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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 20

select 'Y'
from per_assignments_f paf
where paf.assignment_type in  ('E','C')
and   paf.supervisor_id = p_person_id
and   p_new_start_date > paf.effective_start_date
and   paf.effective_end_date  >= p_old_start_date ;
Line: 51

select 'y' from dual where exists
(select 'x'
from   per_periods_of_service pds
where  pds.person_id = p_person_id
and    pds.date_start = p_old_start_date);
Line: 58

select 'y' from dual where exists
(select 'x'
from   per_periods_of_placement pdp
where  pdp.person_id = p_person_id
and    pdp.date_start = p_old_start_date);
Line: 119

select 'y' from dual where exists
(select 'x'
from   per_periods_of_service pds
where  pds.person_id = p_person_id
and    pds.actual_termination_date < p_new_start_date
and    pds.final_process_date >= p_new_start_date);
Line: 127

select 'y' from dual where exists
(select 'x'
from   per_periods_of_placement pdp
where  pdp.person_id = p_person_id
and    pdp.actual_termination_date < p_new_start_date
and    pdp.final_process_date >= p_new_start_date);
Line: 137

  SELECT null
  FROM   per_periods_of_service
  WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
  AND    p_old_start_date BETWEEN NVL(last_standard_process_date,
                          AND final_process_date
  AND    p_new_start_date <= NVL(last_standard_process_date,actual_termination_date);
Line: 146

  SELECT null
  FROM   per_periods_of_service
  WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
  AND    csr_overlap.p_start_date BETWEEN NVL(last_standard_process_date,
                                  AND NVL(final_process_date,hr_api.g_eot);
Line: 157

  SELECT null
  FROM   per_periods_of_service pds
  WHERE  pds.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pds.date_start = p_old_start_date
  AND    p_new_start_date BETWEEN pds.actual_termination_date
                          AND pds.final_process_date;
Line: 273

select 'y' from dual where exists
         FROM pay_payroll_actions pac,
              pay_assignment_actions act,
              per_assignments_f asg
         WHERE asg.person_id = p_person_id
           AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
           AND asg.assignment_type = p_type
           AND pac.payroll_action_id = act.payroll_action_id
           AND pac.action_status = 'C'
           AND ((pac.effective_date BETWEEN p_old_start_date AND (p_new_start_date-1))
            OR  (pac.date_earned BETWEEN p_old_start_date AND (p_new_start_date-1))));
Line: 315

select date_start,actual_termination_date
from per_periods_of_service
ORDER BY date_start;
Line: 321

select date_start,actual_termination_date
from per_periods_of_placement
ORDER BY date_start;
Line: 381

select a.payroll_id , a.supervisor_id
from   per_assignments_f a,
       per_periods_of_service p
where  a.period_of_service_id = p.period_of_service_id
and    p.period_of_service_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
and    p_type= 'E'
and    p.date_start = a.effective_start_date;
Line: 390

select a.payroll_id , a.supervisor_id
from   per_assignments_f a,
       per_periods_of_placement p
where  a.period_of_placement_date_start = p.date_start
and    a.person_id = p.person_id
and    p.period_of_placement_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
and    p_type= 'C'
and    p.date_start = a.effective_start_date;
Line: 412

     select '1' into l_temp
     from  dual
     where exists ( select payroll_id
                    from pay_payrolls_f
                    where payroll_id = l_payroll_id
                    and   p_new_start_date between
                          effective_start_date and effective_end_date
Line: 428

     select '1' into l_temp
     from  dual
     where exists ( select person_id
                    from per_all_people_f -- Fix 3562224
                    where person_id = l_supervisor_id
                    and   current_employee_flag = 'Y'
                    and   p_new_start_date between
                          effective_start_date and effective_end_date
Line: 455

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_spinal_point_placements_f sp,
      per_periods_of_service p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_service_id = p.period_of_service_id
 and   p.period_of_service_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   p_type = 'E'
 and   a.assignment_id = sp.assignment_id
 and   sp.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 -- and   sp.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date); --update for bug 6021004
Line: 470

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_spinal_point_placements_f sp,
      per_periods_of_placement p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_placement_date_start = p.date_start
 and   p.period_of_placement_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   p_type = 'C'
 and   a.assignment_id = sp.assignment_id
 and   sp.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 and   sp.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date);
Line: 521

