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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

                               TBH Impact changes done in create_loan_records() and update_loan_rec()
   bvisvana     10-Apr-2006    Build FA161. Bug 5006583
                               TBH Impact change done in insert_lor_dl_records().
   museshad     20-Feb-2005   Bug 5031795 - SQL Repository issue.
                              In create_loan_records(), modified cursor cur_count_fed_code
                              for better performance.
   bvisvana     20-Sep-2005   Bug # 4127532 - For ALT Loan, if borrower and Student are equal then
                              p_default_status is set to s_default_status during the loan creation
   bvisvana     12-Sep-2005   SBCC Bug # 4575843
                              Before creating loan record, check whether the award accepted amount is in whole numbers.
   bvisvana    25-Aug-2005    Bug # 4568942. Grade Level not matching with enrollment data.
                              (Wrong argument type) g_fund_id is replaced with (correct argument type)
                              g_adplans_id while calling the Class standing wrapper igf_aw_packng_subfns.get_class_stnd
   bvisvana     18-Aug-2005    Bug # 4464629 - Removed the global variable gv_dl_version.
                               This is not used anywhere and this is causing unexpected behaviour.
   mnade        6/3/2005       FA 157 - Auto Borrower population for PLUS loans, Cosigner Data for ALT Loans.
                               Student default borrower for ALT Loans.
   pssahni     30-Dec-2004    Bug 4087865 Application form code must be populated
   mnade        29-Dec-2004    Bug 4085937
                               Call get entity ids Only for Full Participant
   sjadhav      25-Oct-2004    Bug 3416863 FA 149 Build Changes
   brajendr   12-Oct-2004      Bug 3732665 ISIR Enhacements
                               Modified the Payment ISIR reference

   ugummall   23-OCT-2003      Bug 3102439. FA 126 - Multiple FA Offices.
                               In constructing loan_number for Direct Loan, School ID is derived from the
                               student's associated Org. For this purpose, base_id(as extra parameter) is
                               passed to this function.
                               Similarly, OPE ID and School Non Ed Brc ID are also derived for Common Line Loan.
--veramach     16-OCT-2003     FA124 Build remove ISIR requirement for awarding(bug # 3108506)
--                             Added code for checking loan limits in insert_loan_records
-- bkkumar     06-oct-2003     Bug 3104228 Impact of adding the relationship_cd
                               in igf_sl_lor_all table and obsoleting
                               LENDER_ID, DUNS_LENDER_ID
                               LEND_NON_ED_BRC_ID, RECIPIENT_ID
                               RECIP_NON_ED_BRC_ID columns
                               Also the relationship code is now picked up from the
                               pick_Setup routine.
-- bkkumar     29-sep-2003     Bug 3104228 . FA 122 Loans Enhancements
                               In "insert_lor_cl_records" procedure
                               Derivation of the fields
                               DUNS_BORW_LENDER_ID,  -- FIELD OBSOLETED
                               DUNS_GUARNT_ID,  --  FIELD OBSOLETED
                               DUNS_LENDER_ID,  -- FIELD OBSOLETED
                               DUNS_RECIP_ID,   --  FIELD  OBSOLETED
                               is now done from the FFELP loan Setup.
                               Added the common framework logging messages.

-- rasahoo     02-Sep-2003     Replaced igf_ap_fa_base_h.class_standing%TYPE with
--                             igs_pr_css_class_std_v.class_standing%TYPE and
--                             igf_ap_fa_base_h.enrl_program_type%TYPE with igs_ps_ver_all.course_type%TYPE.
-- gmuralid     3-Juyl-2003    Bug 2995944 - Legacy Part 3 - FFELP Import
--                             Added legacy record flag as parameter to
--                             igf_sl_loans_pkg
-- sjadhav      28-Mar-2003    Bug 2863960
--                             Corrected message token for
--                             IGF_AP_NO_GRADE_LEVEL to PERSON_NUMBER
-- masehgal     10-Oct-2002    # 2591960    Integration Enhancements
--                             Validation on a FRESHMAN ( never attended
--                             college or did )
--                             Sepearated dl/cl code derivation from
--                             return entities
--                             Created separate procedure to obtain
--                             those
-- sjadhav      Bug 2415013    Default Enrollment Code to Full Time
-- sjadhav      26-Feb-2002    Bug 2240762
--                             Removed references to cur_tp_dates
--                             Added two functions to get Loan Start Date
--                             and Loan End Date
--                             Added a check to see if the SSN is already
--                             used in creation of Loan Number
-- sjadhav      24-jul-2001    Bug ID  : 1818617
--                             added parameter p_get_recent_info
-- adhawan      15-feb-2002    Bug Id : 2216956 added columns
--                             elec_mpn_ind,
--                             borr_sign_in
--                             stud_sign_ind
--                             borr_credit_auth_code
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

-- FA 134

-- FA 134

award_rec               igf_aw_award_v%ROWTYPE;
Line: 186

      COUNT(v.row_id) parent_count,
      MIN(v.object_ID) student_id,
      MIN(v.SUBJECT_ID) parent_id
        igs_pe_relationships_v v,
        igf_aw_award_all awd,
        igf_sl_loans_all loans,
        igf_ap_fa_base_rec base
    base.person_id = v.object_id
    AND base.base_id = awd.base_id
    AND awd.award_id = loans.award_id
    AND loans.loan_id = cp_loan_id
    AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN v.start_date and NVL(v.end_date, SYSDATE);
Line: 246

      alt.rowid row_id,
      igf_sl_alt_borw_all alt
      alt.loan_id = cp_loan_id;
Line: 258

           slor.ci_cal_type, slor.ci_sequence_number
    FROM   igf_sl_lor_v  slor
    WHERE slor.loan_id = cp_loan_id;
Line: 267

    FROM   igs_pe_eit_restatus_v  pct
    WHERE  pct.person_id    = cp_person_id
    AND  SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL(end_date,SYSDATE);
Line: 279

    SELECT fa_citi_stat_code FROM igf_sl_pe_citi_map
    WHERE pe_citi_stat_code = p_citizenship_status
    AND ci_sequence_number =p_sequence_number
    AND ci_cal_type = p_cal_type;
Line: 287

    SELECT relationship_code FROM
      igs_pe_relationships_v v
    WHERE v.object_id  = cp_student_id AND -- child
          v.subject_id = cp_parent_id  AND  -- parent
          TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN v.start_date and NVL(v.end_date, SYSDATE);
Line: 448

  SELECT fcat.fund_code||'-'||fmast.description description
  FROM   igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast,
         igf_aw_fund_cat_all fcat
  WHERE  fmast.fund_id = p_fund_id
    AND  fcat.fund_code = fmast.fund_code;
Line: 475

    SELECT base_id
    FROM   igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all
    WHERE  base_id = p_base_id AND
    ci_cal_type = p_cal_type   AND
    ci_sequence_number = p_seq_number;
Line: 504

  SELECT group_cd
  FROM   igs_pe_persid_group_all
  WHERE  group_id = p_per_grp_id;
Line: 535

      SELECT rep.rep_entity_id_txt
        FROM igf_gr_attend_pell gap, igf_gr_report_pell rep
       WHERE gap.ci_cal_type = p_cal_type
         AND gap.ci_sequence_number = p_seq_num
         AND gap.atd_entity_id_txt = p_atd_entity_id
         AND gap.rcampus_id = rep.rcampus_id;
Line: 615

