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1 PACKAGE eam_completion AS
2 /* $Header: EAMWCMPS.pls 120.1 2005/12/05 14:46:58 baroy noship $*/
3 /*#
4  * This is the public API for maintenance work order completion/uncompletion
5  * @rep:scope public
6  * @rep:product EAM
7  * @rep:displayname Maintenance Work Completion
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  */
11  -- Version  Initial version    1.0     Kaweesak Boonyapornnad
13 INVENTORY_ITEM_NULL EAM_WorkOrderTransactions_PUB.Inventory_Item_Tbl_Type;
15 TYPE Lot_Serial_Rec_Type is RECORD
16 (
17  lot_number           VARCHAR2(80),
18  serial_number          VARCHAR2(30),
19  quantity  NUMBER
20 );
22 TYPE Lot_Serial_Tbl_Type is TABLE OF Lot_Serial_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
24 /***************************************************************************
25  *
26  * This package will be used to complete and uncomplete EAM work order
27  *
29  *
30  * x_wip_entity_id        Work Order ID
31  * x_rebuild_jobs         A flag used to determine work order type
32  *                        (N:Regular EAM work order/ Y:Rebuild work order)
33  * x_transaction_type     The type of transaction (Complete(1) / Uncomplete(2))
34  * x_transaction_date     The date of transaction
35  * x_user_id              User ID
36  * x_request_id,          For concurrent processing
37  * x_appplication_id,     For concurrent processing
38  * x_program_id           For concurrent processing
39  * x_reconcil_code        This parameter was predefined in FND_LOOKUP_VALUES
40  *                        where lookup_type = 'WIP_EAM_RECONCILIATION_CODE'
41  * x_subinventory         For rebuild work order with material issue only
42  * x_locator_id           For rebuild work order with material issue only
43  * x_lot_number           For rebuild work order with material issue only
44  * x_serial_number        For rebuild work order with material issue only
45  * x_reference            For regular EAM work order only
46  * x_qa_collection_id     For regular EAM work order only
47  *                        (null if the the work order is not under QA control)
48  * x_shutdown_start_date  Shutdown information for regular EAM
49  * x_shutdown_end_date    Shutdown information for regular EAM
50  * x_quantity             Number of items for inventory
51  * x_update_meter         default to fnd_api.g_true
52  *                        whether to update meters
53  * x_commit               default to fnd_api.g_true
54  *                        whether to commit the changes to DB
55  * x_attribute_category   For descriptive flex field
56  * x_attribute1-15        For descriptive flex field
57  * errCode  OUT           0 if procedure success, 1 otherwise
58  * errMsg   OUT NOCOPY           The informative error message
59  *
60  *
61  * This procedure will insert all the required information to
62  * EAM_JOB_COMPLETION_TXNS table for tracking purpose (history), and updated
63  * some information in  WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS table(status_type, last_update_date,
64  * last_updated_by).
65  *
66  * Complete transaction:
67  *
68  * We can complete all the jobs, but the one that has status
69  * 'Pending Routing Load'(10), 'Failed Routing Load'(11), 'Complete'(4),
70  * 'Pending Bill Load'(8), and 'Failed Bill Load'(9). At the end of procudure,
71  * we just change the STATUS_TYPE in WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS to be 'Complete'(4).
72  *
73  * <Regular EAM Work Order>
74  *
75  * We need to check whether the child job(rebuild job) already closed or not.
76  * We cannot complete regular EAM work order if the coresponding
77  * rebuild work order did not complete and there is no material issue. On the
78  * other hand, if the corresponding rebuild work order is a manual job with
79  * material issue, we can complete the corresponding parent job without
80  * completing all the child jobs. Call eam_pm_utils.update_pm_when_complete
81  * (p_org_id,p_wip_entity_id, p_completion_date) to update meter.
82  * p_completion_date is equal to x_actual_end_date. If x_qa_colletion_id is
83  * not null, call QA_RESULT_GRP.ENABLE to process QA data. If
84  * x_shutdown_start_date and x_shutdown_end_date are not null, insert shutdown
85  * history to EAM_ASSET_STATUS_HISTORY.
