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Line 186: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN

183: BEGIN
184: --
185: /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
186: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
187: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_create' , 10);
188: return;
189: END IF;
190: --

Line 187: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_create' , 10);

183: BEGIN
184: --
185: /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
186: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
187: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_create' , 10);
188: return;
189: END IF;
190: --

Line 192: hr_utility.trace('Preproc - INS ');

188: return;
189: END IF;
190: --
192: hr_utility.trace('Preproc - INS ');
194: -- Checking if current entry is of type 'FR_SICKNESS_CPAM_PROCESS'
195: -- and is being made by the EE or BEE form
196: IF C_proc_entry%ISOPEN THEN

Line 213: hr_utility.trace('Preproc - INS - INFO entry found');

209: END IF;
210: OPEN C_info_entry(p_element_entry_id);
211: FETCH C_info_entry INTO rec_info_entry;
212: IF C_info_entry%FOUND THEN
213: hr_utility.trace('Preproc - INS - INFO entry found');
214: l_effective_start_date := p_effective_start_date;
215: l_effective_end_date := p_effective_end_date;
216: l_entry_information_category := 'FR_CPAM PROCESS INFORMATION';

Line 242: hr_utility.trace(' INS Fetched Input values');

238: OPEN C_input_values(p_element_entry_id);
239: FETCH C_input_values INTO rec_input_values;
240: CLOSE C_input_values;
242: hr_utility.trace(' INS Fetched Input values');
243: IF rec_input_values.Days IS NULL THEN
244: rec_input_values.Days := (rec_input_values.To_Dt - rec_input_values.Frm_dt + 1);
245: /*
246: -- Since Days is an non enterable input value, wont enter this condn.

Line 266: hr_utility.trace(' INS Fetched and cross validated Input values');

262: IF rec_input_values.Net_Amount <> (rec_input_values.Net_Daily_Rate * rec_input_values.Days) THEN
263: fnd_message.set_name ('PAY', 'PAY_75072_CPAM_INFO_INV_NT_AMT');
264: fnd_message.raise_error;
265: END IF;
266: hr_utility.trace(' INS Fetched and cross validated Input values');
267: -- 4) Invalid dates
268: IF C_info_entries%ISOPEN THEN
269: CLOSE C_info_entries;
270: END IF;

Line 279: hr_utility.trace(' INS Checked for overlapping INFO entries');

275: fnd_message.set_token('PAY_PERIOD',to_char(rec_info_entries.effective_start_date));
276: fnd_message.raise_error;
277: END IF;
278: CLOSE C_info_entries;
279: hr_utility.trace(' INS Checked for overlapping INFO entries');
280: IF C_iv_ids%ISOPEN THEN
281: CLOSE C_iv_ids;
282: END IF;

Line 301: hr_utility.trace(' INS Fetched and checked Input values');

297: OPEN C_element_link(g_proc_element_type_id, p_element_link_id, p_effective_start_date);
298: FETCH C_element_link INTO rec_element_link;
299: CLOSE C_element_link;
301: hr_utility.trace(' INS Fetched and checked Input values');
302: -- Query sickness absences (and Pay IJSS Estimate) between the payments start and end date
303: cnt_absences := 0;
304: FOR rec_absences IN C_absences(p_assignment_id, rec_input_values.Frm_Dt, rec_input_values.To_Dt)
305: LOOP

Line 307: hr_utility.trace(' INS Absences found :'||cnt_absences||' with Estimate set to ='||rec_absences.pay_estimate);

303: cnt_absences := 0;
304: FOR rec_absences IN C_absences(p_assignment_id, rec_input_values.Frm_Dt, rec_input_values.To_Dt)
305: LOOP
306: cnt_absences := cnt_absences + 1;
307: hr_utility.trace(' INS Absences found :'||cnt_absences||' with Estimate set to ='||rec_absences.pay_estimate);
308: IF rec_absences.pay_estimate = 'N' THEN
309: hr_utility.trace(' Absences to be preprocessed for:'||cnt_absences);
310: cnt_periods := 0;

Line 309: hr_utility.trace(' Absences to be preprocessed for:'||cnt_absences);

305: LOOP
306: cnt_absences := cnt_absences + 1;
307: hr_utility.trace(' INS Absences found :'||cnt_absences||' with Estimate set to ='||rec_absences.pay_estimate);
308: IF rec_absences.pay_estimate = 'N' THEN
309: hr_utility.trace(' Absences to be preprocessed for:'||cnt_absences);
310: cnt_periods := 0;
312: --Bug #3040003
313: IF (rec_absences.ijss_ineligible_date <= rec_input_values.Frm_Dt