       SELECT ld_cal_type,ld_sequence_number
       FROM   igf_aw_awd_disb  awd
       WHERE  awd.award_id           = p_award_id
       AND    awd.trans_type         <> 'C'
       GROUP BY awd.ld_cal_type,awd.ld_sequence_number;
Line: 622

    SELECT base_id
      FROM igf_aw_award_all
     WHERE award_id = cp_award_id;
Line: 675

       SELECT ld_cal_type,ld_sequence_number
       FROM   igf_aw_awd_disb  awd
       WHERE  awd.award_id           = p_award_id
       AND    awd.trans_type         <> 'C'
       GROUP BY awd.ld_cal_type,awd.ld_sequence_number;
Line: 682

    SELECT base_id
      FROM igf_aw_award_all
     WHERE award_id = cp_award_id;
Line: 785

       SELECT   rowid
       FROM     igf_sl_loans_all
       WHERE    loan_number = p_loan_number;
Line: 854

         SELECT igf_sl_cl_loan_seq_s.NEXTVAL into lv_incr_seq FROM DUAL;
Line: 943

      SELECT person_id, ci_cal_type, ci_sequence_number
      FROM   igf_ap_fa_base_rec
      WHERE  base_id = cp_base_id ;
Line: 951

      SELECT CSSV.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id ,
             CSSV.igs_pr_class_std_id ,
      FROM   igs_pr_css_class_std_v CSSV
      WHERE  CSSV.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = (SELECT igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
                                        FROM   igs_pr_cs_schdl CS
                                        WHERE  CS.course_type =  cp_program_type )
      AND    CSSV.class_standing = cp_class_standing ;
Line: 966

      SELECT  CSM.dl_std_code,
      FROM    igf_ap_class_std_map CSM ,
              igf_ap_pr_prg_type   PPT
      WHERE   PPT.ppt_id                  = CSM.ppt_id
      AND     PPT.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id      = cp_cs_schdl_id
      AND     PPT.cal_type                = cp_ci_cal_type
      AND     PPT.sequence_number         = cp_ci_sequence_number
      AND     CSM.igs_pr_css_class_std_id = cp_css_class_std_id ;
Line: 979

      SELECT COUNT(institution_code)
      FROM   igs_ad_acad_history_v acad, igs_or_org_inst_type org
      WHERE  acad.institution_type = org.institution_type
      AND    person_id = cp_person_id
      AND    org.system_inst_type = 'POST-SECONDARY' ;
Line: 1075

        SELECT ci_cal_type, ci_sequence_number
        FROM   igf_ap_fa_base_rec
        WHERE  base_id = cp_baseid;
Line: 1081

        SELECT alternate_code
        FROM   igs_ca_inst
        WHERE  cal_type = cp_cal_type
        AND    sequence_number = cp_sequence_number ;
Line: 1195

  SELECT isirm.nslds_match_flag,  NVL(fabase.nslds_data_override_flg,'N'),isirm.transaction_num,
         NVL(fabase.adnl_unsub_loan_elig_flag,'N')  adnl_unsub_loan_elig_flag -- FA134
    FROM igf_ap_isir_matched_all isirm,
         igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all  fabase
   WHERE fabase.base_id = p_base_id
     AND fabase.base_id = isirm.base_id
     AND isirm.payment_isir = 'Y'
     AND isirm.system_record_type = 'ORIGINAL';
Line: 1243

/* Procedure to insert Direct Loan Originations into IGF_SL_LOR */

PROCEDURE insert_lor_dl_records(
  p_cal_type                  IN    igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
  p_sequence_number           IN    igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
  p_loan_id                   IN    igf_sl_loans.loan_id%TYPE
   Created By       :    mesriniv
   Date Created By  :    2000/11/13
   Purpose          :    To Insert Records into IGF_SL_LOR for DL Loans
   Known Limitations,Enhancements or Remarks

   Change History   :
   Who              When      What
   bvisvana         10-Apr-2006   Build FA161.
                                  TBH impact change in igf_sl_lor_pkg.insert_row().
   pkpatel             12-05-2001     Given default value for the parameter
CURSOR getloannumber (cp_loan_id NUMBER) is
	WHERE lar.LOAN_ID = cp_loan_id;
Line: 1305

            fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_dl_records.debug',' Acad Begin Date :' || lv_acad_begin_date);
Line: 1306

            fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_dl_records.debug',' Acad End Date :' || lv_acad_end_date);
Line: 1330