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from pay_grade_rules_f pgr,
      per_periods_of_placement p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_placement_date_start = p.date_start
 and   p.period_of_placement_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   a.assignment_type = p_type
 and   a.assignment_id = pgr.grade_or_spinal_point_id
 and   pgr.rate_type = 'A'
 and   pgr.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 and   pgr.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date);
Line: 563

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
      per_periods_of_service p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_service_id = p.period_of_service_id
 and   p.period_of_service_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   p_type = 'E'
 and   a.assignment_id = ca.assignment_id
 and   ca.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 and   ca.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date);
Line: 577

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
      per_periods_of_placement p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_placement_date_start = p.date_start
 and   p.period_of_placement_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   p_type = 'C'
 and   a.assignment_id = ca.assignment_id
 and   ca.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 and   ca.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date);
Line: 628

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_assignment_budget_values_f bud,
      per_periods_of_service p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_service_id = p.period_of_service_id
 and   p.period_of_service_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   p_type = 'E'
 and   a.assignment_id = bud.assignment_id
 and   bud.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 and   bud.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date);
Line: 642

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_assignment_budget_values_f bud,
      per_periods_of_placement p,
      per_assignments_f a
 where a.person_id = p_person_id
 and   a.period_of_placement_date_start = p.date_start
 and   p.period_of_placement_id = p_pds_or_pdp_id
 and   p_type = 'C'
 and   a.assignment_id = bud.assignment_id
 and   bud.effective_start_date > p.date_start
 and   bud.effective_start_date < p_new_start_date);
Line: 693

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
from per_people_f p
where p.effective_start_date between p_earlier_date and p_later_date
and   p.effective_start_date <> p_old_start_date
and p.person_id = p_person_id
select 1
from per_people_f p
where p.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date
and   p.current_applicant_flag = 'Y'
and p.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 732

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
from per_person_type_usages_f ptu,
     per_person_types pt
where ptu.person_id = p_person_id
and ptu.effective_start_date <> p_old_start_date
and ptu.effective_start_date between p_earlier_date and p_later_date
and ptu.person_type_id = pt.person_type_id
and pt.system_person_type ='EMP');
Line: 765

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_assignments a
     ,per_assignments_f f
 where f.effective_start_date between  p_earlier_date and p_later_date
 and   f.effective_start_date <> p_old_start_date
 and   f.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
 and   a.assignment_type = p_type
 and   f.assignment_status_type_id <> a.assignment_status_type_id
 and   f.person_id = a.person_id
 and   a.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 801

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_assignments_f f
 where f.effective_start_date between  p_earlier_date and p_later_date
 and   f.effective_start_date <> p_old_start_date
 and   f.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 832

select 'x' from dual where exists
(select 1
 from per_assignments_f f
 where f.effective_start_date >= p_new_start_date
 and   f.effective_start_date < p_old_start_date
 and   f.assignment_type =p_type
 and   f.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 878

    select 'Y'
    into l_warn
    from dual
    where exists
    (select null
     from pay_element_entries_f ee,
          pay_element_links_f el,
          pay_element_types_f et
     where ee.assignment_id in
       (select assignment_id
        from per_assignments_f asg
        where asg.person_id = p_person_id
        and asg.effective_start_date between l_earlier_date and l_later_date)
     and ee.element_link_id = el.element_link_id
     and el.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
     and et.processing_type = 'R');
Line: 909

 FROM ben_ptnl_ler_for_per
 WHERE person_id = p_person_id
 and LF_EVT_OCRD_DT >= p_old_start_date
 and ptnl_ler_for_per_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT');
Line: 938

procedure update_period(p_person_id number
                       ,p_old_start_date date
                       ,p_new_start_date date
                       ,p_type VARCHAR2) is
cursor pds is select *
               from per_periods_of_service pds
               where person_id = p_person_id
               and   date_start = p_old_start_date
               for update of date_start nowait;
Line: 947

cursor pdp is select *
               from per_periods_of_placement pdp
               where person_id = p_person_id
               and   date_start = p_old_start_date
               for update of date_start nowait;
Line: 968

