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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

PROCEDURE proc_insert_update_task
              (p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_temp_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_new_temp_id                     IN            NUMBER
              ,p_merge_temp_id                   IN            NUMBER
              ,p_task_status                     IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
Line: 41

PROCEDURE proc_insert_update_mmtt
              (p_action                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_id                          IN            NUMBER
              ,p_content_lpn_id                  IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transfer_lpn_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_trx_qty               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_container_item_id               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_wms_task_status                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- OVER/SHORT
              ,p_parent_lpn_id                   IN            NUMBER
              ,x_new_transaction_temp_id         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
Line: 82

              ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- OVER/SHORT
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
Line: 112

              ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id      IN            NUMBER
              ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_lot_number               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
Line: 138

PROCEDURE proc_insert_mtlt
              (p_lot_record                      IN      mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2);
Line: 144

PROCEDURE proc_insert_msnt
              (p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
              ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_number                   IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_lpn_id                          IN          NUMBER
              ,p_serial_lot_number               IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2);
Line: 272

PROCEDURE update_loaded_part
  (p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER,
   p_transaction_temp_id1      IN            NUMBER,
   p_transaction_temp_id2      IN            NUMBER,
   p_transfer_lpn_id           IN            NUMBER,
   p_transaction_uom           IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_transaction_quantity      IN            NUMBER,
   p_lot_numbers               IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_lot_transaction_quantity  IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_secondary_uom             IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_secondary_quantity        IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_serial_numbers            IN            VARCHAR2,
   p_serial_allocated_flag     IN            VARCHAR2,  -- Y/N
   p_lot_controlled            IN            VARCHAR2,  -- Y/N
   p_serial_controlled         IN            VARCHAR2,  -- Y/N
   x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
   x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER,
   x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
     l_serial_transaction_temp_id      NUMBER;
Line: 325

        update_mtlt                    BOOLEAN,
        delete_mtlt                    BOOLEAN);
Line: 332

        delete_msnt                    BOOLEAN);
Line: 341

        SELECT inventory_item_id, transaction_temp_id, primary_quantity
     , item_primary_uom_code, transaction_quantity, transaction_uom
     , secondary_transaction_quantity, secondary_uom_code
          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id IN (v_transaction_temp_id1, v_transaction_temp_id2)
          FOR UPDATE;
Line: 349

        SELECT lot_number, primary_quantity, transaction_quantity, secondary_quantity
            , serial_transaction_temp_id
          FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = v_transaction_temp_id
          ORDER BY lot_number
          FOR UPDATE;
Line: 357

        SELECT fm_serial_number
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = v_transaction_temp_id
          ORDER BY fm_serial_number
          FOR UPDATE;
Line: 364

          SUM(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity,
          SUM(primary_quantity) primary_quantity,
          SUM(secondary_quantity) secondary_quantity
        FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp
        WHERE (lot_number IS NOT NULL OR serial_number IS NOT NULL)
        GROUP BY transaction_temp_id, lot_number, serial_number, secondary_quantity
        ORDER BY transaction_temp_id, lot_number, serial_number;
Line: 380

Line: 412

      mydebug('Conversion Factor: ' || l_conversion_factor, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 413

      mydebug('Conversion Factor1: ' || l_conversion_factor1, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 414

      mydebug('Conversion Factor2: ' || l_conversion_factor2, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 418

         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
Line: 438

         mydebug('Return Status from Lot Serial Parse: ' || x_return_status, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 454

            mydebug('Loaded...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 461

               mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || mtlt_record.lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 472

            mydebug('Confirmed...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 485

                  mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 487

               l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 494

               mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 503

                     mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be updated', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 506

                  l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 520

            l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 529

               SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
                 INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                 FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
                 AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 543

                  mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' exists in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 545

                  mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' does not exist in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 551

               mydebug(i || 'Delta: ' || l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 552

     mydebug(i || 'Sec Delta: ' || l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 555

            IF l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt THEN

               IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN

                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                     mydebug(i || 'Deleting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 563

                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET primary_quantity = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
                        transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity +
                                               Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
        secondary_quantity = secondary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity,
                        last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 574

                  DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 581

                     mydebug(i || 'Transferring Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 584

                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET transaction_temp_id        = p_transaction_temp_id2,
                        transaction_quantity       = Round(primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision),
                        last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 594

             ELSIF l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt THEN

               UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 SET primary_quantity     = l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity,
                     transaction_quantity = Round(l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision),
                     secondary_quantity   = l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity,
                     last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                     last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                 WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                 AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 608

                     mydebug(i || 'Updating Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 611

                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET primary_quantity     = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
                        transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity + Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
        secondary_quantity     = secondary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_secondary_quantity,
                        last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 623

                     mydebug(i || 'Inserting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 626

                  SELECT *
                    INTO l_mtlt_rec
                    FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 635

                   (p_lot_record         => l_mtlt_rec,
                    x_return_status      => x_return_status,
                    x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
                    x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
Line: 648

            END IF; -- delete/update mtlt
Line: 654

            mydebug('Loaded...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 662

               mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || msnt_record.fm_serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 670

            mydebug('Confirmed...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 680

               l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
Line: 685

               mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 693

            l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
Line: 701

            IF l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt THEN

               IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN

                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                     mydebug(j || 'Transferring Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 709

                  UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                    SET transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2,
                        last_update_date    = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
Line: 718

                     mydebug(j || 'Deleting Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 721

                  DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
Line: 726

                  UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
                    SET group_mark_id       = NULL,
                        last_update_date    = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                    WHERE serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number
                    AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id;
Line: 742

            mydebug('Loaded...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 750

               mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || mtlt_record.lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 758

                  mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || msnt_record.fm_serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 772

            mydebug('Confirmed...', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 783

               mydebug(i || ' Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 793

                  mydebug(j || 'Marking Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 796

               l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
Line: 800

               l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 803

                  l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 806

                    mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 812

                    mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be updated', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 823

                     mydebug('Incrementing i', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 830

               mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 840

               mydebug(j || 'Marking Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 843

            l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt := TRUE;
Line: 847

            l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 850

               l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt := TRUE;
Line: 853

                  mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be deleted', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 859

                  mydebug(i || 'Marking Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' to be updated', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 870

                  mydebug('Incrementing i', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 882

               SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
                 INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                 FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
                 AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 894

                     SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
                       INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                       FROM dual;
Line: 902

                  mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' exists in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 904

                  mydebug(i || 'Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number || ' does not exist in remaining', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 910

               IF l_serial_table1(j).delete_msnt THEN

                  IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN

                     IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                        mydebug(j || 'Transferring Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 918

                     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                       SET transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id,
                           last_update_date    = Sysdate,
                           last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                       WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_serial_table1(j).transaction_temp_id
                       AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
Line: 927

                        mydebug(j || 'Deleting Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 930

                     DELETE FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                       WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_serial_table1(j).transaction_temp_id
                       AND fm_serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number;
Line: 935

                     UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
                       SET group_mark_id       = NULL,
                           last_update_date    = Sysdate,
                           last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                       WHERE serial_number = l_serial_table1(j).serial_number
                       AND inventory_item_id = l_inventory_item_id;
Line: 945

                     mydebug(j || ' Serial Number: ' || l_serial_table1(j).serial_number || ' left untouched', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 953

            IF l_lot_table1(i).delete_mtlt THEN

               IF l_row_exists = 1 THEN

                  IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
                     mydebug(i || 'Deleting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 961

                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET primary_quantity = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
                        transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity +
                                               Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
                        last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 971

                  DELETE FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 978

                     mydebug(i || 'Transferring Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 981

                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET transaction_temp_id        = p_transaction_temp_id2,
                        serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id,
                        transaction_quantity       = Round(primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision),
                        last_update_date           = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by            = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 992

             ELSIF l_lot_table1(i).update_mtlt THEN

               UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 SET primary_quantity     = l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity,
                     transaction_quantity = Round(l_lot_table1(i).primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision),
                     secondary_quantity   = l_lot_table1(i).secondary_quantity,
                     last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                     last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                 WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                 AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 1006

                     mydebug(i || 'Updating Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1009

                  UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET primary_quantity     = primary_quantity + l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity,
                        transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity + Round(l_lot_table1(i).delta_primary_quantity * l_conversion_factor2,
                        last_update_date     = Sysdate,
                        last_updated_by      = p_user_id
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 1020

                     mydebug(i || 'Inserting Lot Number: ' || l_lot_table1(i).lot_number, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1023

                  SELECT *
                    INTO l_mtlt_rec
                    FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
                    AND lot_number = l_lot_table1(i).lot_number;
Line: 1033

                   (p_lot_record         => l_mtlt_rec,
                    x_return_status      => x_return_status,
                    x_msg_count          => x_msg_count,
                    x_msg_data           => x_msg_data);
Line: 1039

                  mydebug('Return status from insert MTLT : ' || x_return_status, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1046

            END IF; -- delete/update mtlt
Line: 1058

      mydebug('Updating MMTT with delta qty: ' || l_delta_primary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1059

  mydebug('Updating MMTT with delta sec qty: ' || l_delta_secondary_quantity, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1062

   UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
     SET transaction_quantity           = Round(l_primary_quantity*l_conversion_factor, l_g_decimal_precision),
         transaction_uom                = p_transaction_uom,
         primary_quantity               = l_primary_quantity,
         secondary_transaction_quantity = l_secondary_quantity,
         secondary_uom_code             = p_secondary_uom,
         lpn_id                         = content_lpn_id,
         content_lpn_id                 = NULL,
         transfer_lpn_id                = p_transfer_lpn_id,
         last_update_date               = Sysdate,
         last_updated_by                = p_user_id
     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id1
     returning lpn_id INTO l_lpn_id;
Line: 1077

   UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
     SET lpn_context = 1
       , last_update_date = SYSDATE
       , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
     WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_id;
Line: 1084

   UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp
     SET transaction_quantity = transaction_quantity +  Round(l_delta_primary_quantity*l_conversion_factor2, l_g_decimal_precision),
         primary_quantity     = primary_quantity + l_delta_primary_quantity,
   secondary_transaction_quantity = secondary_transaction_quantity+l_delta_secondary_quantity,
         last_update_date     = Sysdate,
         last_updated_by      = p_user_id
     WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id2;
Line: 1098

         mydebug('Error', 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1106

         mydebug('Error: ' || Sqlerrm, 'WMS_TASK_LOAD.UPDATE_LOADED_PART');
Line: 1109

END update_loaded_part;
Line: 1112

               p_action                    IN            VARCHAR2  -- LOAD_MULTIPLE/LOAD_SINGLE/SPLIT/UPDATE_LOADED
              ,p_exception                 IN            VARCHAR2  -- SHORT/OVER
              ,p_organization_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id     IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_parent_line_id            IN            NUMBER
              ,p_remaining_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_id                    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_content_lpn_id            IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transfer_lpn_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_sub             IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_locator_id      IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_uom             IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom             IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_inventory_item_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                  IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_trx_qty         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_lots            IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_uom         IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_qty         IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials         IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_container_item_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id          IN            NUMBER
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lot_controlled            IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled         IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_parent_lpn_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,x_new_transaction_temp_id   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_cms_check                 OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2  -- FAIL/PASS
              ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
Line: 1155

   l_insert                         VARCHAR2(2)  :=  NULL;
Line: 1156

   l_update                         VARCHAR2(2)  :=  NULL;
Line: 1174

      SELECT transaction_temp_id
      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
      WHERE  transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
      AND    transaction_temp_id   <> p_transaction_temp_id
      AND    inventory_item_id      = p_inventory_item_id
      AND    nvl(revision,'@@')     = nvl(p_revision,'@@')
      AND    subinventory_code      = p_confirmed_sub
      AND    locator_id             = p_confirmed_locator_id
      AND    transaction_uom        = p_confirmed_uom
      AND    transfer_lpn_id        = p_transfer_lpn_id
      AND    nvl(content_lpn_id,0)  = nvl(p_content_lpn_id,0)
      AND    nvl(lpn_id,0)          = nvl(p_lpn_id,0);
Line: 1252

   IF p_action = 'UPDATE_LOADED' THEN
        (p_user_id                   => p_user_id,
         p_transaction_temp_id1      => p_transaction_temp_id,
         p_transaction_temp_id2      => p_remaining_temp_id,
         p_transfer_lpn_id           => l_transfer_lpn_id,
         p_transaction_uom           => p_confirmed_uom,
         p_transaction_quantity      => p_confirmed_trx_qty,
         p_lot_numbers               => p_confirmed_lots,
         p_lot_transaction_quantity  => p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty,
         p_secondary_uom             => p_confirmed_sec_uom,
         p_secondary_quantity        => p_confirmed_sec_qty,
         p_serial_numbers            => p_confirmed_serials,
         p_serial_allocated_flag     => p_serial_allocated_flag,
         p_lot_controlled            => p_lot_controlled,
         p_serial_controlled         => p_serial_controlled,
         x_return_status             => x_return_status,
         x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count,
         x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
Line: 1295

       /* Update the LPN context to "Packing context" (8).
       -- if p_lpn_match = 1,3 (exact match or fully consumable LPN) then
       -- p_lpn_match_lpn_id will be set to Packing context(8) otherwise , we will not
       -- change the context of from lpn .
       -- Always set the status of p_transfer_lpn_id = Packing context(8) , whether
       -- pre-generated or already in Packing context" */
        l_progress    :=  '200';
Line: 1312

              UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
                SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_packing
                  , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                  , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
              WHERE lpn_id = l_lpn_match_lpn_id
                AND lpn_context = l_lpn_context_inv --, l_transfer_lpn_id)
                AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1321

                 mydebug ('Cannot find LPNs to update the context' );
Line: 1348

           UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
             SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_packing
               , last_update_date = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
           WHERE lpn_id = l_transfer_lpn_id
             AND lpn_context in (l_lpn_context_packing , l_lpn_context_pregenerated)
             AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 1357

              mydebug ('Cannot find LPNs to update the context' );
Line: 1407

            l_insert      := 'Y';  --insert new MMTT
Line: 1408

            l_update      := 'Y1'; -- update original MMTT to reduce qty
Line: 1410

            l_insert      := 'N';  -- do not insert new MMTT
Line: 1411

            l_update      := 'Y1'; -- update original MMTT = conmfirmed qty
Line: 1414

         l_insert      := 'N';  -- Do not insert new MMTT
Line: 1415

         l_update      := 'Y2'; -- 2 updates. 1- original MMTT to reduce qty
Line: 1418

      mydebug('l_insert:' || l_insert || ':l_update:'|| l_update);
Line: 1419

        (p_action                             => l_action
         ,p_insert                             => l_insert
         ,p_update                             => l_update
         ,p_organization_id                    => p_organization_id
         ,p_user_id                            => p_user_id
         ,p_transaction_header_id              => p_transaction_header_id
         ,p_transaction_temp_id                => p_transaction_temp_id
         ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge       => l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
         ,p_lpn_id                             => l_lpn_id
         ,p_content_lpn_id                     => l_content_lpn_id
         ,p_transfer_lpn_id                    => l_transfer_lpn_id
         ,p_confirmed_sub                      => p_confirmed_sub
         ,p_confirmed_locator_id               => p_confirmed_locator_id
         ,p_confirmed_uom                      => p_confirmed_uom
         ,p_suggested_uom                      => p_suggested_uom
         ,p_primary_uom                        => p_primary_uom
         ,p_inventory_item_id                  => p_inventory_item_id
         ,p_revision                           => p_revision
         ,p_confirmed_trx_qty                  => p_confirmed_trx_qty
         ,p_confirmed_lots                     => p_confirmed_lots
         ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty              => p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
         ,p_confirmed_sec_uom                  => p_confirmed_sec_uom
         ,p_confirmed_sec_qty                  => p_confirmed_sec_qty
         ,p_confirmed_serials                  => p_confirmed_serials
         ,p_container_item_id                  => l_container_item_id
         ,p_lpn_match                          => p_lpn_match
         ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                   => l_lpn_match_lpn_id
         ,p_serial_allocated_flag              => p_serial_allocated_flag
         ,p_lot_controlled                     => p_lot_controlled
         ,p_serial_controlled                  => p_serial_controlled
         ,p_wms_task_status                    => l_g_task_loaded
         ,p_exception                          => p_exception
         ,p_parent_lpn_id                      => l_parent_lpn_id
         ,x_new_transaction_temp_id            => l_new_transaction_temp_id
         ,x_return_status                      => x_return_status
         ,x_msg_count                          => x_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                           => x_msg_data);
Line: 1465

      Action l_insert   L_update  update orginalTSK UpdMergeTSK   InsertNewTSK
        SPLIT Y   Y1  N   N  Y
        SPLIT N   Y2  Y   Y  N
        LOAD_M N   Y1  Y   N  N
        LOAD_M N   Y2  Y-Delete  Y  N
        LOAD_S N   Y1  Y   N  N

        l_progress    :=  '500';
Line: 1475

      proc_insert_update_task -- new task using p_transaction_temp_id);
Line: 1477

         ,p_insert                    => l_insert
         ,p_update                    => l_update
         ,p_temp_id                   => p_transaction_temp_id
         ,p_new_temp_id               => l_new_transaction_temp_id -- will be notNULL only if p_insert=Y
         ,p_merge_temp_id             => l_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
         ,p_task_status               => l_g_task_loaded
         ,p_user_id                   => p_user_id
         ,x_return_status             => x_return_status
         ,x_msg_count                 => x_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data                  => x_msg_data);
Line: 1527

PROCEDURE  proc_insert_update_task
  (p_action                    IN            VARCHAR2
   ,p_insert                    IN            VARCHAR2
   ,p_update                    IN            VARCHAR2
   ,p_temp_id                   IN            NUMBER
   ,p_new_temp_id               IN            NUMBER
   ,p_merge_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
   ,p_task_status               IN            NUMBER
   ,p_user_id                   IN            NUMBER
   ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
   ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
   ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
     l_proc_name               VARCHAR2(30) :=  'proc_insert_update_task';
Line: 1544

   mydebug(l_proc_name || ': Before Insert into WMSDT');
Line: 1549

   mydebug ('p_insert         = ' || p_insert);
Line: 1550

   mydebug ('p_update         = ' || p_update);
Line: 1556

   IF p_insert = 'Y' THEN
       INSERT INTO wms_dispatched_tasks
                          ,transfer_lpn_id )
          (SELECT wms_dispatched_tasks_s.NEXTVAL
                          ,p_new_temp_id             -- parameter
                          ,p_task_status                -- parameter
                          ,p_user_id         -- parameter
            FROM   wms_dispatched_tasks
            WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id);
Line: 1655

         myDebug('Error inserting a new task using WDT record for : '|| p_temp_id);
Line: 1658