  igf_sl_lor_pkg.insert_row (
      x_mode                              => 'R',
      x_rowid                             => lv_row_id,
      x_origination_id                    => ln_origination_id,
      x_loan_id                           => p_loan_id,
      x_sch_cert_date                     => TRUNC(award_rec.creation_date),
      x_orig_status_flag                  => NULL,
      x_orig_batch_id                     => NULL,
      x_orig_batch_date                   => NULL,
      x_chg_batch_id                      => NULL,
      x_orig_ack_date                     => NULL,
      x_credit_override                   => NULL,
      x_credit_decision_date              => NULL,
      x_req_serial_loan_code              => NULL,
      x_act_serial_loan_code              => NULL,
      x_pnote_delivery_code               => NULL,
      x_pnote_status                      => 'N',
      x_pnote_status_date                 => NULL,
      x_pnote_id                          => NULL,
      x_pnote_print_ind                   => dl_setup_rec.pnote_print_ind,
      x_pnote_accept_amt                  => NULL,
      x_pnote_accept_date                 => NULL,
      x_unsub_elig_for_heal               => 'N',
      x_disclosure_print_ind              => dl_setup_rec.disclosure_print_ind,
      x_orig_fee_perct                    => lv_orig_fee_perct,
      x_borw_confirm_ind                  => NULL,
      x_borw_interest_ind                 => NULL,
      x_borw_outstd_loan_code             => NULL,
      x_unsub_elig_for_depnt              => gv_unsub_elig_for_depnt,
      x_guarantee_amt                     => NULL,
      x_guarantee_date                    => NULL,
      x_guarnt_amt_redn_code              => NULL,
      x_guarnt_status_code                => NULL,
      x_guarnt_status_date                => NULL,
      x_lend_apprv_denied_code            => NULL,
      x_lend_apprv_denied_date            => NULL,
      x_lend_status_code                  => NULL,
      x_lend_status_date                  => NULL,
      x_guarnt_adj_ind                    => NULL,
      x_grade_level_code                  => g_grade_level_dl,
      x_enrollment_code                   => NULL,
      x_anticip_compl_date                => NULL,
      x_borw_lender_id                    => NULL,
      x_duns_borw_lender_id               => NULL,
      x_guarantor_id                      => NULL,
      x_duns_guarnt_id                    => NULL,
      x_prc_type_code                     => NULL,
      x_cl_seq_number                     => NULL,
      x_last_resort_lender                => NULL,
      x_lender_id                         => NULL,
      x_duns_lender_id                    => NULL,
      x_lend_non_ed_brc_id                => NULL,
      x_recipient_id                      => NULL,
      x_recipient_type                    => NULL,
      x_duns_recip_id                     => NULL,
      x_recip_non_ed_brc_id               => NULL,
      x_rec_type_ind                      => NULL,
      x_cl_loan_type                      => NULL,
      x_cl_rec_status                     => NULL,
      x_cl_rec_status_last_update         => NULL,
      x_alt_prog_type_code                => NULL,
      x_alt_appl_ver_code                 => NULL,
      x_mpn_confirm_code                  => NULL,
      x_resp_to_orig_code                 => NULL,
      x_appl_loan_phase_code              => NULL,
      x_appl_loan_phase_code_chg          => NULL,
      x_appl_send_error_codes             => NULL,
      x_tot_outstd_stafford               => NULL,
      x_tot_outstd_plus                   => NULL,
      x_alt_borw_tot_debt                 => NULL,
      x_act_interest_rate                 => NULL,
      x_service_type_code                 => NULL,
      x_rev_notice_of_guarnt              => NULL,
      x_sch_refund_amt                    => NULL,
      x_sch_refund_date                   => NULL,
      x_uniq_layout_vend_code             => NULL,
      x_uniq_layout_ident_code            => NULL,
      x_p_person_id                       => l_parent_person_id,        -- FA 157 -- derived single parent ID.
      x_p_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_p_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_p_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
      x_p_default_status                  => 'N',
      x_p_signature_code                  => NULL,
      x_p_signature_date                  => NULL,
      x_s_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_s_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_s_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
      x_s_local_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
      x_s_default_status                  => g_s_default_status,
      x_s_signature_code                  => NULL,
      x_pnote_batch_id                    => NULL,
      x_pnote_ack_date                    => NULL,
      x_pnote_mpn_ind                     => NULL,
      x_elec_mpn_ind                      => NULL,
      x_borr_sign_ind                     => NULL,
      x_stud_sign_ind                     => NULL,
      x_borr_credit_auth_code             => NULL,
      x_relationship_cd                   => NULL,   -- FA 122 Added this column
      x_interest_rebate_percent_num       => NVL(dl_setup_rec.int_rebate,0),
      x_cps_trans_num                     => gn_transaction_num,
      x_atd_entity_id_txt                 => gv_atd_entity_id_txt,
      x_rep_entity_id_txt                 => gv_rep_entity_id_txt,
      x_crdt_decision_status              => NULL,
      x_note_message                      => NULL,
      x_book_loan_amt                     => NULL,
      x_book_loan_amt_date                => NULL,
      x_pymt_servicer_amt                 => NULL,
      x_pymt_servicer_date                => NULL,
      x_requested_loan_amt                => g_accepted_amt,
      x_eft_authorization_code            => NULL,
      x_external_loan_id_txt              => NULL,
      x_deferment_request_code            => NULL,
      x_actual_record_type_code           => NULL,
      x_reinstatement_amt                 => NULL,
      x_school_use_txt                    => NULL,
      x_lender_use_txt                    => NULL,
      x_guarantor_use_txt                 => NULL,
      x_fls_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_flu_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_flp_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_alt_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_loan_app_form_code                => NULL,
      x_override_grade_level_code         => NULL,
      x_b_alien_reg_num_txt               => NULL,
      x_esign_src_typ_cd                  => NULL,
      x_acad_begin_date                   => lv_acad_begin_date,
      x_acad_end_date                     => lv_acad_end_date);
Line: 1461

Line: 1466

END insert_lor_dl_records;
Line: 1469

/* Procedure to insert into IGF_SL_LOR  for CL Loans*/

PROCEDURE insert_lor_cl_records(
  p_cal_type                  IN    igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
  p_sequence_number           IN    igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
  p_loan_id                   IN    igf_sl_loans.loan_id%TYPE,
  p_comp_date                 IN    igf_sl_lor.anticip_compl_date%TYPE,
  p_grd_cl                    IN    igf_sl_lor.grade_level_code%TYPE

   Created By       :    mesriniv
   Date Created By  :    2000/11/13
   Purpose          :    To Insert Records into IGF_SL_LOR for CL Loans
   Known Limitations,Enhancements or Remarks

   Change History   :
   Who              When            What
   azmohamm         03-AUG-2006     For GPLUSFL, the new loan type would be 'GB'
                                    and the Federal application form Code would be 'G'.
                                    The borrower id is same as the student id.
                                    So while inserting into igf_sl_lor_all table person_id has to be the student's party id.
   rajagupt         10-Apr-2006     Bug# 5006583, FA161 CL4.
                                    cps_trans_num is inserted. deferment_request_code
                                    borw_interest_ind, borw_outstd_loan_code, p_default_status, s_default_status, stud_sign_ind
                                    are inserted with null and loan_app_form_code = 'Q' for FLP loans
   bvisvana         06-Jul-2005     Bug # 4473160. LOAN_NUMBER token set in the message
   pssahni          30-Dec-2004     Application form code must be populated
   bkkumar          02-04-04        FACR116 - Added the parameter to the pick_setup routine to check
                                    in teh case of 'ALT' Loans. Added validation to check if the alt_rel_code
                                    IS null or not.
   venagara         18-May-2001     Bug# 1769051
                                    For FLS,FLU, default cl_loan_type.
   bkkumar          29-sep-2003     FA 122 Loans Enhancements
                                    Derivation of the fields REQ_SERIAL_LOAN_CODE
                                    DUNS_BORW_LENDER_ID  -- OBSOLETED THIS FIELD
                                    DUNS_GUARNT_ID  -- OBSOLETED THIS FIELD
                                    DUNS_LENDER_ID  -- OBSOLETED THIS FIELD
                                    DUNS_RECIP_ID   -- OBSOLETED THIS FIELD
                                    RECIP_NON_ED_BRC_ID is now done from
                                    the FFELP loan Setup.
   bkkumar         06-oct-2003     Bug 3104228 Impact of adding the relationship_cd
                                   in igf_sl_lor_all table and obsoleting
                                   LENDER_ID, DUNS_LENDER_ID
                                   LEND_NON_ED_BRC_ID, RECIPIENT_ID
                                   RECIP_NON_ED_BRC_ID columns
                                   Also the relationship code is now picked up from the
                                   pick_Setup routine.

ln_origination_id             igf_sl_lor.origination_id%TYPE;
Line: 1554

SELECT awd.base_id, awd.award_id
FROM  igf_sl_loans_all loans,
      igf_aw_award_all awd
WHERE loans.loan_id = cp_loan_id
AND   loans.award_id = awd.award_id;
Line: 1569

FROM  igf_sl_cl_setup_all
WHERE ci_cal_type = cp_cal_type
AND   ci_sequence_number = cp_seq_number
AND   relationship_cd = cp_rel_code
AND   NVL(party_id,-1000) = NVL(cp_party_id,-1000);
Line: 1579

 FROM  igf_aw_awd_disb_all
 WHERE award_id = cp_award_id;
Line: 1586

 SELECT * FROM igf_sl_loans
 WHERE loan_id = cp_loanid;
Line: 1602

SELECT fa_citi_stat_code FROM igf_sl_pe_citi_map
WHERE pe_citi_stat_code = p_citizenship_status
AND ci_sequence_number =p_sequence_number
AND ci_cal_type = p_cal_type;
Line: 1609

