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1 package body iby_fipayments_pkg as
2 /*$Header: ibyfipmb.pls 120.17.12010000.3 2008/12/18 00:28:22 svinjamu ship $*/
5 /*
6 * Procedure: checkInstrId
7 * Purpose: raise exception if instrid doesn't exist
8 *
9 *
10 */
11 procedure checkInstrId(i_instrid in  iby_ext_bank_accounts_v.ext_bank_account_id%TYPE)
12 is
13   l_instrid iby_ext_bank_accounts_v.ext_bank_account_id%TYPE;
15   cursor c_bk(ci_instrid iby_ext_bank_accounts_v.ext_bank_account_id%TYPE)
16 	is
17          SELECT ext_bank_account_id
18           FROM iby_ext_bank_accounts
19           WHERE ext_bank_account_id = ci_instrid;
21 begin
22     if ( c_bk%isopen) then
23         close c_bk;
24     end if;
26     open c_bk( i_instrid);
27     fetch c_bk into l_instrid;
29     if (c_bk%notfound) then
30 	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20512#', FALSE);
31     end if;
32     close c_bk;
34 end checkInstrId;
37 /*
38 **  Procedure: createPayment.
39 **  Purpose: creates a payment for schedule.
40 **  Description: Check whether the payment request id is already sent or
41 **               not. if yes raise an error. Otherwise, check whether
42 **               user holds the specified instrument or not.
43 **               Check whether specified payee id exists or not.
44 **               If all the check are validated then create the
45 **               tangible, payment and request objects. Status of the payment
46 **               is marked as PENDING.
47 **               return the tid of the payments object.
48 */
49 procedure createPayment(i_ecappid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%type,
50             i_payeeid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
51             i_instrid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
52             i_payerid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%type,
53             i_tangibleid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
54             i_billamount in iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
55             i_billcurDef in iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
56             i_billAcct in iby_tangible.acctno%type,
57             i_billRefInfo in iby_tangible.refinfo%type,
58             i_billMemo in iby_tangible.memo%type,
59             i_billOrdermedium in iby_tangible.order_medium%TYPE,
60             i_billEftAuthMethod in iby_tangible.eft_auth_method%TYPE,
61             i_scheddate in iby_trxn_summaries_all.settledate%type,
62             i_reqtype in iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
63             i_reqdate in iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
64             i_bepid    in iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type,
65             i_bepkey   in iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepkey%type,
66             i_pmtmethod in iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
67             i_psreqId in iby_trxn_fi.psreqid%type,
68             i_nlslang in iby_trxn_summaries_all.nlslang%type,
69             i_splitId in iby_trxn_fi.splitId%type,
70             i_org_id in iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_id%type,
71             i_org_type in iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_type%type,
72             i_bnfcryinstrid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeinstrid%type,
73             i_custacctid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.cust_account_id%type,
74             i_acctsiteid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.acct_site_id%type,
75             i_acctsiteuseid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.acct_site_use_id%type,
76             i_profilecode in iby_trxn_summaries_all.process_profile_code%type,
77             io_tid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type)
78 is
80 l_mtangibleid iby_tangible.mtangibleid%type;
81 l_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
82 l_old_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
83 l_tid iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type;
84 l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
85 l_reference_code  iby_trxn_summaries_all.proc_reference_code%type;
86 l_reference_amount iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type;
87 l_status   iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%type;
88 l_beptype  iby_bepinfo.bep_type%type;
89 l_trxntypeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%TYPE;
90 l_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%TYPE;
92 l_settle_cust_ref iby_trxn_summaries_all.