Line: 989

Line: 995

     update per_periods_of_placement
     set    date_start = p_new_start_date
     where  period_of_placement_id = pdp_rec.period_of_placement_id
     and    date_start = p_old_start_date
     and    person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1002

end update_period;
Line: 1008

procedure update_spinal_placement(p_person_id number
                                 ,p_old_start_date date
                                 ,p_new_start_date date
                                 ,p_type VARCHAR2) is
cursor csr_ssp is
select placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f sp
where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = p_type
                         and a.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date)
and    sp.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date;
Line: 1029

      update per_spinal_point_placements_f
      set effective_start_date = p_new_start_date
      where effective_start_date = p_old_start_date
      and   placement_id = l_sp_id;
Line: 1034

Line: 1040

end update_spinal_placement;
Line: 1046

procedure update_asg_rate(p_person_id number
                         ,p_old_start_date date
                         ,p_new_start_date date
                         ,p_type VARCHAR2) is
cursor csr_rate is
select grade_rule_id
from   pay_grade_rules_f pgr
where  grade_or_spinal_point_id in (select a.assignment_id
                                    from per_assignments_f a
                                    where person_id = p_person_id
                                    and a.assignment_type = p_type
                                    and a.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date)
and    pgr.rate_type = 'A'
and    pgr.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date;
Line: 1068

      update pay_grade_rules_f
      set effective_start_date = p_new_start_date
      where effective_start_date = p_old_start_date
      and   grade_rule_id = l_pgr_id;
Line: 1073

Line: 1079

end update_asg_rate;
Line: 1085

procedure update_cost_allocation(p_person_id number
                                ,p_old_start_date date
                                ,p_new_start_date date
                                ,p_type VARCHAR2) is
cursor csr_cost is
where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = p_type
                         and a.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date)
and    pca.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date;
Line: 1106

      set effective_start_date = p_new_start_date
      where effective_start_date = p_old_start_date
      and   COST_ALLOCATION_ID = l_ca_id;
Line: 1111

Line: 1117

end update_cost_allocation;
Line: 1123

procedure update_asg_budget(p_person_id number
                           ,p_old_start_date date
                           ,p_new_start_date date
                           ,p_type VARCHAR2) is
cursor csr_abv is
select abv.assignment_budget_value_id
from   per_assignment_budget_values_f abv
where  assignment_id in (select a.assignment_id
                         from per_assignments_f a
                         where person_id = p_person_id
                         and a.assignment_type = p_type
                         and a.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date)
and    abv.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date;
Line: 1144

      set effective_start_date         = p_new_start_date
      where effective_start_date       = p_old_start_date
      and effective_end_date           >= p_new_start_date
      and   ASSIGNMENT_BUDGET_VALUE_ID = l_abv_id;
Line: 1154

end update_asg_budget;
Line: 1160

procedure update_tax(p_person_id number
                    ,p_new_start_date date) is
cursor csr_get_bg is
select business_group_id
from   per_people_f
where person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1177

      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_change_start_date_api.update_tax');
Line: 1195

end update_tax;
Line: 1201

procedure update_apl_asg(p_person_id number
                        ,p_old_start_date date
                        ,p_new_start_date date) is
cursor csr_apl_asg is
select assignment_id
from   per_all_assignments_f a
where  a.effective_end_date   = p_old_start_date - 1
and    a.assignment_type      = 'A'
and    a.person_id            = p_person_id;
Line: 1218

    update per_assignments_f a
    set   a.effective_end_date   = p_new_start_date - 1
    where  a.effective_end_date   =
             (select max(a2.effective_end_date)
              from   per_assignments_f a2
              where  a2.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
              and    a2.assignment_type = 'A')
    and    a.assignment_id        = l_assignment_id;
Line: 1227

Line: 1233

end update_apl_asg;
Line: 1239

procedure update_apl(p_person_id number
                    ,p_old_start_date date
                    ,p_new_start_date date) is
cursor csr_apl is
select application_id
from  per_applications a
where   a.person_id = p_person_id
and     a.date_received =
(select  max(a2.date_received)
from    per_applications a2
where   a2.person_id = a.person_id
and     a2.date_received < p_new_start_date);
Line: 1259

      update  per_applications a1
      set     a1.date_end = p_new_start_date - 1
      where   a1.application_id = l_application_id
      and not exists (select 1
                      from per_people_f peo
                      where peo.person_id = p_person_id
                      and   a1.person_id  = peo.person_id
                      and   peo.effective_start_date = p_old_start_date
                      and   peo.current_applicant_flag = 'Y');
Line: 1269