SELECT p_person_id FROM igf_sl_lor_all
WHERE loan_id = cp_loanid;
Line: 1614

    FROM   igs_pe_eit_restatus_v  pct
    WHERE  pct.person_id    = cp_person_id
    AND  SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL(end_date,SYSDATE);
Line: 1645

     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','The fed_fund_code being used is :' || award_rec.fed_fund_code );
Line: 1665

         fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','The values passed to  pick_setup base_id :' || l_get_base_id.base_id );
Line: 1672

         fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','The values returned from pick setup RelCode :' || l_rel_code || ' The Party ID :' || l_party_id);
Line: 1722

    igf_sl_loans_pkg.update_row (
        x_mode                              => 'R',
        x_rowid                             => l_tbh_loans_rec.row_id,
        x_loan_id                           => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_id,
        x_award_id                          => l_tbh_loans_rec.award_id,
        x_seq_num                           => l_tbh_loans_rec.seq_num,
        x_loan_number                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_number,
        x_loan_per_begin_date               => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_per_begin_date,
        x_loan_per_end_date                 => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_per_end_date,
        x_loan_status                       => l_loan_status,
        x_loan_status_date                  => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_status_date,
        x_loan_chg_status                   => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_chg_status,
        x_loan_chg_status_date              => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_chg_status_date,
        x_active                            => l_tbh_loans_rec.active,
        x_active_date                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.active_date ,
        x_borw_detrm_code                   => l_tbh_loans_rec.borw_detrm_code,
        x_legacy_record_flag                => l_tbh_loans_rec.legacy_record_flag,
        x_external_loan_id_txt              => l_tbh_loans_rec.external_loan_id_txt
Line: 1784

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','Borrower citizenship status is ' || citizenship_dtl_rec.restatus_code );
Line: 1794

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','Borrower Alein reg number is ' || l_cur_fa_rec.fa_citi_stat_code);
Line: 1810

   igf_sl_lor_pkg.insert_row (
      x_mode                              => 'R',
      x_rowid                             => lv_row_id,
      x_origination_id                    => ln_origination_id,
      x_loan_id                           => p_loan_id,
      x_sch_cert_date                     => TRUNC(award_rec.creation_date),
      x_orig_status_flag                  => NULL,
      x_orig_batch_id                     => NULL,
      x_orig_batch_date                   => NULL,
      x_chg_batch_id                      => NULL,
      x_orig_ack_date                     => NULL,
      x_credit_override                   => NULL,
      x_credit_decision_date              => NULL,
      x_req_serial_loan_code              => c_clsetup_rec.req_serial_loan_code,
      x_act_serial_loan_code              => NULL,
      x_pnote_delivery_code               => c_clsetup_rec.pnote_delivery_code,
      x_pnote_status                      => NULL,
      x_pnote_status_date                 => NULL,
      x_pnote_id                          => NULL,
      x_pnote_print_ind                   => NULL,
      x_pnote_accept_amt                  => NULL,
      x_pnote_accept_date                 => NULL,
      x_unsub_elig_for_heal               => NULL,
      x_disclosure_print_ind              => NULL,
      x_orig_fee_perct                    => NULL,
      x_borw_confirm_ind                  => NULL,
      x_borw_interest_ind                 => l_borw_interest_ind,
      x_borw_outstd_loan_code             => l_borw_outstd_loan_code,
      x_unsub_elig_for_depnt              => gv_unsub_elig_for_depnt,
      x_guarantee_amt                     => NULL,
      x_guarantee_date                    => NULL,
      x_guarnt_amt_redn_code              => NULL,
      x_guarnt_status_code                => NULL,
      x_guarnt_status_date                => NULL,
      x_lend_apprv_denied_code            => NULL,
      x_lend_apprv_denied_date            => NULL,
      x_lend_status_code                  => NULL,
      x_lend_status_date                  => NULL,
      x_guarnt_adj_ind                    => NULL,
      x_grade_level_code                  => p_grd_cl,
      x_enrollment_code                   => g_enrollment_code,
      x_anticip_compl_date                => lv_anticipated_compl_date,
      x_borw_lender_id                    => NULL,
      x_duns_borw_lender_id               => NULL,
      x_guarantor_id                      => NULL,
      x_duns_guarnt_id                    => NULL,
      x_prc_type_code                     => c_clsetup_rec.prc_type_code,
      x_cl_seq_number                     => NULL,
      x_last_resort_lender                => NULL,
      x_lender_id                         => NULL,
      x_duns_lender_id                    => NULL,
      x_lend_non_ed_brc_id                => NULL,
      x_recipient_id                      => NULL,
      x_recipient_type                    => NULL,
      x_duns_recip_id                     => NULL,
      x_recip_non_ed_brc_id               => NULL,
      x_rec_type_ind                      => 'A',
      x_cl_loan_type                      => lv_cl_loan_type,
      x_cl_rec_status                     => NULL,
      x_cl_rec_status_last_update         => NULL,
      x_alt_prog_type_code                => award_rec.alt_loan_code, -- FACR116
      x_alt_appl_ver_code                 => NULL,
      x_mpn_confirm_code                  => NULL,
      x_resp_to_orig_code                 => NULL,
      x_appl_loan_phase_code              => NULL,
      x_appl_loan_phase_code_chg          => NULL,
      x_appl_send_error_codes             => NULL,
      x_tot_outstd_stafford               => NULL,
      x_tot_outstd_plus                   => NULL,
      x_alt_borw_tot_debt                 => NULL,
      x_act_interest_rate                 => NULL,
      x_service_type_code                 => NULL,
      x_rev_notice_of_guarnt              => NULL,
      x_sch_refund_amt                    => NULL,
      x_sch_refund_date                   => NULL,
      x_uniq_layout_vend_code             => NULL,
      x_uniq_layout_ident_code            => NULL,
      x_p_person_id                       => l_parent_person_id,        -- FA 157 -- derived single parent ID.
      x_p_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_p_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_p_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
      x_p_default_status                  => g_p_default_status, -- Bug 4127532 -derived borr default status from student default status
      x_p_signature_code                  => NULL,
      x_p_signature_date                  => NULL,
      x_s_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_s_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
      x_s_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
      x_s_local_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
      x_s_default_status                  => g_s_default_status,
      x_s_signature_code                  => NULL,
      x_pnote_batch_id                    => NULL,
      x_pnote_ack_date                    => NULL,
      x_pnote_mpn_ind                     => NULL,
      x_elec_mpn_ind                      => NULL,
      x_borr_sign_ind                     => NULL,
      x_stud_sign_ind                     => NULL,
      x_borr_credit_auth_code             => NULL,
      x_relationship_cd                   => l_rel_code,    -- FA 122 Added this column,
      x_interest_rebate_percent_num       => NULL,
      x_cps_trans_num                     => gn_transaction_num,   -- FA161
      x_atd_entity_id_txt                 => NULL,
      x_rep_entity_id_txt                 => NULL,
      x_crdt_decision_status              => NULL,
      x_note_message                      => NULL,
      x_book_loan_amt                     => NULL,
      x_book_loan_amt_date                => NULL,
      x_pymt_servicer_amt                 => NULL,
      x_pymt_servicer_date                => NULL,
      x_requested_loan_amt                => g_accepted_amt,
      x_eft_authorization_code            => c_clsetup_rec.eft_authorization,
      x_external_loan_id_txt              => NULL,
      x_deferment_request_code            => NULL,
      x_actual_record_type_code           => NULL,
      x_reinstatement_amt                 => NULL,
      x_school_use_txt                    => NULL,
      x_lender_use_txt                    => NULL,
      x_guarantor_use_txt                 => NULL,
      x_fls_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_flu_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_flp_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_alt_approved_amt                  => NULL,
      x_loan_app_form_code                => l_appl_form_code,
      x_override_grade_level_code         => NULL,
      x_b_alien_reg_num_txt               => l_b_alien_reg_num_txt,
      x_esign_src_typ_cd                  => NULL,
      x_acad_begin_date                   => NULL,
      x_acad_end_date                     => NULL
Line: 1947

         fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','before racalc fees');
Line: 1958

         fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_lor_cl_records.debug','after racalc fees');
Line: 1967