93                       settlement_customer_reference%TYPE;
94 l_first_trx_flag  iby_trxn_summaries_all.first_trxn_flag%TYPE;
96 l_cnt NUMBER := 0;
98 cursor c_tmid is
99 select iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.nextval
100 from dual;
102 cursor c_reference(ci_tangible_id iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type) is
103 select proc_reference_code, amount
104 from iby_trxn_summaries_all
105 where tangibleid= ci_tangible_id
106 --and  trxntypeid=20
107 --and  status=0
108 order by trxnmid desc;
110 cursor c_settle_exists  is
111 select trxnmid, mtangibleid
112 from iby_trxn_summaries_all
113 where tangibleid=i_tangibleid
114 and payeeid=i_payeeid
115 and bepid=i_bepid
116 and bepkey=i_bepkey
117 and trxntypeid is null
118 order by trxnmid desc;
120 begin
122    l_reqtype := i_reqtype;
124    -- for bills receivable
125    IF (NVL(i_instrid,0) <> 0) THEN
126      checkInstrId(i_instrid);
127    END IF;
128    if(i_bnfcryinstrid <> NULL) then
129       checkInstrId(i_bnfcryinstrid);
130    end if;
132 /*
133 ** call requestExist method to check whether request already exists
134 ** or not. if exists, then raise an application error.
135 */
136     if ( not requestExists(i_payeeid, i_tangibleid, i_splitId, i_reqtype) ) then
137         --open c_tid;
138         --fetch c_tid into l_tid;
139         --close c_tid;
140        l_tid := iby_transactioncc_pkg.getTID(i_payeeid, i_tangibleid);
143 /*
144 ** if cursor is already open then close it.
145 */
146         if ( c_tmid%isopen ) then
147              close c_tmid;
148         end if;
149         --if ( c_tid%isopen ) then
150              --close c_tid;
151         --end if;
152 /*
153 ** open the cursor to get the next available transaction id.
154 */
155         open c_tmid;
156         fetch c_tmid into l_tmid;
157         close c_tmid;
158         --open c_tid;
159         --fetch c_tid into l_tid;
160         --close c_tid;
161 /*
162 ** Make entry in the payments table.
163 */
166 	iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
168         /*
169          * Get the bep type based on the bep id.
170          * This is used to determine what value to
171          * insert for transaction status.
172          */
173         SELECT NVL(bep_type,iby_bepinfo_pkg.C_BEPTYPE_GATEWAY)
174         INTO   l_beptype
175         FROM   IBY_BEPINFO
176         WHERE  (bepid=i_bepid);
178         IF (l_beptype = iby_bepinfo_pkg.C_BEPTYPE_GATEWAY) THEN
179             /*
180              * For gateways, pending = status 11
181              */
182             l_status := 11;
183         ELSE
184             /*
185              * For processors, pending = status 100
186              */
187             l_status := 100;
188             -- expected by new batch grouping program- bug # 6125789
189             l_trxntypeid := 100;
190             l_reqtype := 'ORAPMTEFTCLOSEBATCH';
191         END IF;
193  /* now get the reference code*/
195  if ( c_reference%isopen ) then
196              close c_reference;
197         end if;
199      open c_reference(i_tangibleid);
200      fetch c_reference into l_reference_code, l_reference_amount;
201      close c_reference;
203         /*
204          * Some direct debit formats require the debtors
205          * reference on the transaction. The debtors reference
206          * is the mandate signed between the merchant and the
207          * customer.
208          *
209          * AR does not hat a source for this field in FP.G.
210          * In order to minimize the impact, this field is picked
211          * up from HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS.ACCOUNT_NAME.
212          */
213         BEGIN
215             IF (i_custacctid IS NOT NULL) THEN
217                 SELECT
218                     hz.account_name
219                 INTO
220                     l_settle_cust_ref
221                 FROM
222                     HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS hz
223                 WHERE
224                     hz.cust_account_id = i_custacctid
225                 ;
227             END IF;
229         EXCEPTION
230             WHEN OTHERS THEN
232             /*
233              * If no rows or found or if multiple rows
234              * are found, we will not be able to get the
235              * settlement reference.
236              *
237              * This is ok. This will be caught during the
238              * validation of the payment message, and the
239              * transaction will be failed.
240              *
241              * Handle the exception gracefully here.
242              */
244             NULL;
246         END;
248         /*
249          * Some payment systems (e.g., Citibank) need to
250          * know whether a transaction is a first direct debit
251          * for a particular payer.
252          *
253          * Determining whether this is the first direct debit
254          * by looking up the trxns table for this (payee, payer)
255          * combination and checking whether any direct debit
256          * transactions exist.
