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1 PACKAGE BODY iby_offlinedb_pkg AS
2 /*$Header: ibyofflb.pls 120.2.12010000.2 2008/07/29 05:51:15 sugottum ship $ */
4 /*
5 ** Function Name : isPayeeRegistered
6 ** Purpose : Checks if payee has specified bep key with the specified bep.
7 **
8 ** Parameters:
9 **
10 **    In  : i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_bepkey
11 **
12 */
13 Function isPayeeRegistered(i_payeeid iby_bepkeys.ownerid%type, i_bepid iby_bepkeys.bepid%type, i_bepkey iby_bepkeys.key%type )
14 return boolean
15 is
16 l_cnt integer;
17 begin
19     select count(*) into l_cnt
20     from iby_bepkeys
21     where bepid = i_bepid
22     and ownerid = i_payeeid
23     and ownertype = 'PAYEE'
24     and key = i_bepkey;
26     return (l_cnt <> 0);
27 end;
30 /*
31 ** Procedure Name : schedulePC
32 ** Purpose : creates an entry for scheduling the CreditCard payments
33 **	     in the iby_trxn_summaries_all and iby_trxn_core
34 **	     tables.  Returns the transactionid created
35 **           by the system.
36 */
37 procedure schedulePC( i_ecappid  iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%type,
38 		      i_payeeid	 iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
39 		      i_bepid    iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type,
40 		      i_bepkey   iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepkey%type,
41 		      i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
42                       i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
43                       i_reqdate iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
44                       i_pmtmethod iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
45 		      i_desturl iby_trxn_summaries_all.desturl%type,
46                       io_transactionid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type,
47                       i_amount iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
48                       i_currency iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
49 		      i_trxntypeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%type,
50 		      i_nlslang iby_trxn_summaries_all.Nlslang%type,
51                       i_settledate iby_trxn_summaries_all.settledate%type,
52 		      i_authtype iby_trxn_core.authtype%type,
53                       i_instrid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
54 		      i_payerid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%type,
55 			i_org_id iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_id%type,
57 			i_instrtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.instrtype%type,
58                       i_billeracct iby_tangible.acctno%type,
59                       i_refinfo iby_tangible.refinfo%type,
60                       i_memo iby_tangible.memo%type,
61                       i_voiceauthflag iby_trxn_core.voiceauthflag%type,
62                       i_authcode iby_trxn_core.authcode%type,
63 		      i_ponum iby_trxn_core.ponumber%type,
64 		      i_taxamt iby_trxn_core.taxamount%type,
65 		      i_shipfromzip iby_trxn_core.shipfromzip%type,
66 		      i_shiptozip iby_trxn_core.shiptozip%type,
67                       i_OrderMedium IN iby_tangible.Order_Medium%TYPE,
68                       i_EftAuthMethod IN iby_tangible.Eft_Auth_Method%TYPE
69                       )
70 IS
71   l_mid	     NUMBER;
72   l_tid	     NUMBER;
73   l_org_id   NUMBER;
74   -- 0011 indicates PENDING status
75   l_status   NUMBER := 0011;
76   l_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.mtangibleid%type;
78   l_instrid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type;
80   l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
84    -- First check if this request is not duplicate
85    if (requestExists(i_payeeid,i_tangibleid, i_reqtype, i_bepid )) then
86            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20604#', FALSE);
87 		-- duplicated request
88    end if;
90    if (UPPER(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTREQ' OR
91 	UPPER(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTCREDIT') then
93        if ( isPayeeRegistered(i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_bepkey ) = false ) then
94 	   -- make sure payee id is valid
95            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20605#', FALSE);
96        end if;
98         if (i_instrid IS NULL or (NOT instrExists(i_instrid, i_instrtype))) THEN
99 	   --reject invalid instrid
100 		raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20512#', FALSE);
101 	END IF;
103 	-- Get new transaction id
104 	io_transactionid := iby_transactioncc_pkg.getTID(
105 					i_payeeid, i_tangibleid);
107         iby_bill_pkg.createBill(i_tangibleid, i_amount, i_currency,
108                    i_billeracct, i_refinfo, i_memo,
109                    i_OrderMedium, i_EftAuthMethod, l_tmid);
111 	l_instrid := i_instrid;
112 	l_org_id := i_org_id;