86  *
87  * <Rebuild Work Order>
88  *
89  * If there is material issue , this procedure will return the completed
90  * rebuildable item to inventory (updating the information in
92  * MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP table  by using the completion location
93  * information provided by the user(Subinventory, Locator, Lot Number,
94  * Serial Number)and call inventory processor to process assembly completion).
95  *
96  * Uncomplete transaction:
97  *
98  * We can uncomplete only the jobs that has status 'Complete'(4). At the end
99  * of this procudure, we just change the STATUS_TYPE in WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS to
100  * be 'Released(3)'.
101  *
102  * <Regular EAM Work Order>
103  *
104  * We don't have to check much for Regular EAM Work Order, but we need to call
105  * eam_pm_utils.update_pm_when_uncomplete (p_org_id,p_wip_entity_id,
106  * p_completion_date) to update meter. p_completion_date is equal to
107  * x_actual_end_date. If x_qa_colletion_id is not null, call
108  * QA_RESULT_GRP.ENABLE to process QA data. If x_shutdown_start_date and
109  * x_shutdown_end_date are not null, insert shutdown history to
111  *
112  * <Rebuild Work Order>
113  *
114  * If there is material issue, we need to deal with Inventory Assembly Return
115  * to get the item back from Inventory. If there is no material issue, we need
116  * to check whether the corresponding parent job(regular EAM) already completed
117  * or not. If the parent job already complete, return informative error. We
118  * cannot use recursive to uncomplete the parent jobs.
119  *
120  * Required Arguments: (For both Completion and Uncomplete)
121  *
122  * x_wip_entity_id
123  * x_rebuild_jobs
124  * x_transaction_type
125  * x_transaction_date
126  * x_actual_start_date
127  * x_actual_end_date
128  * x_actual_duration
129  *
130  * Arguments: (For regular EAM work order only)
131  * x_reference
132  * x_qa_collection_id
133  * x_shutdown_start_date
134  * x_shutdown_end_date
135  *
136  * Arguments: (For rebuild work order with material issue only)
137  * x_subinventory
138  * x_locator_id
139  * x_lot_number
140  * x_serial_number
141  *
142  * Arguments: (For concurrent processing)
143  * x_request_id
144  * x_application_id
145  * x_program_id
146  *
147  ***************************************************************************/
148 /*#
149  * Complete/UnComplete maintenance work order.
150  * The maintenance work order can be a regular work order or a rebuild work order.
151  * While completing the regular work order user can provide the Asset Shutdown history information.
152  * While completing the rebuild work order with material issue ,user can specify return location by specifying subinventory/locator/lot/serial information.
153  * This API can not be use to enter the collection plan results and meter readings while completing the work order.
154  * @param x_wip_entity_id Work order identifier
155  * @param x_rebuild_jobs Type of Work order 'N'(Normal) / 'Y' (Rebuild)
156  * @param x_transaction_type Type of transaction '1'(complete) / '2' (uncomplete)
157  * @param x_transaction_date Date of the complete or uncomplete transaction
158  * @param x_user_id User Id
159  * @param x_request_id Standard Who Column used for concurrent process
160  * @param x_application_id Standard Who Column used for concurrent process
161  * @param x_program_id Standard Who Column used for concurrent process
162  * @param x_reconcil_code Reconciliation code used to store the result of a performed maintenance task
163  * @param x_actual_start_date Actual start date of work order
164  * @param x_actual_end_date Actual end date of work order
165  * @param x_actual_duration Duration of work order
166  * @param x_inventory_item_info A table of EAM_WorkOrderTransactions_PUB.Inventory_Item_Tbl_Type Required for rebuild work order with material issue (Contains subinventory,locator,lot,serial information)
167  * @param x_reference Reference Required for regular EAM work order only
168  * @param x_qa_collection_id Quality Collection Plan Identifier Required for regular EAM work order only
169  * @param x_shutdown_start_date Shutdown start date Required for regular EAM work order only
170  * @param x_shutdown_end_date Shutdown end date Required for regular EAM work order only
171  * @param x_commit Parameter to indicate whether to commit the changes to Database  'T'(true) / 'F'(false)
172  * @param x_attribute_category Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
173  * @param x_attribute1  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
174  * @param x_attribute2  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
175  * @param x_attribute3  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
176  * @param x_attribute4  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
177  * @param x_attribute5  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
178  * @param x_attribute6  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
179  * @param x_attribute7  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
180  * @param x_attribute8  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
181  * @param x_attribute9  Descriptive Flexfield Segment
182  * @param x_attribute10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment
183  * @param x_attribute11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment
184  * @param x_attribute12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment
185  * @param x_attribute13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment
186  * @param x_attribute14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment
187  * @param x_attribute15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment
188  * @param errCode 0 if procedure success, 1 otherwise
189  * @param errMsg The informative error message
190  * @rep:scope public
191  * @rep:lifecycle active
192  * @rep:displayname Maintenance Work Completion
193  */
