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1 PACKAGE dbms_offline_snapshot AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
3   -------------
4   -- Exceptions
5   --
7   badargument EXCEPTION;
8     PRAGMA exception_init(badargument, -23430);
9     badargument_num NUMBER := -23430;
11   missingremotesnap EXCEPTION;
12     PRAGMA exception_init(missingremotesnap, -23361);
13     misremsnap_num NUMBER := -23361;
15   missingremotemview EXCEPTION;
16     PRAGMA exception_init(missingremotemview, -23361);
17     misremmview_num NUMBER := -23361;
19   snaptabmismatch EXCEPTION;
20     PRAGMA exception_init(snaptabmismatch, -23363);
21     snaptabmis_num NUMBER := -23363;
23   mviewtabmismatch EXCEPTION;
24     PRAGMA exception_init(mviewtabmismatch, -23363);
25     mviewtabmis_num NUMBER := -23363;
27   -------------
29   --
31   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
32   -- Effects:  This routine creates the snapshot named "snapshot_oname" at
33   --   in schema "snapshot_sname" that is in object group "gname."
34   --   The snapshot is derived from a snapshot of the same name  at
35   --   the master site "master_site" located in the same schema "sname."
36   --   When this routine returns normally, the snapshot site is readied
37   --   for offline importation of the snapshot tables from the master site.
38   --   "storage_c" may be specified by the user for indicating storage
39   --   options for snapshot creation.  "comment" will be stored with
40   --   the snapshot information.
41   --   Raises the following exceptions:
42   --      badargument:
43   --            if "gname," "sname," "master_site,"
44   --            or "snapshot_oname" is NULL or ''.
45   --      dbms_repcat.missingrepgroup:
46   --            if "gname" does not name an object group
47   --      missingremotemview:
48   --            if materialized view named "snapshot_oname" does not exist
49   --            at remote master site "master_site"
50   --      mviewtabmismatch:
51   --            if the base table name of the materialized view at master site
52   --            and materialized view site do not match.
53   --      dbms_repcat.missingschema:
54   --            if "snapshot_sname" is not a schema in the object group
55   --            "gname"
56   --
57   PROCEDURE begin_load (gname               IN VARCHAR2,
58 		        sname               IN VARCHAR2,
59                         master_site         IN VARCHAR2,
60                         snapshot_oname      IN VARCHAR2,
61                         storage_c           IN VARCHAR2 := '',
62                         comment             IN VARCHAR2 := '',
63                         min_communication   IN BOOLEAN := TRUE);
65   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
66   --  Effects: This routine ends the instantiation of the snapshot
67   --    "snapshot_oname" in schema "sname" of object group
68   --    "gname."  This routine must be run at the snapshot site.
69   --  Raises the following exceptions:
70   --      badargument:
71   --            if "gname," "snapshot_oname," "snapshot_sname"
72   --            is NULL or ''.
73   --      dbms_repcat.missingrepgroup:
74   --            if "gname" does not name a valid object group.
75   --      dbms_repcat.nonmview:
76   --            if site executing against is not a snapshot site
77   --
78   PROCEDURE end_load (gname            IN VARCHAR2,
79 		      sname            IN VARCHAR2,
80 		      snapshot_oname   IN VARCHAR2);
82 end;