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Line 1: package body irc_notification_prefs_be1 as

1: package body irc_notification_prefs_be1 as
2: --Code generated on 06/11/2008 12:45:27
3: /* $Header: hrapiwfe.pkb 120.4 2008/02/15 06:27:49 viviswan ship $*/
4: procedure create_notification_prefs_a (
5: p_person_id number,

Line 56: l_proc varchar2(72):=' irc_notification_prefs_be1.create_notification_prefs_a';

52: --
53: cursor get_seq is
54: select per_wf_events_s.nextval from dual;
55: --
56: l_proc varchar2(72):=' irc_notification_prefs_be1.create_notification_prefs_a';
57: begin
58: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
59: -- check the status of the business event
60: l_event_name:='oracle.apps.per.irc.api.notification_prefs.create_notification_prefs';

Line 275: end irc_notification_prefs_be1;

271: null;
272: end if;
273: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,50);
274: end create_notification_prefs_a;
275: end irc_notification_prefs_be1;