257          */
258         BEGIN
260             SELECT
261                 COUNT(*)
262             INTO
263                 l_cnt
264             FROM
265                 IBY_TRXN_SUMMARIES_ALL trxn
266             WHERE
267                 trxn.mpayeeid     = l_mpayeeid    AND
268                 trxn.instrtype    = 'BANKACCOUNT' AND
269                 trxn.instrsubtype = 'ACH'         AND
270                 trxn.payerid      = i_payerid
271             ;
273             /*
274              * If count of existing transactions for this
275              * payer is 0, this is the first direct debit
276              * for this payer.
277              */
278             IF (l_cnt = 0) THEN
279                 l_first_trx_flag := 'Y';
280             ELSE
281                 l_first_trx_flag := 'N';
282             END IF;
284         EXCEPTION
285             WHEN OTHERS THEN
287             /*
288              * Handle error situations gracefully.
289              * Assume that this is not the first debit
290              * for this payer.
291              */
292             l_first_trx_flag := 'N';
294         END;
298 /*
299 ** if cursor is already open then close it.
300 */
301         if ( c_settle_exists%isopen ) then
302              close c_settle_exists;
303         end if;
305 /*
306 ** open the cursor to get the next available transaction id.
307 */
308         open c_settle_exists;
309         fetch c_settle_exists into l_old_tmid, l_mtangibleid;
312     if(c_settle_exists%NOTFOUND)  then
314 /*
315 ** call createBill procedure in iby_bill_pkg to create tangible in the
316 ** database.
317 */
318 -- the order_medium and eftauthmethod are not relevant for fi payments
321         iby_bill_pkg.createBill(i_tangibleid, i_billAmount,
322                                 i_billCurDef, i_billAcct,i_billRefInfo,
323                                 i_billMemo, i_billOrderMedium, i_billEftAuthMethod, l_mtangibleid);
326         insert into iby_trxn_summaries_all
327                              ( trxnMId, transactionId, tangibleid,
328                                mpayeeid, payeeid, payeeinstrid,
329                                bepid, bepkey, ecappid, org_id, org_type,
330                                paymentMethodname, payerid, payerinstrid,
331                                amount, currencyNameCode, reqdate,
332                                reqtype, status, settledate,
333                                mtangibleId, nlslang, instrtype, instrsubtype,
334                                last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by,
335                                creation_date, created_by,
336                                last_update_login, object_version_number,
337                                proc_reference_code, proc_reference_amount,
338                                cust_account_id, acct_site_id, acct_site_use_id,
339                                settlement_customer_reference, first_trxn_flag,
340                                process_profile_code, trxntypeid,needsupdt
341                              )
343         values ( l_tmid, l_tid, i_tangibleid, l_mpayeeid,
344                  i_payeeid, i_bnfcryinstrid, i_bepid,
345                  i_bepkey, i_ecappid, i_org_id, i_org_type, i_pmtMethod,
346                  i_payerid, i_instrid, i_billamount,
347                  i_billcurDef, i_reqdate, l_reqtype,
348                  l_status, i_scheddate, l_mtangibleid, i_nlslang,
349                  'BANKACCOUNT', 'ACH',
350                  sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
351                  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
352                  fnd_global.login_id, 1, l_reference_code, l_reference_amount,
353                  i_custacctid, i_acctsiteid, i_acctsiteuseid,
354                  l_settle_cust_ref, l_first_trx_flag, i_profilecode,
355                  l_trxntypeid,'Y'
356                 );
358 /*
359 ** After everything is successful then create an entry in the
360 ** iby_request table.