113    ELSE
114         SELECT DISTINCT mtangibleid, payerinstrid into l_tmid, l_instrid
115         from iby_trxn_summaries_all
116         where transactionid = io_transactionid
117         --and status <> -99 and status <> 14;
118 	and (status = 11 or status = 0);
120 	-- getOrgId
121 	l_org_id := iby_transactioncc_pkg.getOrgId(io_transactionid);
122    END IF;
124    -- Get the master transaction id sequence for all requests
125     SELECT iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.NEXTVAL
126     INTO l_mid
127     FROM dual;
129    -- insert the scheduled request in the summary and core tables
130    iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
131    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_summaries_all
132      (TrxnMID, TransactionID, TangibleID,
133       MPayeeID, PayeeID,BEPID, bepkey, ECAppID, PaymentMethodName,
134       PayerID, PayerInstrID, Amount,CurrencyNameCode,
135       Status, TrxntypeID, SettleDate, ReqDate, ReqType, DestUrl, Nlslang,
136       mtangibleid, org_id, instrtype,
137 	last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
138 	last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
139    VALUES
140      (l_mid, io_transactionid, i_tangibleid,
141       l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_bepkey, i_ecappid, i_pmtmethod,
142       i_payerid, l_instrid, i_amount, i_currency,
143       l_status, i_trxntypeid, i_settledate, sysdate, i_reqtype, i_desturl,
144 i_nlslang, l_tmid, l_org_id, i_instrtype,
145 	 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id, fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y');
147    -- insert the authtype into core table
148    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_core
149      (TrxnMID, Authtype, PONumber, TaxAmount, ShipFromZip, ShipToZip,
150 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
151 	last_update_login, object_version_number, AuthCode, VoiceAuthFlag)
152    VALUES
153      (l_mid, i_authtype, i_ponum, i_taxamt, i_shipfromzip, i_shiptozip,
154 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
155 	fnd_global.login_id, 1, i_authcode, i_voiceauthflag);
157 	commit;
158   END schedulePC;
160 /*
161 ** Procedure Name : scheduleCC
162 ** Purpose : creates an entry for scheduling the PurchaseCard payments
163 **	     in the iby_trxn_summaries_all and iby_trxn_core
164 **	     tables.  Returns the transactionid created
165 **           by the system.
166 */
167 procedure scheduleCC( i_ecappid  iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%type,
168 		      i_payeeid	 iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
169 		      i_bepid    iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type,
170 		      i_bepkey   iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepkey%type,
171 		      i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
172                       i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
173                       i_reqdate iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
174                       i_pmtmethod iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
175 		      i_desturl iby_trxn_summaries_all.desturl%type,
176                       io_transactionid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type,
177                       i_amount iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
178                       i_currency iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
179 		      i_trxntypeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%type,
180 		      i_nlslang iby_trxn_summaries_all.Nlslang%type,
181                       i_settledate iby_trxn_summaries_all.settledate%type,
182 		      i_authtype iby_trxn_core.authtype%type,
183                       i_instrid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
184 		      i_payerid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%type,
185 			i_org_id iby_trxn_summaries_all.org_id%type,
187 			i_instrtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.instrtype%type,
189                       i_billeracct iby_tangible.acctno%type,
190                       i_refinfo iby_tangible.refinfo%type,
191                       i_memo iby_tangible.memo%type,
192                       i_voiceauthflag iby_trxn_core.voiceauthflag%type,
193                       i_authcode iby_trxn_core.authcode%type,
194                       i_OrderMedium IN iby_tangible.Order_Medium%TYPE,
195                       i_EftAuthMethod IN iby_tangible.Eft_Auth_Method%TYPE
196                       )
197 IS
200 SchedulePC(i_ecappid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_bepkey, i_tangibleid, i_reqtype,
201 	i_reqdate, i_pmtmethod, i_desturl, io_transactionid, i_amount,
202 	i_currency, i_trxntypeid, i_nlslang, i_settledate, i_authtype,
203 	i_instrid, i_payerid, i_org_id, i_instrtype, i_billeracct,
204 	i_refinfo, i_memo, i_voiceauthflag, i_authcode, null, null, null,