195 PROCEDURE complete_work_order_generic(
196           x_wip_entity_id       IN NUMBER,
197 	  x_rebuild_jobs        IN VARCHAR2,
198           x_transaction_type    IN NUMBER,
199           x_transaction_date    IN DATE,
200           x_user_id             IN NUMBER   := fnd_global.user_id,
201 	  x_request_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
202 	  x_application_id      IN NUMBER   := null,
203    	  x_program_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
204 	  x_reconcil_code       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
205           x_actual_start_date   IN DATE,
206           x_actual_end_date     IN DATE,
207           x_actual_duration     IN NUMBER,
208 	  x_inventory_item_info IN EAM_WorkOrderTransactions_PUB.Inventory_Item_Tbl_Type := INVENTORY_ITEM_NULL,
209           x_reference           IN VARCHAR2 := null,
210           x_qa_collection_id    IN NUMBER   := null,
211           x_shutdown_start_date IN DATE     := null,
212           x_shutdown_end_date   IN DATE     := null,
213           x_commit              IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
214           x_attribute_category  IN VARCHAR2 := null,
215           x_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
216           x_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
217           x_attribute3          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
218           x_attribute4          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
219           x_attribute5          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
220           x_attribute6          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
221           x_attribute7          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
222           x_attribute8          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
223           x_attribute9          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
224           x_attribute10         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
225           x_attribute11         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
226           x_attribute12         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
227           x_attribute13         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
228           x_attribute14         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
229           x_attribute15         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
230           errCode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
231           errMsg               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) ;
232         --  x_statement          OUT NUMBER ;
234 PROCEDURE complete_work_order(
235           x_wip_entity_id       IN NUMBER,
236 	  x_rebuild_jobs        IN VARCHAR2,
237           x_transaction_type    IN NUMBER,
238           x_transaction_date    IN DATE,
239           x_user_id             IN NUMBER   := fnd_global.user_id,
240 	  x_request_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
241 	  x_application_id      IN NUMBER   := null,
242    	  x_program_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
243 	  x_reconcil_code       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
244           x_actual_start_date   IN DATE,
245           x_actual_end_date     IN DATE,
246           x_actual_duration     IN NUMBER,
247           x_subinventory        IN VARCHAR2 := null,
248           x_locator_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
249           x_lot_number          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
250           x_serial_number       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
251           x_reference           IN VARCHAR2 := null,
252           x_qa_collection_id    IN NUMBER   := null,
253           x_shutdown_start_date IN DATE     := null,
254           x_shutdown_end_date   IN DATE     := null,
255           x_commit              IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
256           x_attribute_category  IN VARCHAR2 := null,
257           x_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
258           x_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
259           x_attribute3          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
260           x_attribute4          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
261           x_attribute5          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
262           x_attribute6          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
263           x_attribute7          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
264           x_attribute8          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
265           x_attribute9          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
266           x_attribute10         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
267           x_attribute11         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
268           x_attribute12         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
269           x_attribute13         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
270           x_attribute14         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
271           x_attribute15         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
272           errCode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
273           errMsg               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) ;
274         --  x_statement          OUT NUMBER ;
279 -- This method will be called via Forms
281 PROCEDURE complete_work_order_form(
282           x_wip_entity_id       IN NUMBER,
283 	        x_rebuild_jobs        IN VARCHAR2,
284           x_transaction_type    IN NUMBER,
285           x_transaction_date    IN DATE,
286           x_user_id             IN NUMBER   := fnd_global.user_id,
