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1 PACKAGE BODY gmd_common_scale AS
2 /* $Header: GMDVSCLB.pls 120.2 2006/11/21 16:49:46 txdaniel noship $ */
3 /*****************************************************************************************************
4 * FILE:			GMDVSCLB.pls
5 * PROCEDURE:	scale
6 * PURPOSE:	 	Package body for GMD Common Scale Routine.
7 * AUTHOR:		Paul Schofield
8 *
10 * =======
11 * Paul Schofield		Created.
12 *
13 * E. Chen	03/21/01	Modified for 11iplus enhancements. Added new
14 *							integer_multiple scale_type, new yield
15 *							contributing indicator, error conditions.
16 * Shrikant Nene 04/30/2001     Added Theoretical_yield procedure.
17 * Bill Stearns 06/3/2001       Added Header string
18 * LeAta + Susan  24Aug2001     Bug 1955038.  Commented out dbms_output.  D
19 *                                Bug 1954995.  Changed != to <>  Bug 1954988  Removed line between CREATE and $Header
20 * Pawan Kumar  10/02/2001     Added validations for null input for scale tab. moved fm_yield_type_um
21 * Praveen Surakanti 05/22/03  Bug#2901379
22 *                             Do not validate the scale_rounding_variance being NULL.
23 * Kalyani Manda	08/28/03      Bug 3069408 Commented the code to check the
24 *                             scale rounding variance in order to do the
25 *                             integer scaling.
26 * P.Raghu	      10/09/03    Bug#3164299
27 *                             Declared a new local variable x_scale_rec_out and
28 *                             passed it as OUT NOCOPY variable to INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE procedure.
29 *                             and added code in INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE procedure
30 *                             to retain all the values of scale_rec.
31 * V.Anitha     03/05/2004     BUG#3018432
32 *                             In floor_dowm and ceil_up procedures, p_scale_multiple datatype
33 *                             changed to NUMBER from PLS_INTEGER to get correct value in quantity
34 *                             field after scaling when integer is selected as scale_type.
35 * S.Sriram      15Jun2004     Bug# 3680537
36 *                             In the ceil_up and floor_down procedures, the qty. should first be rounded off
37 *                             to 9 digits before integer scaling is done.
38 * S.Sriram      26-Nov2004    NPD Convergence.
39 *                             Added orgn_id in scale and theoretical_yield procedures and modified references
40 *                             to sy_uoms table to mtl_units_of measure and used the INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert
41 *                             procedure for Qty. conversion.
42 * TDaniel        21-NOV-2006  Bug 5667857 - Changed unit_of_measure reference to UOM_CODE.
43 *****************************************************************************************************************/
45 /**********************************************************************
47 * ========
48 *
49 The Scale Batch procedure accepts as input the local scale table,
50 which includes a subset of the detail lines of the batch as
51 they exist in gme_material_details.
52 This subset is defined by scale_rec record and contains the fields
53 necessary for scaling of the batch.
54 Initially, determine the uom of the FM_YIELD_TYPE.
55 Then Accumulate counter
56 values of batch output and input, which will determine the scale
57 type of the items and whether they contribute to yield.
58 From these counters, determine whether certain conditions
59 exist: does a simple scaling scenario exist that
60 will enable early exit or do we have to scale at all.
61 If these conditions are not met, continue on to PHASE I and
62 then PHASE II of the full scaling process.
63 **********************************************************************/
65 /*  Procedure to get the standard uom for the 'fm_yield_type'
66     This will be used to convert all the quantities into single
67     unit of measure
68 */
70   PROCEDURE get_fm_yield_type
71   (
72     p_orgn_id           IN  NUMBER,
73     x_conv_uom          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
74     x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
75   IS
77     CURSOR sy_uoms_typ_cursor(v_yield_type VARCHAR2) IS
78      SELECT  uom_code
79      FROM    mtl_units_of_measure
80      WHERE   uom_class = v_yield_type
81      AND     base_uom_flag = 'Y';
83      l_yield_type VARCHAR2(30);
84      l_return_status VARCHAR2(10);
86   BEGIN
88       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
90       -- NPD Convergence
91       GMD_API_GRP.FETCH_PARM_VALUES (	P_orgn_id       => p_orgn_id		,
92 					P_parm_name     => 'FM_YIELD_TYPE'	,
93 					P_parm_value    => l_yield_type		,
94 					X_return_status => l_return_status	);
96 	OPEN sy_uoms_typ_cursor(l_yield_type);
97 	FETCH sy_uoms_typ_cursor INTO x_conv_uom;
98 	CLOSE sy_uoms_typ_cursor;
100 	IF (x_conv_uom IS NULL OR x_conv_uom = ' ')
101 	THEN
102   	   fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_STANDARD_UOM_NOT_DEFINED');
103 	   fnd_msg_pub.add;
104            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
105 	   RETURN;
106 	END IF;
108   END get_fm_yield_type;
111   PROCEDURE scale
112   (  p_scale_tab          IN scale_tab
113   ,  p_orgn_id            IN NUMBER
114   ,  p_scale_factor       IN NUMBER
115   ,  p_primaries          IN VARCHAR2
116   ,  x_scale_tab          OUT NOCOPY scale_tab
117   ,  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
118   )
119   IS
120   l_scale_tab             scale_tab ;
121   x_scale_rec		  scale_rec ;
122   --Begin Bug#3164299  P.Raghu
123   x_scale_rec_out         scale_rec ;
124   --End Bug#3164299
125   l_qty                   NUMBER;
126   l_tab_size              NUMBER;
127   -- l_conv_uom           sy_uoms_mst.um_code%TYPE;
128   l_conv_uom              mtl_units_of_measure.uom_code%TYPE;
129   l_type_0_Y_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
130   l_type_1_Y_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
131   l_type_2_Y_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
132   l_type_0_N_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
133   l_type_1_N_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
134   l_type_2_N_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
135   l_type_0_Y_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
136   l_type_1_Y_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
137   l_type_2_Y_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
138   l_type_0_N_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
139   l_type_1_N_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
140   l_type_2_N_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
141   l_fixed_input_qty       NUMBER:= 0;
142   l_fixed_output_qty      NUMBER:= 0;
143   l_proportional_input_qty    NUMBER:= 0;
144   l_proportional_output_qty   NUMBER:= 0;
145   P                     NUMBER:= 0;
146   S                     NUMBER:= 0;
147   A                     NUMBER:= 0;
148   k                     NUMBER:= 0;
149   b                     NUMBER:= 0;
150   b1                    NUMBER:= 0;
151   l_input_total         NUMBER:= 0;
152   l_output_total        NUMBER:= 0;
154   CURSOR sy_uoms_typ_cursor(v_yield_type VARCHAR2) IS
155      SELECT  uom_code
156      FROM    mtl_units_of_measure
157      WHERE   uom_class = v_yield_type
158      AND     base_uom_flag = 'Y';
160   l_yield_type VARCHAR2(30);
161   l_return_status VARCHAR2(10);
163 --**********************************************************************
166 -- added by pawan kumar for intializing success
167   x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
168   l_tab_size := p_scale_tab.count;
169 --**********************************************************************
170 --Determine the uom to which the items that conbribute to yield
171 --must be converted.
172 --**********************************************************************
173 --Moved this out the loop
175         -- NPD Convergence
176         GMD_API_GRP.FETCH_PARM_VALUES (	P_orgn_id       => p_orgn_id		,
177 					P_parm_name     => 'FM_YIELD_TYPE'	,
178 					P_parm_value    => l_yield_type		,
179 					X_return_status => l_return_status	);
181         OPEN sy_uoms_typ_cursor(l_yield_type);
182 	FETCH sy_uoms_typ_cursor INTO l_conv_uom;
183 	CLOSE sy_uoms_typ_cursor;
185 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_conv_uom ' || l_conv_uom);
187 	IF (l_conv_uom IS NULL OR l_conv_uom = ' ')
188 	THEN
189   	   fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_STANDARD_UOM_NOT_DEFINED');
190 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
191     	-- dbms_output.put_line('No standard UOM for FM_YIELD_TYPE');
192       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
193 		RETURN;
194 	END IF;
195   FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
196   LOOP
197 	--*************************************************************
198 	--Initial data validation. If the data is not correct,
199 	--exit from scaling with an error message.