205 	null, i_OrderMedium, i_EftAuthMethod);
207 END ScheduleCC;
210 /*
211 **  Procedure Name : scheduleCCCancel
212 **    Purpose : creates an entry for a CreditCard cancel request in the
213 **   iby_trxn_summaries_all table
214 */
215 procedure scheduleCCCancel(i_ecappid iby_batches_all.ecappid%type,
216 		 	   i_payeeid iby_batches_all.payeeid%type,
217 			   i_bepid iby_batches_all.bepid%type,
218 			   i_bepkey iby_batches_all.bepkey%type,
219 			  i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
220 			   i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
221 			   i_reqdate iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
222 			   i_pmtmethod iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
223 			   i_transactionid in
224 				iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type
225 ,
226 			  i_reqtype_tocancel iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
227 			  i_trxntypeid_tocancel in iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%type)
228   IS
229     l_mid	     NUMBER;
230     l_status   NUMBER := 0014;
231     l_tmid iby_trxn_summaries_all.mtangibleid%type;
232   l_instrid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type;
233 	l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
234   BEGIN
235  -- Get the master transaction id sequence for all requests
237     SELECT iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.NEXTVAL
238     INTO l_mid
239     FROM dual;
241         select mtangibleid, payerinstrid into l_tmid, l_instrid
242         from iby_trxn_summaries_all
243         where transactionid = i_transactionid
244 	and reqtype = i_reqtype_tocancel
245         and rownum < 2;
247 	iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
249       INSERT INTO iby_trxn_summaries_all
250      (TrxnMID, TransactionID, TangibleID,
251       MPayeeID, PayeeID,BEPID, bepkey, ECAppID, PaymentMethodName,
252 	status, mtangibleid, trxntypeid,
253 	reqtype, reqdate, payerinstrid,
254 	last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
255 	last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
256       VALUES
257         (l_mid, i_transactionid, i_tangibleid,
258       	l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_bepkey, i_ecappid, i_pmtmethod,
259 	l_status, l_tmid, i_trxntypeid_tocancel,
260 	i_reqtype, sysdate, l_instrid,
261 	 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
262 	fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y');
264 	commit;
266      EXCEPTION
268            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20300#', FALSE);
269      --raise_application_error(-20300,'Cannot insert cancel trxn into iby_trxn_summaries_all');
271     END scheduleCCCancel;
274 /*
275 ** Procedure Name : scheduleCCbatch
276 ** Purpose : creates an entry for scheduling the CreditCard batch requests
277 **           in the iby_batches_all table.
278 **
279 ** Parameters:
280 **
281 **    In  : i_ecappid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_batchid,
282 **          i_reqtype, i_reqdate, i_pmtmethod, i_desturl,
283 **          i_nlslang, i_terminalid
284 **
285 */
286 procedure scheduleCCbatch(i_ecappid iby_batches_all.ecappid%type,
287                           i_payeeid iby_batches_all.payeeid%type,
288                           i_bepid iby_batches_all.bepid%type,
289                           i_bepkey iby_batches_all.bepkey%type,
290                           i_batchid iby_batches_all.batchid%type,
291                           i_reqtype iby_batches_all.reqtype%type,
292                           i_reqdate iby_batches_all.reqdate%type,
293                           i_pmtmethod iby_batches_all.paymentmethodname%type,
294 			  i_desturl iby_batches_all.desturl%type,
295                           i_nlslang iby_batches_all.nlslang%type,
296                           i_terminalid iby_batches_all.terminalid%type,
297 			  i_schedDate iby_batches_all.batchopendate%type)
298   IS
299     -- 0011 indicates PENDING status
300   l_status   NUMBER := 0011;
301   l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
302   l_mbatchid iby_batches_all.mbatchid%type;
304   BEGIN
305   -- call procedure to check if this is duplicate request
306    if (batchExists(i_payeeid, i_batchid, i_reqtype)) then
307            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20604#', FALSE);
308 	--raise_application_error(-20604, 'Duplicate Request ' , FALSE);
309    end if;
310   -- insert the request into the batch table
312        SELECT iby_batches_s.NEXTVAL
313         INTO l_mbatchid
314         FROM dual;
316   iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
317   INSERT INTO iby_batches_all
318    (MBatchID, BatchID, MPayeeID, PayeeID, BEPID, bepkey, ECAppID,
319     PaymentMethodName, BatchStatus,
320     ReqType, ReqDate, DestUrl,
321     Nlslang, TerminalID, BatchOpenDate,
322 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
323 	last_update_login, object_version_number)