Line: 1275

end update_apl;
Line: 1281

procedure update_pay_proposal(p_person_id number
                             ,p_old_start_date date
                             ,p_new_start_date date
                             ,p_type VARCHAR2) is
cursor get_pay_proposal
select pay_proposal_id
from   per_pay_proposals
where  change_date = p_old_start_date
and exists (select 1
 from   per_assignments_f
 where  person_id = p_person_id
 and per_pay_proposals.assignment_id = per_assignments_f.assignment_id
--  and    primary_flag = 'Y'
 and    effective_start_date = p_new_start_date
 and    assignment_type = p_type);
Line: 1300

select  count(*)
from per_pay_proposals
where   change_date <= p_new_start_date
and     assignment_id =
   (select assignment_id
   from   per_assignments_f
   where  person_id = p_person_id
   and    primary_flag = 'Y'
   and    effective_start_date = p_new_start_date
   and    assignment_type = p_type);
Line: 1320

Line: 1324

  hr_utility.set_location('update_pay_proposal.count = '||l_count,2);
Line: 1330

Line: 1345

   hr_utility.set_location('update_pay_proposal.p_new_start_date = '||to_char(p_new_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),40);
Line: 1346

   hr_utility.set_location('update_pay_proposal.p_old_start_date = '||to_char(p_old_start_date,'DD-MON-YYYY'),40);
Line: 1347

   hr_utility.set_location('update_pay_proposal.p_person_id = '||p_person_id,40);
Line: 1348

   hr_utility.set_location('update_pay_proposal.p_type = '||p_type,40);
Line: 1349

   hr_utility.set_location('update_pay_proposal.pay_proposal_id = '||l_pay_proposal_id,40);
Line: 1351

         update per_pay_proposals
         set change_date   = p_new_start_date
         where change_date    = p_old_start_date
         and pay_proposal_id  = l_pay_proposal_id;
Line: 1356

         (select assignment_id
          from per_assignments_f
          where person_id = p_person_id
          and   primary_flag = 'Y'
       and   effective_start_date = p_new_start_date
       and   assignment_type = p_type);
Line: 1363

Line: 1370

Line: 1380

end update_pay_proposal;
Line: 1391

select business_group_id
from   per_people_f
where  person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1396

select assignment_id
from   per_all_assignments_f paf
where  paf.person_id       = p_person_id
and    paf.assignment_type = p_type
and    p_new_start_date between
       paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1415

      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE', 'hr_change_start_date_api.update_tax');
Line: 1483

                               p_new_effective_date date) IS

-- select all the assignments for the person_id starting on the Hire date.
Cursor csr_assignments(p_person_id number, p_new_effective_date date) IS
select distinct paf.assignment_id
from   per_assignments_f paf
where  paf.person_id = p_person_id
and    paf.date_probation_end is not null
and    paf.effective_start_date = p_new_effective_date;
Line: 1498

Cursor csr_asg_updates(p_assignment_id number, p_new_effective_date date) IS
select paf.effective_start_date
from   per_assignments_f paf
where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and    paf.effective_start_date >= p_new_effective_date
order by paf.effective_start_date;
Line: 1508

select paf.date_probation_end
from   per_assignments_f paf
where  paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
and    paf.effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date;
Line: 1517

l_proc                    varchar2(30):='update_probation_end';
Line: 1567

  For asg_update_rec in csr_asg_updates(l_assignment_id, p_new_effective_date) LOOP
    -- for each updation on Assignment record loop through.
    -- check the probation period of updated asg. and If it is update on some other field
    -- then update the probation end date of this asg update.
    l_effective_start_date := asg_update_rec.effective_start_date;
Line: 1587

        hr_utility.set_location('date probation end is not updated', 50);
Line: 1591

        hr_utility.set_location('date probation end is updated', 60);
Line: 1592

        update per_assignments_f paf
   set    paf.date_probation_end = l_new_date_probation_end
   where  paf.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
   and    paf.effective_start_date = l_effective_start_date;
Line: 1610