200 	--*************************************************************
202 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).inventory_item_id IS NULL
203 	OR p_scale_tab(l_row_count).detail_uom IS NULL)
204 	THEN
205 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_ITEM_OR_ITEM_UM');
206 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
207       		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
208 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_ITEM_AND_OR_ITEM_UM');
209 	END IF;
210 	-- Pawan Kumar added  check for null
211 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IS NULL) OR
212 	   (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type NOT IN (-1,1,2))
213       	THEN
214 				fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
215 				fnd_msg_pub.add;
216 		 		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
217 				-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
218 	END IF;
219 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_no IS NULL
220 		OR p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_no <= 0 )
221    THEN
222 				fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER');
223 				fnd_msg_pub.add;
224       		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
225 				-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_LINE_NUMBER');
226 	END IF ;
227 	-- Pawan Kumar added  check for null
228 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IS NULL) OR
229 	(p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type NOT IN (0,1,2))
230    THEN
231 			fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_SCALE_TYPE');
232 			fnd_msg_pub.add;
233      		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
234 			-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_SCALE_TYPE');
235 	END IF;
236 	-- Pawan Kumar added  check for null
237    IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind IS NULL) OR
238    (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind NOT IN ('Y','N'))
239 	THEN
240 			fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_CONTRIBUTE_YIELD');
241 			fnd_msg_pub.add;
242      		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
243 			-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_CONTRIBUTE_YIELD_IND');
244 	END IF;
245 	-- Pawan Kumar added  check for scale type = 2 as the following are required then only
246   IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2) THEN
247    IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_multiple IS NULL) OR
248       (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_multiple < 0 )
249 	THEN
250 			fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_SCALE_MULTIPLE');
251 			fnd_msg_pub.add;
252      		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
253 			-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_SCALE_MULTIPLE');
254 	END IF;
255   --BEGIN BUG#2901379
256   --Do not validate the scale_rounding_variance being NULL.
257     --IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance IS NULL) OR
258       IF   ((p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance < 0)
259 	OR  (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance > 1))
260 	THEN
261 			fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_SCALE_VARIANCE');
262 			fnd_msg_pub.add;
263      		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
264 			-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_SCALE_ROUNDING_VARIANCE');
265 	END IF;
266    --END BUG#2901379
268 IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).rounding_direction IS NULL) OR
269    (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).rounding_direction NOT IN (0,1,2))
270 	THEN
271 				fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_ROUNDING_DIRECTION');
272 				fnd_msg_pub.add;
273       		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
274 				-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_ROUNDING_DIRECTION');
275 	END IF;
276     END IF;
277    IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
278 	THEN
279 		RETURN;
280 	END IF;
283 --**********************************************************************
284 --Here determining the scale type of the outputs and whether they
285 --contribute to yield. Increment appropriate counter.
286 --**********************************************************************
287     IF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2)
288     THEN
289     -- dbms_output.put_line('determining scale type of output ');
290       IF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
291 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
292       THEN
293         l_type_0_Y_outputs := l_type_0_Y_outputs + 1;
294       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 1 AND
295 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
296       THEN
297         l_type_1_Y_outputs := l_type_1_Y_outputs+1;
298       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2 AND
299 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
300       THEN
301         l_type_2_Y_outputs := l_type_2_Y_outputs+1;
302       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type =0 AND
303 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'N'
304       THEN
305         l_type_0_N_outputs := l_type_0_N_outputs+1;
306       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type =1 AND
307 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'N'
308       THEN
309         l_type_1_N_outputs := l_type_1_N_outputs+1;
310       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type =2 AND
311 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'N'
312       THEN
313         l_type_2_N_outputs := l_type_2_N_outputs+1;
314       ELSE
315         -- Use this branch for future scale types.
316         NULL;
317       END IF;
318       l_output_total := l_output_total +1 ;
320 --**********************************************************************
321 --Here determining the scale type of the inputs and whether they
322 --contribute to yield. Increment appropriate counter.
323 --**********************************************************************
325     ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type = -1
326     THEN
327     -- dbms_output.put_line('determining scale type of input ');
328       IF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
329 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
330       THEN
331         l_type_0_Y_inputs := l_type_0_Y_inputs + 1;
332       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 1 AND
333 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
334       THEN
335         l_type_1_Y_inputs := l_type_1_Y_inputs + 1;
336       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2 AND
337 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
338       THEN
339         l_type_2_Y_inputs := l_type_2_Y_inputs + 1;
340       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type =0 AND
341 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'N'
342       THEN
343         l_type_0_N_inputs := l_type_0_N_inputs+1;
344       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type =1 AND
345 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'N'
346       THEN
347         l_type_1_N_inputs := l_type_1_N_inputs+1;
348       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type =2 AND
349 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'N'
350       THEN
351         l_type_2_N_inputs := l_type_2_N_inputs+1;
352       ELSE
353         -- Use this branch for future scale types.
354         NULL;
355       END IF;
356       l_input_total := l_input_total +1 ;
357     END IF;
358   END LOOP;
360 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_input_total = ' || to_char(l_input_total));
361 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_output_total = ' || to_char(l_output_total));
363 --**********************************************************************
364 --Now that we have the output/input counters, which tell us the scale_type
365 --and whether the output/input contributes to yield, we can test for some
366 --conditions that if satisfied will allow for uncomplicated scaling and/or
367 --early exit from scaling routine.
368 --**********************************************************************
370 --**********************************************************************
371 --Condition 1:
372 --If all outputs and inputs are scaleable(scale_type=1,2) and regardless
373 --of whether they contribute to yield(contribute_yield_ind=Y or N), apply
374 --the same entered scale factor to all outputs and inputs. Exit.
375 --**********************************************************************
377   IF l_type_1_Y_inputs + l_type_1_N_inputs + l_type_2_Y_inputs + l_type_2_N_inputs + l_type_1_Y_outputs + l_type_1_N_outputs + l_type_2_Y_outputs + l_type_2_N_outputs = l_tab_size
378   THEN
379 	-- dbms_output.put_line('YES all input and output are scale=1,2 contribute=Y');
380 	-- dbms_output.put_line('scale by factor and get out!');
382     x_scale_tab := p_scale_tab;
383     FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
384     LOOP
385       x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty * p_scale_factor;
386         --BEGIN BUG#2901379 PR
387         --Commented the condition to check the boundary of scale_rounding_variance as this fails if cale_rounding_variance is NULL;
388         IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2
389          AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_multiple > 0
390          --AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance > 0
391          --AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance <= 1
392          --END BUG#2901379
393 	THEN
394 	-- dbms_output.put_line('just b4 call to integer_multiple_scale');
395 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
397 	  integer_multiple_scale(x_scale_tab(l_row_count)
398 	                         --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
399                                  , x_scale_rec_out
400                                  --End Bug#3164299
401                                  , x_return_status);
402 	   -- dbms_output.put_line('just after  call to integer_multiple_scale');
404            IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
405            THEN
406 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE_ERR');
407 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
408 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE_ERROR ');
409 	 	RETURN;
410            END IF;
411            --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
412            x_scale_tab(l_row_count) := x_scale_rec_out;
413 	   --End Bug#3164299
414 	END IF;
415     END LOOP;
416     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
417     RETURN;
419 --**********************************************************************
420 --Condition 2:
421 --If all outputs and inputs are fixed(scale_type=0) and regardless
422 --of whether they contribute to yield(contribute_yield_ind=Y or N),
423 --Exit. No items are available for scaling.
424 --**********************************************************************
426   -- dbms_output.put_line('determine whether all input and output are fixed=0');
428   ELSIF l_type_0_Y_inputs + l_type_0_N_inputs + l_type_0_Y_outputs + l_type_0_N_outputs = l_tab_size
429   THEN
430     x_scale_tab := p_scale_tab;
432     fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_ALL_FIXED_NO_SCALING');
433     fnd_msg_pub.add;
434     -- dbms_output.put_line('All items are non-scaleable. No scaling permitted');
436     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
437     RETURN;
439 --**********************************************************************
440 --Condition 3:
441 --If all outputs or if all inputs are fixed(scale_type=0)
442 --or if no scaleable items that contribute to yield exist,
443 --scaling is not permitted.