325   VALUES
326    (l_mbatchid, i_batchid, l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_bepkey, i_ecappid,
327     i_pmtmethod, l_status,
328     i_reqtype, sysdate, i_desturl,
329     i_nlslang, i_terminalid, i_schedDate,
330 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
331 	fnd_global.login_id, 1);
333 	commit;
334   END scheduleCCbatch;
337 /*
338 ** Procedure Name : scheduleSET
339 ** Purpose : creates an entry for scheduling the SET CreditCard payments
340 **	     in the iby_trxn_summaries_all and iby_trxn_extended
341 **	     tables.  Returns the transactionid created
342 **           by the system.
343 **
344 ** Parameters:
345 **
346 **    In  : i_ecappid, io_transactionid i_amount, i_currency, i_reqdate,
347 **          i_reqtype, i_settledate, i_tangibleid, i_payeeid,
348 **          i_bepid, i_pmtmethod,  i_desturl, i_instrid, i_payerid
349 **    Out : io_transactionid.
350 **
351 */
352 procedure scheduleSET( i_ecappid  iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%type,
353                       i_payeeid  iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
354                       i_bepid    iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type,
355                       i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
356                       i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
357                       i_reqdate iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
358                       i_reqseq iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqseq%type,
359                       i_pmtmethod iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
360 		      i_desturl iby_trxn_summaries_all.desturl%type,
361                       io_transactionid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type,
362                       i_amount iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
363                       i_currency iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
364                       i_trxntypeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%type,
365                       i_nlslang iby_trxn_summaries_all.Nlslang%type,
366                       i_settledate iby_trxn_summaries_all.settledate%type,
367                       i_authtype iby_trxn_core.authtype%type,
368                       i_instrid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
369 		      i_payerid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%type,
370                   recurringfreq   iby_trxn_extended.RecurringFreq%type,
371                   recurringexpdate iby_trxn_extended.RecurringExpDate%type,
372                   destpostalcode  iby_trxn_extended.DestPostalCode%type,
373                   custrefnum      iby_trxn_extended.CustRefNum%type,
374                   localtaxprice   iby_trxn_extended.LocalTaxPrice%type,
375                   localtaxcurrency iby_trxn_extended.LocalTaxCurrency%type,
376                   authprice       iby_trxn_extended.AuthPrice%type,
377                   authcurrency    iby_trxn_extended.AuthCurrency%type,
378                   splitshipment   iby_trxn_extended.SplitShipment%type,
379                   installtotaltrxns iby_trxn_extended.InstallTotalTrxns%type,
380                   splitid         iby_trxn_extended.SplitId%type,
381                   batchid         iby_trxn_summaries_all.BatchId%type,
382                   batchseqnum     iby_trxn_extended.BatchSeqNum%type,
383                   terminalid      iby_trxn_extended.TerminalId%type)
384 IS
386   l_mid	     NUMBER;
387   l_tid	     NUMBER;
388   -- 0011 indicates PENDING status
389   l_status   NUMBER := 0011;
391 l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
392 l_mbatchid iby_batches_all.mbatchid%type;
394    --if (upper(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTREQ') then
395        --if ( isPayeeRegistered(i_payeeid, i_bepid ) = false ) then
396            --raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20605#', FALSE);
397            --raise_application_error(-20605,
398              --    'Can not make Payment, Payee Not Registered With BEP',
399               --   FALSE);
400        --end if;
401    --end if;
402 -- First check if this request is not duplicate
403    if (requestExists(i_payeeid,i_tangibleid, i_reqtype,i_bepid)) then
404            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20604#', FALSE);
405         --raise_application_error(-20604, 'Duplicate Request ' , FALSE);
406    end if;
408    IF ((UPPER(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTREQ') OR
409       ( UPPER(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTCREDIT'))
410    THEN
412         if (i_instrid IS NULL or (NOT instrExists(i_instrid, 'CREDITCARD'))) THEN
413 	   --reject invalid instrid
414 		raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20512#', FALSE);
415 	END IF;
417    -- Get the transaction id sequence also