Line: 1972

Line: 1975

Line: 1980

END insert_lor_cl_records;
Line: 1983

PROCEDURE update_loan_rec(p_award_id number,
                          p_fund_id number,
                          p_base_id number,
                          p_ci_cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
                          p_ci_sequence_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE)

  CURSOR cur_loan IS
SELECT loan.*,
  FROM igf_sl_loans_all loan,
       igf_aw_award_all awd,
       igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast,
       igf_aw_fund_cat_all fcat,
       igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all fa
 WHERE loan.award_id = awd.award_id
   AND awd.fund_id = fmast.fund_id
   AND fmast.fund_code = fcat.fund_code
   AND fmast.ci_cal_type = p_ci_cal_type
   AND fmast.ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number
   AND awd.base_id = NVL (p_base_id, awd.base_id)
   AND awd.fund_id = NVL (p_fund_id, awd.fund_id)
   AND awd.award_id = NVL (p_award_id, awd.award_id)
   AND fa.base_id = NVL (p_base_id, awd.base_id)
   AND fa.ci_cal_type = fmast.ci_cal_type
   AND fa.ci_sequence_number = fmast.ci_sequence_number;
Line: 2021

  SELECT * FROM igf_sl_lor
  WHERE loan_id = cp_loanid;
Line: 2027

  SELECT * FROM igf_sl_loans
  WHERE loan_id = cp_loanid;
Line: 2032

  lb_update                   Boolean;
Line: 2039

SELECT fa_citi_stat_code FROM igf_sl_pe_citi_map
WHERE pe_citi_stat_code = p_citizenship_status
AND ci_sequence_number =p_sequence_number
AND ci_cal_type = p_cal_type;
Line: 2046

SELECT p_person_id FROM igf_sl_lor_all
WHERE loan_id = cp_loanid;
Line: 2051

    FROM   igs_pe_eit_restatus_v  pct
    WHERE  pct.person_id    = cp_person_id
    AND  SYSDATE BETWEEN start_date AND NVL(end_date,SYSDATE);
Line: 2073

        igs_pe_relationships_v v,
        igf_aw_award_all awd,
        igf_sl_loans_all loans,
        igf_ap_fa_base_rec base
    base.person_id = v.object_ID
    AND base.base_id = awd.base_id
    AND awd.award_id = loans.award_id
    AND loans.loan_id = cp_loan_id
    AND trunc(SYSDATE) BETWEEN v.start_date and NVL(v.end_date, SYSDATE);
Line: 2126

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'after call to get_fa_base_details');
Line: 2127

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'g_s_default_status= ' || g_s_default_status);
Line: 2128

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'g_grade_level_dl= ' || g_grade_level_dl);
Line: 2129

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'g_grade_level_cl= ' || g_grade_level_cl);
Line: 2130

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'g_enrollment_code= ' || g_enrollment_code);
Line: 2132

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'g_anticip_compl_date= ' || g_anticip_compl_date);
Line: 2133

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'gn_transaction_num= ' || gn_transaction_num);
Line: 2134

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'gv_unsub_elig_for_depnt= ' || gv_unsub_elig_for_depnt);
Line: 2154

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'fed fund code is ' ||cur_loan_rec.fed_fund_code);
Line: 2159

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'inside FFELP');
Line: 2164

         lb_update := FALSE;
Line: 2170

        lb_update := FALSE;
Line: 2177

        lb_update := FALSE;
Line: 2183

        lb_update := TRUE;
Line: 2244

     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','Borrower Id for the fed_fund_code is ' || l_cur_borrower_rec.p_person_id );
Line: 2251

     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','Borrower citizenship status is ' || citizenship_dtl_rec.restatus_code );
Line: 2261

     fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','Borrower Alein reg number is ' || l_cur_fa_rec.fa_citi_stat_code);
Line: 2284

    igf_sl_loans_pkg.update_row (
        x_mode                              => 'R',
        x_rowid                             => l_tbh_loans_rec.row_id,
        x_loan_id                           => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_id,
        x_award_id                          => l_tbh_loans_rec.award_id,
        x_seq_num                           => l_tbh_loans_rec.seq_num,
        x_loan_number                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_number,
        x_loan_per_begin_date               => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_per_begin_date,
        x_loan_per_end_date                 => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_per_end_date,
        x_loan_status                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_status,
        x_loan_status_date                  => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_status_date,
        x_loan_chg_status                   => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_chg_status,
        x_loan_chg_status_date              => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_chg_status_date,
        x_active                            => l_tbh_loans_rec.active,
        x_active_date                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.active_date ,
        x_borw_detrm_code                   => l_tbh_loans_rec.borw_detrm_code,
        x_legacy_record_flag                => l_tbh_loans_rec.legacy_record_flag,
        x_external_loan_id_txt              => l_tbh_loans_rec.external_loan_id_txt,
        x_called_from                       => 'UPDATE_MODE'                 --Bug# 5006587
Line: 2309

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, 'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug', 'inside FFELP');
Line: 2313

         lb_update := FALSE;
Line: 2321

          lb_update                     := TRUE;
Line: 2339

             igf_sl_loans_pkg.update_row (
              x_mode                              => 'R',
              x_rowid                             => l_tbh_loans_rec.row_id,
              x_loan_id                           => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_id,
              x_award_id                          => l_tbh_loans_rec.award_id,
              x_seq_num                           => l_tbh_loans_rec.seq_num,
              x_loan_number                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_number,
              x_loan_per_begin_date               => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_per_begin_date, -- this is getting updated
              x_loan_per_end_date                 => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_per_end_date, -- this is getting updated
              x_loan_status                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_status,
              x_loan_status_date                  => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_status_date,
              x_loan_chg_status                   => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_chg_status, -- this is getting updated
              x_loan_chg_status_date              => l_tbh_loans_rec.loan_chg_status_date,
              x_active                            => l_tbh_loans_rec.active,
              x_active_date                       => l_tbh_loans_rec.active_date ,
              x_borw_detrm_code                   => l_tbh_loans_rec.borw_detrm_code,
              x_legacy_record_flag                => l_tbh_loans_rec.legacy_record_flag,
              x_external_loan_id_txt              => l_tbh_loans_rec.external_loan_id_txt
Line: 2373

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_return_status :' || gv_return_status);
Line: 2374

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_message :' || gv_message);
Line: 2375

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_atd_entity_id_txt :' || gv_atd_entity_id_txt);
Line: 2376