444 --At least one ingredient must be scaleable and contribute to yield.
445 --At least one product must be scaleable and contribute to yield.
447 --**********************************************************************
449   ELSIF (l_type_0_Y_inputs + l_type_0_N_inputs + l_type_1_N_inputs
450          + l_type_2_N_inputs= l_input_total)
451   THEN
452 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_0_Y_inputs =  ' || l_type_0_Y_inputs);
453 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_0_N_inputs =  ' || l_type_0_N_inputs);
454 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_1_N_inputs =  ' || l_type_1_N_inputs);
455 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_2_N_inputs =  ' || l_type_2_N_inputs);
457     fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_NO_YC_PROPORTIONAL_INPUT');
458     fnd_msg_pub.add;
459     -- dbms_output.put_line('At least one YC scaleable ingredient must exist.') ;
460     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
461     RETURN;
463   ELSIF (l_type_0_Y_outputs + l_type_0_N_outputs + l_type_1_N_outputs
464          + l_type_2_N_outputs = l_output_total)
465   THEN
466 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_0_Y_outputs =  ' || l_type_0_Y_outputs);
467 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_0_N_outputs =  ' || l_type_0_N_outputs);
468 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_1_N_outputs =  ' || l_type_1_N_outputs);
469 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_type_2_N_outputs =  ' || l_type_2_N_outputs);
471     fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_NO_YC_PROPORTIONAL_OUTPUT');
472     fnd_msg_pub.add;
473     -- dbms_output.put_line('At least one YC scaleable product must exist.') ;
474     x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
475     RETURN;
478   END IF;
480 --**********************************************************************
481 --At this point, we know that at least one or more items of the batch
482 --differ in scale type. The items are not all scalable and they are not
483 --all fixed.The following phases of the scaling process begin here:
485 --PHASE I:
486 --Here regardless of scale type, all items that contribute
487 --to yield are passed to the uom_conversion program.
488 --Each qty that contributes to yield must be converted to the fm_yield_type.
489 --Counters are updated with the qty of the output/input
490 --and indicate whether the output/input is fixed or scalable.
491 --These qtys will be used in calculating the
492 --secondary scale factor(b).
494 --PHASE II:
495 --Phase II will execute two different sections of code depending
496 --on whether the primaries=OUTPUT or INPUT. The primary parameter is the
497 --one to which we will apply the entered scale factor. Both sections of
498 --Phase II consists of 4 parts. Within the 4 parts, we do the following:
499 --	Sum the item qtys that contribute to yield and store value in A.
500 --	Calculate the scale factor for the secondary using qty's
501 --	calculated in PHASE 1.
502 --	Apply entered scale factor to primary and calculated scale factor
503 --	to the secondary.
504 -- 	Determine whether integer_multiple scaling is required.
505 --**********************************************************************
507   l_scale_tab := p_scale_tab;
508   x_scale_tab := p_scale_tab;
511 --**********************************************************************
512 --PHASE I: UOM conversion and increment fixed and proportional
513 --output and input qty counters.
514 --Note:
515 --!Importance of these counters is to accumulate qty that
516 --contributes to yield.
517 --**********************************************************************
519   -- dbms_output.put_line('Phase I: calling uom conv ');
521   FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
522   LOOP
523     IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (0,1,2) AND
524        l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
525     THEN
526      -- NPD Conv.
527      l_qty := INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert(item_id         => p_scale_tab(l_row_count).inventory_item_id
528                                          ,precision      => 5
529                                          ,from_quantity  => p_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty
530                                          ,from_unit      => p_scale_tab(l_row_count).detail_uom
531                                          ,to_unit        => l_conv_uom
532                                          ,from_name      => NULL
533                                          ,to_name	 => NULL);
534       IF l_qty < 0
535       THEN
536         -- Report UOM failure
537 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_return_status =  ' || x_return_status);
538     	fnd_message.set_name('GMI','GMI_OPM_UOM_NOT_FOUND');
539 	fnd_msg_pub.add;
540     	-- dbms_output.put_line('GMI UOM_CONVERSION_ERROR');
541         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
542 	RETURN;
543       ELSE
544         l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := l_qty;
545         l_scale_tab(l_row_count).detail_uom := l_conv_uom;
546     	x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
548 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_return_status =  ' || x_return_status);
550 --**********************************************************************
551 --PHASE I:
552 --Importance of these counters is to accumulate prod/byprod qty that
553 --contributes to yield.
554 --If prod/byprod has a fixed scale type(scale_type=0) and contributes
555 --to yield, add its qty to fixed qty variable.
556 --If prod/byprod has a scalable scale type(scale_type=1,2) and contributes
557 --to yield, add its qty to proportional qty variable.
558 --**********************************************************************
560 	-- dbms_output.put_line('Phase I:increment fix/proportional output qty counter');
561         IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2)
562         THEN
563           IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
564              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
565           THEN
566             l_fixed_output_qty := l_fixed_output_qty + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
567 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_output_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_output_qty));
568           ELSIF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
569              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
570           THEN
571             l_proportional_output_qty :=  l_proportional_output_qty + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
572 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_output_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_output_qty));
573           END IF;
575 --**********************************************************************
576 --PHASE I:
577 --Importance of these counters is to accumulate ingredient qty that
578 --contributes to yield.
579 --If ingredient has a fixed scale type(scale_type=0) and contributes
580 --to yield, add its qty to fixed qty variable.
581 --If ingredient has a scalable scale type(scale_type=1,2) and contributes
582 --to yield, add its qty to proportional qty variable.
583 --**********************************************************************
584         ELSE
585 	-- dbms_output.put_line('Phase I:increment fix/proportional INPUT qty counter');
586           IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
587              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
588           THEN
589             l_fixed_input_qty := l_fixed_input_qty + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
590 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_input_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_input_qty));
592           ELSIF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
593              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
594           THEN
595             l_proportional_input_qty :=  l_proportional_input_qty + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
596 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_input_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_input_qty));
597           END IF;
598         END IF;
599       END IF;
600     END IF;
601   END LOOP;
604 /*
605   IF (l_fixed_output_qty + l_proportional_output_qty +
606       l_fixed_input_qty +l_proportional_input_qty = 0 )
607   THEN
608     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_YIELD_CONTR_PRIM_OR_SEC');
609 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
610     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_FIXED_OR_PROPORTIONAL_PRIMARY_OR_SECONDARY');
611       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
612 		RETURN;
613   END IF;
614 */
616 -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE I ') ;
617 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_output_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_output_qty));
618 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_output_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_output_qty));
619 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_input_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_input_qty));
620 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_input_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_input_qty));
623 --**********************************************************************
624 --PHASE II when primaries=OUTPUT:
625 --Part 1
626 --When p_primaries = 'OUTPUT', sum the prod/byprod that contribute to
627 --yield and store the accumulated value in variable A.
628 --**********************************************************************
630   IF p_primaries = 'OUTPUTS'
631   THEN
632    -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE II; Part 1; primaries = OUTPUT') ;
633     --Sum of fixed and scalable prod/byprod that contribute to yield.
634     P := l_fixed_output_qty + l_proportional_output_qty;
635     IF (P = 0 )
636     THEN
637     	-- dbms_output.put_line('P=0');
638 /*
639     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_YIELD_CONTR_PRIMARIES');
640 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
641     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_YIELD_CONTR_PRIMARIES_EXIT');
642       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
643 */
644 		RETURN;
645     END IF;
647     --Sum of fixed and scalable ingred that contribute to yield.