419        l_tid := iby_transactioncc_pkg.getTID(i_payeeid, i_tangibleid);
420 	--SELECT iby_trxnsumm_trxnid_s.NEXTVAL
421         --INTO l_tid
422         --FROM dual;
423          io_transactionid := l_tid;
424    END IF;
425    -- Get the master transaction id sequence for all requests
427     SELECT iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.NEXTVAL
428     INTO l_mid
429     FROM dual;
431    -- insert the scheduled request in the summary and core tables
432 	iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
433 	iby_transactioncc_pkg.getMBatchId(batchid, i_payeeid, l_mbatchid);
434    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_summaries_all
435      (TrxnMID, TransactionID, TangibleID,
436       MPayeeID, PayeeID,BEPID, ECAppID, PaymentMethodName,
437       PayerID, PayerInstrID, Amount,CurrencyNameCode,
438       Status, TrxntypeID, SettleDate, ReqDate, ReqType, ReqSeq, DestUrl,
439       Nlslang, MBatchID, BatchId,
440 	last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
441 	last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
442    VALUES
443      (l_mid, io_transactionid, i_tangibleid,
444       l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_ecappid, i_pmtmethod,
445       i_payerid, i_instrid, i_amount, i_currency,
446       l_status, i_trxntypeid, i_settledate, sysdate, i_reqtype,
447 	i_reqseq,i_desturl,
448       i_nlslang, l_mbatchid, batchid,
449 	 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
450 	fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y');
452    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_extended
453       (TRXNMID, RecurringFreq, RecurringExpDate, DestPostalCode,
454        CustRefNum, LocalTaxPrice, LocalTaxCurrency,
455        AuthPrice, AuthCurrency, InstallTotalTrxns, SplitShipment, SplitId,
456        BatchSeqNum, TerminalId,
457 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
458 	last_update_login, object_version_number)
459    VALUES
460       (l_mid, recurringfreq,recurringexpdate,destpostalcode,
461        custrefnum, localtaxprice, localtaxcurrency,
462        authprice, authcurrency, installtotaltrxns, splitshipment, splitid,
463        batchseqnum, terminalid,
464 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
465 	fnd_global.login_id, 1);
467    -- insert the authtype into core table
468    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_core
469      (TrxnMID, Authtype,
470 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
471 	last_update_login, object_version_number)
472    VALUES
473      (l_mid, i_authtype,
474 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
475 	fnd_global.login_id, 1);
477 	commit;
478   END scheduleSET;
481 /*
482 **  Procedure Name : scheduleSETCancel
483 **    Purpose : creates an entry for a SET CreditCard cancel request in the
484 **   iby_trxn_summaries_all table
485 */
486 /*********should no longer be used
487 procedure scheduleSETCancel(i_ecappid iby_batches_all.ecappid%type,
488 		 	   i_payeeid iby_batches_all.payeeid%type,
489 			   i_bepid iby_batches_all.bepid%type,
490 			  i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
491 			   i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
492 			   i_reqdate iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
493 			   i_pmtmethod iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
494 			   i_transactionid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type
495 			   )
496   IS
497     l_mid	     NUMBER;
498     l_status   NUMBER := 0011;
500 l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
501   BEGIN
502  -- Get the master transaction id sequence for all requests
504     SELECT iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.NEXTVAL
505     INTO l_mid
506     FROM dual;
508 	iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
509       INSERT INTO iby_trxn_summaries_all
510      (TrxnMID, TransactionID, TangibleID,
511       MPayeeID, PayeeID,BEPID, ECAppID, PaymentMethodName, status,
512 	last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
513 	last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
514         VALUES
515         (l_mid, i_transactionid, i_tangibleid,
516       	l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_ecappid, i_pmtmethod, l_status,
517 	 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
518 	fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y');
520 	commit;
521      EXCEPTION
523            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20300#', FALSE);
524      	--raise_application_error(-20300,'Cannot insert cancel trxn into iby_trxn_summaries_all');
527     END scheduleSETCancel;
528 *********/
531 /*
532 ** Procedure Name : scheduleSETOther
533 ** Purpose : creates an entry for scheduling the SET payments
534 **           in the iby_trxn_summaries_all and iby_trxn_core and extended
535 **           tables.  Returns the transactionid created
536 **           by the system.