Line 325: hr_utility.trace(' Period boundaries found :'||cnt_periods);

321: -- Query number of per_time_periods from the payroll on the assignment
322: FOR rec_time_periods IN C_time_periods(p_assignment_id, GREATEST(rec_input_values.Frm_Dt,rec_absences.date_start), LEAST(rec_input_values.To_Dt,rec_absences.date_end))
323: LOOP
324: cnt_periods := cnt_periods + 1;
325: hr_utility.trace(' Period boundaries found :'||cnt_periods);
326: -- Creating entry with relevant dates
327: l_process_element_entry_id := NULL;
329: --l_prev_start_date := GREATEST(rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt);

Line 330: hr_utility.trace(' INS Creating entry for relevant Period :'||cnt_periods);

326: -- Creating entry with relevant dates
327: l_process_element_entry_id := NULL;
329: --l_prev_start_date := GREATEST(rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt);
330: hr_utility.trace(' INS Creating entry for relevant Period :'||cnt_periods);
331: hr_utility.trace(' With dates: start='||GREATEST(rec_time_periods.start_date,rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt)||
332: ' end='||LEAST(rec_time_periods.end_date,rec_absences.date_end, rec_input_values.To_dt));
333: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry
334: (

Line 331: hr_utility.trace(' With dates: start='||GREATEST(rec_time_periods.start_date,rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt)||

327: l_process_element_entry_id := NULL;
329: --l_prev_start_date := GREATEST(rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt);
330: hr_utility.trace(' INS Creating entry for relevant Period :'||cnt_periods);
331: hr_utility.trace(' With dates: start='||GREATEST(rec_time_periods.start_date,rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt)||
332: ' end='||LEAST(rec_time_periods.end_date,rec_absences.date_end, rec_input_values.To_dt));
333: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry
334: (
335: p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date,

Line 367: hr_utility.trace(' INS Created entry for relevant Period :'||cnt_periods||' with id ='||l_process_element_entry_id);

363: p_entry_information1 => p_element_entry_id,
364: p_entry_information2 => rec_absences.absence_attendance_id
366: );
367: hr_utility.trace(' INS Created entry for relevant Period :'||cnt_periods||' with id ='||l_process_element_entry_id);
368: END LOOP; -- Time period Loop
370: IF cnt_periods = 0 THEN -- No period break during the absence, create a process entry for whole absence
371: --

Line 372: hr_utility.trace(' No period boundaries :Creating entry for relevant absence');

368: END LOOP; -- Time period Loop
370: IF cnt_periods = 0 THEN -- No period break during the absence, create a process entry for whole absence
371: --
372: hr_utility.trace(' No period boundaries :Creating entry for relevant absence');
373: l_process_element_entry_id := NULL;
375: --l_prev_start_date := GREATEST(rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt);
376: hr_utility.trace(' Creating entry for relevant Absence id='||rec_absences.absence_attendance_id);

Line 376: hr_utility.trace(' Creating entry for relevant Absence id='||rec_absences.absence_attendance_id);

372: hr_utility.trace(' No period boundaries :Creating entry for relevant absence');
373: l_process_element_entry_id := NULL;
375: --l_prev_start_date := GREATEST(rec_absences.date_start,rec_input_values.Frm_dt);
376: hr_utility.trace(' Creating entry for relevant Absence id='||rec_absences.absence_attendance_id);
377: hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry
378: (
379: p_effective_start_date => l_effective_start_date,
380: p_effective_end_date => l_effective_end_date,

Line 409: hr_utility.trace(' INS Created entry for relevant Absence with id='||l_process_element_entry_id);

405: p_entry_information_category=> l_entry_information_category,
406: p_entry_information1 => p_element_entry_id,
407: p_entry_information2 => rec_absences.absence_attendance_id
408: );
409: hr_utility.trace(' INS Created entry for relevant Absence with id='||l_process_element_entry_id);
410: --
411: END IF; -- Period breaks = 0 Chk
413: END IF; -- Pay IJSS Estimate chk

Line 431: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc INS Finished');

428: IF C_info_entry%ISOPEN THEN
429: CLOSE C_info_entry;
430: END IF;
431: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc INS Finished');
432: --hr_utility.trace_off;