648     S := l_fixed_input_qty + l_proportional_input_qty;
649     --Yield Ratio of Outputs/Inputs
650     IF (S = 0 )
651     THEN
652     	-- dbms_output.put_line('S=0');
654 /*
655     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_YIELD_CONTR_SECONDARIES');
656 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
657     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_YIELD_CONTR_SECONDARIES_EXIST');
658       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
659 */
660 		RETURN;
661     ELSIF (l_proportional_input_qty = 0)
662     THEN
663     	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_input_qty=0');
665 /*
666     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_PROPORTIONAL_SECONDARIES');
667 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
668     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_PROPORTIONAL_SECONDARIES_EXIST');
669       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
670 */
671 		RETURN;
673     END IF;
675     k := P/S;
676     -- dbms_output.put_line('P= '||to_char(P));
677     -- dbms_output.put_line('S= '||to_char(S));
678     -- dbms_output.put_line('k= '||to_char(k));
680     FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
681     LOOP
682       IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2)
683       THEN
684         IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
685              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
686         THEN
687           A := A + p_scale_factor * l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
688 	-- dbms_output.put_line('A calc w/scale factor= '||to_char(A));
689         ELSIF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
690              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
691         THEN
692           A := A + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
693 	-- dbms_output.put_line('A w/o scale factor= '||to_char(A));
694         END IF;
695       END IF;
696     END LOOP;
698     -- dbms_output.put_line('A calc = '||to_char(A));
699     -- dbms_output.put_line('A w/o scale factor= '||to_char(A));
702 --**********************************************************************
703 --PHASE II when primaries= OUTPUT
704 --Part 2
705 --Calcuate the scale factor(b) that will be applied to the scalable
706 --ingredients, which are the secondaries.
707 --**********************************************************************
708 -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE II; Part 2') ;
709 -- dbms_output.put_line(' A = '||to_char(A));
710 -- dbms_output.put_line(' k = '||to_char(k));
711 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_input_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_input_qty));
712 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_input_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_input_qty));
714 --**********************************************************************
715 --Here checking for whether the l_fixed_input_qty is greater than
716 --the dividend of the primaries that contribute to yield and
717 --the yield ratio. If the value is greater, scaling would result in a
718 --in a negative scale factor applied to any scalable
719 --item that contributes to yield. As such, stop scaling.
720 --*********************************************************************
721    b1 := ((A/k) - l_fixed_input_qty);
722    -- dbms_output.put_line(' b1 = '||to_char(b1));
723    IF b1 < 0
724    THEN
725     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_NEGATIVE_SCALE_FACTOR_CALC');
726 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
727     	-- dbms_output.put_line('Cannot scale to a qty lower than the qty of your non-scaleable items ') ;
729       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
730 		RETURN;
731    ELSE
732 		b := b1 / l_proportional_input_qty;
733    END IF;
735    -- dbms_output.put_line(' b = '||to_char(b));
737 --**********************************************************************
738 --PHASE II when primaries=OUTPUT:
739 --Part 3
740 --Loop thru the structure
741 --	For scalable prod/byprod, apply entered scale factor regardless
742 --	of whether prod/byprod contributes to yield.
743 --	For scalable ingredients, apply calculated scale factor regardless
744 --	of whether ingredient contributes to yield.
745 --**********************************************************************
746 -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE II; Part 3-Apply scale factor') ;
748     FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
749     LOOP
750       IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2)
751       THEN
752         IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2)
753         THEN
754           x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty * p_scale_factor;
755 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
756 	-- dbms_output.put_line('prod scaled qty  = '||to_char(x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty));
757       END IF;
758       ELSE
759         IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2)
760         THEN
761           x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty * b;
762 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
763 	-- dbms_output.put_line('ingred scaled qty-b applied  = '||to_char(x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty));
764         END IF;
765       END IF;
767 --**********************************************************************
768 --Determine whether integer_multiple scaling is required.
769 --**********************************************************************
770         IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2
771          AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_multiple > 0
772          -- Bug 3069408 Do not check the rounding variance
773          -- AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance > 0
774          -- AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance <= 1
775         THEN
776 			-- dbms_output.put_line('just b4 call to integer_multiple_scale');
777 			-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
779 			  integer_multiple_scale(x_scale_tab(l_row_count)
780 	                         --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
781                                  , x_scale_rec_out
782                                  --End Bug#3164299
783                                  , x_return_status);
784 				-- dbms_output.put_line('just after  call to integer_multiple_scale');
786            IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
787            THEN
788 					fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE_ERR');
789 					fnd_msg_pub.add;
790 					-- dbms_output.put_line('INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE_ERROR ');
791 				 	RETURN;
792            END IF;
793            --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
794            x_scale_tab(l_row_count) := x_scale_rec_out;
795            --End Bug#3164299
796 		END IF;
798     END LOOP;
800 --**********************************************************************
801 --PHASE II when primaries=INPUT:
802 --Part 1
803 --When p_primaries = 'INPUT', sum the ingredients that contribute to
804 --yield and store the accumulated value in variable A.
805 --**********************************************************************
807   ELSIF  p_primaries = 'INPUTS'
808   THEN
809   -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE II; Part 1; primaries = INPUT') ;
810     --Sum of ingredients that contribute to yield.
811     P := l_fixed_input_qty + l_proportional_input_qty;
812     --Sum of fixed and scalable prod/byprod that contribute to yield.
813     IF (P = 0 )
814     THEN
815     	-- dbms_output.put_line('P=0');
816 /*
817     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_YIELD_CONTR_PRIMARIES');
818 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
819     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_YIELD_CONTR_PRIMARIES_EXIT');
820       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
821 */
822 		RETURN;
823     END IF;
825     S := l_fixed_output_qty + l_proportional_output_qty;
826     --Yield Ratio of Inputs/Outputs
827     IF (S = 0 )
828     THEN
829     	-- dbms_output.put_line('S=0');
830 /*
831     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_YIELD_CONTR_SECONDARIES');
832 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
833     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_YIELD_CONTR_SECONDARIES_EXIST');
834       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
835 */
836 		RETURN;
839     ELSIF (l_proportional_output_qty = 0)
840     THEN
841     	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_output_qty=0');
843 /*
844     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_PROPORTIONAL_SECONDARIES');
845 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
846     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_PROPORTIONAL_SECONDARIES_EXIST');
847       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
848 */
849 		RETURN;
850     END IF;
852    -- dbms_output.put_line('P= '||to_char(P));
853    -- dbms_output.put_line('S= '||to_char(S));
855     k := P/S;
857    -- dbms_output.put_line('k= '||to_char(k));
858     FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
859     LOOP
860       IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type = -1
861       THEN
862         IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
863              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
864         THEN
865           A := A + p_scale_factor * l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
866 	-- dbms_output.put_line('A calc w/scale factor= '||to_char(A));
867         ELSIF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
868              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
869         THEN
870           A := A + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
871 	-- dbms_output.put_line('A calc w/o scale factor= '||to_char(A));
872         END IF;
873       END IF;
874     END LOOP;
875     -- dbms_output.put_line('A calc = '||to_char(A));
876     -- dbms_output.put_line('A calc w/o scale factor= '||to_char(A));
878 --**********************************************************************
879 --PHASE II when primaries=INPUT:
880 --Part 2
881 --Calcuate the scale factor(b) that will be applied to the scalable
882 --products, which are the secondaries.
883 --**********************************************************************
884 -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE II; Part 2') ;
885 -- dbms_output.put_line(' A = '||to_char(A));
886 -- dbms_output.put_line(' k = '||to_char(k));
887 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_output_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_output_qty));
888 -- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_output_qty= ' || to_char(l_proportional_output_qty));
890 --**********************************************************************
891 --Here checking for whether there are scalable prods/byprods.
892 --If there are no scalable prods/byprods, there
893 --is no need to calculate the secondary scale factor(b).
894 --In including this check, we are eliminating the possibility
895 --of a divide by zero.
896 --**********************************************************************
898    b1 := ((A/k) - l_fixed_output_qty);
899   -- dbms_output.put_line(' b1 = '||to_char(b1));
900    IF b1 < 0
901    THEN
902     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_NEGATIVE_SCALE_FACTOR_CALC');
903 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
904     	-- dbms_output.put_line('Cannot scale to a qty lower than the qty of your non-scaleable items ') ;
905       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
906 		RETURN;
907    ELSE
908         b := b1 / l_proportional_output_qty;
909    END IF;
910   -- dbms_output.put_line(' b = '||to_char(b));
912 --**********************************************************************
913 --PHASE II when primaries=INPUT:
914 --Part 3
915 --Loop thru the structure
916 --	For scalable ingredients, apply entered scale factor regardless
917 --	of whether ingredient contributes to yield.