537 **
538 **           This procedure is used by follow-on transactions (other than cancel) such as
539 **           capture, credit and subsequent auth
540 */
541 procedure scheduleSETOther( i_ecappid  iby_trxn_summaries_all.ecappid%type,
542                       i_payeeid  iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
543                       i_bepid    iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type,
544                       i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
545                       i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
546                       i_reqdate iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqdate%type,
547                       i_reqseq iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqseq%type,
548                       i_pmtmethod iby_trxn_summaries_all.paymentmethodname%type,
549 		      i_desturl iby_trxn_summaries_all.desturl%type,
550                       io_transactionid in out nocopy iby_trxn_summaries_all.transactionid%type,
551                       i_amount iby_trxn_summaries_all.amount%type,
552                       i_currency iby_trxn_summaries_all.currencynamecode%type,
553                       i_trxntypeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.trxntypeid%type,
554                       i_nlslang iby_trxn_summaries_all.Nlslang%type,
555                       i_settledate iby_trxn_summaries_all.settledate%type,
556                       i_authtype iby_trxn_core.authtype%type,
557                       i_instrid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
558 		      i_payerid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerid%type,
559                   splitid         iby_trxn_extended.SplitId%type,
560                   prevsplitid     iby_trxn_extended.PrevSplitId%type,
561                   subauthind      iby_trxn_extended.SubAuthInd%type,
562                   batchid         iby_trxn_summaries_all.BatchId%type,
563                   batchseqnum     iby_trxn_extended.BatchSeqNum%type,
564                   terminalid      iby_trxn_extended.TerminalId%type)
565 IS
567   l_mid	     NUMBER;
568   l_tid	     NUMBER;
569   -- 0011 indicates PENDING status
570   l_status   NUMBER := 0011;
572 l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
573 l_mbatchid iby_batches_all.mbatchid%type;
575 -- First check if this request is not duplicate
576    if (requestExists(i_payeeid,i_tangibleid, i_reqtype,i_bepid)) then
577            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20604#', FALSE);
578         --raise_application_error(-20604, 'Duplicate Request ' , FALSE);
579    end if;
581    IF ((UPPER(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTREQ') OR
582       ( UPPER(i_reqtype) = 'ORAPMTCREDIT'))
583    THEN
585         if (i_instrid IS NULL or (NOT instrExists(i_instrid, 'CREDITCARD'))) THEN
586 	   --reject invalid instrid
587 		raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20512#', FALSE);
588 	END IF;
591    -- Get the transaction id sequence also
593        l_tid := iby_transactioncc_pkg.getTID(i_payeeid, i_tangibleid);
594 	--SELECT iby_trxnsumm_trxnid_s.NEXTVAL
595         --INTO l_tid
596         --FROM dual;
597          io_transactionid := l_tid;
598    END IF;
599    -- Get the master transaction id sequence for all requests
601     SELECT iby_trxnsumm_mid_s.NEXTVAL
602     INTO l_mid
603     FROM dual;
604    -- insert the scheduled request in the summary and core tables
605 	iby_transactioncc_pkg.getMBatchId(batchid, i_payeeid, l_mbatchid);
606 	iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
607    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_summaries_all
608      (TrxnMID, TransactionID, TangibleID,
609       MPayeeID, PayeeID,BEPID, ECAppID, PaymentMethodName,
610       PayerID, PayerInstrID, Amount,CurrencyNameCode,
611       Status, TrxntypeID, SettleDate, ReqDate, ReqType, ReqSeq, DestUrl,
612       Nlslang, MBatchId, BatchId,
613 	last_update_date, updatedate, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
614 	last_update_login, object_version_number,needsupdt)
