                p_id                =>  p_id,
                p_from_ste_code =>  p_old_ste_code,
                p_to_ste_code   =>      p_new_ste_code,
                p_cle_id            =>  p_cle_id,
                x_return_status => x_return_status,
                x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
Line: 1564

               '700: calling okc_contract_pvt.update_contract_amount, p_cle_id is null ');
Line: 1567

                p_api_version => 1,
                p_init_msg_list   => 'F',
                p_id                =>  p_id,
                p_from_ste_code =>  p_old_ste_code,
                p_to_ste_code   =>      p_new_ste_code,
                p_cle_id            =>  NULL,
                x_return_status => x_return_status,
                x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
Line: 1587

               '705: calling update_contract_tax_amount, p_cle_id is null');
Line: 1590

                p_api_version => 1,
                p_init_msg_list   => 'F',
                p_id                =>  p_id,
                p_from_ste_code =>  p_old_ste_code,
                p_to_ste_code   =>      p_new_ste_code,
                p_cle_id            =>  NULL,
                x_return_status => x_return_status,
                x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
                x_msg_data => x_msg_data);
Line: 1689

              '730: succesfully complete update_line_status ');
Line: 1760

    Select ste_code from okc_statuses_b where code = p_code;
Line: 1763

    Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_headers_b where id = p_id;
Line: 1766

    Select sts_code, start_date, end_date from okc_k_lines_b where id = p_id;
Line: 1811

select 'Y' INTO l_allowed_status from dual where (l_new_sts_code,l_new_ste_code) in
         okc_statuses_v S
        ,fnd_lookups ST
        S.STE_CODE in
                    NULL, 'CANCELLED',
and sysdate between s.start_date and nvl(s.end_date,sysdate)
and st.lookup_type='OKC_STATUS_TYPE'
and st.lookup_code=s.ste_code
and sysdate between st.start_date_active and
and ST.enabled_flag='Y'
and S.code<>NVL(l_old_sts_code,'ENTERED')
and l_old_sts_code not like 'QA%HOLD'
and S.code not like 'QA%HOLD'
AND l_old_ste_code <> 'CANCELLED'
  AND  S.code <> l_old_sts_code
  AND  l_old_ste_code='CANCELLED');
Line: 1895

   The Header and Line Tax Amounts should be updated when Change Status action is taken
   at the header/line/subline level. This is to ensure that the new calcualated Tax Amount
   ignores cancelled top lines/sublines.

   A new procedure Update_Contract_Tax_Amount is created which will be called when Change Status
   action is taken on the header/line/subline level and after Update_Contract_Amount has
   been called for the same.


    p_api_version       IN NUMBER,
    p_init_msg_list     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
    p_id                IN NUMBER,
    p_from_ste_code     IN VARCHAR2,
    p_to_ste_code       IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cle_id            IN NUMBER,
    x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
    x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2 )


        l_cle_id                Number := NULL;
Line: 1931

        l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_CONTRACT_TAX_AMOUNT';
Line: 1939

        Select  cle_id
        from    okc_k_lines_b
        where   id = p_cle_id
        and     dnz_chr_id = p_id;
Line: 1948

        Select  sle.tax_amount
        from    okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle
        where   cle.id = p_cle_id
            and cle.dnz_chr_id = p_id
            and cle.id = sle.cle_id
            and cle.dnz_chr_id = sle.dnz_chr_id;
Line: 1958

        select  nvl(sum(nvl(tax_amount,0)),0)
        from    okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle
        where   cle.dnz_chr_id = p_id
        and     cle.lse_id in (1, 12, 14, 19, 46)
        and     cle.cle_id is null
        and     cle.id = sle.cle_id
        and     cle.dnz_chr_id = sle.dnz_chr_id;
Line: 1970

        select  lse_id
        from    okc_k_lines_b
        where   id=p_cle_id;
Line: 1981

                            '800: Entered UPDATE_CONTRACT_TAX_AMOUNT ');
Line: 2028

                Update  oks_k_lines_b
                set     tax_amount= nvl(tax_amount, 0) - l_sub_line_tax_amt
                where   dnz_chr_id = p_id
                and     cle_id = l_cle_id;
Line: 2034

