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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

        SELECT warehouse_to_instance_link
        FROM   edw_source_instances_vl
        WHERE  enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 10

        SELECT  column_name
        FROM all_tab_columns
        WHERE table_name = 'EDW_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS'
	AND owner=edw_owb_collection_util.get_db_user('BIS')
	AND column_name NOT IN ('LAST_UPDATE_DATE', 'CREATION_DATE'); --removed Upper for bug#4905343
Line: 16

        SELECT instance_code, warehouse_to_instance_link
        FROM   edw_source_instances_vl
        WHERE  enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 31

	dbms_sql.parse(cid, 'SELECT 1 FROM dual@'||p_db_link, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 109

        	DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cid, 'SELECT sysdate FROM dual@'||l_db_link, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 118

  		l_stmt:='SELECT distinct column_name
        	 FROM all_tab_columns@' ||l_db_link ||
        	 ' WHERE table_name = ''EDW_LOCAL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS''
        	 AND upper(column_name) not in ( ''LAST_UPDATE_DATE'',''CREATION_DATE'')' ||
		 ' INTERSECT SELECT distinct column_name from all_tab_columns '||
		 ' WHERE table_name = ''EDW_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS''
		 AND upper(column_name) not in ( ''LAST_UPDATE_DATE'',''CREATION_DATE'')' ;
Line: 128

		l_stmt:= 'SELECT distinct tab.column_name FROM all_tab_columns@'
		||l_db_link || ' tab ,user_synonyms@' ||l_db_link ||
		  ' syn WHERE tab.table_name = ''EDW_LOCAL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS''' ||
		  ' and syn.table_name = tab.table_name and tab.owner=syn.table_owner ' ||
		   ' AND upper(tab.column_name) not in ( ''LAST_UPDATE_DATE'',''CREATION_DATE'')' ||
                   ' INTERSECT SELECT distinct tab.column_name from all_tab_columns tab ,'||
                   ' user_synonyms syn WHERE tab.table_name = ''EDW_LOCAL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS'''||
		    ' and syn.table_name =tab.table_name and tab.owner=syn.table_owner '||
        	     'AND upper(tab.column_name) not in ( ''LAST_UPDATE_DATE'',''CREATION_DATE'')';
Line: 152

			-- First delete existing date from the source db
			cid := DBMS_SQL.open_cursor;
Line: 155

				DBMS_SQL.PARSE(cid, 'DELETE EDW_LOCAL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS@'||l_db_link, dbms_sql.native);
Line: 157

				l_stmt :=  'INSERT INTO EDW_LOCAL_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS@'||l_db_link||' ( last_update_date, creation_date, ';
Line: 158

				l_stmt := l_stmt ||l_colList||') SELECT :x1, :x1, '||l_colList||' FROM EDW_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS';
Line: 159

				-- Now we can insert into these tables
				l_progress := '060';
Line: 200

   l_stmt:='select count(*) from fnd_id_flex_segments@'||l_db_link ||
	' where application_id=''401'' '||
	' and id_flex_code= ''MCAT'' '||
	' and enabled_flag=''Y'' '||
	' and id_flex_num= ' ||
	' ( select structure_id '||
	' from mtl_category_sets_b@'|| l_db_link ||
	' where category_set_id=''1000000006'' )';
Line: 223

   l_stmt:='select ''YES'' VBH_INSTALLED from mtl_category_sets_b@'||l_db_link ||
	' where  category_set_id = ''1000000006'' ';
Line: 239