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Line 355: from bom_shift_dates

352: -- if downtime spans across days
353: if p_to_date > p_from_date then
354: select count(shift_date) into l_count
355: from bom_shift_dates
356: where
357: trunc(shift_date) > trunc(p_from_date)
358: and trunc(shift_date) < trunc(p_to_date)
359: and seq_num is not null

Line 597: from bom_shift_dates bd,bom_shift_times bt

594: -- Bug # 3787120 Modified cursor query
595: cursor c_wdays is
596: select bd.shift_date,bt.from_time,bt.to_time
597: from bom_shift_dates bd,bom_shift_times bt
598: where trunc(bd.shift_date) >= trunc(p_from_date)
599: and trunc(bd.shift_date) <= trunc(p_to_date)
600: and bd.calendar_code = p_calendar_code
601: and bd.shift_num = p_shift_num

Line 610: from bom_shift_dates bd

606: order by bd.shift_date,bt.from_time;
608: cursor c_prior_date(p_curr_date date) is
609: select decode(nvl(bd.seq_num,-999),-999,bd.prior_date,bd.shift_date)
610: from bom_shift_dates bd
611: where trunc(bd.shift_date) = trunc(p_curr_date)-1
612: and bd.calendar_code = p_calendar_code
613: and bd.shift_num = p_shift_num
614: and bd.exception_set_id = p_exception_set_id;

Line 879: from bom_shift_dates bsd1, bom_shift_dates bsd2, bom_resource_shifts brs where

875: pp_from_date date,
876: pp_to_date date) is
877: select bsd1.shift_num, bsd1.seq_num start_seq, bsd1.next_date next_date,
878: bsd2.seq_num end_seq, bsd2.prior_date prior_date
879: from bom_shift_dates bsd1, bom_shift_dates bsd2, bom_resource_shifts brs where
880: trunc(bsd1.shift_date) =trunc(pp_from_date)
881: and bsd1.calendar_code=p_calendar_code
882: and bsd1.exception_set_id=p_exception_set_id
883: and bsd1.shift_num=bsd2.shift_num