361 */
362         insert into iby_trxn_fi
363                     (trxnMid, psreqid, splitId,
364 		last_update_date, last_updated_by,
365 		creation_date, created_by,
366 		last_update_login, object_version_number)
367         values ( l_tmid, i_psreqid, i_splitId,
368 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
369 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
370 		fnd_global.login_id, 1);
371         io_tid := l_tid;
373 else
374    -- Update iby_tangible table
376       iby_bill_pkg.modBill(
377            l_mtangibleid,               -- IN i_mtangibleid
378            i_tangibleid,                -- IN i_billId
379            i_billamount,                    -- IN i_billAmount
380            i_billCurDef,                  -- IN i_billCurDef
381            i_billAcct,                    -- IN i_billAcct
382            i_billRefInfo,                   -- IN i_billRefInfo
383            i_billMemo,                      -- IN i_billMemo
384            i_billOrderMedium,               -- IN i_billOrderMedium
385            i_billEftAuthMethod);            -- IN i_billEftAuthMethod
388      UPDATE iby_trxn_summaries_all
389           SET
390               org_id                = i_org_id,
391               ecappid               = i_ecappid,
392               payeeid               = i_payeeid,
393               bepid                 = i_bepid,
394               bepkey                = i_bepkey,
395               paymentMethodname     = i_pmtmethod,
396               payerid               = i_payerid,
397               payerinstrid          = i_instrid,
398               amount                = i_billamount,
399               currencyNameCode      = i_billcurDef,
400               status                = l_status,
401               cust_account_id       = i_custacctid,
402               acct_site_id          = i_acctsiteid,
403               acct_site_use_id      = i_acctsiteuseid,
404               last_update_date      = sysdate,
405               updatedate            = sysdate,
406               last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id,
407               creation_date         = sysdate,
408               created_by            = fnd_global.user_id,
409               last_update_login     = fnd_global.user_id,
410               object_version_number = object_version_number+1,
411               settlement_customer_reference = l_settle_cust_ref,
412               first_trxn_flag       = l_first_trx_flag
413         WHERE trxnmid               = l_old_tmid;
414 end if;
416      close c_settle_exists;
417      io_tid := l_tid;
418     else
419         raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20560#', FALSE);
420         --raise_application_error(-20560, 'Duplicate Request ' , FALSE);
421     end if;
422     commit;
423 end createPayment;
426 Function requestExists(i_tid iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type,
427           i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type)
428 return boolean
429 is
430 l_cnt int;
431 begin
432 /*
433 ** get the count of the rows with same request type, tangibleid and
434 ** payeeid. If count is more than 0, it means, request already exists
435 ** otherwise does not exist.
436 */
437     select count(*) into l_cnt
438     from iby_trxn_summaries_all s
439     where transactionId = i_tid
440     and reqType = i_reqType;
442     -- and status = 0
444     if ( l_cnt = 0 ) then
445         return false;
446     else
447         return true;
448     end if;
449 end requestExists;
452 Function requestExists(i_payeeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
453           i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
454           i_splitId in iby_trxn_fi.splitId%type,
455           i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type)
456 return boolean
457 is
458 l_cnt int;
459 begin
460 /*
461 ** get the count of the rows with same request type, tangibleid and
462 ** payeeid. If count is more than 0, it means, request already exists
463 ** otherwise does not exist.
464 */
465     select count(*)  into l_cnt
466     from iby_trxn_summaries_all s
467     where payeeId = i_payeeId
468     and tangibleid = i_tangibleId
469     and UPPER(reqType) = UPPER(i_reqType)
470     and trxntypeid not in (20);
471     --and i_splitId in ( select splitId
472                      --from iby_trxn_fi f
473                      --where f.trxnmid = s.trxnmid);
474     -- The 'AND' condition for the splitId is removed as we do not use
475     -- splitId anymore.
477     if ( l_cnt = 0 ) then
478         return false;
479     else
480         return true;
481     end if;
482 end requestExists;
483 /*
484 **  Procedure: CanModify.
485 **  Purpose:   Checks whether particular transaction specified
486 **             can be modified or not.
487 **  In Params: i_tid, transaction id.
488 **  out Params: boolean , true if it can be modified otherwise false.
489 */
490 function canModifyorCancel(i_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type)
491 return boolean
492 is
493 l_cnt int;
494 begin
495     select count(*) into l_cnt
496     from iby_trxn_summaries_all s
497     where transactionId = i_tid
498     and (( (reqtype = 'ORAPMTREQ' or reqtype = 'ORAPMTCREDIT') and (status <> -99 and status <> 100)) or
499           (reqtype = 'ORAPMTCANC'));
500     if ( l_cnt = 0 ) then
501         return true;
502     else
503         return false;
504     end if;
505 end canModifyOrCancel;
507 /*
508 **  Procedure: modifyPayment.
509 **  Purpose: modify the payment that matches the tid passed.
