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1 package hr_dm_gen_tups AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: perdmgnu.pkh 115.9 2002/10/01 18:23:13 mmudigon ship $ */
3 -- ------------------------- create_tups_pacakge ------------------------
4 -- Description:  Create the TUPS package and relevant procedures for the table.
5 -- Input Parameters :
6 --   p_table_info  - Information about table for which TUPS to be generated. Info
7 --                  like Datetrack, Global Data, Surrogate Primary key etc about
8 --                  the table is passed as a record type.
9 --   p_columns_tbl - All the columns of the table stored as a list.
10 --   p_parameters_tbl - All the columns of the table stored with data type are
11 --                   stored as a list. e.g p_business_group_id   number
12 --                   This is used to create the procedure parameter list for
13 --                   TUPS procedure.
14 --   p_aol_columns_tbl  -  All the columns of the table which have foreign key to
15 --                    AOL table are stored as a list.
16 --   p_aol_parameters_tbl - All the columns of the table which have foreign key to
17 --                    AOL table are stored with data type as a list. This is
18 --                    used as a parameter list for the procedure generated to
19 --                    get the ID value for the given AOL developer key.
20 --                    e.g p_user_id  number
21 --   p_fk_to_aol_columns_tbl  - It stores the list of all the columns which have
22 --                   foreign on AOL table and corresponding name of the AOL
23 --                   table.
24 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 procedure create_tups_pacakge
26 (
27  p_table_info             in   hr_dm_gen_main.t_table_info ,
28  p_columns_tbl            in   hr_dm_library.t_varchar2_tbl,
29  p_parameters_tbl         in   hr_dm_library.t_varchar2_tbl,
30  p_aol_columns_tbl        in   hr_dm_library.t_varchar2_tbl,
31  p_aol_parameters_tbl     in   hr_dm_library.t_varchar2_tbl,
32  p_fk_to_aol_columns_tbl  in   hr_dm_gen_main.t_fk_to_aol_columns_tbl
33 );
34 end hr_dm_gen_tups;