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Line 937: WHERE(( responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id OR NVL(responsibility_id, -1) = -1 )

933: -- nsrivast, invconv , transaction reason security
934: AND ( NVL ( fnd_profile.value_wnps('INV_TRANS_REASON_SECURITY'), 'N') = 'N'
935: OR
936: reason_id IN (SELECT reason_id FROM mtl_trans_reason_security mtrs
937: WHERE(( responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id OR NVL(responsibility_id, -1) = -1 )
938: AND
939: ( mtrs.transaction_type_id = p_txn_type_id OR NVL(mtrs.transaction_type_id, -1) = -1 )
940: )-- where ends
941: )-- select ends

Line 1533: WHERE(( responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id OR NVL(responsibility_id, -1) = -1 )

1529: -- nsrivast, invconv , transaction reason security
1530: AND ( NVL ( fnd_profile.value_wnps('INV_TRANS_REASON_SECURITY'), 'N') = 'N'
1531: OR
1532: reason_id IN (SELECT reason_id FROM mtl_trans_reason_security mtrs
1533: WHERE(( responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id OR NVL(responsibility_id, -1) = -1 )
1534: AND
1535: ( mtrs.transaction_type_id = p_txn_type_id OR NVL(mtrs.transaction_type_id, -1) = -1 )
1536: )-- where ends
1537: )-- select ends

Line 1566: WHERE(( responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id OR NVL(responsibility_id, -1) = -1 )

1562: -- nsrivast, invconv , transaction reason security
1563: AND ( NVL ( fnd_profile.value_wnps('INV_TRANS_REASON_SECURITY'), 'N') = 'N'
1564: OR
1565: reason_id IN (SELECT reason_id FROM mtl_trans_reason_security mtrs
1566: WHERE(( responsibility_id = fnd_global.resp_id OR NVL(responsibility_id, -1) = -1 )
1567: AND
1568: ( mtrs.transaction_type_id = p_txn_type_id OR NVL(mtrs.transaction_type_id, -1) = -1 )
1569: )-- where ends
1570: )-- select ends