510 **  Description: Check whether the payment request id is already sent or
511 **               not. if yes raise an error. Otherwise, check whether
512 **               user holds the specified instrument or not.
513 **               Check whether specified payee id exists or not.
514 **               If all the check are validated then create the
515 **               tangible. Modify the  payment object that payment id matched,
516 **               then create the request object.
517 */
518 procedure modifyPayment(i_ecappid in iby_ecapp.ecappid%type,
519             i_payeeid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
520             i_instrid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
521             i_payerid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%type,
522             i_tangibleid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
523             i_billamount in iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
524             i_billcurDef in iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
525             i_billAcct in iby_tangible.acctno%type,
526             i_billRefInfo in iby_tangible.refinfo%type,
527             i_billMemo in iby_tangible.memo%type,
528             i_billOrdermedium in iby_tangible.order_medium%TYPE,
529             i_billEftAuthMethod in iby_tangible.eft_auth_method%TYPE,
530             i_scheddate in iby_trxn_summaries_all.settledate%type,
531             i_reqtype in iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
532             i_reqdate in iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
533             i_bepid    in iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type,
534             i_bepkey   in iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepkey%type,
535             i_pmtmethod in iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
536             i_psreqId in iby_trxn_fi.psreqid%type,
537             i_nlslang in iby_trxn_summaries_all.nlslang%type,
538             i_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type,
539 	    i_org_id in iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_id%type)
540 is
541 l_mtangibleid iby_tangible.mtangibleid%type;
542 l_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
543 l_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type;
544 l_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type;
546 l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
548 cursor c_tmid is
549 select iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.nextval
550 from dual;
552 cursor c_mtangibleid(ci_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type)
553 is
554 select mtangibleid , tangibleid
555 from iby_trxn_summaries_all
556 where transactionId = ci_tid
557 group by mtangibleid , tangibleid;
558 l_splitId iby_trxn_fi.splitId%type;
559 begin
561    IF (NVL(i_instrid,0) <> 0) THEN
562      checkInstrId(i_instrid);
563    END IF;
564 /*
565 ** call requestExist method to check whether request already exists
566 ** or not. if exists, then raise an application error.
567 */
568     if ( canModifyOrCancel(i_tid) ) then
569 /*
570 ** if payee account does not exists then raise an exception.
571 */
572         if ( not iby_payee_pkg.payeeExists( i_ecappid, i_payeeid) ) then
573 	        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20305#', FALSE);
574             --raise_application_error(-20305, 'Payee Not Found ', FALSE);
575         end if;
576 /*
577 ** call createBill procedure in iby_bill_pkg to create tangible in the
578 ** database.
579 */
580         if ( c_mtangibleid%isopen ) then
581             close c_mtangibleid;
582         end if;
583         open c_mtangibleid(i_tid);
584         fetch c_mtangibleid into l_mtangibleid, l_tangibleid;
585         close c_mtangibleid;
586         if ( l_tangibleid <> i_tangibleid ) then
587 	        raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20561#', FALSE);
588             --raise_application_error(-20561, 'Tangible Id should Match',
589                                     --TRUE);
590         end if;
591         iby_bill_pkg.createBill(i_tangibleid, i_billAmount,
592                                 i_billCurDef, i_billAcct,i_billRefInfo,
593                                 i_billMemo, i_billOrdermedium,
594                                 i_billEftAuthMethod, l_mtangibleid);
596 /*
597 ** open the cursor to get the next available transaction id.
598 */
599         open c_tmid;
600         fetch c_tmid into l_tmid;
601         close c_tmid;
603 /*
604 ** get the reqtype
605 */
606    select reqtype into l_reqtype from iby_trxn_summaries_all
607    WHERE transactionId = i_tid and status = 100
608    and (reqtype = 'ORAPMTREQ' or reqtype = 'ORAPMTCREDIT');
611 /*
612 ** update the transactions table with the new data.
613 */
614         update iby_trxn_summaries_all
615         set status  = -99,
616 	    last_update_date = sysdate,
617      updatedate = sysdate,
618 	    last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
619 	    last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
620 	    object_version_number = 1
621         where transactionId = i_tid
622         and (reqtype = 'ORAPMTREQ' or reqtype = 'ORAPMTCREDIT')
623         and status = 100;
626 -- // pending requests...
