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Line 23: -- PJI_CLASS_CODES and PJI_CLASS_CATEGORIES. Data extraction is

20: -- This is a private procedure.
21: --
22: -- Procedure updates project classification dimension tables
23: -- PJI_CLASS_CODES and PJI_CLASS_CATEGORIES. Data extraction is
24: -- always incremental.
25: --
26: -- Procedure runs unconditionally, i.e. without a call to
27: -- PJI_PROCESS_UTIL.NEED_TO_RUN_STEP. First of all, data extraction

Line 62: -- relationship between project types in pji_class_codes and

58: -- category - category "All" - that includes all
59: -- project types.
60: --
61: -- We use value "A" to provide a workaround for a many-to-many
62: -- relationship between project types in pji_class_codes and
63: -- project type categories in pji_class_categories. For example, a
64: -- contract project type belongs to both "Contract Project Types"
65: -- class category and "All Project Types". pji_class_codes will
66: -- store only one relationship with "Contract Project Types". For

Line 65: -- class category and "All Project Types". pji_class_codes will

61: -- We use value "A" to provide a workaround for a many-to-many
62: -- relationship between project types in pji_class_codes and
63: -- project type categories in pji_class_categories. For example, a
64: -- contract project type belongs to both "Contract Project Types"
65: -- class category and "All Project Types". pji_class_codes will
66: -- store only one relationship with "Contract Project Types". For
67: -- reporting purposes the list of project types for classification
68: -- "All Project Types" will be derived by PJI code that parses
69: -- PMV parameters based on record_type column.

Line 121: INSERT INTO pji_class_codes

119: -- Extract class codes
121: INSERT INTO pji_class_codes
122: (
123: class_id
124: , class_code
125: , class_category

Line 134: pji_class_codes_s.NEXTVAL

130: , created_by
131: , last_update_login
132: )
134: pji_class_codes_s.NEXTVAL
135: , class_code
136: , class_category
137: , record_type
138: , l_last_update_date

Line 178: pji_class_codes

174: class_code class_code
175: , class_category class_category
176: , record_type record_type
177: FROM
178: pji_class_codes
179: )
180: ;
182: Pji_Utils.write2log('Inserted ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' record(s) ' ||

Line 183: 'into PJI_CLASS_CODES',TRUE,2);

179: )
180: ;
182: Pji_Utils.write2log('Inserted ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT || ' record(s) ' ||
183: 'into PJI_CLASS_CODES',TRUE,2);
185: -- Note that we do not commit. This procedure can
186: -- be called from other program units so that we do
187: -- not want to commit in the middle of somebody else's

Line 331: , pji_class_codes cls

327: , NULL log_operation_type
328: FROM
329: pa_project_classes prj
330: , pji_pji_proj_batch_map bat
331: , pji_class_codes cls
332: WHERE 1=1
333: AND bat.extraction_type <> 'I'
334: AND bat.project_id = prj.project_id
335: AND bat.worker_id = p_worker_id

Line 359: , pji_class_codes cls

355: , NULL log_operation_type
356: FROM
357: pji_pji_proj_batch_map bat
358: , pa_project_classes prj
359: , pji_class_codes cls
360: WHERE 1=1
361: AND l_extraction_type = 'INCREMENTAL'
362: AND bat.extraction_type = 'I'
363: AND bat.project_id = prj.project_id

Line 432: pji_class_codes cls

428: FROM
429: pa_project_types_all pt,
430: pa_projects_all prj,
431: pji_pji_proj_batch_map bat,
432: pji_class_codes cls
433: WHERE
434: prj.project_id = bat.project_id
435: AND pt.project_type_class_code IS NOT NULL -- bug 3082170
436: AND prj.project_type = pt.project_type

Line 559: FROM pji_class_codes cls

557: SET project_class_id = (
558: SELECT cls.class_id
559: FROM pji_class_codes cls
560: WHERE cls.class_code = extr.class_code
561: AND cls.class_category = extr.class_category
562: )
563: WHERE project_class_id IS NULL