         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
Line: 1665

      IF p_update = 'Y1' THEN
         l_transaction_temp_id := p_temp_id; -- update only the original task
Line: 1668

         l_transaction_temp_id := p_merge_temp_id; -- update the merged task
Line: 1673

      UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
      SET     status =  p_task_status
              ,loaded_time = SYSDATE
              ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
              ,last_updated_by   = p_user_id
      WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 1684

         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
Line: 1688

      IF p_update = 'Y2' AND p_action = l_g_action_load_multiple THEN
         fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
Line: 1694

         DELETE  wms_dispatched_tasks
          WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 1700

            fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- proc_insert_update_task' );
Line: 1733

END proc_insert_update_task;
Line: 1735

PROCEDURE proc_insert_update_mmtt
              (p_action                               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_insert                               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_organization_id                      IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                              IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id                  IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_id                               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_content_lpn_id                       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transfer_lpn_id                      IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_sub                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_locator_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_uom                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_inventory_item_id                    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                             IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_trx_qty                    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_lots                       IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty                IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_uom                    IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_qty                    IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials                    IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_container_item_id                    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_wms_task_status                      IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match                            IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     IN            NUMBER
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag                IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lot_controlled                       IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled                    IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_exception                            IN            VARCHAR2 -- SHORT/OVER
              ,p_parent_lpn_id                        IN            NUMBER
              ,x_new_transaction_temp_id              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_return_status                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
   l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_INSERT_UPDATE_MMTT';
Line: 1795

   mydebug ('p_insert                 = ' || p_insert                 );
Line: 1796

   mydebug ('p_update                 = ' || p_update                 );
Line: 1880

   IF p_insert = 'Y' THEN
      l_progress   :=  '110';
Line: 1882

      SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_new_transaction_temp_id
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 1889

      INSERT INTO mtl_material_transactions_temp
                    ( TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID
                     ,SYSDATE -- it should not copy from original MMTT
                     ,p_user_id -- it should not copy from original MMTT
                     ,nvl(p_confirmed_uom, item_primary_uom_code)
                     ,decode(PARENT_LINE_ID, NULL,NULL,l_new_transaction_temp_id) -- Take care of BULK parent
                     ,nvl(p_lpn_id,p_parent_lpn_id)  -- process the nesting
                                                     -- fully consumble LPN Pick
                     -- Bug4185621: instead of inheriting previous line's status, use loaded as status for new line
                     , p_wms_task_status -- wms_task_status
                     ,CARTONIZATION_ID                 --??
                     ,decode( p_confirmed_sec_uom, null, null, l_confirmed_sec_qty )-- Bug 4576653
             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
            WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id);
Line: 2362

              fnd_message.set_name('WMS', 'WMS_INSERT_ALLOCATION'); -- NEWMSG
Line: 2369

   END IF ; -- insert MMTT only if p_insert = 'Y'
Line: 2410

                  ,p_insert                               =>  p_insert
                  ,p_update                               =>  p_update
                  ,p_organization_id                      =>  p_organization_id
                  ,p_user_id                              =>  p_user_id
                  ,p_transaction_header_id                =>  p_transaction_header_id
                  ,p_transaction_temp_id                  =>  p_transaction_temp_id
                  ,p_new_transaction_temp_id              =>  l_new_transaction_temp_id
                  ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         =>  p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
                  ,p_inventory_item_id                    =>  p_inventory_item_id
                  ,p_revision                             =>  p_revision
                  ,p_suggested_uom                        =>  p_suggested_uom
                  ,p_confirmed_uom                        =>  p_confirmed_uom
                  ,p_primary_uom                          =>  p_primary_uom
                  ,p_confirmed_lots                       =>  p_confirmed_lots
                  ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty                =>  p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty
                  ,p_confirmed_serials                    =>  p_confirmed_serials
                  ,p_serial_allocated_flag                =>  p_serial_allocated_flag
                  ,p_lpn_match                            =>  p_lpn_match
                  ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     =>  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
                  ,p_confirmed_sec_uom                    =>  p_confirmed_sec_uom
                  ,p_confirmed_sec_qty                    =>  p_confirmed_sec_qty
                  ,p_lot_controlled                       =>  p_lot_controlled
                  ,p_serial_controlled                    =>  p_serial_controlled
                  ,p_exception                            =>  p_exception
                  ,x_return_status                        =>  x_return_status
                  ,x_msg_count                            =>  x_msg_count
                  ,x_msg_data                             =>  x_msg_data);
Line: 2456

                  ,p_insert                               =>  p_insert
                  ,p_update                               =>  p_update
                  ,p_organization_id                      =>  p_organization_id
                  ,p_user_id                              =>  p_user_id
                  ,p_transaction_header_id                =>  p_transaction_header_id
                  ,p_transaction_temp_id                  =>  p_transaction_temp_id
                  ,p_new_transaction_temp_id              =>  l_new_transaction_temp_id
                  ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         =>  p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
                  ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id           =>  NULL
                  ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id                  =>  NULL
                  ,p_inventory_item_id                    =>  p_inventory_item_id
                  ,p_revision                             =>  p_revision
                  ,p_suggested_uom                        =>  p_suggested_uom
                  ,p_confirmed_uom                        =>  p_confirmed_uom
                  ,p_primary_uom                          =>  p_primary_uom
                  ,p_serial_lot_number                    =>  NULL
                  ,p_confirmed_serials                    =>  p_confirmed_serials
                  ,p_serial_allocated_flag                =>  p_serial_allocated_flag
                  ,p_lpn_match                            =>  p_lpn_match
                  ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     =>  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
                  ,p_lot_controlled                       =>  p_lot_controlled
                  ,p_serial_controlled                    =>  p_serial_controlled
                  ,x_return_status                        =>  x_return_status
                  ,x_msg_count                            =>  x_msg_count
                  ,x_msg_data                             =>  x_msg_data);
Line: 2499

   IF p_update = 'Y1' -- update p_transaction_temp_id  to reduce primary/trxqty
      IF p_action = l_g_action_split  THEN
         l_progress    :=  '190';
Line: 2505

            select sum(primary_quantity),sum(transaction_quantity),sum(SECONDARY_QUANTITY)
            into l_rem_lot_pri_qty,l_rem_lot_trx_qty,l_rem_lot_sec_qty
            from mtl_transaction_lots_temp
            where transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
              group by transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2512

             UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
             SET     transaction_quantity  = l_rem_lot_trx_qty
               , primary_quantity      = l_rem_lot_pri_qty
               , secondary_transaction_quantity = l_rem_lot_sec_qty
               , last_update_date      =  SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by       =  p_user_id
             WHERE   transaction_temp_id   =  p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2520

           UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
           SET     transaction_quantity  =  transaction_quantity - l_confirmed_sugg_qty
               , primary_quantity      =  primary_quantity - l_confirmed_prim_qty
     , secondary_transaction_quantity    =  secondary_transaction_quantity - l_confirmed_sec_qty
               , last_update_date      =  SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by       =  p_user_id
           WHERE   transaction_temp_id   =  p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2535

         UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
         SET     transaction_quantity  =  p_confirmed_trx_qty
               , primary_quantity      =  l_confirmed_prim_qty
               , secondary_transaction_quantity    =  decode( p_confirmed_sec_uom,
                                                            ) -- Bug 4576653
               , secondary_uom_code    =  p_confirmed_sec_uom
               , lpn_id                =  nvl(p_lpn_id,p_parent_lpn_id)
                                                     -- process the nesting
                                                     -- fully consumble LPN Pick
               , content_lpn_id        =  p_content_lpn_id
               , transfer_lpn_id       =  p_transfer_lpn_id
               , subinventory_code     =  p_confirmed_sub
               , locator_id            =  p_confirmed_locator_id
               , transaction_uom        = p_confirmed_uom
               , container_item_id      = p_container_item_id
               , last_update_date      =  SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by       =  p_user_id
               , wms_task_status = p_wms_task_status -- Bug4185621: update mmtt task status to loaded
         WHERE   transaction_temp_id   =  p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2566

   IF p_update = 'Y2'  -- -- and update p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge  to add qty)
         l_progress    :=  '190';
Line: 2570

         UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
         SET     transaction_quantity  =  transaction_quantity + p_confirmed_trx_qty
               , primary_quantity      =  primary_quantity + nvl(l_confirmed_prim_qty  ,0)
               , secondary_transaction_quantity    =  secondary_transaction_quantity +  nvl(l_confirmed_sec_qty, 0)
               , secondary_uom_code    =  p_confirmed_sec_uom
               , last_update_date      = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by       = p_user_id
         WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge;
Line: 2582

            l_progress    :=  '190'; -- Delete the original MMTT, if merging into another MMTT
Line: 2584

            DELETE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
            WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2592

            UPDATE  mtl_material_transactions_temp
            SET     transaction_quantity  =  transaction_quantity - l_confirmed_sugg_qty
                   , primary_quantity  =  primary_quantity - l_confirmed_prim_qty
               , secondary_transaction_quantity  =  secondary_transaction_quantity -  l_confirmed_sec_qty
                   , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                   , last_updated_by   = p_user_id
            WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2630

END proc_insert_update_mmtt;
Line: 2634

              ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lots                  IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_lot_trx_qty           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_confirmed_sec_uom               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_sec_qty               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_exception                       IN            VARCHAR2 -- SHORT/OVER
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
   l_proc_name                         VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_PROCESS_CONFIRMED_LOTS';
Line: 2678

   SELECT  mtlt.*
   FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
   WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_lot_transaction_temp_id
   AND     lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 2686

   SELECT  DISTINCT              -- so that we get only lot records in case of lot+Serial item control
     FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
Line: 2701

      Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMMTT      UpdMergeMMTT    InsertNewMMTT
      SPLIT     Y               Y1              N                       N               Y
      SPLIT     N               Y2              Y                       Y               N
      LOAD_M    N               Y1              Y                       N               N
      LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y-Delete                Y               N
      LOAD_S    N               Y1              Y                       N               N

      ****MTLT ****
      Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMTLT      UpdMergeMTLT
      SPLIT     Y               Y1              Y-upd original OR       N
                                                 -ins new/upd orig
      SPLIT     N               Y2              Y                       Y if MTLT exist
                                                                        OR ins new/upd orig
      LOAD_M    N               Y1              N                       N
      LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y                       Y if MTLT exist
                                                                        OR ins new/upd orig
      LOAD_S    N               Y1              N-not necessary         N


   x_return_status  := l_g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 2726

   mydebug ('p_insert                 = ' || p_insert                 );
Line: 2727

   mydebug ('p_update                 = ' || p_update                 );
Line: 2761

          IF p_insert = 'Y' or p_update = 'Y2' THEN
             -- we need this only if we ever need to create a new MTLT
             FOR rec_mtlt_to_copy_from  IN cur_mtlt_to_copy_from
                           (p_lot_number                => rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number,
                            p_lot_transaction_temp_id   => p_transaction_temp_id)
                l_progress    :=  '150';
Line: 2793

             SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
               INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id
               FROM DUAL;
Line: 2804

          mydebug ('p_insert: ' || p_insert);
Line: 2805

          IF p_insert = 'Y' THEN
             l_progress    :=  '190';
Line: 2812

                 UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 SET    transaction_temp_id        = p_new_transaction_temp_id
                      , transaction_quantity       = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_Quantity
                      , primary_quantity           = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
                      , secondary_quantity         = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                      , secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
                      , serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                      , last_update_date           = SYSDATE
                      , last_updated_by            = p_user_id
                 WHERE  transaction_temp_id        = l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
                 AND    lot_number                 = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 2838

                     (p_lot_record                      => l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from
                     ,x_return_status                   => x_return_status
                     ,x_msg_count                       => x_msg_count
                     ,x_msg_data                        => x_msg_data);
Line: 2853

                 UPDATE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 SET     transaction_quantity     = transaction_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.suggested_quantity
                        ,primary_quantity         = primary_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
        ,secondary_quantity       = NVL(secondary_quantity, rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity) - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                        ,last_update_date         = SYSDATE
                        ,last_updated_by          = p_user_id
                 WHERE   transaction_temp_id      = p_transaction_temp_id
                 AND     lot_number = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 2869

          mydebug ('p_update: ' || p_update);
Line: 2874

          IF p_update = 'Y2'
             l_progress    :=  '240';
Line: 2878

             UPDATE   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
             SET      transaction_quantity       = transaction_quantity +
                     ,primary_quantity           = primary_quantity + rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
                     ,secondary_quantity         = secondary_quantity+ rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                     ,last_update_date           = SYSDATE
                     ,last_updated_by            = p_user_id
             WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
             AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
             -- For lot + serial controlled items
             RETURNING serial_transaction_temp_id INTO l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 2897

                    UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                    SET    transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge --p_new_transaction_temp_id
                         , secondary_quantity  = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                         , secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
                           -- For lot + serial controlled items
                         , serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                         , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
                         , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                    WHERE  transaction_temp_id = l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
                    AND    lot_number = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 2920

                       (p_lot_record                      => l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from
                       ,x_return_status                   => x_return_status
                       ,x_msg_count                       => x_msg_count
                       ,x_msg_data                        => x_msg_data);
Line: 2933

                   UPDATE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET     transaction_quantity     = transaction_quantity -
                          ,primary_quantity         = primary_quantity -
          ,secondary_quantity       = NVL(secondary_quantity, rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity) - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                          ,last_update_date         = SYSDATE
                          ,last_updated_by          = p_user_id
                   WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id --  l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
                   AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 2958

                   DELETE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id -- l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
                   AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 2969

                   UPDATE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                   SET     transaction_quantity     = transaction_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.suggested_Quantity
                           ,primary_quantity        = primary_quantity - rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
         ,secondary_quantity      = NVL(secondary_quantity, rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity) -
                           ,last_update_date        = SYSDATE
                           ,last_updated_by         = p_user_id
                   WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id -- l_rec_mtlt_to_copy_from.transaction_temp_id
                   AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 2984

          /* Usually for p_update = 'Y1' one does not need to update MTLT since nothing would have changed
             But, for catch weight enabled items, it is necessary */
          /* If serials are not allocateed and lpn_match = 1/3 , MSNT records need to be populated
             so, update serial_transaction_temp_id  mtlt*. MSNT gets created in process_confirmed_serials */
          IF (p_update = 'Y1' AND
              p_insert = 'N'  AND
              p_serial_controlled     = 'Y'        AND
              p_serial_allocated_flag = 'N'        AND
              p_confirmed_serials     IS NULL      AND
              p_lpn_match             IN (1,3) )
              l_progress    :=  '350';
Line: 2997

              UPDATE   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                      transaction_quantity       = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_quantity  --jxlu
                     ,primary_quantity           = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity      --jxlu
                     ,secondary_quantity         = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                     ,secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
                     ,serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                     ,last_update_date           = SYSDATE
                     ,last_updated_by            = p_user_id
              WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
              AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 3012

          /* Usually for p_update = 'Y1' one does not need to update MTLT since nothing would have changed
             But, for catch weight enabled items, Overpicking or changed TXN-UOM it is necessary
          /* following condition is independent of the above condition in that :
 *             for serial controlled items, UOM cannot be different from primary
 *             UOM (atleast as of this patchset (11.5.10)) .
 *             for lpn_match 1,3 , it cannot be a case of overpick. */
          IF (p_update = 'Y1' AND
              p_insert = 'N' ) AND
              (p_confirmed_sec_qty is NOT NULL   OR
               p_confirmed_uom <> p_primary_uom  OR
               p_exception = 'OVER')
              l_progress    :=  '360';
Line: 3027

              UPDATE   mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                      transaction_quantity       = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_quantity
                     ,primary_quantity           = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.primary_quantity
                     ,secondary_quantity         = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.secondary_quantity
                     ,secondary_unit_of_measure  = p_confirmed_sec_uom
                     ,last_update_date           = SYSDATE
                     ,last_updated_by            = p_user_id
              WHERE   transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
              AND     lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number;
Line: 3053

              UPDATE  mtl_allocations_gtmp
                 SET  child_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
               WHERE  lot_number          = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
                 AND  transaction_temp_id = rec_confirmed_lots_serials.transaction_temp_id  ;
Line: 3064

                      ,p_insert                               =>  p_insert
                      ,p_update                               =>  p_update
                      ,p_organization_id                      =>  p_organization_id
                      ,p_user_id                              =>  p_user_id
                      ,p_transaction_header_id                =>  p_transaction_header_id
                      ,p_transaction_temp_id                  =>  p_transaction_temp_id
                      ,p_new_transaction_temp_id              =>  p_new_transaction_temp_id --??l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                      ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge         =>  p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge
                      ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id           =>  l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                      ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id                  =>  l_mtlt_serial_temp_id
                      ,p_inventory_item_id                    =>  p_inventory_item_id
                      ,p_revision                             =>  p_revision
                      ,p_suggested_uom                        =>  p_suggested_uom
                      ,p_confirmed_uom                        =>  p_confirmed_uom
                      ,p_primary_uom                          =>  p_primary_uom
                      ,p_serial_lot_number                    =>  rec_confirmed_lots_serials.lot_number
                      ,p_confirmed_serials                    =>  p_confirmed_serials
                      ,p_serial_allocated_flag                =>  p_serial_allocated_flag
                      ,p_lpn_match                            =>  p_lpn_match
                      ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                     =>  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
                      ,p_lot_controlled                       =>  p_lot_controlled
                      ,p_serial_controlled                    =>  p_serial_controlled
                      ,x_return_status                        =>  x_return_status
                      ,x_msg_count                            =>  x_msg_count
                      ,x_msg_data                             =>  x_msg_data);
Line: 3126

              ,p_insert                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_update                          IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_organization_id                 IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id           IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_new_transaction_temp_id         IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_serial_transaction_temp_id      IN            NUMBER
              ,p_mtlt_serial_temp_id             IN            NUMBER
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN            NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_suggested_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_uom                   IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_primary_uom                     IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_lot_number               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_lpn_match                       IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lpn_match_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lot_controlled                  IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled               IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
   l_proc_name                        VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_PROCESS_CONFIRMED_SERIALS';
Line: 3162

   SELECT  transaction_temp_id
     FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
    WHERE  NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
Line: 3176

      Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMMTT      UpdMergeMMTT    InsertNewMMTT
      SPLIT     Y               Y1              N                       N               Y
      SPLIT     N               Y2              Y                       Y               N
      LOAD_M    N               Y1              Y                       N               N
      LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y-Delete                Y               N
      LOAD_S    N               Y1              Y                       N               N

      ****MSNT ****
      Action    l_insert        L_update        update orginalMSNT
      SPLIT     Y               Y1              Y-set temp_id = new temp_id
      SPLIT     N               Y2              Y-set temp_id= merge temp_id
      LOAD_M    N               Y1              N
      LOAD_M    N               Y2              Y-set temp_id= merge temp_id
      LOAD_S    N               Y1              N-not necessary

   mydebug ('In : ' || l_proc_name);
Line: 3196

   mydebug ('p_insert                 = ' || p_insert                 );
Line: 3197

   mydebug ('p_update                 = ' || p_update                 );
Line: 3227

      IF (p_insert = 'Y' ) THEN
          l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_new_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 3232