628         select splitId  into l_splitId
629         from iby_trxn_fi
630         where trxnmid in ( select trxnmid
631                            from iby_trxn_summaries_all
632                            where transactionId =  i_tid)
633         and rownum < 2;
634 /*
635 ** Make entry in the payments table.
636 */
637 	iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
638         insert into iby_trxn_summaries_all
639                              ( trxnMId, transactionId, tangibleid,
640                                   mpayeeid, payeeid,  bepid, bepkey, ecappid,
641 				  org_id, paymentMethodname,
642                                   payerid, payerinstrid, amount,
643                                   currencyNameCode,
644                                   reqdate, reqtype, status, settledate,
645                                   mtangibleId, nlslang, instrtype,
646 				last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by,
647 				creation_date, created_by,
648 				last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
650         values ( l_tmid, i_tid, i_tangibleid, l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid,
651                  i_bepid, i_bepkey, i_ecappid, i_org_id, i_pmtMethod,
652 		 i_payerid, i_instrid,
653                  i_billamount, i_billcurDef, i_reqdate,
654                  l_reqtype, 100, i_scheddate, l_mtangibleid, i_nlslang,
656 		 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
657 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
658 		fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y');
660 /*
661 ** After inserting an entry in transactions_summaries_all table,
662 ** make an entry in the iby_trxn_fi table, corresponding to
663 ** the transaction master id.
664 */
665         insert into iby_trxn_fi
666                     (trxnMid, psreqid, splitId,
667 			last_update_date, last_updated_by,
668 			creation_date, created_by,
669 			last_update_login, object_version_number)
670         values ( l_tmid, i_psreqid, l_splitId,
671 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
672 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
673 		fnd_global.login_id, 1);
674     else
675 /*
676 ** if modification is not allowed then raise an exception.
677 */
678 	--can't modify/cancel when request not pending
679 	  raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_41516#', FALSE);
680 	        --raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20562#', FALSE);
681         --raise_application_error(-20562,'Modification can not be done', FALSE);
682     end if;
684     commit;
685 end modifyPayment;
686 /*
687 ** Procedure: deletePayment.
688 ** Purpose: Marks the payment whose id matches the tid passed as
689 **          'CANCELLED'.
690 */
691 -- procedure deletePayment(i_ecappid in iby_ecapp.ecappid%type,
692 procedure deletePayment( i_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type )
693 is
694 l_old_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
695 l_new_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
696 l_tid iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type;
697 l_status iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%type;
699 cursor c_tmid is
700 select iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.nextval
701 from dual;
703 cursor getLatestTMID(ci_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type) is
704 select trxnmid , status
705 from iby_trxn_summaries_all s
706 where transactionid=ci_tid
707 and status = 100
708 -- // status for pending.
709 and (reqtype = 'ORAPMTREQ' or reqtype = 'ORAPMTCREDIT');
711 begin
712 /*
713 ** if request already exists, then raise an Exception.
714 */
715     --if ( requestExists(i_tid, 'ORAPMTCANC') ) then
716 	--  raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20563#', FALSE);
717         --raise_application_error(-20563, 'Payment is already cancelled', FALSE);
718     --end if;
719 /*
720 ** Check if the request can be cancelled or not. If not raise
721 ** error.
722 */
723     if ( canModifyOrCancel(i_tid) ) then
724 /*
725 ** make the earlier transaction entry as invlid, create another
726 ** entry with same information, but cahnge status to -1.
727 */
728         open getLatestTMID(i_tid);
729         fetch getLatestTMID into l_old_tmid, l_status;
730         if ( getLatestTMID%notfound ) then
731             close getLatestTMID;
732 	  	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20564#', FALSE);
733             --raise_application_error(-20564,'No PmtReq request before.', FALSE);
734         end if;
735         close getLatestTMID;
736 /*
737 ** Get Master transaction Id, if cursor is already open then close it.
738 */
739         if ( c_tmid%isopen ) then
740              close c_tmid;
741         end if;
742         open c_tmid;
743         fetch c_tmid into l_new_tmid;
744         close c_tmid;
745 /*
746 ** update the transactions table with the new data.