918 --	For scalable prod/byprod, apply calculated scale factor regardless
919 --	of whether prod/byprod contributes to yield.
920 --**********************************************************************
921     -- dbms_output.put_line('PHASE II; Part 3-Apply scale factor') ;
923     FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
924     LOOP
925       IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type = -1
926       THEN
927         IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2)
928         THEN
929           x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty * p_scale_factor;
930 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
931 	-- dbms_output.put_line('ingred scaled qty  = '||to_char(x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty));
932        END IF;
933       ELSE
934         IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2)
935         THEN
936           x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty * b;
937 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
938 	-- dbms_output.put_line('prod scaled qty-b applied  = '||to_char(x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty));
939        END IF;
940       END IF;
942 --**********************************************************************
943 --Determine whether integer_multiple scaling is required.
944 --**********************************************************************
945 	IF x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2
946     AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_multiple > 0
947     -- Bug 3069408 Do not check the rounding variance
948     -- AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance > 0
949     -- AND x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance <= 1
950    THEN
951 		-- dbms_output.put_line('just b4 call to integer_multiple_scale');
952 		-- dbms_output.put_line('l_row_count  = '||to_char(l_row_count));
953 		-- dbms_output.put_line('x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = '|| to_char(x_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type));
955 		  integer_multiple_scale(x_scale_tab(l_row_count)
956 	                         --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
957                                  , x_scale_rec_out
958                                  --End Bug#3164299
959                                  , x_return_status);
960 		  -- dbms_output.put_line('just after  call to integer_multiple_scale');
962         IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
963         THEN
964 				fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE_ERR');
965 				fnd_msg_pub.add;
966 				-- dbms_output.put_line('INTEGER_MULTIPLE_SCALE_ERROR ');
967 			 	RETURN;
968         END IF;
969         --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
970         x_scale_tab(l_row_count) := x_scale_rec_out;
971         --End Bug#3164299
972 	 END IF;
974    END LOOP;
976   END IF;
978   x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
982   THEN x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
983 END scale;
986 /**********************************************************************
987 *
988 * PROCEDURE:   integer_multiple_scale
989 * PURPOSE:     11iplus enhanced functionality that allows for
990 *					rounding in integer_increments.
991 * AUTHOR:      Elizabeth Chen
992 *
993 * HISTORY:
994 * =======
995 * Elizabeth Chen     Created.
996 *
997 * Praveen Surakanti  22-MAY-03 Bug#2901379
998 * Modified the integer_multiple_scale to handle
999 * the case of scale_rounding_variance being NULL
1000 *
1001 * P.Raghu            09-OCT-03 Bug#3164299
1002 * Added code to retain the values of scale_rec for OUT parameter.
1003 **********************************************************************/
1005 /**********************************************************************
1006 * OVERVIEW:
1007 * =========
1008 *
1009 Procedure is called if scaling must be in integer increments.
1010 The variance value(v) is crucial in the determination of whether
1011 a value is eligible for rounding. Rounding is not permitted if the
1012 initial scaled qty of the item would be changed more than the
1013 variance value. The objective of the scaling procedure is to round to
1014 the nearest multiple, unless rounding is specified as UP or DOWN.
1015 In keeping the rounding allowance within this variance value, we
1016 eliminate the need for a rebalancing function.
1018 --v = Variance Value.
1019 --v := scale_rounding_variance * scale_qty
1020 --This value will be used in the condition to evaluate
1021 --whether the quantity must be rounded up or down.
1023 --a = Dividend of the initial scaled qty  and the scale_multiple.
1024 --Through division, remove the multiple from the qty value. This
1025 --step is necessary as the floor and ceil functions only determine
1026 --the next integer up or down from a fractionalized value.
1028 --floor_d = Difference between the initial scale qty and the
1029 --floored value.
1031 --ceil_d = Difference between the ceiled qty and the
1032 --initial scaled qty.
1034 ********************************************************************/
1036   PROCEDURE integer_multiple_scale
1037   (  p_scale_rec          IN scale_rec
1038   ,  x_scale_rec          OUT NOCOPY scale_rec
1039   ,  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1040   )
1041   IS
1042   l_im_scale_rec          scale_rec  ;
1044    v				NUMBER :=0;
1045    a				NUMBER :=0;
1046    floor_qty	NUMBER :=0;
1047    floor_d		NUMBER :=0;
1048    ceil_qty		NUMBER :=0;
1049    ceil_d		NUMBER :=0;
1051   BEGIN
1053 -- dbms_output.put_line('in integer_multiple_scale function');
1055 --*********************************************************************
1056 --Load fields of scale_rec into local variables.
1057 --*********************************************************************
1058     --Begin Bug#3164299 P.Raghu
1059     x_scale_rec := p_scale_rec;
1060     --End Bug#3164299
1062    l_im_scale_rec.qty := p_scale_rec.qty;
1064    -- dbms_output.put_line('IN qty = ' || to_char(l_im_scale_rec.qty));
1065    l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple := p_scale_rec.scale_multiple;
1066    -- dbms_output.put_line('IN scale_multiple = ' || to_char(l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple));
1067    l_im_scale_rec.scale_rounding_variance := p_scale_rec.scale_rounding_variance;
1068    -- dbms_output.put_line('IN rounding_variance = ' || to_char(l_im_scale_rec.scale_rounding_variance));
1069    l_im_scale_rec.rounding_direction := p_scale_rec.rounding_direction;
1070    -- dbms_output.put_line('IN rounding_direction = ' || to_char(l_im_scale_rec.rounding_direction));
1072 --*********************************************************************
1073 --Determine variance value, v.
1074 --*********************************************************************
1075    v := l_im_scale_rec.scale_rounding_variance *
1076         l_im_scale_rec.qty ;
1077 -- dbms_output.put_line('v = ' || to_char(v));
1079 --*********************************************************************
1080 --Determine dividend value, a.
1081 --*********************************************************************
1082    a := l_im_scale_rec.qty /
1083         l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple ;
1084 -- dbms_output.put_line('a = ' || to_char(a));
1086 --*********************************************************************
1087 --Evaluate rounding_direction value.
1088 --Phase - Round DOWN
1089 --If rounding_direction = 2 for DOWN, call floor function and
1090 --continue with calculations and evaluations.
1091 --*********************************************************************
1092   IF l_im_scale_rec.rounding_direction = 2
1093   THEN
1094 	floor_down( a
1095 		, l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple
1096 		, floor_qty
1097 		, x_return_status  );
1098 	-- dbms_output.put_line('floor_qty = ' || to_char(floor_qty));
1100   	floor_d := l_im_scale_rec.qty - floor_qty;
1101 	-- dbms_output.put_line('floor_d = ' || to_char(floor_d));
1103 	--*********************************************************************
1104 	--Rounding down not permitted if the difference between the
1105 	--initial scaled qty of the item and the floor_qty is greater
1106 	--than the variance value(v) or if the floor_qty is 0.
1107 	--*********************************************************************
1108 	--BEGIN BUG#2901379 PR
1109 	--Modified the condition to accommodate the NULL for the scale rounding variance.
1110 	IF (v IS NULL OR floor_d <= v) AND floor_qty <> 0
1111 	THEN
1112 		x_scale_rec.qty := floor_qty;
1113 	-- dbms_output.put_line('in IF') ;
1114 	ELSE
1115 		x_scale_rec.qty := l_im_scale_rec.qty;
1116 	-- dbms_output.put_line('in ELSE') ;
1117 	END IF;
1118 	--END BUG#2901379 PR
1119 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_scale_rec.qty = ' || to_char(x_scale_rec.qty));
1121 	x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1122 	RETURN;
1124 --*********************************************************************
1125 --Phase - Round UP
1126 --If rounding_direction = 1 for UP, call ceil function and
1127 --continue with calculations and evaluations.
