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Line 10: FUNCTION research_st ( p_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE , p_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE )

6: p_fte_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE ;
7: p_fte_sequence_number igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE ;
10: FUNCTION research_st ( p_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE , p_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE )
12: /*************************************************************
13: Created By : smaddali
14: Date Created By : 15-APR-2002

Line 28: FROM igs_ps_type_all pt, igs_ps_ver_all cv

25: --find if the passed program attempt has a candidacy details record
26: CURSOR c_res_st IS
27: SELECT 'Y'
28: FROM igs_ps_type_all pt, igs_ps_ver_all cv
29: WHERE cv.course_cd = p_course_cd AND
30: cv.version_number = p_version_number AND
31: cv.course_type = pt.course_type AND
32: pt.research_type_ind = 'Y' AND

Line 78: l_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE ;

75: l_coo_type VARCHAR2(2) ;
76: l_oss_mode igs_he_poous_all.mode_of_study%TYPE ;
77: l_hesa_mode igs_he_code_map_val.map1%TYPE ;
78: l_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE ;
79: l_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ;
80: l_cal_type igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.cal_type%TYPE ;
81: l_location_cd igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE ;
82: l_attendance_type igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_type%TYPE ;

Line 79: l_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ;

75: l_coo_type VARCHAR2(2) ;
76: l_oss_mode igs_he_poous_all.mode_of_study%TYPE ;
77: l_hesa_mode igs_he_code_map_val.map1%TYPE ;
78: l_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE ;
79: l_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ;
80: l_cal_type igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.cal_type%TYPE ;
81: l_location_cd igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE ;
82: l_attendance_type igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_type%TYPE ;
83: l_attendance_mode igs_ps_ofr_opt_all.attendance_mode%TYPE ;

Line 602: l_trn_from_crs igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE := NULL;

598: l_message fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := NULL;
599: l_dummy1 igs_he_poous_all.fte_calc_type%TYPE;
600: l_dummy2 igs_he_poous_all.fte_intensity%TYPE;
601: l_calculated_FTE igs_he_en_susa.calculated_fte%TYPE := NULL;
602: l_trn_from_crs igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE := NULL;
603: l_unit_ver_cp igs_ps_unit_ver.enrolled_credit_points%TYPE := NULL;
604: l_std_annual_load igs_ps_ver.std_annual_load%TYPE := NULL;
605: l_fte_perc igs_he_fte_proprt.fte_perc%TYPE := NULL;
606: l_intm_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE ;

Line 604: l_std_annual_load igs_ps_ver.std_annual_load%TYPE := NULL;

600: l_dummy2 igs_he_poous_all.fte_intensity%TYPE;
601: l_calculated_FTE igs_he_en_susa.calculated_fte%TYPE := NULL;
602: l_trn_from_crs igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE := NULL;
603: l_unit_ver_cp igs_ps_unit_ver.enrolled_credit_points%TYPE := NULL;
604: l_std_annual_load igs_ps_ver.std_annual_load%TYPE := NULL;
605: l_fte_perc igs_he_fte_proprt.fte_perc%TYPE := NULL;
606: l_intm_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE ;
607: l_intm_part_days NUMBER ;
608: l_apportion_flag BOOLEAN := FALSE ;

Line 679: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ) IS

675: -- get the student unit attempts for the current program attempt
676: -- jtmathew modified cursor to use unit section override start date (if exists) otherwise teaching period start date
677: -- jchakrab modified for 4251041 - removed redundant ORDER BY clause
678: CURSOR c_sua(cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
679: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ) IS
680: SELECT sua.unit_cd,
681: sua.version_number,
682: sua.enrolled_dt ,
683: sua.override_enrolled_cp ,

Line 719: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE) IS

715: uoo.uoo_id=cp_uoo_id;
717: -- check if the student has transferred to the current program from other program
718: CURSOR c_trn_to (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
719: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE) IS
720: SELECT transfer_course_cd
721: FROM igs_ps_stdnt_trn
722: WHERE person_id = cp_person_id AND
723: course_cd = cp_course_cd AND

Line 728: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE) IS

724: ( transfer_dt BETWEEN p_fte_start_dt AND p_fte_end_dt );
726: -- get all the completed unit attempts of the program transferred from
727: CURSOR c_trn_from_units (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
728: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE) IS
729: SELECT unit_cd,
730: version_number,
731: ci_start_dt,
732: override_enrolled_cp ,

Line 747: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,

743: -- smaddali modified this cursors where clause for selection and completion dates for bug 2448315
744: -- smaddali modified this cursor to pick up acad_perd field from igs_ps_us_prenr_cfg instead of
745: -- from igs_en_susa_year_v for bug 2452785
746: CURSOR c_crs_year(cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
747: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
748: cp_selection_dt_from igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE,
749: cp_selection_dt_to igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE) IS
750: SELECT usv.unit_set_cd , usv.us_version_number , usv.sequence_number,
751: us.sequence_no acad_perd, usv.selection_dt, usv.rqrmnts_complete_dt completion_dt, usv.end_dt

Line 770: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,

766: -- within the FTE calculation period
767: -- jtmathew modified this cursor to use optional cp_selection_dt parameters for HE370 changes
768: -- jtmathew created this cursor for HE357 changes
769: CURSOR c_multi_yop(cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
770: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
771: cp_selection_dt_from igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE,
772: cp_selection_dt_to igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE) IS
773: SELECT usv.person_id, usv.course_cd, count(*) multi_yop_count
774: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt usv , igs_ps_us_prenr_cfg us