615    VALUES
616      (l_mid, io_transactionid, i_tangibleid,
617       l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_ecappid, i_pmtmethod,
618       i_payerid, i_instrid, i_amount, i_currency,
619       l_status, i_trxntypeid, i_settledate, sysdate, i_reqtype,
620 	i_reqseq,i_desturl,
621       i_nlslang, l_mbatchid, batchid,
622 	 sysdate, sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
623 	fnd_global.login_id, 1,'Y');
625    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_extended
626       (TRXNMID, SplitId, PrevSplitId, SubAuthInd,
627        BatchSeqNum, TerminalId,
628 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
629 	last_update_login, object_version_number)
630    VALUES
631       (l_mid, splitid, prevsplitid, subauthind,
632        batchseqnum, terminalid,
633 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
634 	fnd_global.login_id, 1);
636    -- insert the authtype into core table
637    INSERT INTO iby_trxn_core
638      (TrxnMID, Authtype,
639 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
640 	last_update_login, object_version_number)
641    VALUES
642      (l_mid, i_authtype,
643 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
644 	fnd_global.login_id, 1);
646 	commit;
647   END scheduleSETOther;
648 /*
649 ** Procedure Name : scheduleSETbatch
650 ** Purpose : creates an entry for scheduling the CreditCard batch requests
651 **           in the iby_batches_all table.
652 **
653 ** Parameters:
654 **
655 **    In  : i_ecappid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_batchid,
656 **          i_reqtype, i_reqdate, i_pmtmethod,
657 **          i_nlslang, i_terminalid
658 **
659 */
660 procedure scheduleSETbatch(i_ecappid iby_batches_all.ecappid%type,
661                           i_payeeid iby_batches_all.payeeid%type,
662                           i_bepid iby_batches_all.bepid%type,
663                           i_batchid iby_batches_all.batchid%type,
664                           i_reqtype iby_batches_all.reqtype%type,
665                           i_reqdate iby_batches_all.reqdate%type,
666                           i_pmtmethod iby_batches_all.paymentmethodname%type,
667 			  i_desturl iby_batches_all.desturl%type,
668                           i_nlslang iby_batches_all.nlslang%type,
669                           i_terminalid iby_batches_all.terminalid%type)
670   IS
672   l_mpayeeid iby_payee.mpayeeid%type;
673   l_mbatchid iby_batches_all.mbatchid%type;
674   BEGIN
675   -- call procedure to check if this is duplicate request
676    if (batchExists(i_payeeid, i_batchid, i_reqtype)) then
677            raise_application_error(-20000, 'IBY_20604#', FALSE);
678         --raise_application_error(-20604, 'Duplicate Request ' , FALSE);
679    end if;
681   -- insert the request into the batch table
682      SELECT iby_batches_s.NEXTVAL
683      INTO l_mbatchid
684      FROM dual;
685   iby_accppmtmthd_pkg.getMPayeeId(i_payeeid, l_mpayeeid);
686   INSERT INTO iby_batches_all
687    (MBatchID, BatchID, MPayeeID, PayeeID, BEPID, ECAppID,
688     ReqType, ReqDate, DestUrl, PaymentMethodName,
689     Nlslang, TerminalID,
690 	last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
691 	last_update_login, object_version_number)
692   VALUES
693    (l_mbatchid, i_batchid, l_mpayeeid, i_payeeid, i_bepid, i_ecappid,
694     i_reqtype, sysdate, i_desturl, i_pmtmethod,
695     i_nlslang, i_terminalid,
696 	 sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,  sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
697 	fnd_global.login_id, 1);
700 	commit;
701 END scheduleSETbatch;
705 FUNCTION requestExists(i_payeeid iby_trxn_summaries_all.payeeid%type,
706           i_tangibleid iby_trxn_summaries_all.tangibleid%type,
707           i_reqtype iby_trxn_summaries_all.reqtype%type,
708           i_bepid iby_trxn_summaries_all.bepid%type)
709 return boolean
710 is
711 l_cnt int;
713 /*
714 ** get the count of the rows with same request type, tangibleid and
715 ** payeeid. If count is more than 0, it means, request already exists
716 ** otherwise does not exist.