                Update  oks_k_lines_b
                set   tax_amount= Nvl(tax_amount, 0) - l_sub_line_tax_amt
                Where   cle_id = p_cle_id
                and     dnz_chr_id = p_id;
Line: 2050

                Update oks_k_lines_b
                set tax_amount= nvl(tax_amount, 0) + l_sub_line_tax_amt
                where dnz_chr_id = p_id
                and cle_id = l_cle_id;
Line: 2074

                Update  oks_k_lines_b
                set     tax_amount= 0
                where   dnz_chr_id = p_id
                and     cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 2112

                                Update  oks_k_lines_b
                                set     tax_amount= l_Tax_Value
                                where   dnz_chr_id = p_id
                                and     cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 2127

                    Update  oks_k_lines_b
                    set     tax_amount=
                                        (Select nvl(sum(nvl(tax_amount,0)),0)
                                        from    okc_k_lines_b cle, oks_k_lines_b sle
                                        where   cle.cle_id = p_cle_id
                                        and     cle.lse_id in (7,8,9,10,11,18,25,35)
                                        and     cle.dnz_chr_id = p_id
                                        and     cle.id = sle.cle_id
                                        and     cle.dnz_chr_id = sle.dnz_chr_id
					and     cle.date_cancelled is NULL -- Bug 5474479
                        where   dnz_chr_id = p_id
                        and     cle_id = p_cle_id;
Line: 2164

                update  oks_k_lines_b
                set     tax_amount = 0
                where   dnz_chr_id = p_id
                and     cle_id IN
                                (select id
                                from    okc_k_lines_b
                                where   cle_id is null
                                and     dnz_chr_id = p_id
                                and     lse_id in (1, 12, 14, 19, 46)
Line: 2184

                    update oks_k_lines_b oks1
                    set oks1.tax_amount =
                                          select nvl(sum(nvl(tax_amount,0)),0)
                                          from oks_k_lines_b oks2, okc_k_lines_b okc2
                                          where oks2.cle_id = okc2.id
                                          and oks2.dnz_chr_id = okc2.dnz_chr_id
                                          and okc2.dnz_chr_id = p_id
                                          and okc2.cle_id =  oks1.cle_id
					  and okc2.date_cancelled IS NULL -- Bug 5474479.
                        where oks1.dnz_chr_id = p_id
                        and oks1.cle_id IN
                                        (select id
                                        from okc_k_lines_b okc1
                                        where okc1.cle_id is null
                                        and okc1.lse_id in (1, 12, 14, 19)  --removed 46 (subscription type)
                                        and okc1.dnz_chr_id = p_id
					and okc1.date_cancelled IS NULL -- Bug 5474479.
Line: 2207

                              '1130: Calling UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TAX_AMOUNT ' || p_id);
Line: 2212

                                    p_api_version => 1,
                                    p_init_msg_list   => 'F',
                                    p_id  => p_id,
                                    x_return_status => l_return_status,
                                    x_msg_count  => l_msg_count,
                                    x_msg_data => l_msg_data);
Line: 2228

                         '1140: Succesfully completed UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TAX_AMOUNT ');
Line: 2246

                Update OKS_K_headers_b
                set tax_amount = l_hdr_tax_amt
                Where chr_id = p_id;
Line: 2284

Line: 2289

			p_api_version	IN NUMBER,
			p_init_msg_list IN varchar2 default FND_API.G_FALSE,
			p_id		IN NUMBER,
			x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
			x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
			x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)


        Cursor get_K_subscription_lines IS
        select  id
        from    okc_k_lines_b
        where   cle_id is null
        and     lse_id = 46
        and     dnz_chr_id = p_id;
Line: 2311

        l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TAX_AMOUNT';
Line: 2317

                            '1150: Entered UPDATE_SUBSCRIPTION_TAX_AMOUNT ');
Line: 2364

                Update  oks_k_lines_b
                set     tax_amount= l_subs_tax_Tbl(I)
                where   dnz_chr_id = p_id
                and     cle_id = l_id_Tbl(I);
Line: 2373

                           '1165: Successfully bulk updated tax_amount of toplines of type subscription of contract '|| p_id);
Line: 2411