Line: 1623

select 'Y'
from   pqp_assignment_attributes_f paa
      ,per_assignments_f paf
where  paf.person_id = p_person_id
and    paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
and    paf.effective_start_date = trunc(p_old_start_date)
and    ( paa.effective_start_date between p_old_start_date+1 and p_new_start_date
	 paa.effective_end_date between p_old_start_date and p_new_start_date);
Line: 1667

  FROM   per_all_assignments_f
  WHERE  person_id = p_person_id
  AND    GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID is not null
  AND    effective_start_date = p_old_start_date;
Line: 1674

  FROM   ben_pgm_f pgm
  WHERE  pgm.pgm_id = p_pgm_id
  AND    p_new_start_date between pgm.effective_start_date
         and pgm.effective_end_date;
Line: 1728

select assignment_id, business_group_id
  from per_all_assignments_f
 where person_id = p_per
   and effective_start_date = p_new_st_date;
Line: 1746

        p_effective_date                         => p_new_start_date
       ,p_datetrack_mode                         => dt_mode
       ,p_validation_start_date                  => null
       ,p_validation_end_date                    => null
       ,P_APPLICANT_RANK                         => null
       ,P_APPLICATION_ID                         => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_CATEGORY                    => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_ID                          => asgrec.assignment_id
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER                      => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID              => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE1                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE10                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE11                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE12                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE13                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE14                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE15                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE16                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE17                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE18                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE19                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE2                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE20                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE21                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE22                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE23                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE24                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE25                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE26                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE27                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE28                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE29                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE3                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE30                        => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE4                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE5                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE6                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE7                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE8                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE9                         => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY                 => null
       ,P_BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE                   => null
       ,P_CAGR_GRADE_DEF_ID                      => null
       ,P_CAGR_ID_FLEX_NUM                       => null
       ,P_CHANGE_REASON                          => null
       ,P_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID                => null
       ,P_COMMENTS                               => null
       ,P_COMMENT_ID                             => null
       ,P_CONTRACT_ID                            => null
       ,P_DATE_PROBATION_END                     => null
       ,P_DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID                   => null
       ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE                     => null
       ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE                   => p_new_start_date
       ,P_EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY                      => null
       ,P_EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY                    => null
       ,P_ESTABLISHMENT_ID                       => null
       ,P_FREQUENCY                              => null
       ,P_GRADE_ID                               => null
       ,P_HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE                   => null
       ,P_HOURLY_SALARIED_WARNING                => null
       ,P_INTERNAL_ADDRESS_LINE                  => null
       ,P_JOB_ID                                 => null
       ,P_JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME                   => null
       ,P_LABOUR_UNION_MEMBER_FLAG               => null
       ,P_LOCATION_ID                            => null
       ,P_MANAGER_FLAG                           => null
       ,P_NORMAL_HOURS                           => null
       ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD                          => null
       ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM                      => null
       ,P_NO_MANAGERS_WARNING                    => null
       ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER                  => null
       ,P_ORGANIZATION_ID                        => null
       ,P_ORG_NOW_NO_MANAGER_WARNING             => null
       ,P_OTHER_MANAGER_WARNING                  => null
       ,P_PAYROLL_ID                             => null
       ,P_PAYROLL_ID_UPDATED                     => null
       ,P_PAY_BASIS_ID                           => null
       ,P_PEOPLE_GROUP_ID                        => null
       ,P_PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD                     => null
       ,P_PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD_FREQUEN             => null
       ,P_PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID                  => null
       ,P_PERSON_REFERRED_BY_ID                 => null
       ,P_PLACEMENT_DATE_START                   => null
       ,P_POSITION_ID                            => null
       ,P_POSTING_CONTENT_ID                     => null
       ,P_PRIMARY_FLAG                          => null
       ,P_PROBATION_PERIOD                      => null
       ,P_PROBATION_UNIT                        => null
       ,P_PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID                => null
       ,P_PROGRAM_ID                            => null
       ,P_PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE                   => null
       ,P_PROJECT_TITLE                         => null
       ,P_RECRUITER_ID                          => null
       ,P_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_ID               => null
       ,P_REQUEST_ID                            => null
       ,P_SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD                     => null
       ,P_SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD_FREQUEN             => null
       ,P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID                       => null
       ,P_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID                => null