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_rep_entity_id_txt :' || gv_rep_entity_id_txt);
Line: 2386

      END IF; -- to update or not
Line: 2406

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','The values returned from get_borrower_parent_id l_parent_person_id :' || l_parent_person_id);
Line: 2407

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','The values returned from get_borrower_parent_id l_student_person_id :' || l_student_person_id);
Line: 2416

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.update_loan_rec.debug','Parent id :' || l_parent_person_id);
Line: 2431

   IF lb_update THEN
          x_mode                              => 'R',
          x_rowid                             => l_tbh_rec.row_id,
          x_origination_id                    => l_tbh_rec.origination_id,
          x_loan_id                           => l_tbh_rec.loan_id,
          x_sch_cert_date                     => l_tbh_rec.sch_cert_date,
          x_orig_status_flag                  => l_tbh_rec.orig_status_flag,
          x_orig_batch_id                     => l_tbh_rec.orig_batch_id,
          x_orig_batch_date                   => l_tbh_rec.orig_batch_date,
          x_chg_batch_id                      => l_tbh_rec.chg_batch_id,
          x_orig_ack_date                     => l_tbh_rec.orig_ack_date,
          x_credit_override                   => l_tbh_rec.credit_override,
          x_credit_decision_date              => l_tbh_rec.credit_decision_date,
          x_req_serial_loan_code              => l_tbh_rec.req_serial_loan_code,
          x_act_serial_loan_code              => l_tbh_rec.act_serial_loan_code,
          x_pnote_delivery_code               => l_tbh_rec.pnote_delivery_code,
          x_pnote_status                      => l_tbh_rec.pnote_status,
          x_pnote_status_date                 => l_tbh_rec.pnote_status_date,
          x_pnote_id                          => l_tbh_rec.pnote_id,
          x_pnote_print_ind                   => l_tbh_rec.pnote_print_ind,
          x_pnote_accept_amt                  => l_tbh_rec.pnote_accept_amt,
          x_pnote_accept_date                 => l_tbh_rec.pnote_accept_date,
          x_pnote_batch_id                    => l_tbh_rec.pnote_batch_id,
          x_pnote_ack_date                    => l_tbh_rec.pnote_ack_date,
          x_pnote_mpn_ind                     => l_tbh_rec.pnote_mpn_ind,
          x_unsub_elig_for_heal               => l_tbh_rec.unsub_elig_for_heal,
          x_disclosure_print_ind              => l_tbh_rec.disclosure_print_ind,
          x_orig_fee_perct                    => l_tbh_rec.orig_fee_perct,
          x_borw_confirm_ind                  => l_tbh_rec.borw_confirm_ind,
          x_borw_interest_ind                 => l_tbh_rec.borw_interest_ind,
          x_borw_outstd_loan_code             => l_tbh_rec.borw_outstd_loan_code,
          x_unsub_elig_for_depnt              => l_tbh_rec.unsub_elig_for_depnt,
          x_guarantee_amt                     => l_tbh_rec.guarantee_amt,
          x_guarantee_date                    => l_tbh_rec.guarantee_date,
          x_guarnt_amt_redn_code              => l_tbh_rec.guarnt_amt_redn_code,
          x_guarnt_status_code                => l_tbh_rec.guarnt_status_code,
          x_guarnt_status_date                => l_tbh_rec.guarnt_status_date,
          x_lend_apprv_denied_code            => l_tbh_rec.lend_apprv_denied_code,
          x_lend_apprv_denied_date            => l_tbh_rec.lend_apprv_denied_date,
          x_lend_status_code                  => l_tbh_rec.lend_status_code,
          x_lend_status_date                  => l_tbh_rec.lend_status_date,
          x_guarnt_adj_ind                    => l_tbh_rec.guarnt_adj_ind,
          x_grade_level_code                  => l_tbh_rec.grade_level_code,
          x_enrollment_code                   => l_tbh_rec.enrollment_code,
          x_anticip_compl_date                => l_tbh_rec.anticip_compl_date,
          x_borw_lender_id                    => l_tbh_rec.borw_lender_id,
          x_duns_borw_lender_id               => l_tbh_rec.duns_borw_lender_id,
          x_guarantor_id                      => l_tbh_rec.guarantor_id,
          x_duns_guarnt_id                    => l_tbh_rec.duns_guarnt_id,
          x_prc_type_code                     => l_tbh_rec.prc_type_code,
          x_cl_seq_number                     => l_tbh_rec.cl_seq_number,
          x_last_resort_lender                => l_tbh_rec.last_resort_lender,
          x_lender_id                         => l_tbh_rec.lender_id,
          x_duns_lender_id                    => l_tbh_rec.duns_lender_id,
          x_lend_non_ed_brc_id                => l_tbh_rec.lend_non_ed_brc_id,
          x_recipient_id                      => l_tbh_rec.recipient_id,
          x_recipient_type                    => l_tbh_rec.recipient_type,
          x_duns_recip_id                     => l_tbh_rec.duns_recip_id,
          x_recip_non_ed_brc_id               => l_tbh_rec.recip_non_ed_brc_id,
          x_rec_type_ind                      => l_tbh_rec.rec_type_ind,
          x_cl_loan_type                      => l_tbh_rec.cl_loan_type,
          x_cl_rec_status                     => l_tbh_rec.cl_rec_status,
          x_cl_rec_status_last_update         => l_tbh_rec.cl_rec_status_last_update,
          x_alt_prog_type_code                => l_tbh_rec.alt_prog_type_code,
          x_alt_appl_ver_code                 => l_tbh_rec.alt_appl_ver_code,
          x_mpn_confirm_code                  => l_tbh_rec.mpn_confirm_code,
          x_resp_to_orig_code                 => l_tbh_rec.resp_to_orig_code,
          x_appl_loan_phase_code              => l_tbh_rec.appl_loan_phase_code,
          x_appl_loan_phase_code_chg          => l_tbh_rec.appl_loan_phase_code_chg,
          x_appl_send_error_codes             => l_tbh_rec.appl_send_error_codes,
          x_tot_outstd_stafford               => l_tbh_rec.tot_outstd_stafford,
          x_tot_outstd_plus                   => l_tbh_rec.tot_outstd_plus,
          x_alt_borw_tot_debt                 => l_tbh_rec.alt_borw_tot_debt,
          x_act_interest_rate                 => l_tbh_rec.act_interest_rate,
          x_service_type_code                 => l_tbh_rec.service_type_code,
          x_rev_notice_of_guarnt              => l_tbh_rec.rev_notice_of_guarnt,
          x_sch_refund_amt                    => l_tbh_rec.sch_refund_amt,
          x_sch_refund_date                   => l_tbh_rec.sch_refund_date,
          x_uniq_layout_vend_code             => l_tbh_rec.uniq_layout_vend_code,
          x_uniq_layout_ident_code            => l_tbh_rec.uniq_layout_ident_code,
          x_p_person_id                       => l_tbh_rec.p_person_id,
          x_p_ssn_chg_date                    => l_tbh_rec.p_ssn_chg_date,
          x_p_dob_chg_date                    => l_tbh_rec.p_dob_chg_date,
          x_p_permt_addr_chg_date             => l_tbh_rec.p_permt_addr_chg_date,
          x_p_default_status                  => l_tbh_rec.p_default_status,
          x_p_signature_code                  => l_tbh_rec.p_signature_code,
          x_p_signature_date                  => l_tbh_rec.p_signature_date,
          x_s_ssn_chg_date                    => l_tbh_rec.s_ssn_chg_date,
          x_s_dob_chg_date                    => l_tbh_rec.s_dob_chg_date ,
          x_s_permt_addr_chg_date             => l_tbh_rec.s_permt_addr_chg_date,
          x_s_local_addr_chg_date             => l_tbh_rec.s_local_addr_chg_date,
          x_s_default_status                  => l_tbh_rec.s_default_status,
          x_s_signature_code                  => l_tbh_rec.s_signature_code,
          x_elec_mpn_ind                      => l_tbh_rec.elec_mpn_ind,
          x_borr_sign_ind                     => l_tbh_rec.borr_sign_ind,
          x_stud_sign_ind                     => l_tbh_rec.stud_sign_ind,
          x_borr_credit_auth_code             => l_tbh_rec.borr_credit_auth_code,
          x_relationship_cd                   => l_tbh_rec.relationship_cd,
          x_interest_rebate_percent_num       => l_tbh_rec.interest_rebate_percent_num,
          x_cps_trans_num                     => l_tbh_rec.cps_trans_num,
          x_atd_entity_id_txt                 => l_tbh_rec.atd_entity_id_txt ,
          x_rep_entity_id_txt                 => l_tbh_rec.rep_entity_id_txt,
          x_crdt_decision_status              => l_tbh_rec.crdt_decision_status,
          x_note_message                      => l_tbh_rec.note_message,
          x_book_loan_amt                     => l_tbh_rec.book_loan_amt ,
          x_book_loan_amt_date                => l_tbh_rec.book_loan_amt_date,
          x_pymt_servicer_amt                 => l_tbh_rec.pymt_servicer_amt,
          x_pymt_servicer_date                => l_tbh_rec.pymt_servicer_date,
          x_requested_loan_amt                => l_tbh_rec.requested_loan_amt,
          x_eft_authorization_code            => l_tbh_rec.eft_authorization_code,
          x_external_loan_id_txt              => l_tbh_rec.external_loan_id_txt,
          x_deferment_request_code            => l_tbh_rec.deferment_request_code ,
          x_actual_record_type_code           => l_tbh_rec.actual_record_type_code,
          x_reinstatement_amt                 => l_tbh_rec.reinstatement_amt,
          x_school_use_txt                    => l_tbh_rec.school_use_txt,
          x_lender_use_txt                    => l_tbh_rec.lender_use_txt,
          x_guarantor_use_txt                 => l_tbh_rec.guarantor_use_txt,
          x_fls_approved_amt                  => l_tbh_rec.fls_approved_amt,
          x_flu_approved_amt                  => l_tbh_rec.flu_approved_amt,
          x_flp_approved_amt                  => l_tbh_rec.flp_approved_amt,
          x_alt_approved_amt                  => l_tbh_rec.alt_approved_amt,
          x_loan_app_form_code                => l_tbh_rec.loan_app_form_code,
          x_override_grade_level_code         => l_tbh_rec.override_grade_level_code,
          x_called_from                       => 'UPDATE_MODE',                 --Bug# 5006587
          x_b_alien_reg_num_txt               => l_tbh_rec.b_alien_reg_num_txt,
          x_esign_src_typ_cd                  => l_tbh_rec.esign_src_typ_cd,
          x_acad_begin_date                   => l_tbh_rec.acad_begin_date,
	  x_acad_end_date                     => l_tbh_rec.acad_end_date);
Line: 2588