         IF p_update = 'Y2' THEN
             l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_transaction_temp_id_to_merge;
Line: 3237

         IF (p_update = 'Y1' ) THEN
               l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id := p_transaction_temp_id; -- original MMTT
Line: 3248

       (p_insert = 'Y'  OR p_update = 'Y2')
      -- AND ( p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y'))
      /* If serials are allocted then MSNT records will be associated with p_transaction_temp_id.
         If serials are not allocated but confirmed_serials is not null that means Java-UI created MSNT
            records and associated them with p_transaction_temp_id. there fore, for a case of SPLIT
            (leading to Merge or split) these MSNT records have to be moved to the confirmed_mmtt created.
             identified by l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id */
       l_progress    :=  '110';
Line: 3259

       UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
          SET transaction_temp_id = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
            , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
        WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id
          AND fm_serial_number IN
              (SELECT  serial_number
                 FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
                WHERE  NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
Line: 3270

          mydebug('msnt not updateed..');
Line: 3275

             SET  group_mark_id   = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
                 ,last_update_date= SYSDATE
                 ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
           WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND  inventory_item_id       = p_inventory_item_id
             --AND  group_mark_id           IS NULL
             AND  serial_number           IN
                 (SELECT  serial_number
                    FROM  mtl_allocations_gtmp
                   WHERE  NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
Line: 3306

         proc_insert_msnt (p_transaction_temp_id            => l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
                           ,p_organization_id               => p_organization_id
                           ,p_inventory_item_id             => p_inventory_item_id
                           ,p_revision                      => p_revision
                           ,p_confirmed_serials             => p_confirmed_serials
                           ,p_serial_number                 => NULL
                           ,p_lpn_id                        => p_lpn_match_lpn_id -- NULL if lpn_match!=(1,3)
                           ,p_serial_lot_number             => p_serial_lot_number
                           ,p_user_id                       => p_user_id
                           ,x_return_status                 => x_return_status
                           ,x_msg_count                     => x_msg_count
                           ,x_msg_data                      => x_msg_data);
Line: 3329

         (p_insert = 'Y'  OR  p_update = 'Y2')
         l_progress    :=  '200';
Line: 3335

          UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers_temp
             SET transaction_temp_id = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
               , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
           WHERE transaction_temp_id = l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id
             AND fm_serial_number IN
                 (SELECT  serial_number
                    FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn
                         ,mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                   WHERE  msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number
                     AND  msnt.transaction_temp_id = l_o_msnt_transaction_temp_id
                     AND  NVL(msn.lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
                     AND  msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_match_lpn_id);
Line: 3350

             mydebug('msnt not updateed..');
Line: 3355

                SET  group_mark_id   = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
                    ,last_update_date= SYSDATE
                    ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
              WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                AND  inventory_item_id       = p_inventory_item_id
                AND  serial_number IN
                 (SELECT  serial_number
                    FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn
                         ,mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                   WHERE  msn.serial_number = msnt.fm_serial_number
                     AND  msnt.transaction_temp_id = l_n_msnt_transaction_temp_id
                     AND  NVL(msn.lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
                     AND  msn.lpn_id = p_lpn_match_lpn_id);
Line: 3403

PROCEDURE proc_insert_mtlt
             ( p_lot_record                      IN            mtl_transaction_lots_temp%ROWTYPE
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
   l_proc_name                   VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_INSERT_MTLT';
Line: 3414

   INSERT  INTO mtl_transaction_lots_temp
Line: 3663

END proc_insert_mtlt;
Line: 3666

PROCEDURE proc_insert_msnt
              (p_transaction_temp_id             IN          NUMBER
              ,p_organization_id                 IN          NUMBER
              ,p_inventory_item_id               IN          NUMBER
              ,p_revision                        IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_confirmed_serials               IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_serial_number                   IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_lpn_id                          IN          NUMBER
              ,p_serial_lot_number               IN          VARCHAR2
              ,p_user_id                         IN          NUMBER
              ,x_return_status                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
       ,x_msg_count                       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data                        OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2)
   --p_transaction_temp_id := transaction_temp_id of the new MSNT
   l_proc_name                VARCHAR2(30) :=  'PROC_INSERT_MSNT';
Line: 3714

       INSERT  INTO  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
               ,product_transaction_id )
               ,NVL(l_serial_prefix, 1)
               ,NULL -- error code
               ,NULL --group_header_id
               ,NULL --product_code
               ,NULL --product_transaction_id
       FROM    mtl_serial_numbers  msn
       WHERE   msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
       AND     msn.inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
       AND     lpn_id                       = p_lpn_id
       AND     NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
Line: 3900

       INSERT  INTO  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
               ,product_transaction_id )
               ,NVL(l_serial_prefix, 1)
               ,NULL -- error code
               ,NULL --group_header_id
               ,NULL --product_code
               ,NULL --product_transaction_id
          FROM  mtl_serial_numbers  msn
          WHERE msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
          AND   msn.inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
          AND   nvl(lpn_id,0)                = nvl(p_lpn_id,0)
          AND   NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
          --AND   group_mark_id                IS NULL
          AND   msn.serial_number  IN
               (SELECT serial_number
                  FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp
                 WHERE NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'))
Line: 4113

END proc_insert_msnt ;
Line: 4148

       SET     group_mark_id   = p_group_mark_id
             , last_updated_by = p_user_id
       WHERE   current_organization_id     = p_organization_id
       AND     inventory_item_id           = p_inventory_item_id
       AND     lpn_id                      = p_lpn_id ;
Line: 4165

          SET  group_mark_id   = p_group_mark_id
             , last_updated_by = p_user_id
        WHERE  msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
          AND  msn.inventory_item_id        = p_inventory_item_id
          AND  nvl(lpn_id,0)                = nvl(p_lpn_id,0)
          AND  NVL(lot_number,'@@')         = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@')
          --AND  group_mark_id                IS NULL
          AND  msn.serial_number  IN
               (SELECT serial_number
                  FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp
                 WHERE NVL(lot_number,'@@') = nvl(p_serial_lot_number,'@@'));
Line: 4239

    SET     group_mark_id   = p_group_mark_id
          , last_updated_by = p_user_id
    WHERE   current_organization_id     = p_organization_id
    AND     inventory_item_id           = p_inventory_item_id
    AND     nvl(lpn_id,0)               = nvl(p_lpn_id,0)
    AND     DECODE(p_serial_number,NULL,'@@',serial_number) = nvl(p_serial_number,'@@')  ;
Line: 4281

 * newly inserted/updated details, the rollback has to be done manually.
PROCEDURE process_F2(
               p_action                 IN            VARCHAR2 -- NULL, CMS
              ,p_organization_id        IN            NUMBER
              ,p_user_id                IN            NUMBER
              ,p_employee_id            IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_header_id  IN            NUMBER
              ,p_transaction_temp_id    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_original_sub           IN            VARCHAR2
              ,p_original_locator_id    IN            NUMBER
              ,p_lot_controlled         IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_controlled      IN            VARCHAR2  -- Y/N
              ,p_serial_allocated_flag  IN            VARCHAR2 -- Y/N
              ,p_suggested_uom          IN            VARCHAR2  -- original allocation UOM
              ,p_start_over             IN            VARCHAR2   -- Y/N  start_over
              ,p_retain_task            IN            VARCHAR2 -- Y/N for bug 4310093
              ,x_start_over_taskno      OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER   -- start_over task
              ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
              ,x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
              ,x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2)
Line: 4319

   l_op_msnt_to_delete           NUMBER       := 0;
Line: 4331

      SELECT   sum(primary_quantity) mmtt_primary_quantity
      -- bug #4141928 INV CONV
      , sum(secondary_transaction_quantity) mmtt_secondary_quantity
      , COUNT(*) mmtt_group_count
      , MIN(transaction_temp_id) group_temp_id
      , MIN(parent_line_id) parent_line_id -- Bug#4185621
             , inventory_item_id
             , revision
             , subinventory_code
             , locator_id
             , item_primary_uom_code
      FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
      WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
      GROUP BY
Line: 4358

      SELECT  sum(mtlt.primary_quantity)      group_lot_primary_quantity
      -- bug #4141928 INV CONV
      , sum(mtlt.secondary_quantity)          group_lot_secondary_quantity
      ,COUNT(*)                               group_lot_count
      ,MIN(mtlt.transaction_temp_id)   group_lot_temp_id
      FROM    mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
            , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
      WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
      AND     mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
      AND     mmtt.subinventory_code     =  p_subinventory_code
      AND     mmtt.locator_id            =  p_locator_id
      AND     mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  p_uom_code
      AND     mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  p_inventory_item_id
      AND     nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(p_revision,'@@')
      GROUP BY
Line: 4376

   CURSOR cur_msnt_to_delete ( p_rec_mmtt1_subinventory_code   VARCHAR2
                              ,p_rec_mmtt1_locator_id          NUMBER
                              ,p_rec_mmtt1_item_primary_uom    VARCHAR2
                              ,p_rec_mmtt1_inventory_item_id   NUMBER
                              ,p_rec_mmtt1_revision            VARCHAR2)
              SELECT   msnt.transaction_temp_id
                FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                      ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
               WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
                 AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                 AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  p_rec_mmtt1_subinventory_code
                 AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  p_rec_mmtt1_locator_id
                 AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  p_rec_mmtt1_item_primary_uom
                 AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  p_rec_mmtt1_inventory_item_id
                 AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(p_rec_mmtt1_revision,'@@')
               ORDER BY msnt.creation_date DESC;
Line: 4398

   CURSOR cur_msnt_to_delete_LS (p_serial_transaction_temp_id    NUMBER)
              SELECT   msnt.transaction_temp_id
                FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
               WHERE   msnt.transaction_temp_id   =  p_serial_transaction_temp_id
               ORDER BY msnt.creation_date DESC;
Line: 4443

 *  as done before.All task would return to pending wdd would be deleted.