       ,P_SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID                => null
       ,P_SOURCE_TYPE                           => null
       ,P_SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID               => null
       ,P_SUPERVISOR_ID                         => null
       ,P_TIME_NORMAL_FINISH                    => null
       ,P_TIME_NORMAL_START                     => null
       ,P_TITLE                                 => null
       ,P_VACANCY_ID                            => null
       ,P_VENDOR_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER              => null
       ,P_VENDOR_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER                => null
       ,P_VENDOR_ID                             => null
       ,P_WORK_AT_HOME                          => null
       ,P_GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID                   => null
       ,P_SUPERVISOR_ASSIGNMENT_ID              => null
       ,P_VENDOR_SITE_ID                        => null
       ,P_PO_HEADER_ID                          => null
       ,P_PO_LINE_ID                            => null
       ,P_PROJECTED_ASSIGNMENT_END              => null
       ,P_APPLICANT_RANK_O                      => null
       ,P_APPLICATION_ID_O                      => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_CATEGORY_O                 => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER_O                   => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_SEQUENCE_O                 => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID_O           => null
       ,P_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE1_O                      => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE10_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE11_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE12_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE13_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE14_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE15_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE16_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE17_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE18_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE19_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE2_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE20_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE21_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE22_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE23_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE24_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE25_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE26_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE27_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE28_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE29_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE3_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE30_O                    => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE4_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE5_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE6_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE7_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE8_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE9_O                     => null
       ,P_ASS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY_O             => null
       ,P_BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE_O               => null
       ,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID_O                  => asgrec.business_group_id
       ,P_CAGR_GRADE_DEF_ID_O                  => null
       ,P_CAGR_ID_FLEX_NUM_O                   => null
       ,P_CHANGE_REASON_O                      => null
       ,P_COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID_O            => null
       ,P_COMMENT_ID_O                         => null
       ,P_CONTRACT_ID_O                        => null
       ,P_DATE_PROBATION_END_O                 => null
       ,P_DEFAULT_CODE_COMB_ID_O               => null
       ,P_EFFECTIVE_END_DATE_O                 => null
       ,P_EFFECTIVE_START_DATE_O               => p_old_start_date
       ,P_EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY_O                  => null
       ,P_EMPLOYMENT_CATEGORY_O                => null
       ,P_ESTABLISHMENT_ID_O                   => null
       ,P_FREQUENCY_O                          => null
       ,P_GRADE_ID_O                           => null
       ,P_HOURLY_SALARIED_CODE_O               => null
       ,P_INTERNAL_ADDRESS_LINE_O              => null
       ,P_JOB_ID_O                             => null
       ,P_JOB_POST_SOURCE_NAME_O               => null
       ,P_LABOUR_UNION_MEMBER_FLAG_O           => null
       ,P_LOCATION_ID_O                        => null
       ,P_MANAGER_FLAG_O                       => null
       ,P_NORMAL_HOURS_O                       => null
       ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_O                      => null
       ,P_NOTICE_PERIOD_UOM_O                  => null
       ,P_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER_O              => null
       ,P_ORGANIZATION_ID_O                    => null
       ,P_PAYROLL_ID_O                         => null
       ,P_PAY_BASIS_ID_O                       => null
       ,P_PEOPLE_GROUP_ID_O                    => null
       ,P_PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD_O                 => null
       ,P_PERF_REVIEW_PERIOD_FREQUEN_O         => null
       ,P_PERIOD_OF_SERVICE_ID_O               => null
       ,P_PERSON_ID_O                          => p_person_id
       ,P_PERSON_REFERRED_BY_ID_O              => null
       ,P_PLACEMENT_DATE_START_O               => null
       ,P_POSITION_ID_O                        => null
       ,P_POSTING_CONTENT_ID_O                 => null
       ,P_PRIMARY_FLAG_O                       => null
       ,P_PROBATION_PERIOD_O                   => null
       ,P_PROBATION_UNIT_O                     => null
       ,P_PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID_O             => null
       ,P_PROGRAM_ID_O                         => null
       ,P_PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE_O                => null
       ,P_PROJECT_TITLE_O                      => null
       ,P_RECRUITER_ID_O                       => null
       ,P_RECRUITMENT_ACTIVITY_ID_O            => null
       ,P_REQUEST_ID_O                         => null
       ,P_SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD_O                    => null
       ,P_SAL_REVIEW_PERIOD_FREQUEN_O            => null
       ,P_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID_O                      => null
       ,P_SOFT_CODING_KEYFLEX_ID_O               => null
       ,P_SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID_O               => null
       ,P_SOURCE_TYPE_O                          => null
       ,P_SPECIAL_CEILING_STEP_ID_O              => null
       ,P_SUPERVISOR_ID_O                        => null
       ,P_TIME_NORMAL_FINISH_O                   => null
       ,P_TIME_NORMAL_START_O                    => null
       ,P_TITLE_O                                => null
       ,P_VACANCY_ID_O                           => null
       ,P_VENDOR_ASSIGNMENT_NUMBER_O             => null
       ,P_VENDOR_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER_O               => null
       ,P_VENDOR_ID_O                            => null
       ,P_WORK_AT_HOME_O                         => null
       ,P_GRADE_LADDER_PGM_ID_O                  => null
       ,P_SUPERVISOR_ASSIGNMENT_ID_O             => null
       ,P_VENDOR_SITE_ID_O                       => null
       ,P_PO_HEADER_ID_O                         => null
       ,P_PO_LINE_ID_O                           => null
       ,P_PROJECTED_ASSIGNMENT_END_O             => null
Line: 1987