747 */
748         update iby_trxn_summaries_all
749         set status  = -99,
750 	    last_update_date = sysdate,
751      updatedate = sysdate,
752 	    last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
753 	    last_update_login = fnd_global.login_id,
754 	    object_version_number = 1
755         where transactionId = i_tid
756         and (reqtype = 'ORAPMTREQ' or reqtype = 'ORAPMTCREDIT');
758 /*
759 ** Insert record, with values that of latest record and increment the
760 ** tid value by 1.
761 */
762         insert into iby_trxn_summaries_all
763                              ( trxnMId, transactionId, tangibleid,
764                                   mpayeeid, payeeid,  bepid, ecappid,
765 				  org_id, paymentMethodname,
766                                   payerid, payerinstrid,
767 				  amount, currencyNameCode,
768                                   reqdate, reqtype, status,
769                                   mtangibleId, nlslang, instrtype,
770 				last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by,
771 				creation_date, created_by,
772 				last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
774         select l_new_tmid, transactionId, tangibleid,
775                                   mpayeeid, payeeid,  bepid, ecappid,
776 				  org_id, paymentMethodname,
777 				  payerid, payerinstrid,
778                                   amount, currencyNameCode,
779                                   sysdate, 'ORAPMTCANC', 14,
780                                   mtangibleId, nlslang, 'BANKACCOUNT',
781 		 		 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
782 				 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
783 				fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y'
784         from iby_trxn_summaries_all
785         where trxnmid = l_old_tmid;
788         insert into iby_trxn_fi
789                     (trxnMid, psreqid, splitId,
790 				last_update_date, last_updated_by,
791 				creation_date, created_by,
792 				last_update_login, object_version_number)
794         select l_new_tmid, psreqid, splitId,
795 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
796 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
797 		fnd_global.login_id, 1
798         from iby_trxn_fi
799         where trxnmid = l_old_tmid;
801     else
802 	-- can't modify/cancel when not pending
803 	  raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_41516#', FALSE);
804 	  --raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20560#', FALSE);
805         --raise_application_error(-20560, 'Duplicate Request ', FALSE);
806     end if;
807     commit;
808 end deletePayment;
811 /*
812 * Procedure: setTrxnStatus
813 * Purpose: Modify the status of the transaction
814 *
815 */
817 procedure setTrxnStatus(i_tmid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type,
818                         i_status in iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%type)
819 is
821 begin
823      update iby_trxn_summaries_all
824      set status=i_status
825      where trxnmid=i_tmid;
827      commit;
829 exception
830      when others then
831      raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20400#', FALSE);
833 end setTrxnStatus;
835 /*
836 ** Procedure: createReturnPayment.
837 ** Purpose: Create the payment whose id matches the tid passed as
838 **          'ORAPMTRETURN'.
839 */
841 procedure createReturnPayment(
842                  i_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type,
843                  i_currencycode in iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
844                  i_amount in iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
845                  io_trxnmid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type
846  )
847 is
848 l_old_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
849 l_new_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type;
850 l_tid iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type;
851 l_status iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%type;
852 l_reference_code iby_trxn_summaries_all.proc_reference_code%type;
853 l_trxn_exists     VARCHAR2(1);
854 cursor c_tmid is
855 select iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.nextval
856 from dual;
858  CURSOR trxn_exists IS
859   SELECT 'Y', trxnmid
860     FROM iby_trxn_summaries_all s
861    WHERE transactionid=i_tid
862    AND  trxntypeid=5
863     AND status <> '0'
864      ORDER BY reqdate desc;
866 cursor getLatestTMID(ci_tid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionId%type) is
867 select trxnmid , status, proc_reference_code
868 from iby_trxn_summaries_all s
869 where transactionid=ci_tid
870 and status in ( 0, 100)
871 -- // status for pending or success.