Line 432: --hr_utility.trace_off;

428: IF C_info_entry%ISOPEN THEN
429: CLOSE C_info_entry;
430: END IF;
431: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc INS Finished');
432: --hr_utility.trace_off;
436: --

Line 454: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN

450: --
451: BEGIN
452: --
453: /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
454: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
455: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_update' , 10);
456: return;
457: END IF;
458: --

Line 455: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_update' , 10);

451: BEGIN
452: --
453: /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
454: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
455: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_update' , 10);
456: return;
457: END IF;
458: --

Line 460: hr_utility.trace('Preproc - UPD Started');

456: return;
457: END IF;
458: --
460: hr_utility.trace('Preproc - UPD Started');
461: IF C_info_entry%ISOPEN THEN
462: CLOSE C_info_entry;
463: END IF;
464: OPEN C_info_entry(p_element_entry_id);

Line 467: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc - UPD - INFO entry found');

463: END IF;
464: OPEN C_info_entry(p_element_entry_id);
465: FETCH C_info_entry INTO rec_info_entry;
466: IF C_info_entry%FOUND THEN
467: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc - UPD - INFO entry found');
468: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Deleting related process element entries');
470: p_element_entry_id => p_element_entry_id,
471: p_element_link_id_o => p_element_link_id_o,

Line 468: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Deleting related process element entries');

464: OPEN C_info_entry(p_element_entry_id);
465: FETCH C_info_entry INTO rec_info_entry;
466: IF C_info_entry%FOUND THEN
467: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc - UPD - INFO entry found');
468: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Deleting related process element entries');
470: p_element_entry_id => p_element_entry_id,
471: p_element_link_id_o => p_element_link_id_o,
472: p_effective_start_date_o => p_effective_start_date_o,

Line 476: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Finished deleting related process element entries');

472: p_effective_start_date_o => p_effective_start_date_o,
473: p_assignment_id_o => p_assignment_id_o,
474: p_datetrack_mode => 'ZAP'
475: );
476: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Finished deleting related process element entries');
478: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreating process element entries');
479: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - With start dt='||p_effective_start_date||' end dt='||p_effective_end_date);
480: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry id='||p_element_entry_id||' assgt id='||p_assignment_id_o||' link id='||p_element_link_id_o);

Line 478: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreating process element entries');

474: p_datetrack_mode => 'ZAP'
475: );
476: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Finished deleting related process element entries');
478: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreating process element entries');
479: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - With start dt='||p_effective_start_date||' end dt='||p_effective_end_date);
480: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry id='||p_element_entry_id||' assgt id='||p_assignment_id_o||' link id='||p_element_link_id_o);
481: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry type='||p_entry_type_o||' dt earned'||p_date_earned);

Line 479: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - With start dt='||p_effective_start_date||' end dt='||p_effective_end_date);

475: );
476: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Finished deleting related process element entries');
478: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreating process element entries');
479: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - With start dt='||p_effective_start_date||' end dt='||p_effective_end_date);
480: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry id='||p_element_entry_id||' assgt id='||p_assignment_id_o||' link id='||p_element_link_id_o);
481: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry type='||p_entry_type_o||' dt earned'||p_date_earned);

Line 480: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry id='||p_element_entry_id||' assgt id='||p_assignment_id_o||' link id='||p_element_link_id_o);

476: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Finished deleting related process element entries');
478: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreating process element entries');
479: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - With start dt='||p_effective_start_date||' end dt='||p_effective_end_date);
480: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry id='||p_element_entry_id||' assgt id='||p_assignment_id_o||' link id='||p_element_link_id_o);
481: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry type='||p_entry_type_o||' dt earned'||p_date_earned);
484: p_effective_start_date => p_effective_start_date

Line 481: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry type='||p_entry_type_o||' dt earned'||p_date_earned);

478: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreating process element entries');
479: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - With start dt='||p_effective_start_date||' end dt='||p_effective_end_date);
480: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry id='||p_element_entry_id||' assgt id='||p_assignment_id_o||' link id='||p_element_link_id_o);
481: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - entry type='||p_entry_type_o||' dt earned'||p_date_earned);
484: p_effective_start_date => p_effective_start_date
485: ,p_effective_end_date => p_effective_end_date

Line 492: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreated process element entries');