procedure update_start_date
  (p_validate                      in     boolean
  ,p_person_id                     in     number
  ,p_old_start_date                in     date
  ,p_new_start_date                in     date
  ,p_update_type                   in     varchar2
  ,p_applicant_number              in     varchar2
  ,p_warn_ee                       out nocopy    varchar2
  ) is
  -- Declare cursors and local variables
cursor csr_pds
select period_of_service_id
from per_periods_of_service
where person_id = p_person_id
and date_start = p_old_start_date;
Line: 2008

select period_of_placement_id
from per_periods_of_placement
where person_id = p_person_id
and date_start = p_old_start_date;
Line: 2019

  SELECT bus.legislation_code
  FROM   per_people_f per
        ,per_business_groups bus
  WHERE  per.person_id = csr_legislation.p_person_id
  AND    per.business_group_id+0 = bus.business_group_id
  AND    csr_legislation.p_effective_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date
                                          AND per.effective_end_date;
Line: 2035

l_proc      varchar2(30):='update_start_date';
Line: 2066

    ,p_argument      => 'update_type'
    ,p_argument_value   => p_update_type);
Line: 2071

  savepoint update_start_date;
Line: 2080

  if p_update_type = 'E' then
    open csr_pds;
Line: 2085

  elsif p_update_type = 'C' then
    open csr_pdp;
Line: 2092

Line: 2101

        (p_person_id          => p_person_id
        ,p_old_start_date     => l_old_start_date
        ,p_new_start_date     => l_new_start_date
        ,p_update_type        => p_update_type
        ,p_applicant_number   => p_applicant_number
Line: 2111

        (p_module_name => 'update_start_date'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'BP'
Line: 2164

               ,p_type            => p_update_type
Line: 2181

               ,p_type            => p_update_type
Line: 2186

                      ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2191

                ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2214

      if ( p_update_type = 'C'
           ( p_update_type = 'E'
             ( nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_MV_HIRE_SKIP_ACT_VALIDATION'),'N') = 'N'
               NOT l_hd_rule_found
               (l_hd_rule_found AND nvl(l_hd_rule_value,'N') = 'N')
         ) THEN
        -- Disallow change hire date beyond PAY actions.
        -- Retaining validation
-- 115.30 (END)
      check_for_compl_actions(p_person_id  => p_person_id
                             ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                             ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
                             ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2249

                                          ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2260

                         ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2266

                     ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2272

                           ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2278

                         ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2290

                         ,p_type => p_update_type
                         ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date);
Line: 2335