1128 --*********************************************************************
1129   ELSIF l_im_scale_rec.rounding_direction = 1
1130   THEN
1131 	ceil_up( a
1132               , l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple
1133               , ceil_qty
1134               , x_return_status  );
1135 	-- dbms_output.put_line('ceil_qty = ' || to_char(ceil_qty));
1137   	ceil_d := ceil_qty - l_im_scale_rec.qty ;
1138 	-- dbms_output.put_line('ceil_d = ' || to_char(ceil_d));
1140 	--*********************************************************************
1141 	--Rounding UP not permitted if the difference between the
1142 	--ceil_qty and the initial scaled qty of the item is greater
1143 	--than the variance value(v).
1144 	--*********************************************************************
1145 	--BEGIN BUG# 2901379 PR
1146 	--Modified the condition to accommodate the NULL for the scale rounding variance.
1147 	IF (v IS NULL OR ceil_d <= v)
1148 	THEN
1149 		x_scale_rec.qty := ceil_qty;
1150 	-- dbms_output.put_line('in ceil IF') ;
1151 	ELSE
1152 		x_scale_rec.qty := l_im_scale_rec.qty;
1153 	-- dbms_output.put_line('in ceil ELSE') ;
1154 	END IF;
1155 	--END BUG#2901379 PR
1156 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_scale_rec.qty = ' || to_char(x_scale_rec.qty));
1158 	x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1159 	RETURN;
1161 --*********************************************************************
1162 --Phase - Round EITHER
1163 --If rounding_direction = 0 for EITHER, call both floor and
1164 --ceil functions and continue with calculations and evaluations.
1165 --*********************************************************************
1167   ELSIF l_im_scale_rec.rounding_direction = 0
1168   THEN
1169 	floor_down( a
1170 		, l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple
1171 		, floor_qty
1172 		, x_return_status  );
1173 	-- dbms_output.put_line('either floor_qty = ' || to_char(floor_qty));
1175   	floor_d := l_im_scale_rec.qty - floor_qty;
1176 	-- dbms_output.put_line('either floor_d = ' || to_char(floor_d));
1178 	ceil_up( a
1179               , l_im_scale_rec.scale_multiple
1180               , ceil_qty
1181               , x_return_status  );
1182 	-- dbms_output.put_line('either ceil_qty = ' || to_char(ceil_qty));
1184   	ceil_d := ceil_qty - l_im_scale_rec.qty ;
1185 	-- dbms_output.put_line('either ceil_d = ' || to_char(ceil_d));
1187 	--*********************************************************************
1188 	--Determine wheter floor_d and ceil_d values are 0.
1189 	--If they are, the scale_qty is on the multiple; no rounding
1190 	--required.
1191 	--*********************************************************************
1192 	IF floor_d = 0 AND ceil_d = 0
1193 	THEN
1194 		-- dbms_output.put_line('floor_d and ceil_d = 0');
1195 		x_scale_rec.qty := l_im_scale_rec.qty;
1196 		-- dbms_output.put_line('x_scale_rec.qty = ' || to_char(x_scale_rec.qty));
1197    		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1198 		RETURN;
1199 		-- dbms_output.put_line('test to see if hits message after RETURN');
1200 	END IF;
1202 	--*********************************************************************
1203 	--Since the goal is to round to the closest multiple, a
1204 	--determination must be made as to whether the floor_d is less
1205 	--than the ceil_d.
1206 	--*********************************************************************
1207 	IF floor_d < ceil_d
1208 	THEN
1209 		-- dbms_output.put_line('floor_d < ceil_d ');
1210 	--*********************************************************************
1211 	--Rounding down not permitted if the difference between the
1212 	--initial scaled qty of the item and the floor_qty is greater
1213 	--than the variance value(v) or if the floor_qty is 0.
1214 	--*********************************************************************
1215 		--BEGIN BUG#2901379PR
1216 		--Modified the condition to accommodate the NULL for the scale rounding variance.
1217 	        IF (v IS NULL OR floor_d <= v) AND floor_qty <> 0
1218 		THEN
1219 			x_scale_rec.qty := floor_qty;
1220 		-- dbms_output.put_line('in IF for floor_d <= v or floor_qty<>0 ') ;
1221 		ELSE
1222 			x_scale_rec.qty := l_im_scale_rec.qty;
1223 		-- dbms_output.put_line('in ELSE for floor_d > v or floor_qty=0 ') ;
1224 		END IF;
1225 		--END BUG#2901379 PR
1226 		-- dbms_output.put_line('x_scale_rec.qty = ' || to_char(x_scale_rec.qty));
1227    		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1228 		RETURN;
1230 	ELSE
1231 		-- dbms_output.put_line('ceil_d <= floor_d');
1232 	--*********************************************************************
1233 	--Rounding UP not permitted if the difference between the
1234 	--ceil_qty and the initial scaled qty of the item is greater
1235 	--than the variance value(v).
1236 	--*********************************************************************
1237 		--BEGIN BUG#2901379 PR
1238 		--Modified the condition to accommodate the NULL for the scale rounding variance.
1239 	        IF (v IS NULL OR ceil_d <= v)
1240 		THEN
1241 			x_scale_rec.qty := ceil_qty;
1242 		-- dbms_output.put_line('in ceil IF if ceild_d <= v') ;
1243 		ELSE
1244 			x_scale_rec.qty := l_im_scale_rec.qty;
1245 			-- dbms_output.put_line('in ceil ELSE if ceild_d >v') ;
1246 		END IF;
1247 		--END BUG#2901379 PR
1248 		-- dbms_output.put_line('x_scale_rec.qty = ' || to_char(x_scale_rec.qty));
1249    		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1250 		RETURN;
1251 	END IF;
1253   END IF; --End Rounding Direction Evaluation
1256   THEN x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1258   END integer_multiple_scale;
1261 /**********************************************************************
1262 *
1263 * PROCEDURE:   floor_down
1264 * PURPOSE:     Determines the floor value of the inital scaled qty.
1265 * AUTHOR:      Elizabeth Chen
1266 *
1267 * HISTORY:
1268 * =======
1269 * Elizabeth Chen     Created.
1270 *
1271 * V.Anitha     5-MAR-2004   BUG#3018432
1272 *                           Datatype of p_scale_multiple changed to NUMBER from
1273 *                           PLS_INTEGER to store scale multiple value in decimals also.
1274 * S.Sriram      15Jun2004   Bug# 3680537
1275 *                           The qty. should first be rounded off to 9 digits before
1276 *                           integer scaling is done.
1277 **********************************************************************/
1279 /**********************************************************************
1280 *
1281 * OVERVIEW:
1282 * =========
1283 *
1284 The floor_down function accepts the dividend value (a) of the
1285 initial scaled qty and the scale_multiple. From this value, the
1286 floor function determines the previous integer down from this
1287 dividend value. Once done, the scale multiple is applied to the
1288 initial floored value thereby returning the floor_qty of the
1289 initial scaled qty.
1291 *********************************************************************/
1293   PROCEDURE floor_down
1294   (  p_a		IN NUMBER
1295   ,  p_scale_multiple	IN NUMBER -- BUG#3018432
1296   ,  x_floor_qty	OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
1297   ,  x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1298   )
1299   IS
1301    l_floor_qty 	NUMBER := 0;
1302    l_p_a        NUMBER := 0;
1304   BEGIN
1305         l_p_a := ROUND(p_a,9);
1306 	-- dbms_output.put_line('in floor_down function');
1307 	l_floor_qty := floor(l_p_a);
1308 	-- dbms_output.put_line('init floor_qty = ' || to_char(l_floor_qty));
1310 	x_floor_qty :=l_floor_qty * p_scale_multiple;
1311 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_floor_qty send back to call= ' || to_char(x_floor_qty));
1313   END floor_down;
1316 /*********************************************************************
1317 CEIL_UP
1319 /**********************************************************************
1320 *
1321 * PROCEDURE:   ceil_up
1322 * PURPOSE:     Determines the ceil value of the inital scaled qty.
1323 * AUTHOR:      Elizabeth Chen
1324 *
1325 * HISTORY:
1326 * =======
1327 * Elizabeth Chen     Created.