Line: 2590

Line: 2595

END  update_loan_rec;
Line: 2613

     SELECT  awdv.*
     FROM    igf_aw_award_v awdv
     WHERE   awdv.sys_fund_type ='LOAN'
     AND     awdv.ci_cal_type        = p_ci_cal_type
     AND     awdv.ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number
     AND     awdv.award_id           = NVL(p_award_id, awdv.award_id)
     AND     awdv.fund_id            = NVL(p_fund_id,  awdv.fund_id)
     AND     awdv.base_id            = NVL(p_base_id,  awdv.base_id) -- fa134
     AND     awdv.award_status       = 'ACCEPTED'
     AND     awdv.fed_fund_code IN ('DLP','DLS','DLU','FLP','FLS','FLU','ALT','GPLUSFL')
     AND     awdv.award_id NOT IN  ( SELECT loans.award_id
                                     FROM   igf_sl_loans_all loans )
     ORDER BY awdv.award_id;
Line: 2642

    SELECT COUNT(*) + 1
          igf_sl_loans_all loan,
          igf_aw_award_all awd,
          igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast,
          igf_aw_fund_cat_all fcat,
          igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all fabase
          loan.award_id = awd.award_id AND
          awd.fund_id = fmast.fund_id AND
          awd.base_id = fabase.base_id AND
          fcat.fund_code = fmast.fund_code AND
          fabase.ci_cal_type = award_rec.ci_cal_type AND
          fabase.ci_sequence_number = award_rec.ci_sequence_number AND
          fabase.person_id = award_rec.student_id AND
          fcat.fed_fund_code = award_rec.fed_fund_code;
Line: 2721

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from check_loan_limits l_aid :' || l_aid);
Line: 2775

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values passed to get_fabase_details Base_id :' || award_rec.base_id);
Line: 2785

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_fabase_details Default Status :' || g_s_default_status);
Line: 2786

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_fabase_details Grade_level_cl :' || g_grade_level_cl);
Line: 2787

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_fabase_details Grade_level_dl :' || g_grade_level_dl);
Line: 2788

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_fabase_details Enrollment Code :' || g_enrollment_code);
Line: 2789

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_fabase_details anticip_compl_date :' || g_anticip_compl_date);
Line: 2790

           fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_fabase_details gn_transaction_num :' || gn_transaction_num);
Line: 2817

                   fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_return_status :' || gv_return_status);
Line: 2818

                   fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_message :' || gv_message);
Line: 2819

                   fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_atd_entity_id_txt :' || gv_atd_entity_id_txt);
Line: 2820

                   fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug','The values returned from get_dl_entity_id gv_rep_entity_id_txt :' || gv_rep_entity_id_txt);
Line: 2908

          fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' g_accepted_amt is not a whole number');
Line: 2916

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' gn_award_id ' || gn_award_id);
Line: 2917

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' g_accepted_amt : ' || g_accepted_amt);
Line: 2926

      igf_sl_loans_pkg.insert_row (
        x_mode                              => 'R',
        x_rowid                             => lv_row_id,
        x_loan_id                           => ln_loan_id,
        x_award_id                          => award_rec.award_id,
        x_seq_num                           => ln_seq_number,
        x_loan_number                       => lv_loan_number,
        x_loan_per_begin_date               => ld_loan_prd_start_dt,
        x_loan_per_end_date                 => ld_loan_prd_end_dt,
        x_loan_status                       => 'G',
        x_loan_status_date                  => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
        x_loan_chg_status                   => NULL,
        x_loan_chg_status_date              => NULL,
        x_active                            => 'Y',
        x_active_date                       => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
        x_borw_detrm_code                   => NULL,
        x_legacy_record_flag                => NULL,
        x_external_loan_id_txt              => NULL
Line: 2947