872 and (reqtype = 'ORAPMTREQ')
873 and trxntypeid is null;
875 begin
877     open getLatestTMID(i_tid);
878         fetch getLatestTMID into l_old_tmid, l_status, l_reference_code;
879         if ( getLatestTMID%notfound ) then
880             close getLatestTMID;
881 	  	raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20564#', FALSE);
883         end if;
884         close getLatestTMID;
886 /*
887 ** check return request exists or not
888 */
889   if ( trxn_exists%isopen ) then
890              close trxn_exists;
891         end if;
892   OPEN trxn_exists;
893     FETCH trxn_exists INTO l_trxn_exists, l_new_tmid;
894     CLOSE trxn_exists;
897       IF (NVL(l_trxn_exists, 'N') = 'Y') THEN
899        update iby_trxn_summaries_all
900        set   currencynamecode=i_currencycode,
901              amount=i_amount,
902              proc_reference_code=l_reference_code,
903              last_update_date      = sysdate,
904              updatedate            = sysdate,
905              last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id,
906              last_update_login     = fnd_global.user_id,
907               object_version_number = 1
908       where trxnmid=l_new_tmid;
909 else
911 /*
912 ** Get Master transaction Id, if cursor is already open then close it.
913 */
914         if ( c_tmid%isopen ) then
915              close c_tmid;
916         end if;
917         open c_tmid;
918         fetch c_tmid into l_new_tmid;
919         close c_tmid;
921 /*
922 ** Insert record, with values that of latest record and increment the
923 ** tid value by 1.
924 */
925         insert into iby_trxn_summaries_all
926                              ( trxnMId, transactionId, tangibleid,
927                                   mpayeeid, payeeid,  bepid, ecappid,
928 				  org_id, paymentMethodname,
929                                   payerid, payerinstrid,
930 				  amount, currencyNameCode,
931                                   reqdate, reqtype, status,
932                                   mtangibleId, nlslang, instrtype,
933 				last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by,
934 				creation_date, created_by,
935 				last_update_login, object_version_number,
936                                 proc_reference_code, proc_reference_amount, trxntypeid, bepkey,needsupdt
937                                  ,payment_channel_code,settledate,settlement_due_date)
939         select l_new_tmid, transactionId, tangibleid,
940                                   mpayeeid, payeeid,  bepid, ecappid,
941 				  org_id, paymentMethodname,
942 				  payerid, payerinstrid,
943                                   i_amount, i_currencycode,
944                                   sysdate, 'ORAPMTRETURN', 9,
945                                   mtangibleId, nlslang, 'BANKACCOUNT',
946 		 		 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
947 				 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
948 				fnd_global.login_id, 1,
949                                  proc_reference_code, amount, 5, bepkey,'Y'
950                               , payment_channel_code,settledate,settlement_due_date
951         from iby_trxn_summaries_all
952         where trxnmid = l_old_tmid;
955         insert into iby_trxn_fi
956                     (trxnMid, psreqid, splitId,
957 				last_update_date, last_updated_by,
958 				creation_date, created_by,
959 				last_update_login, object_version_number)
961         select l_new_tmid, psreqid, splitId,
962 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
963 		 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
964 		fnd_global.login_id, 1
965         from iby_trxn_fi
966         where trxnmid = l_old_tmid;
968 end if;
969      io_trxnmid:=l_new_tmid;
971     commit;
972 end createReturnPayment;
975 /*
976 * Procedure: updateTrxn
977 * Purpose: Update the transaction status with the return results
978 *
979 */
981 procedure updateTrxn(
982             i_trxnmid in iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxnmid%type,
983             i_status in iby_trxn_summaries_all.status%type,
984             i_bepcode        IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.BEPCode%TYPE,
985             i_bepmessage     IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.BEPMessage%TYPE,
986             i_errorlocation  IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.errorlocation%TYPE,
987             i_referenceCode  IN iby_trxn_summaries_all.proc_reference_code%TYPE)
988 is
990 begin
992     UPDATE iby_trxn_summaries_all
993           SET
994               status                = i_status,
995               bepcode               = i_bepcode,
996               bepmessage            = i_bepmessage,
997               errorlocation         = i_errorlocation,
998               last_update_date      = sysdate,
999               last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id,
1000               last_update_login     = fnd_global.user_id,
1001               object_version_number = 1,
1002               proc_reference_code   = i_referencecode
1003         WHERE trxnmid               = i_trxnmid;
1005      commit;
1007 exception
1008      when others then
1009      raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20400#', FALSE);
1011 end updateTrxn;
1013 end iby_fipayments_pkg;