1328 *
1329 * V.Anitha     5-MAR-2004   BUG#3018432
1330 *                           Datatype of p_scale_multiple changed to NUMBER from
1331 *                           PLS_INTEGER to store scale multiple value in decimals also.
1332 * S.Sriram      15Jun2004   Bug# 3680537
1333 *                           The qty. should first be rounded off to 9 digits before
1334 *                           integer scaling is done.
1335 **********************************************************************/
1337 /**********************************************************************
1338 *
1339 * OVERVIEW:
1340 * =========
1341 *
1342 The ceil_up function accepts the dividend value (a) of the
1343 initial scaled qty and the scale_multiple. From this value, the
1344 ceil function determines the next integer up from this
1345 dividend value. Once done, the scale multiple is applied to the
1346 initial ceiled value thereby returning the ceil_qty of the
1347 initial scaled qty.
1349 *********************************************************************/
1351   PROCEDURE ceil_up
1352   (  p_a		IN NUMBER
1353   ,  p_scale_multiple	IN NUMBER -- BUG#3018432
1354   ,  x_ceil_qty		OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
1355   ,  x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1356   )
1357   IS
1359    l_ceil_qty 	NUMBER := 0;
1360    l_p_a        NUMBER := 0;
1362   BEGIN
1363         l_p_a := ROUND(p_a,9);
1364 	-- dbms_output.put_line('in ceil_up function');
1365 	l_ceil_qty := ceil(l_p_a);
1366 	-- dbms_output.put_line('init ceil_qty = ' || to_char(l_ceil_qty));
1368 	x_ceil_qty :=l_ceil_qty * p_scale_multiple;
1369 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_ceil_qty send back to call= ' || to_char(x_ceil_qty));
1371   END ceil_up;
1372 --*********************************************************************
1374 /**********************************************************************
1375 *
1376 * PROCEDURE:   scale
1377 * PURPOSE:     Wrapper for formula scaling.
1378 * AUTHOR:      Chandrashekar Reddy
1379 *
1380 * HISTORY:
1381 * =======
1382 * Chandrashekar Reddy     Created.
1383 * Jeff Baird              15-Sep-2004  Bug #3890191  Added l_scale_out_tab.
1384 *
1385 **********************************************************************/
1386   PROCEDURE scale
1387   (  p_fm_matl_dtl_tab    IN fm_matl_dtl_tab
1388   ,  p_orgn_id            IN NUMBER
1389   ,  p_scale_factor       IN NUMBER
1390   ,  p_primaries          IN VARCHAR2
1391   ,  x_fm_matl_dtl_tab    OUT NOCOPY fm_matl_dtl_tab
1392   ,  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1393   )
1394   IS
1395     l_row_count           NUMBER;
1396     l_row_number          NUMBER;
1397     l_scale_tab           scale_tab;
1398     l_scale_out_tab       scale_tab;
1399 -- Bug #3890191 (JKB) Added l_scale_out_tab above.
1400   BEGIN
1401     l_row_count := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab.count;
1402     FOR l_row_number IN 1 .. l_row_count
1403     LOOP
1404       -- NPD Conv. Use inventory_item_id and detail_uom instead of item_id and item_um
1405       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).inventory_item_id       := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).inventory_item_id;
1406       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).detail_uom              := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).detail_uom;
1407       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).qty                     := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).qty;
1408       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).line_type               := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).line_type;
1409       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).line_no                 := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).line_no;
1410       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).scale_type              := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).scale_type;
1411       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).scale_rounding_variance := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).scale_rounding_variance;
1412       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).scale_multiple          := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).scale_multiple;
1413       l_scale_tab(l_row_number).contribute_yield_ind    := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).contribute_yield_ind;
1414     END LOOP;
1415     scale(  l_scale_tab
1416          ,  p_orgn_id      -- NPD Conv.
1417          ,  p_scale_factor
1418          ,  p_primaries
1419          ,  l_scale_out_tab
1420          ,  x_return_status
1421          );
1422 -- Bug #3890191 (JKB) Added l_scale_out_tab above.
1423     IF x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
1424     THEN
1425       x_fm_matl_dtl_tab := p_fm_matl_dtl_tab;
1426       FOR l_row_number in 1 .. l_row_count
1427       LOOP
1428         x_fm_matl_dtl_tab(l_row_number).qty := l_scale_out_tab(l_row_number).qty;
1429 -- Bug #3890191 (JKB) Added l_scale_out_tab above.
1430       END LOOP;
1431     END IF;
1432   END scale;
1434 /**********************************************************************
1435 *
1436 * PROCEDURE:   theoretical_yield
1437 * PURPOSE:     To scale the formula/batch based on theoretical yield
1438 * AUTHOR:      Shrikant Nene
1439 *
1440 * HISTORY:
1441 * =======
1442 * Shrikant Nene     Created.
1443 *
1444 **********************************************************************/
1445 PROCEDURE theoretical_yield
1446   (  p_scale_tab          IN scale_tab
1447   ,  p_orgn_id            IN NUMBER
1448   ,  p_scale_factor       IN NUMBER
1449   ,  x_scale_tab          OUT NOCOPY scale_tab
1450   ,  x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1451   )
1452   IS
1453   l_scale_tab             scale_tab ;
1454   x_scale_rec				  scale_rec ;
1456   l_qty                   NUMBER;
1457   l_tab_size              NUMBER;
1458   --l_conv_uom            sy_uoms_mst.um_code%TYPE;
1459   l_conv_uom              mtl_units_of_measure.uom_code%TYPE;
1460   l_type_0_Y_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
1461   l_type_1_Y_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
1462   l_type_2_Y_outputs      NUMBER:= 0;
1463   l_type_0_Y_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
1464   l_type_1_Y_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
1465   l_type_2_Y_inputs       NUMBER:= 0;
1466   l_fixed_input_qty       NUMBER:= 0;
1467   l_fixed_output_qty      NUMBER:= 0;
1468   l_proportional_input_qty    NUMBER:= 0;
1469   l_proportional_output_qty   NUMBER:= 0;
1470   l_input_qty		NUMBER:= 0;
1471   l_input_total         NUMBER:= 0;
1472   l_output_total        NUMBER:= 0;
1473   scale_factor		NUMBER:= 0;
1475 --**********************************************************************
1477 BEGIN
1479    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1482   l_tab_size := p_scale_tab.count;
1484   l_scale_tab := p_scale_tab;
1485   x_scale_tab := p_scale_tab;
1488   FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
1489   LOOP
1490 	--*************************************************************
1491 	--Initial data validation. If the data is not correct,
1492 	--exit from scaling with an error message.
1493 	--*************************************************************
1494 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).inventory_item_id IS NULL
1495 	OR p_scale_tab(l_row_count).detail_uom IS NULL)
1496 	THEN
1497 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_ITEM_OR_ITEM_UM');
1498 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1499       		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1500 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_ITEM_AND_OR_ITEM_UM');
1501 	END IF;
1502 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IS NULL) OR
1503 	 (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type NOT IN (-1,1,2))
1504       	THEN
1505 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
1506 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1507  		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1508 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_LINE_TYPE');
1509 	END IF;
1510 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_no IS NULL
1511 		OR p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_no <= 0 )
1512         THEN
1513 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_LINE_NUMBER');
1514 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1515       		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1516 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_LINE_NUMBER');
1517 	END IF ;
1518 	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IS NULL) OR
1519 	(p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type NOT IN (0,1,2))
1520         THEN
1521 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_SCALE_TYPE');
1522 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1523     		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1524 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_SCALE_TYPE');
1525 	END IF;
1526    	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind IS NULL ) OR
1527    	(p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind NOT IN ('Y','N'))
1528 	THEN
1529 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_CONTRIBUTE_YIELD');
1530 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1531      		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1532 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_CONTRIBUTE_YIELD_IND');
1533 	END IF;
1534    	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_multiple < 0 )
1535 	THEN
1536 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_SCALE_MULTIPLE');
1537 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1538    		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1539 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_SCALE_MULTIPLE');
1540 	END IF;
1541    	IF ((p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance < 0)
1542 	OR  (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_rounding_variance > 1))
1543 	THEN
1544 		fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_SCALE_VARIANCE');
1545 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1546      		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1547 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_SCALE_ROUNDING_VARIANCE');
1548 	END IF;
1549    	IF (p_scale_tab(l_row_count).rounding_direction NOT IN (0,1,2))
1550 	THEN
1551                 fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_INVALID_ROUNDING_DIRECTION');
1552 		fnd_msg_pub.add;
1553       		x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1554 		-- dbms_output.put_line('INVALID_ROUNDING_DIRECTION');
1555 	END IF;
1557     	IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
1558 	THEN
1559 		RETURN;
1560 	END IF;
1562 --**********************************************************************
1563 --Here determining the scale type of the outputs and whether they
1564 --contribute to yield. Increment appropriate counter.