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' after insert of loan record ');
Line: 2954

            fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' calling  insert_lor_dl_records');
Line: 2956

         insert_lor_dl_records(p_ci_cal_type, p_ci_sequence_number, ln_loan_id);
Line: 2960

              fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' calling insert_lor_cl_records ');
Line: 2962

            insert_lor_cl_records(p_ci_cal_type, p_ci_sequence_number, ln_loan_id, g_anticip_compl_date, g_grade_level_cl);
Line: 3014

      fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_lar_creation.insert_loan_records.debug',' End of create_loan_records ');
Line: 3038

        SELECT person_number
        FROM   igs_pe_person_base_v
        person_id  = p_person_id;
Line: 3049

        person_id          = p_person_id AND
        ci_cal_type        = p_cal_type  AND
        ci_sequence_number = p_sequence_number;
Line: 3092

 PROCEDURE insert_loan_records(
  errbuf                           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
  retcode                          OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
  p_award_year                     IN          VARCHAR2,
  p_run_mode                       IN          VARCHAR2,
  p_fund_id                        IN          NUMBER,
  p_dummy_1                        IN          NUMBER,
  p_base_id                        IN          NUMBER,
  p_dummy_2                        IN          NUMBER,
  p_award_id                       IN          NUMBER,
  p_dummy_3                        IN          NUMBER,
  p_dyn_pid_grp                    IN          NUMBER

   Created By       :    mesriniv
   Date Created By  :    2000/11/13
   Purpose          :    To  arrive at the default values for the various columns in
   Known Limitations,Enhancements or Remarks
   Change History   :
   Bug 2367953  Modify Parameters in Loans Process
   Who                 When             What
   ridas              08-Feb-2006     Bug #5021084. Added new parameter 'lv_group_type' in call to igf_ap_ss_pkg.get_pid
   tsailaja		        15/Jan/2006     Bug 4947880 Added invocation of igf_aw_gen.set_org_id(NULL);
Line: 3118

   bkkumar            04-04-04        FACR116 - Added a savepoint so that if the insert_lor procedures raises an
                                      exception then we have to rollback and display the appropriate message
   bkkumar           14-Jan-04        Bug# 3360702
                                      Passed the l_aid paramter as 0 to the check_loan_limits and also displayed the
                                      error message correctly.
                                      appropriate message.
   veramach            16-OCT-2003     Bug # 3108506 Added code to check loan limits before inserting loan records
   rasahoo             27-Aug-2003     Removed the call IGF_AP_OSS_PROCESS.GET_OSS_DETAILS,
                                       Changed the signature of procedure INSERT_LOAN_RECORDS,
                                       Removed the parameter P_GET_RECENT_INFO,
                                       as part of obsoletion of FA base record history
   mesriniv            20-may-2002     1.Added check for Grade Level Code in case of Direct Loans
                                       2.Added NVL for sch non ed brc id when arriving at loan number for CL Loans.
                                       3.Added call to remove any special characters from SSN while concatenating SSN
                                         in Loan Number
                                       4.Added new message for Grade Level Check for DL
   Bug 23241893 LAR Process  does not populate loan amount correctly
   Who                 When             What
   mesriniv           19-apr-2002       Added OFFERED Status in NOT IN condition of cursor cur_awards_rec.
   Bug No:  2324159
   Who                 When             What
   mesriniv            18-apr-2002      1.Added cursor cur_check_fund_award
                                        2.Initialized a variable l_found_loans to check and dsiplay
                                          info on loan records created or not.
                                        3.Added code to print list of person numbers having got the loan and details
                                        in Output File
   Bug No : 1978873
   Who                  When            What
   agairola             15-Mar-2002     Modified the call for the IGF_SL_LOANS_PKG.Insert_Row
                                        for Borrower Determination Code as part of Refunds DLD
                                        Enhancement No: 2144600
   ENH Bug No           :       1806850  Bug Desc:  Awards Build for Nov 2001 Rel
   Who               When                 What
   mesriniv             6-Jul-2001      W.r.to Awards Build Filtered
                                        Awards with award status
                                        as Declined,Cancelled or Simulated
                                        from creating Loans


  p_ci_cal_type             igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE;
Line: 3180

     SELECT *
     FROM   igf_sl_dl_setup_all
     WHERE  ci_cal_type        = p_ci_cal_type
     AND    ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 3186

     SELECT *
     FROM   igf_sl_cl_setup_all
     WHERE  ci_cal_type        = p_ci_cal_type
     AND    ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 3193

     SELECT ca.alternate_code,start_dt,end_dt
     FROM   igs_ca_inst ca
     WHERE  ca.cal_type =p_ci_cal_type
     AND    ca.sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 3205

     SELECT awd.award_id,fmast.fund_code
     FROM   igf_aw_award_all     awd,
            igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast,
            igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all base,
            igf_aw_fund_cat_all   fcat
     WHERE  awd.fund_id  = fmast.fund_id
     AND    awd.base_id  = base.base_id
     AND    awd.award_status = 'ACCEPTED'
     AND    fmast.fund_code = fcat.fund_code
     AND    fcat.fed_fund_code IN ('DLP','DLS','DLU','FLP','FLS','FLU','ALT','GPLUSFL')
     AND    awd.award_id = NVL(p_award_id,awd.award_id)
     AND    awd.base_id  = NVL(p_base_id,awd.base_id)
     AND    awd.fund_id  = NVL(p_fund_id,awd.fund_id)
     AND    fmast.ci_cal_type = p_cal_type
     AND    fmast.ci_sequence_number = p_seq_number;
Line: 3225

     SELECT meaning
     FROM   igf_lookups_view
     WHERE  lookup_type = 'IGF_GE_PARAMETERS'
     AND    lookup_code IN ('AWARD_ID',
     ORDER  BY lookup_code;
Line: 3241

    SELECT group_id
    FROM   igs_pe_persid_group_all
    group_id   =  p_dyn_pid_grp AND
    closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 3381

Line: 3455

        OPEN cur_per_grp FOR ' SELECT PARTY_ID FROM HZ_PARTIES WHERE PARTY_ID IN (' || l_list  || ') ' USING p_dyn_pid_grp;
Line: 3457

        OPEN cur_per_grp FOR ' SELECT PARTY_ID FROM HZ_PARTIES WHERE PARTY_ID IN (' || l_list  || ') ';
Line: 3523

Line: 3530

      update_loan_rec(p_award_id, p_fund_id, p_base_id,p_ci_cal_type,p_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 3535

      update_loan_rec(p_award_id, p_fund_id, p_base_id,p_ci_cal_type,p_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 3553

        OPEN cur_per_grp FOR ' SELECT PARTY_ID FROM HZ_PARTIES WHERE PARTY_ID IN (' || l_list  || ') ' USING p_dyn_pid_grp;
Line: 3555

        OPEN cur_per_grp FOR ' SELECT PARTY_ID FROM HZ_PARTIES WHERE PARTY_ID IN (' || l_list  || ') ';
Line: 3588

                 update_loan_rec(p_award_id, p_fund_id, ln_base_id,p_ci_cal_type, p_ci_sequence_number);
Line: 3621

Line: 3639

END insert_loan_records;