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Line 127: wf_notifications ntf

124: cursor sflNotificationsCursor is
125: select ias.notification_id notification_id
126: from wf_item_activity_statuses ias,
127: wf_notifications ntf
128: where ias.item_type = itemtype
129: and ias.item_key =itemkey
130: and ias.notification_id is not null
131: and ntf.notification_id = ias.notification_id

Line 136: wf_notifications ntf

132: and ntf.status='OPEN'
133: union
134: select ias.notification_id notification_id
135: from wf_item_activity_statuses_h ias,
136: wf_notifications ntf
137: where ias.notification_id is not null
138: and ias.item_type = itemtype
139: and ias.item_key =itemkey
140: and ntf.notification_id = ias.notification_id

Line 193: from wf_notifications

189: select 1
190: into dummy
191: from sys.dual
192: where exists ( select null
193: from wf_notifications
194: where notification_id = nid
195: and status = 'OPEN'
196: );
197: --

Line 241: comments wf_notifications .user_comment%type;

238: colon pls_integer;
239: avalue varchar2(240);
240: notid pls_integer;
241: comments wf_notifications .user_comment%type;
242: document varchar2(240);
243: document_type varchar2(240);
244: ln_notification_id number;
245: begin

Line 738: ln_notification_id wf_notifications.notification_id%type;

734: --
735: c_proc constant varchar2(30) := 'getSFLTransactionDetails';
736: lv_item_type wf_items.item_type%type;
737: lv_item_key wf_items.item_type%type;
738: ln_notification_id wf_notifications.notification_id%type;
739: lv_process_name wf_items.root_activity%type;
740: ln_sfl_block_activity_id number;
741: lv_relaunchSFLLink varchar2(2000);
742: begin

Line 1114: ln_notification_id wf_notifications.notification_id%type;

1110: c_proc constant varchar2(40) := 'closeOpenSFLNotification';
1111: lv_sfl_item_type wf_items.item_type%type;
1112: lv_sfl_item_key wf_items.item_key%type;
1113: ln_sfl_block_activity_id number;
1114: ln_notification_id wf_notifications.notification_id%type;
1116: begin
1117: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
1118: if g_debug then