  IF p_start_over ='N' and p_retain_task='N' THEN --bug 4310093
   mydebug('viks start_over button not pressed:');
Line: 4508

    DELETE  mtl_allocations_gtmp ;
Line: 4538

        INTO mtl_allocations_gtmp
      VALUES ( rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
Line: 4542

      mydebug('Inserted temp_id into mtl_allocations_gtmp: ' || rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
Line: 4564

          l_parent_posting_flag := 'N';  -- bulk parent, need to update posting flag back to 'N'
Line: 4570

       /* Update the MMTT record with transacttion-temp_id = group_temp_id.
        Updating transaction_quantity same as primary_quantity since
        the transaction_qty should be IN same uom AS primary qty FOR this mmtt */
       UPDATE   mtl_material_transactions_temp
          SET    primary_quantity     = rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity
               , transaction_quantity = l_suggested_mmtt_qty
               , secondary_transaction_quantity = DECODE(secondary_transaction_quantity, NULL, NULL, l_suggested_mmtt_sec_qty)
               , transaction_uom      = p_suggested_uom
               , transfer_lpn_id      = NULL
               , lpn_id               = NULL
               , content_lpn_id       = NULL
               , last_update_date     = SYSDATE
               , last_updated_by      = p_user_id
               , wms_task_status = l_g_task_pending -- Bug4185621: update mmtt task status back to pending
               , posting_flag = l_parent_posting_flag -- Bug4185621: updating posting flag
        WHERE    transaction_temp_id  = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id;
Line: 4592

            UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
               SET posting_flag = 'Y'
             WHERE parent_line_id = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
               AND parent_line_id <> transaction_temp_id;
Line: 4635

             SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
             INTO   l_serial_transaction_temp_id
             FROM   DUAL;
Line: 4661

                   UPDATE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                      SET  transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                         , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
                         , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                    WHERE  transaction_temp_id  IN
                           (SELECT  mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                              FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                                  , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                              WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
                              AND     mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
                              AND     mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                              AND     mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                              AND     mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                              AND     mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                              AND     mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
                              AND     nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4683

                   UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
                      SET  group_mark_id    = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                         , last_updated_by  = p_user_id
                         , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                    WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                      AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                      AND  serial_number          IN
                           (SELECT fm_serial_number
                              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                             WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id   =  l_serial_transaction_temp_id);
Line: 4701

                   UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
                   SET     group_mark_id   = NULL
                         , last_updated_by = p_user_id
                         , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                   WHERE  (current_organization_id
                      IN  (SELECT  mmtt.organization_id
                             FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp      mtlt
                                  ,mtl_serial_numbers_temp        msnt
                                  ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                            WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id      = p_transaction_header_id
                              AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id        = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
                              AND  mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = msnt.transaction_temp_id
                              AND  mmtt.subinventory_code          = rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                              AND  mmtt.locator_id                 = rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                              AND  mmtt.item_primary_uom_code      = rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                              AND  mmtt.inventory_item_id          = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                              AND  mtlt.lot_number                 =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
                              AND  nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')         =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4731

                      DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                       WHERE  transaction_temp_id
                              (SELECT  mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                                 FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                                     , mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                                 WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
                                 AND     mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
                                 AND     mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                                 AND     mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                                 AND     mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                                 AND     mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                                 AND     mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
                                 AND     nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4750

                l_op_msnt_to_delete  := 0;
Line: 4751

                IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN  -- to delete all overpicked serials
                   l_progress := 4000;
Line: 4754

                   SELECT  count(*)
                     INTO  l_op_msnt_to_delete
                     FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                    WHERE  msnt.transaction_temp_id   =  l_serial_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 4758

                   mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete
                            || ':' || rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity);
Line: 4763

                   IF rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity < l_op_msnt_to_delete
                   FOR rec_msnt_to_delete_LS IN cur_msnt_to_delete_LS
                                                ( l_serial_transaction_temp_id)
                      mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number);
Line: 4769

                      mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.transaction_temp_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 4771

                       * assumption that the overpicked serials are newly inserted MSNT records and
                       * they will have creation date higher than the originally allocated serials. */
                      IF l_op_msnt_to_delete <= rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity
                         mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
Line: 4778

                         l_op_msnt_to_delete := l_op_msnt_to_delete - 1;
Line: 4779

                         mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
Line: 4784

                      UPDATE  MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS
                         SET  group_mark_id    = NULL
                              ,last_updated_by  = p_user_id
                              ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
                       WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                         AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                         AND  serial_number           = rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number;
Line: 4792

                          mydebug('No MSN found to be updated..not good' );
Line: 4797

                            DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                             WHERE  transaction_temp_id = rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.transaction_temp_id
                               AND  fm_serial_number = rec_msnt_to_delete_ls.fm_serial_number;
Line: 4807

                END IF; -- serial_allocated_flag = Y and delete overpicked serials
Line: 4810

             /* even if the # of records in MTLT for this lot is 1, it has to be updated
                with serial-transaction-temp_id and user_id, sysdate.
                So, there is no harm is updating qty too */
             l_progress := 1500;
Line: 4815

             UPDATE   MTL_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
             SET      transaction_temp_id  = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
                    , primary_quantity     = rec_mtlt1.group_lot_primary_quantity
                    , transaction_quantity = l_suggested_mtlt_qty
                    , secondary_quantity   = decode (secondary_quantity, null, null, l_suggested_mtlt_sec_qty)
                    , mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = l_serial_transaction_temp_id
                    , last_update_date     = SYSDATE
                    , last_updated_by      = p_user_id
             WHERE    lot_number           = rec_mtlt1.lot_number
             AND      transaction_temp_id  = rec_mtlt1.group_lot_temp_id;
Line: 4834

                DELETE  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 WHERE  lot_number  =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
                   AND  transaction_temp_id
                       (SELECT  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
                          FROM  mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
                               ,mtl_transaction_lots_temp       mtlt
                         WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id =  p_transaction_header_id
                           AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   <> rec_mtlt1.group_lot_temp_id
                           AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  mtlt.transaction_temp_id
                           AND  mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
                           AND  mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                           AND  mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                           AND  mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                           AND  mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                           AND  mtlt.lot_number            =  rec_mtlt1.lot_number
                           AND  nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4876

                UPDATE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                   SET  transaction_temp_id = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
                      , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
                      , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                 WHERE  transaction_temp_id
                        (SELECT  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                           FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
                                 mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                          WHERE  mmtt.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
                            AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   <> rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
                            AND  mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                            AND  mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                            AND  mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                            AND  mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                            AND  mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                            AND  nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4901

                SET     group_mark_id       = rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id
                      , last_updated_by     = p_user_id
                      , last_update_date    = SYSDATE
                 WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                   AND  serial_number
                        (SELECT fm_serial_number
                           FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                          WHERE transaction_temp_id   =  rec_mmtt1.group_temp_id);
Line: 4922

             SET     group_mark_id  = NULL
                   , last_updated_by = p_user_id
                   , last_update_date = SYSDATE
             WHERE  (current_organization_id
                IN  (SELECT  mmtt.organization_id
                       FROM  mtl_serial_numbers_temp        msnt
                            ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                      WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
                        AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                        AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                        AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                        AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                        AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                        AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4949

                DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                WHERE   transaction_temp_id  IN
                (SELECT  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                 FROM    mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
                         mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                 WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
                   AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                   AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                   AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                   AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                   AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                   AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@') );
Line: 4967

          l_op_msnt_to_delete  := 0;
Line: 4968

          IF p_serial_allocated_flag = 'Y' THEN  -- to delete all overpicked serials
            l_progress := 3000;
Line: 4971

            SELECT count(*)
            INTO l_op_msnt_to_delete
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp
            WHERE (transaction_temp_id   ,
              (SELECT   msnt.transaction_temp_id
                FROM   mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
                      ,mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
               WHERE   mmtt.transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
                 AND   mmtt.transaction_temp_id   =  msnt.transaction_temp_id
                 AND   mmtt.subinventory_code     =  rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                 AND   mmtt.locator_id            =  rec_mmtt1.locator_id
                 AND   mmtt.item_primary_uom_code =  rec_mmtt1.item_primary_uom_code
                 AND   mmtt.inventory_item_id     =  rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                 AND   nvl(mmtt.revision,'@@')    =  nvl(rec_mmtt1.revision,'@@'));
Line: 4988

            mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
Line: 4992

            IF rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity < l_op_msnt_to_delete
             FOR rec_msnt_to_delete IN cur_msnt_to_delete
                             ( rec_mmtt1.subinventory_code
                              ,rec_mmtt1.revision    )
                mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number);
Line: 5002

                mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.transaction_temp_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 5003

                mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.organization_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.organization_id);
Line: 5004

                mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.inventory_item_id : ' || rec_msnt_to_delete.inventory_item_id);
Line: 5005

                mydebug('rec_msnt_to_delete.creation_date : ' ||
Line: 5010

                 * assumption that the overpicked serials are newly inserted MSNT records and
                 * they will have creation date higher than the originally allocated serials. */
                IF l_op_msnt_to_delete <= rec_mmtt1.mmtt_primary_quantity
                   l_progress := 3200;
Line: 5018

                   l_op_msnt_to_delete := l_op_msnt_to_delete - 1;
Line: 5019

                   mydebug('l_op_msnt_to_delete : ' || l_op_msnt_to_delete);
Line: 5023

                   SET  group_mark_id    = NULL
                        ,last_updated_by  = p_user_id
                        ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
                 WHERE  current_organization_id = p_organization_id
                   AND  inventory_item_id       = rec_mmtt1.inventory_item_id
                   AND  serial_number           = rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number;
Line: 5031

                    mydebug('No MSN found to be updated..not good' );
Line: 5036

                      DELETE  mtl_serial_numbers_temp
                       WHERE  transaction_temp_id = rec_msnt_to_delete.transaction_temp_id
                         AND  fm_serial_number = rec_msnt_to_delete.fm_serial_number;
Line: 5079