Line 794: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,

790: -- jtmathew rewrote c_year_cal cursor to select calendar instance
791: -- based on yop selection, completion and end dates for HE357 changes
792: -- smaddali modified the cursor to add DISTINCT ,to eliminate duplicate records for bug 2452785
793: CURSOR c_year_cal (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,
794: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
795: cp_unit_set_cd igs_as_su_setatmpt.unit_set_cd%TYPE,
796: cp_selection_dt_from igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE,
797: cp_selection_dt_to igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE) IS
798: SELECT ci.cal_type, ci.sequence_number, ci.start_dt, ci.end_dt

Line 826: CURSOR c_ann_load (cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,

822: ORDER BY ci.start_dt DESC;
823: c_year_cal_rec c_year_cal%ROWTYPE ;
825: -- get the standard annual load for the program
826: CURSOR c_ann_load (cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,
827: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE ) IS
828: SELECT std_annual_load
829: FROM igs_ps_ver_all
830: WHERE course_cd = cp_course_cd AND

Line 827: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE ) IS

823: c_year_cal_rec c_year_cal%ROWTYPE ;
825: -- get the standard annual load for the program
826: CURSOR c_ann_load (cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,
827: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE ) IS
828: SELECT std_annual_load
829: FROM igs_ps_ver_all
830: WHERE course_cd = cp_course_cd AND
831: version_number = cp_version_number ;

Line 829: FROM igs_ps_ver_all

825: -- get the standard annual load for the program
826: CURSOR c_ann_load (cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,
827: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver.version_number%TYPE ) IS
828: SELECT std_annual_load
829: FROM igs_ps_ver_all
830: WHERE course_cd = cp_course_cd AND
831: version_number = cp_version_number ;
833: -- get the current year of program for the passed program attempt which has

Line 839: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,

835: -- jtmathew modified this cursor to use optional cp_selection_dt parameters for HE370 changes
836: -- jtmathew modified this cursor to allow for end_dts for HE357 changes
837: -- smaddali modified this cursors where clause of selection_dt and completion_dt for bug 2448315
838: CURSOR c_year (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE,
839: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
840: cp_selection_dt_from igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE,
841: cp_selection_dt_to igs_as_su_setatmpt.selection_dt%TYPE) IS
842: SELECT susa.unit_set_cd , susa.us_version_number , susa.sequence_number
843: FROM igs_as_su_setatmpt susa, igs_ps_us_prenr_cfg us

Line 859: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,

856: -- get the HESA unit set attempt corresponding to the current year of program
857: -- in which to save the calculated fte
858: CURSOR c_susa_upd (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
859: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,
860: cp_unit_set_cd igs_en_unit_set.unit_set_cd%TYPE ,
861: cp_sequence_number igs_as_su_setatmpt.sequence_number%TYPE ) IS
862: SELECT rowid , susa.*
863: FROM igs_he_en_susa susa

Line 887: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,

883: c_fte_prop_rec c_fte_prop%ROWTYPE ;
885: -- check if the program has been intermitted for some part of the fte period
886: CURSOR c_intm_part (cp_person_id igs_pe_person.person_id%TYPE ,
887: cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE ,
888: cp_start_dt DATE ,
889: cp_end_dt DATE) IS
890: SELECT start_dt , end_dt
891: FROM igs_en_stdnt_ps_intm spi

Line 905: CURSOR c_prog_app(cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE ,

902: c_intm_part_rec c_intm_part%ROWTYPE ;
904: -- get the apportionment period set up at the program level
905: CURSOR c_prog_app(cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE ,
906: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ) IS
907: SELECT teach_period_start_dt , teach_period_end_dt
908: FROM igs_he_st_prog_all prog
909: WHERE prog.course_cd = cp_course_cd AND

Line 906: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ) IS

902: c_intm_part_rec c_intm_part%ROWTYPE ;
904: -- get the apportionment period set up at the program level
905: CURSOR c_prog_app(cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE ,
906: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ) IS
907: SELECT teach_period_start_dt , teach_period_end_dt
908: FROM igs_he_st_prog_all prog
909: WHERE prog.course_cd = cp_course_cd AND
910: prog.version_number = cp_version_number ;

Line 1010: CURSOR c_prg_cat ( cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE,

1006: c_term_con_rec c_term_con%ROWTYPE ;
1007: l_lev_dt igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all.discontinued_dt%TYPE ;
1009: -- Check if the passed course version belongs to the course category parameter
1010: CURSOR c_prg_cat ( cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE,
1011: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ) IS
1012: SELECT course_cd,version_number
1013: FROM igs_ps_categorise_all ct where
1014: ct.course_cd = cp_course_cd AND

Line 1011: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ) IS

1007: l_lev_dt igs_en_stdnt_ps_att_all.discontinued_dt%TYPE ;
1009: -- Check if the passed course version belongs to the course category parameter
1010: CURSOR c_prg_cat ( cp_course_cd igs_ps_ver_all.course_cd%TYPE,
1011: cp_version_number igs_ps_ver_all.version_number%TYPE ) IS
1012: SELECT course_cd,version_number
1013: FROM igs_ps_categorise_all ct where
1014: ct.course_cd = cp_course_cd AND
1015: ct.version_number = cp_version_number AND