448: select /*+ INDEX (bcol BOM_CTO_ORDER_LINES_GT_U1) */
449: option_specific_sourced
450: into l_option_specific
451: from mtl_system_items msi,
452: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol
453: where msi.inventory_item_id = bcol.config_item_id
454: and line_id = p_ato_line_id
455: and rownum =1; /* Bugfix 3472654 */
458: select /*+ INDEX (bcol BOM_CTO_ORDER_LINES_GT_U1) */
459: 'Y'
460: into l_valid_ship_from_org
461: from bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol,
462: mtl_system_items msi
463: where line_id = p_ato_line_id
464: and msi.inventory_item_id = bcol.config_item_id
465: and msi.organization_id = bcol.ship_from_org_id
466: and msi.option_specific_sourced is not null
502: Begin
503: Select 'x'
504: into l_valid_preconfig_org
505: from bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol,
506: mtl_system_items msi
507: where line_id = p_ato_line_id
508: and msi.inventory_item_id = bcol.config_item_id
509: and msi.organization_id = bcol.ship_from_org_id
510: and msi.option_specific_sourced is not null
563: But we don't update the bcol date with the oss flag. As we have not updated
564: the oss flag, later part of the program is copying the sourcing rule from model
565: assuming that this is not a oss config. To avoid this issue, we will flag all
566: the matched config with its oss value from mtl_system_items to bcol so that
567: we won't have this issue.
569: */
570: update bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcolgt
569: */
570: update bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcolgt
571: set option_specific = (select option_specific_sourced
572: from mtl_system_items
573: where inventory_item_id = bcolgt.config_item_id
574: and rownum = 1)
575: where config_item_id is not null
576: and ato_line_id = p_ato_line_id;
1154: 2, /* Make at source type */
1155: 'Y', /* Valid flag */
1156: 'Y' /* Leaf node */
1157: from bom_cto_oss_orgslist_gt oss_lis,
1158: mtl_system_items msi
1159: where oss_lis.organization_id not in
1160: (select /*+ INDEX (oss_src BOM_CTO_OSS_SOURCE_GT_N2) */
1161: nvl(rcv_org_id,-1)
1162: from bom_cto_oss_source_gt oss_src
1662: 2,
1663: 'Y',
1664: 'Y'
1665: from bom_cto_oss_orgslist_gt oss_lis,
1666: mtl_system_items msi,
1667: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol
1668: where
1669: bcol.line_id = p_model_line_id
1670: and bcol.option_specific = '3'
2883: End if;
2885: If p_mode = 'UPG' then
2887: update mtl_system_items msi
2888: set msi.option_specific_sourced = (select bcol.option_specific
2889: from bom_cto_order_lines_upg bcol
2890: where bcol.ato_line_id= p_ato_line_id
2891: and bcol.config_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
2896: and bom_item_type = 1
2897: and option_specific in ('1','2','3')
2898: );
2899: elsif p_mode = 'ACC' Then
2900: update mtl_system_items msi
2901: set msi.option_specific_sourced = (select bcol.option_specific
2902: from bom_cto_order_lines bcol
2903: where bcol.ato_line_id=p_ato_line_id
2904: and bcol.config_item_id =msi.inventory_item_id
4084: from mrp_sr_receipt_org rcv,
4085: mrp_sr_source_org src,
4086: mrp_sr_assignments assg,
4087: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol,
4088: mtl_system_items msi,
4089: ap_supplier_sites_all vend
4091: where
4092: bcol.ato_line_id = bcol.line_id
4118: null
4120: from mrp_sr_assignments assg,
4121: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol,
4122: mtl_system_items msi
4124: where
4125: bcol.ato_line_id = bcol.line_id
4126: and nvl(bcol.wip_supply_type,-1)<> 6
4149: from mrp_sr_receipt_org rcv,
4150: mrp_sr_source_org src,
4151: mrp_sr_assignments assg,
4152: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol,
4153: mtl_system_items msi,
4154: ap_supplier_sites_all vend
4156: where
4157: bcol.config_item_id is not null
4186: null
4188: from mrp_sr_assignments assg,
4189: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol,
4190: mtl_system_items msi
4192: where
4193: bcol.config_item_id is not null
4194: and bcol.top_model_line_id is not null
4415: l_stmt_num := 50;
4416: update /*+ INDEX (bcol BOM_CTO_ORDER_LINES_GT_N1) */
4417: bom_cto_order_lines_gt bcol
4418: set bcol.option_specific = (select msi.option_specific_sourced
4419: from mtl_system_items msi
4420: where msi.inventory_item_id = bcol.config_item_id
4421: and rownum =1)
4422: where bcol.perform_match = 'Y' /* We need to add config creation condition here */
4423: and bcol.config_creation = '3'
5795: If x_t_sourcing_info.source_organization_id.count = 0 Then
5796: x_sourcing_rule_exists := 'N';
5797: Select planning_make_buy_code
5798: into x_source_type
5799: from mtl_system_items
5800: where inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
5801: and organization_id = p_organization_id;
5802: If PG_DEBUG <> 0 Then
5803: oe_debug_pub.add(lpad(' ',g_pg_level)||'QUERY_OSS_SOURCING_ORG: No sourcing rule exists',5);