717 */
718     SELECT count(*)
719     INTO l_cnt
720     FROM iby_trxn_summaries_all
721     WHERE payeeId = i_payeeid
722     AND tangibleid = i_tangibleid
723     AND UPPER(reqType) = UPPER(i_reqtype)
724     AND bepid = i_bepid
725     --AND ( status = 11 or status = 0 );
726     AND STATUS IN ( 0, 11, 12, 13, 18);
728     if (l_cnt > 0) then
729 	return true;
730     end if;
732     -- count is 0
733     -- check for capture case
735     if (i_reqtype = 'ORAPMTCAPTURE') then
736 	SELECT count(*)
737 	INTO l_cnt
738 	FROM iby_trxn_summaries_all a, iby_trxn_core b
739     	WHERE payeeId = i_payeeid
740     	AND tangibleid = i_tangibleid
741     	AND UPPER(reqType) = 'ORAPMTREQ'
742     	AND bepid = i_bepid
743 	AND a.trxnmid = b.trxnmid
744 	AND b.authtype = 'AUTHANDCAPTURE'
745     	AND ( status = 11);  -- didn't need status 0
747 	if (l_cnt > 0) then
748 		return true;
749 	end if;
750     end if;
752     return false;
754 END requestExists;
757 FUNCTION batchExists(i_payeeid iby_batches_all.payeeid%type,
758           i_batchid iby_batches_all.batchid%type,
759           i_reqtype iby_batches_all.reqtype%type)
760 return boolean
761 is
762 l_cnt int;
764 /*
765 ** get the count of the rows with same request type, tangibleid and
766 ** payeeid. If count is more than 0, it means, request already exists
767 ** otherwise does not exist.
768 */
769     SELECT count(*)
770     INTO l_cnt
771     FROM iby_batches_all
772     WHERE payeeId = i_payeeId
773     AND batchId = i_batchid
774     AND UPPER(reqType) = UPPER(i_reqType)
775     AND (batchstatus = 11 or batchstatus = 0);
776     if ( l_cnt = 0 ) then
777         return false;
778     else
779         return true;
780     end if;
781 END batchExists;
784 /*
785 ** Function: instrExists.
786 ** Purpose: Check if the specified instrid exists or not.
787 */
788 function instrExists(i_instrid in
789 		iby_trxn_summaries_all.payerinstrid%type,
790 		i_instrtype in iby_trxn_summaries_all.instrtype%type)
792 return boolean
794 IS
795 l_instrid iby_creditcard.instrid%type;
796 l_flag boolean := false;
798 cursor c_cc
799 (ci_instrid iby_creditcard.instrid%type)
800 is
801   SELECT instrid
802   FROM iby_creditcard_v
803   WHERE instrid = ci_instrid;
806 cursor c_pc
807 (ci_instrid iby_creditcard.instrid%type)
808 is
809   SELECT instrid
810   FROM iby_purchasecard_v
811   WHERE instrid = ci_instrid;
813 begin
814     if ( c_pc%isopen) then
815         close c_pc;
816     end if;
818     IF i_instrtype = 'CREDITCARD' THEN
819 	    if ( c_cc%isopen) then
820         	close c_cc;
821 	    end if;
822 	    open c_cc( i_instrid);
823 	    fetch c_cc into l_instrid;
824 	    l_flag := c_cc%found;
826 	    close c_cc;
827     ELSE
828 	    if ( c_pc%isopen) then
829         	close c_pc;
830 	    end if;
831 	    open c_pc( i_instrid);
833 	    fetch c_pc into l_instrid;
834 	    l_flag := c_pc%found;
836 	    close c_pc;
837     END IF;
839 	return l_flag;
840 end instrExists;
843 END iby_offlinedb_pkg;