Line: 5082

      UPDATE wms_dispatched_tasks
      SET status = l_g_task_dispatched
          ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
          ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
      WHERE transaction_temp_id IN
            (SELECT transaction_temp_id
                     FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp);
Line: 5090

      UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
       SET   device_invoked = null
             -- Following two statement are commnet for bug 4560814
             --task_method = NULL  -- for cluster picking
             -- ,task_group_id = NULL
            ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
            ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
       WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
          AND  status = l_g_task_dispatched;
Line: 5114

    DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
          (SELECT transaction_temp_id
             FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
            WHERE transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
              AND transaction_temp_id NOT IN
                  (SELECT transaction_temp_id
                     FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp));
Line: 5123

       mydebug('no extra WDTs to delete :' );
Line: 5131

    /* {{ If start over is pressed wdd would be deleted .Lines need to stay in
 * status dispatched.
 * }}

   IF p_start_over ='N' and p_retain_task='N' THEN --bug 4310093

    DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
    WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
          (SELECT transaction_temp_id
             FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp)
      AND  status <> l_g_task_queued;
Line: 5144

       mydebug('no non queued WDTs to delete :' );
Line: 5151

    DELETE mtl_material_transactions_temp
     WHERE transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id
       AND transaction_temp_id NOT IN
           (SELECT transaction_temp_id
              FROM mtl_allocations_gtmp);
Line: 5157

       mydebug('no extra MMTTs to delete :' );
Line: 5219

      SELECT transaction_temp_id
           , device_request_id
        FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
       WHERE person_id = p_employee_id
       AND (  status  <= l_g_task_dispatched  OR
              status  = l_g_task_active)    -- (<=3, OR 9 ) ;
Line: 5229

      SELECT transaction_temp_id
           , device_request_id
        FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
       WHERE person_id = p_employee_id
         AND transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
         AND device_request_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 5331

    l_deleted_mmtt_qty      NUMBER       := 0;
Line: 5332

    l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty  NUMBER       := 0;
Line: 5336

      SELECT mtrl.line_id
           , mtrl.uom_code
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
           , mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
       WHERE (mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
        -- shld add : and mmtt.mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> mmtt.parent_line_id
           OR mmtt.parent_line_id      = p_transaction_temp_id)
         AND mtrl.line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
         AND mtrl.line_status = INV_GLOBALS.G_TO_STATUS_CANCEL_BY_SOURCE;
Line: 5351

      SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
           , mmtt.inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.primary_quantity
           , mmtt.item_primary_uom_code
           , NVL(mmtt.secondary_transaction_quantity, 0) secondary_transaction_quantity
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = p_mo_line_id
                          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t1
                         WHERE t1.parent_line_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
                          FROM wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
                         WHERE wdt.transaction_temp_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 5371

      l_deleted_mmtt_qty      := 0;
Line: 5372

      l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty  := 0;
Line: 5378

           x_return_status       => x_return_status
         , x_msg_data            => x_msg_data
         , x_msg_count           => x_msg_count
         , p_transaction_temp_id => rec_mmtt_to_del.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 5385

               mydebug('Not able to delete the Txn = ' || rec_mmtt_to_del.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 5392

             l_deleted_mmtt_qty  := l_deleted_mmtt_qty +
                                       ( item_id         => rec_mmtt_to_del.inventory_item_id
                                        ,precision       => 5
                                        ,from_quantity   => rec_mmtt_to_del.primary_quantity
                                        ,from_unit       => rec_mmtt_to_del.item_primary_uom_code
                                        ,to_unit         => rec_cancelled_mols.uom_code
                                        ,from_name       => NULL
                                        ,to_name         => NULL);
Line: 5404

            l_deleted_mmtt_qty  := l_deleted_mmtt_qty + rec_mmtt_to_del.primary_quantity;
Line: 5406

            l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty  := l_deleted_mmtt_sec_qty + rec_mmtt_to_del.secondary_transaction_quantity;
Line: 5410

      SELECT count(*)
        INTO l_mmtt_count
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.move_order_line_id = rec_cancelled_mols.line_id
                            FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp t1
                           WHERE t1.parent_line_id = mmtt.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 5418

      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
         SET quantity_detailed =(quantity_detailed - l_deleted_mmtt_qty)
           , line_status = DECODE(l_mmtt_count, 0, INV_GLOBALS.G_TO_STATUS_CLOSED, line_status)
           , last_update_date = SYSDATE
           , last_updated_by  = p_user_id
       WHERE line_id = rec_cancelled_mols.line_id;
Line: 5478

     FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
      AND lpn_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 5484

   SELECT DISTINCT content_lpn_id
     FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
      AND content_lpn_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 5491

   SELECT DISTINCT transfer_lpn_id
     FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
    WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
      AND nvl(content_lpn_id , nvl(lpn_id,-999)) <> transfer_lpn_id;
Line: 5510

           SELECT 1
            INTO l_other_tasks
            FROM DUAL
                         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                        WHERE transaction_header_id <> p_transaction_header_id
                          AND transfer_lpn_id = rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id);
Line: 5525

         UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
            SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_PREGENERATED
              , last_update_date = SYSDATE
              , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
          WHERE lpn_id = rec_transfer_lpns.transfer_lpn_id
            AND lpn_context <> l_lpn_context_picked;
Line: 5548

         UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
            SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_INV
              , last_update_date = SYSDATE
              , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
          WHERE lpn_id = rec_from_lpns.lpn_id
            AND lpn_context = l_lpn_context_packing;
Line: 5568

         SELECT 1
          INTO l_other_tasks
          FROM DUAL
                       FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                      WHERE transaction_header_id <> p_transaction_header_id
                        AND content_lpn_id = rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id);
Line: 5583

           UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
              SET lpn_context = l_lpn_context_inv
                , last_update_date = SYSDATE
                , last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id
            WHERE lpn_id = rec_content_lpns.content_lpn_id
              AND lpn_context <> l_lpn_context_picked;
Line: 5640

SELECT transaction_temp_id
  FROM wms_dispatched_tasks
 WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
   AND (  status  = l_g_task_dispatched  OR
          status  = l_g_task_active);  -- IN (3,9 ) ;
Line: 5658

      DELETE wms_dispatched_tasks
      WHERE  transaction_temp_id IN
            (SELECT transaction_temp_id
               FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
              WHERE transaction_header_id  = p_transaction_header_id);
Line: 5664

         mydebug('no WDTs to delete for this header:' );
Line: 5666

         mydebug('WDTs deleted for this header:' );
Line: 5679

Line: 5688

    mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress || ' Update status for all temp_ids in thie header_id');
Line: 5691

    /* this update is seperate because for a pick nmore case, there can be multiple temp_ids (MMTTs)
       for the given header id ...current task) */
    UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
       SET  status = l_prev_task_status
           ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
           ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
     WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
       AND (  status  = l_g_task_dispatched  OR
              status  = l_g_task_active)  -- IN (3,9 ) ;
Line: 5700

       AND  transaction_temp_id in (SELECT transaction_temp_id
                                      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                                     WHERE transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id);
Line: 5705

        mydebug('no WDT to update  for this employee id  for this header id with stat in ( 3,9) ' );
Line: 5709

    mydebug('l_progress =  ' || l_progress || ' Update status of all other tasks in this group' );
Line: 5714

Line: 5723

          UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
             SET  status =  l_prev_task_status
                 ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
                 ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
           WHERE  task_id = rec_reset_task_status.task_id;
Line: 5730

              mydebug('task_id : ' || rec_reset_task_status.task_id || ' : not found to be updated');
Line: 5738

    DELETE  wms_dispatched_tasks
     WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
      AND (status  = l_g_task_pending OR
           status  = l_g_task_dispatched  OR
           status  = l_g_task_active) ; -- IN (3,9 ) ;
Line: 5745

        mydebug('no WDT with status 3,9,1 remaining to delete for this employee id   ' );
Line: 5748

       mydebug('Deleted all WDT with staus 3,9,1 for p_employee_id =  ' || p_employee_id);
Line: 5753

    UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
       SET  task_method = NULL  -- for cluster picking
     WHERE  person_id = p_employee_id
       AND  status = l_g_task_queued;
Line: 5759

        mydebug('no WDT to update for this employee id to be updated for cluster picking case' );
Line: 5823

  SELECT transaction_temp_id from mtl_allocations_gtmp
  WHERE transaction_temp_id <> v_transaction_temp_id
  ORDER BY  transaction_temp_id;
Line: 5838

