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Line 63: ce_bank_accounts ceba

59: NVL(acrh.amount, 0)*NVL(acrh.exchange_rate,1))) INTO amt
60: FROM ar_cash_receipt_history_all acrh,
61: ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
62: hz_cust_accounts rc,
63: ce_bank_accounts ceba
64: WHERE acrh.cash_receipt_id = acr.cash_receipt_id
65: AND acr.remittance_bank_account_id = ceba.bank_account_id
66: AND acr.pay_from_customer = rc.cust_account_id (+)
67: AND acrh.status IN (lv_status_cleared, lv_status_remitted, lv_status_confirmed, lv_status_reversed) --'CLEARED', 'REMITTED', 'CONFIRMED','REVERSED') --reversal entries considered

Line 79: ce_bank_accounts ceba

75: FROM gl_je_headers glh,
76: gl_je_lines gll,
77: ce_gl_accounts_ccid cega,
78: ce_bank_acct_uses_all cebau,
79: ce_bank_accounts ceba
80: WHERE cega.bank_acct_use_id = cebau.bank_acct_use_id
81: AND cebau.bank_account_id = ceba.bank_account_id
82: AND ceba.ap_use_allowed_flag = 'Y'
83: AND (ceba.start_date IS NULL OR ceba.start_date <= trunc(sysdate))

Line 139: ce_bank_accounts ceba

135: SELECT SUM(NVL(aip.amount, 0)*NVL(aip.exchange_rate,1)) INTO amt /* Modified by Ramananda for removal of SQL LITERALs :bug#4428980*/
136: FROM ap_invoice_payments_all aip,
137: ap_invoices_all api,
138: ap_checks_all apc,
139: ce_bank_accounts ceba
140: WHERE api.invoice_id = aip.invoice_id
141: AND aip.check_id = apc.check_id
142: AND apc.bank_account_id = ceba.bank_account_id
143: AND apc.status_lookup_code IN (lv_negotiable, lv_cleared, lv_voided) --'NEGOTIABLE', 'CLEARED','VOIDED') --added for voided payments by sridhar k

Line 154: ce_bank_accounts ceba

150: FROM gl_je_headers glh,
151: gl_je_lines gll,
152: ce_gl_accounts_ccid cega,
153: ce_bank_acct_uses_all cebau,
154: ce_bank_accounts ceba
155: WHERE cega.bank_acct_use_id = cebau.bank_acct_use_id
156: AND cebau.bank_account_id = ceba.bank_account_id
157: AND ceba.ap_use_allowed_flag = 'Y'
158: AND (ceba.start_date IS NULL OR ceba.start_date <= TRUNC (sysdate))