287 	        x_request_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
288 	        x_application_id      IN NUMBER   := null,
289    	      x_program_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
290 	        x_reconcil_code       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
291           x_actual_start_date   IN DATE,
292           x_actual_end_date     IN DATE,
293           x_actual_duration     IN NUMBER,
294           x_subinventory        IN VARCHAR2 := null,
295           x_locator_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
296           x_lot_number          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
297           x_serial_number       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
298           x_reference           IN VARCHAR2 := null,
299           x_qa_collection_id    IN NUMBER   := null,
300           x_shutdown_start_date IN DATE     := null,
301           x_shutdown_end_date   IN DATE     := null,
302           x_attribute_category  IN VARCHAR2 := null,
303           x_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
304           x_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
305           x_attribute3          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
306           x_attribute4          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
307           x_attribute5          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
308           x_attribute6          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
309           x_attribute7          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
310           x_attribute8          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
311           x_attribute9          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
312           x_attribute10         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
313           x_attribute11         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
314           x_attribute12         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
315           x_attribute13         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
316           x_attribute14         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
317           x_attribute15         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
318           errCode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
319           errMsg               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
323 PROCEDURE complete_work_order_commit(
320         --  x_statement          OUT NUMBER ;
322 /* Added for bug# 3238163 */
324           x_wip_entity_id       IN NUMBER,
325 	        x_rebuild_jobs        IN VARCHAR2,
326           x_transaction_type    IN NUMBER,
327           x_transaction_date    IN DATE,
328           x_user_id             IN NUMBER   := fnd_global.user_id,
329 	        x_request_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
330 	        x_application_id      IN NUMBER   := null,
331    	      x_program_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
332 	        x_reconcil_code       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
333           x_commit              IN VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false,
334           x_actual_start_date   IN DATE,
335           x_actual_end_date     IN DATE,
336           x_actual_duration     IN NUMBER,
337           x_subinventory        IN VARCHAR2 := null,
338           x_locator_id          IN NUMBER   := null,
339           x_lot_number          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
340           x_serial_number       IN VARCHAR2 := null,
341           x_reference           IN VARCHAR2 := null,
342           x_qa_collection_id    IN NUMBER   := null,
343           x_shutdown_start_date IN DATE     := null,
344           x_shutdown_end_date   IN DATE     := null,
345           x_attribute_category  IN VARCHAR2 := null,
346           x_attribute1          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
347           x_attribute2          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
348           x_attribute3          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
349           x_attribute4          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
350           x_attribute5          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
351           x_attribute6          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
352           x_attribute7          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
353           x_attribute8          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
354           x_attribute9          IN VARCHAR2 := null,
355           x_attribute10         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
356           x_attribute11         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
357           x_attribute12         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
358           x_attribute13         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
359           x_attribute14         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
360           x_attribute15         IN VARCHAR2 := null,
361           errCode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
362           errMsg               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 );
364 PROCEDURE lock_row(
365   p_wip_entity_id         IN NUMBER,
366   p_organization_id       IN NUMBER,
367   p_rebuild_item_id       IN NUMBER,
368   p_parent_wip_entity_id  IN NUMBER,
369   p_asset_number          IN VARCHAR2,
370   p_asset_group_id        IN NUMBER,
371   p_manual_rebuild_flag   IN VARCHAR2,
372   p_asset_activity_id     IN NUMBER,
373   p_status_type           IN NUMBER,
374   x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
375   x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
376   x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
378 END eam_completion;