488: ,p_element_link_id => p_element_link_id_o
489: ,p_entry_type => p_entry_type_o
490: ,p_date_earned => p_date_earned
491: );
492: hr_utility.trace(' UPD - Recreated process element entries');
493: END IF;
495: IF C_info_entry%ISOPEN THEN
496: CLOSE C_info_entry;

Line 498: hr_utility.trace('Preproc UPD Finished');

495: IF C_info_entry%ISOPEN THEN
496: CLOSE C_info_entry;
497: END IF;
498: hr_utility.trace('Preproc UPD Finished');
501: --

Line 525: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN

522: BEGIN
523: --
524: /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
525: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
526: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_delete' , 10);
527: return;
528: END IF;
529: --

Line 526: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_delete' , 10);

522: BEGIN
523: --
524: /* Added for GSI Bug 5472781 */
525: IF NOT hr_utility.chk_product_install('Oracle Human Resources', 'FR') THEN
526: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_delete' , 10);
527: return;
528: END IF;
529: --
530: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc DEL Started');

Line 530: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc DEL Started');

526: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving : pay_fr_cpam_preprocessor.cpam_info_delete' , 10);
527: return;
528: END IF;
529: --
530: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc DEL Started');
532: -- To determine that the entry being deleted is of type 'FR_SICKNESS_CPAM_INFO'
533: -- the element link id of the Info type will be compared with the element link id of the entry being deleted
534: IF C_iv_ids%ISOPEN THEN

Line 554: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: Info element type ='||g_info_element_type_id||' with link='||rec_element_link.element_link_id||' Parameter link='||p_element_link_id_o);

550: OPEN C_element_link(g_info_element_type_id, p_element_link_id_o, p_effective_start_date_o);
551: FETCH C_element_link INTO rec_element_link;
552: CLOSE C_element_link;
554: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: Info element type ='||g_info_element_type_id||' with link='||rec_element_link.element_link_id||' Parameter link='||p_element_link_id_o);
555: IF p_element_link_id_o = rec_element_link.element_link_id THEN
556: -- The entry being currently deleted is of type 'FR_SICKNESS_CPAM_INFO'
557: -- So delete all Process entries linked to the current entry
558: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: DT DELETE MODE ='||p_datetrack_mode||' for INFO entry'||p_element_entry_id||' eff start date='||p_effective_start_date_o);

Line 558: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: DT DELETE MODE ='||p_datetrack_mode||' for INFO entry'||p_element_entry_id||' eff start date='||p_effective_start_date_o);

554: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: Info element type ='||g_info_element_type_id||' with link='||rec_element_link.element_link_id||' Parameter link='||p_element_link_id_o);
555: IF p_element_link_id_o = rec_element_link.element_link_id THEN
556: -- The entry being currently deleted is of type 'FR_SICKNESS_CPAM_INFO'
557: -- So delete all Process entries linked to the current entry
558: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: DT DELETE MODE ='||p_datetrack_mode||' for INFO entry'||p_element_entry_id||' eff start date='||p_effective_start_date_o);
560: FOR rec_linked_process_entries IN C_linked_process_entries(p_element_entry_id, p_assignment_id_o )
561: LOOP
562: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc : DELETING entry='||rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);

Line 562: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc : DELETING entry='||rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);

558: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc :: DT DELETE MODE ='||p_datetrack_mode||' for INFO entry'||p_element_entry_id||' eff start date='||p_effective_start_date_o);
560: FOR rec_linked_process_entries IN C_linked_process_entries(p_element_entry_id, p_assignment_id_o )
561: LOOP
562: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc : DELETING entry='||rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);
563: hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry(
564: p_dt_delete_mode => p_datetrack_mode,
565: p_session_date => p_effective_start_date_o,
566: p_element_entry_id => rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);

Line 567: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc : DELETED entry='||rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);

563: hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry(
564: p_dt_delete_mode => p_datetrack_mode,
565: p_session_date => p_effective_start_date_o,
566: p_element_entry_id => rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);
567: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc : DELETED entry='||rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);
568: END LOOP;
569: END IF;
571: hr_utility.trace('Preproc DEL Finished');

Line 571: hr_utility.trace('Preproc DEL Finished');

567: hr_utility.trace(' Preproc : DELETED entry='||rec_linked_process_entries.element_entry_id);
568: END LOOP;
569: END IF;
571: hr_utility.trace('Preproc DEL Finished');