1565 --**********************************************************************
1566     IF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2)
1567     THEN
1568     -- dbms_output.put_line('determining scale type of output ');
1569       IF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
1570 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
1571       THEN
1572         l_type_0_Y_outputs := l_type_0_Y_outputs + 1;
1573       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 1 AND
1574 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
1575       THEN
1576         l_type_1_Y_outputs := l_type_1_Y_outputs+1;
1577       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2 AND
1578 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
1579       THEN
1580         l_type_2_Y_outputs := l_type_2_Y_outputs+1;
1581       ELSE /* No need to get the non contributing to yield product/byproduct */
1582         -- Use this branch for future scale types.
1583         NULL;
1584       END IF;
1585       l_output_total := l_output_total +1 ;
1587 --**********************************************************************
1588 --Here determining the scale type of the inputs and whether they
1589 --contribute to yield. Increment appropriate counter.
1590 --**********************************************************************
1592     ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type = -1
1593     THEN
1594     -- dbms_output.put_line('determining scale type of input ');
1595       IF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
1596 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
1597       THEN
1598         l_type_0_Y_inputs := l_type_0_Y_inputs + 1;
1599       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 1 AND
1600 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
1601       THEN
1602         l_type_1_Y_inputs := l_type_1_Y_inputs + 1;
1603       ELSIF p_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 2 AND
1604 		 p_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind = 'Y'
1605       THEN
1606         l_type_2_Y_inputs := l_type_2_Y_inputs + 1;
1607       ELSE /* No need to get the non contributing to yield ingredients*/
1608         -- Use this branch for future scale types.
1609         NULL;
1610       END IF;
1611       l_input_total := l_input_total +1 ;
1612     END IF;
1613   END LOOP;
1615   IF (l_type_1_Y_outputs + l_type_2_Y_outputs = 0) THEN
1616     	/*fnd_message.set_name('GME','NO_YIELD_CONTR_SECONDARIES');
1617 	fnd_msg_pub.add;
1618     	-- dbms_output.put_line('NO_YIELD_CONTR_SECONDARIES_EXIST');
1619         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;*/
1620 	RETURN;
1621   END IF;
1623   -- dbms_output.put_line('Phase I: calling uom conv ');
1625   get_fm_yield_type(p_orgn_id, l_conv_uom, x_return_status); -- NPD Convergence
1627   IF x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS
1628   THEN
1629 	RETURN;
1630   END IF;
1632   FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
1633   LOOP
1635     IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (0,1,2) AND
1636        l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
1637     THEN
1639      l_qty := INV_CONVERT.inv_um_convert(item_id         => p_scale_tab(l_row_count).inventory_item_id
1640                                          ,precision      => 5
1641                                          ,from_quantity  => p_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty
1642                                          ,from_unit      => p_scale_tab(l_row_count).detail_uom
1643                                          ,to_unit        => l_conv_uom
1644                                          ,from_name      => NULL
1645                                          ,to_name	 => NULL);
1647       -- dbms_output.put_line('in the loop '||l_row_count||' line '||l_scale_tab(l_row_count).inventory_item_id||' Qty '||l_qty);
1649       IF l_qty < 0
1650       THEN
1651         -- Report UOM failure
1652 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_return_status =  ' || x_return_status);
1653     	fnd_message.set_name('GMI','GMI_OPM_UOM_NOT_FOUND');
1654 	fnd_msg_pub.add;
1655     	-- dbms_output.put_line('GMI UOM_CONVERSION_ERROR');
1656         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1657 	RETURN;
1658       ELSE
1659         l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := l_qty;
1660         l_scale_tab(l_row_count).detail_uom := l_conv_uom;
1661     	x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1663 	-- dbms_output.put_line('x_return_status =  ' || x_return_status);
1665 --**********************************************************************
1666 --PHASE I:
1667 --If prod/byprod has a fixed scale type(scale_type=0) and contributes
1668 --to yield, add its qty to fixed qty variable.
1669 --If prod/byprod has a scalable scale type(scale_type=1,2) and contributes
1670 --to yield, add its qty to proportional qty variable.
1671 --**********************************************************************
1673 	-- dbms_output.put_line('Phase I:increment fix/proportional output qty counter');
1674         IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2) AND
1675            l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
1676         THEN
1677           IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0
1678           THEN
1679             l_fixed_output_qty := l_fixed_output_qty + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
1680 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_output_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_output_qty));
1681           ELSIF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
1682              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
1683           THEN
1684             l_proportional_output_qty :=  l_proportional_output_qty +
1685 					  l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
1686 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_output_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_output_qty));
1687           END IF;
1689 --**********************************************************************
1690 --PHASE I:
1691 --If ingredient has a fixed scale type(scale_type=0) and contributes
1692 --to yield, add its qty to fixed qty variable.
1693 --If ingredient has a scalable scale type(scale_type=1,2) and contributes
1694 --to yield, add its qty to proportional qty variable.
1695 --**********************************************************************
1696         ELSE
1697 	-- dbms_output.put_line('Phase I:increment fix/proportional INPUT qty counter');
1698           IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type = 0 AND
1699              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
1700           THEN
1701             l_fixed_input_qty := l_fixed_input_qty + l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
1702 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_fixed_input_qty= '||to_char(l_fixed_input_qty));
1704           ELSIF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
1705              l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y'
1706           THEN
1707             l_proportional_input_qty :=  l_proportional_input_qty +
1708 					 l_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
1709 	-- dbms_output.put_line('l_proportional_input_qty= '||to_char(l_proportional_input_qty));
1710           END IF;
1711         END IF;
1712       END IF;
1713     END IF;
1714   END LOOP;
1717   l_input_qty := p_scale_factor * (l_proportional_input_qty + l_fixed_input_qty);
1718   IF l_fixed_output_qty >= l_input_qty THEN
1719 	-- dbms_output.put_line('scale fact '||p_scale_factor||
1720         --			'prop inp '||l_proportional_input_qty||
1721         --			'fixed inp '||l_fixed_input_qty||
1722         --			'fixed output '||l_fixed_output_qty);
1723     	fnd_message.set_name('GME','GME_FIX_ITEM_GTR_YIELD');
1724 	fnd_msg_pub.add;
1725         -- dbms_output.put_line('Fixed items are greater than desired yield');
1726         x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
1727      RETURN;
1728   END IF;
1730   IF l_proportional_output_qty <= 0 THEN
1731   /* If ther are no scalable outputs defined then spread the inputs equaly */
1732      l_proportional_output_qty := l_type_1_Y_outputs + l_type_2_Y_outputs;
1733   END IF;
1735   scale_factor := (l_input_qty - l_fixed_output_qty )/ l_proportional_output_qty;
1736   -- dbms_output.put_line('Scale factor is '||scale_factor);
1738   FOR l_row_count IN 1 .. l_tab_size
1739   LOOP
1740     IF l_scale_tab(l_row_count).scale_type IN (1,2) AND
1741        l_scale_tab(l_row_count).contribute_yield_ind='Y' AND
1742        l_scale_tab(l_row_count).line_type IN (1,2)  THEN
1744         IF l_proportional_output_qty <= 0 THEN
1745 	     x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty := scale_factor;
1746         ELSE
1747 	     x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty :=  scale_factor * x_scale_tab(l_row_count).qty;
1748         END IF;
1749     END IF;
1750   END LOOP;
1751   RETURN;
1753 END theoretical_yield;
1755 END gmd_common_scale;