                    ,p_type => p_update_type
                    ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                    ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date);
Line: 2359

  update per_people_f p
  set p.effective_start_date = decode(p.effective_start_date
     ,p.effective_end_date = decode(p.effective_end_date
     ,p.original_date_of_hire = decode(p.original_date_of_hire
                                 ,l_old_start_date, l_new_start_date,p.original_date_of_hire)
  where p.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2368

Line: 2373

  update per_people_f p
  set p.start_date = (select min(ppf.effective_start_date)
                      from   per_people_f ppf
           where ppf.person_id = p_person_id)
  where p.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2381

  update_period(p_person_id => p_person_id
               ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
               ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
               ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2390

  update per_addresses a
  set    a.date_from = l_new_start_date
  where  a.date_from = l_old_start_date
  and    nvl(a.date_to,l_new_start_date) >= l_new_start_date
  and    a.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 2398

  update pay_personal_payment_methods_f p
  set    p.effective_start_date = l_new_start_date
  where  p.effective_start_date = l_old_start_date
  and    p.effective_end_date >= l_new_start_date
  and    exists
    (select 1
    from per_assignments_f a
    where p.assignment_id = a.assignment_id
    and   a.assignment_type = p_update_type
    and   a.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 2411

  update_spinal_placement(p_person_id  => p_person_id
                         ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                         ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
                         ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2417

  update_asg_rate(p_person_id => p_person_id
                 ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                 ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
                 ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2423

  update_cost_allocation(p_person_id => p_person_id
                        ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                        ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
                        ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2429

  update_asg_budget(p_person_id => p_person_id
                   ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                   ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
                   ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2437

  if p_update_type='C' then
    update per_assignments_f a
    set    a.period_of_placement_date_start = l_new_start_date
    where  a.period_of_placement_date_start = l_old_start_date
    and    a.assignment_type      = p_update_type
    and    a.person_id            = p_person_id;
Line: 2444

Line: 2450

  update per_assignments_f a
  set    a.effective_start_date = l_new_start_date
  where  a.effective_start_date = l_old_start_date
  and    a.assignment_type      = p_update_type
  and    a.person_id            = p_person_id;
Line: 2456

Line: 2465

  UPDATE per_assignments_f A
     SET A.effective_end_date = (l_new_start_date - 1)
   WHERE A.effective_end_date = (l_old_start_date - 1)
     AND (l_new_start_date - 1) >= A.effective_start_date
     AND A.assignment_type    = p_update_type
     AND A.person_id          = p_person_id;
Line: 2482

  update_probation_end( p_person_id, l_new_start_date);
Line: 2490

  update pqp_assignment_attributes_f paa
  set    paa.effective_start_date   = l_new_start_date
  where  paa.effective_start_date = l_old_start_date
  and    paa.assignment_id in
          (select paf.assignment_id
           from   per_assignments_f paf
           where  paf.effective_start_date = l_new_start_date
           and    paf.person_id = p_person_id);
Line: 2507

  update_tax(p_person_id => p_person_id
            ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date);
Line: 2512

     update_apl_asg(p_person_id => p_person_id
                   ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                   ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date);
Line: 2517

     update_apl(p_person_id => p_person_id
               ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
               ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date);
Line: 2534

  update_pay_proposal(p_person_id => p_person_id
                     ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
                     ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
                     ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2540

  if p_update_type = 'E' then
-- 115.30 (START)
    if ( nvl(fnd_profile.value('HR_MV_HIRE_SKIP_ACT_VALIDATION'),'N') = 'N'
         NOT l_hd_rule_found
         (l_hd_rule_found AND nvl(l_hd_rule_value,'N') = 'N')
      -- Change Hire Date past PAY actions not allowed
-- 115.30 (END)
    run_alu_ee(p_person_id => p_person_id
              ,p_old_start_date => l_old_start_date
              ,p_new_start_date => l_new_start_date
              ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2573

                                 ,p_type => p_update_type);
Line: 2595

        (p_person_id          => p_person_id
        ,p_old_start_date     => l_old_start_date
        ,p_new_start_date     => l_new_start_date
        ,p_update_type        => p_update_type
        ,p_applicant_number   => p_applicant_number
             ,p_warn_ee            => l_warn_ee
Line: 2606

        (p_module_name => 'update_start_date'
        ,p_hook_type   => 'AP'
Line: 2629

    rollback to update_start_date;
Line: 2641

    rollback to update_start_date;
Line: 2649

end update_start_date;