 SELECT count(*)  into new_mmtt_count from mtl_allocations_gtmp;
Line: 5865

Line: 5896

       UPDATE  wms_dispatched_tasks
       SET  status = l_g_task_dispatched
           ,last_update_date = SYSDATE
           ,last_updated_by = p_user_id
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L);
Line: 5902

          mydebug('transaction_temp_id : ' ||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L) ||' : not found to be updated');
Line: 5911

          mydebug('transaction_temp_id : ' ||wms_picking_pkg.g_start_over_tempid(L) ||' : not found to be updated');
Line: 5994

   DELETE  mtl_allocations_gtmp ;
Line: 6131

                         INTO mtl_allocations_gtmp
                              , lot_number
                              , serial_number
                              , transaction_quantity
                              , primary_quantity
                              , suggested_quantity
                              , secondary_quantity)
                       VALUES  (l_group_number
                              , l_lot_number
                              , l_serial_number
                              , l_lot_trx_qty
                              , l_lot_prim_qty
                              , l_lot_sugg_qty
                              , l_sec_qty );
Line: 6151

               INTO mtl_allocations_gtmp
                    , lot_number
                    , serial_number
                    , transaction_quantity
                    , primary_quantity
                    , suggested_quantity
                    , secondary_quantity)
             VALUES  (l_group_number
                    , l_lot_number
                    , NULL
                    , l_lot_trx_qty
                    , l_lot_prim_qty
                    , l_lot_sugg_qty
                    , l_sec_qty );
Line: 6263

       SELECT mmtt.transaction_temp_id
         FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
        WHERE mmtt.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id;
Line: 6268

     SELECT lot_number, serial_transaction_temp_id
      FROM  mtl_transaction_lots_temp
      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 6272

  CURSOR insert_serial_allocated_csr (p_serial_lot_number  VARCHAR2) IS
   SELECT serial_number
    FROM  mtl_serial_numbers  msn
    WHERE msn.current_organization_id  = p_organization_id
    AND   msn.inventory_item_id        = p_item_id
    AND   lpn_id                       =  p_lpn_match_lpn_id
    AND   NVL(msn.lot_number,'@@')     =  NVL(p_serial_lot_number, '@@')
    AND   msn.serial_number  NOT IN
          ( select msnt.fm_serial_number
            from mtl_serial_numbers_temp  msnt,
                 mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
                 mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
            where mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
             AND mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
             and mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
             AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = NVL(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id)
             and NVL(mtlt.lot_number, '@@') = NVL(p_serial_lot_number, '@@')
             and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id);
Line: 6357

Line: 6366

       SELECT move_order_line_id
       INTO   l_mo_line_id
       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
       WHERE  transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 6402

                         FOR serial_rec in insert_serial_allocated_csr(lot_rec.lot_number) LOOP
                            -- insert serial into msnt and mark msn
                                  p_serial_transaction_temp_id  => lot_rec.serial_transaction_temp_id,
                                  p_organization_id             => p_organization_id,
                                  p_item_id                     => p_item_id,
                                  p_revision                    => p_revision,
                                  p_lot                         => lot_rec.lot_number,
                                  p_transaction_temp_id         => p_temp_id,
                                  p_created_by                  => p_user_id,
                                  p_from_serial                 => serial_rec.serial_number,
                                  p_to_serial                   => serial_rec.serial_number,
                                  p_status_id                   => NULL,
                                  x_return_status               => l_return_status,
                                  x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data);
Line: 6421

                                      fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '-INSERT_SERIAL API - ' || p_action);
Line: 6435

                     FOR serial_rec IN insert_serial_allocated_csr(NULL) LOOP
                          -- insert serial into msnt and mark msn
                                  p_serial_transaction_temp_id  => l_transaction_temp_id,
                                  p_organization_id             => p_organization_id,
                                  p_item_id                     => p_item_id,
                                  p_revision                    => p_revision,
                                  p_lot                         => NULL,
                                  p_transaction_temp_id         => p_temp_id,
                                  p_created_by                  => p_user_id,
                                  p_from_serial                 => serial_rec.serial_number,
                                  p_to_serial                   => serial_rec.serial_number,
                                  p_status_id                   => NULL,
                                  x_return_status               => l_return_status,
                                  x_msg_data                    => l_msg_data);
Line: 6454

                                  fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', '- INSERT_SERIAL API - ');
Line: 6740

         mydebug('Should update quantity_detailed for MO Line ID: ' || l_mo_line_id);
Line: 6744

       SELECT uom_code
       INTO   l_mol_uom
       FROM   mtl_txn_request_lines
       WHERE  line_id = l_mo_line_id
       FOR UPDATE;
Line: 6751

       SELECT ABS(SUM(primary_quantity))
       INTO   l_sum_mmtt_qty
       FROM   mtl_material_transactions_temp
       WHERE  move_order_line_id = l_mo_line_id;
Line: 6771

         mydebug('update quantity_detailed in MOL with: ' || l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom);
Line: 6775

       UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
       SET    quantity_detailed = NVL(quantity_delivered, 0) + l_mmtt_qty_in_mol_uom
            , last_update_date     = SYSDATE
            , last_updated_by      = p_user_id
       WHERE  line_id = l_mo_line_id;
Line: 7009

      SELECT serial_number
        FROM mtl_serial_numbers
       WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
         AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
         AND NVL(lot_number, -999) = NVL(p_lot, -999);
Line: 7016

      SELECT mtlt.primary_quantity
       , NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, 0)   -- Bug #4141928
           , mtlt.lot_number
        FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
Line: 7025

      SELECT lot_number, sum(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity
        from wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
Line: 7055

Line: 7060

     SELECT primary_uom_code
     , secondary_uom_code           -- Bug #4141928
          , lot_control_code
          , serial_number_control_code
       INTO l_primary_uom
     , l_secondary_uom        -- Bug #4141928
          , l_lot_code
          , l_serial_code
       FROM mtl_system_items
      WHERE organization_id = p_org_id
        AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 7073

       select value
       into l_value
       from v$nls_parameters
       where parameter = 'NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS';
Line: 7118

     SELECT 1
           , lpn_context
           , parent_lpn_id
           , subinventory_code
           , locator_id
        INTO l_lpn_exists
           , l_lpn_context
           , x_parent_lpn_id
           , l_lpn_sub
           , l_lpn_loc
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers wlpn
       WHERE wlpn.organization_id = p_org_id
         AND wlpn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id;
Line: 7165

      SELECT 1
        INTO l_loaded
        FROM DUAL
                      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
                     WHERE (transfer_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                            OR content_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id));
Line: 7191

      SELECT w.subinventory_code
           , inv_project.get_locsegs(w.locator_id, w.organization_id)
           , w.license_plate_number
           , w.locator_id
           , w.lpn_context
        INTO l_sub
           , l_loc
           , l_from_lpn
           , l_loc_id
           , l_lpn_context
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers w
       WHERE w.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
         AND w.locator_id IS NOT NULL;
Line: 7216

        INTO l_sub_active
        FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
       WHERE NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE
         AND organization_id = p_org_id
         AND secondary_inventory_name = l_sub;
Line: 7231

        INTO l_loc_active
        FROM mtl_item_locations_kfv
       WHERE NVL(disable_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE
         AND organization_id = p_org_id
         AND subinventory_code = l_sub
         AND inventory_location_id = l_loc_id;
Line: 7248

       SELECT locator_id,organization_id,
        SECONDARY_UOM_CODE         -- Bug #4141928
         INTO l_locator_id, l_organization_id,
        l_sec_transaction_uom      -- Bug #4141928
        from mtl_material_transactions_temp
        where transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 7259

         select nvl(project_id ,-999) , nvl(task_id ,-999)
        into  l_mmtt_proj_id , l_mmtt_task_id
        from  mtl_item_locations
        where inventory_location_id = l_locator_id
        and organization_id = l_organization_id ;
Line: 7265

      select nvl(project_id, -999) , nvl(task_id ,-999)
        into l_mil_proj_id , l_mil_task_id
        from mtl_item_locations
        where inventory_location_id = l_loc_id
        and organization_id = p_org_id ;
Line: 7310

      SELECT 1
        INTO l_so_cnt
        FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
       WHERE lpn_context = 11
         AND lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
         AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 7339

   SELECT mmtt.transfer_subinventory
         , mmtt.subinventory_code
         , mmtt.locator_id
      INTO l_xfr_sub_code
         , l_mmtt_sub
         , l_mmtt_loc
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
     WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 7360

      SELECT 1
        INTO l_item_cnt
        FROM DUAL
               SELECT 1
                 FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc
                WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                  AND wlc.organization_id = p_org_id
                  AND wlc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                  AND NVL(wlc.revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
Line: 7389

        SELECT 1
          INTO l_item_cnt
          FROM DUAL
         WHERE EXISTS(
                 SELECT 1
                   FROM wms_lpn_contents wlc, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
                  WHERE wlc.parent_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                    AND wlc.organization_id = p_org_id
                    AND wlc.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                    AND NVL(wlc.revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999')
                    AND(mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                        AND mtlt.lot_number = wlc.lot_number));
Line: 7453

      SELECT allocated_lpn_id
        INTO l_allocated_lpn_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 7487

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT inventory_item_id)
         , COUNT(DISTINCT lot_number)
         , COUNT(DISTINCT revision)
         , COUNT(DISTINCT cost_group_id)
      INTO l_item_cnt2
         , l_lot_cnt
         , l_rev_cnt
         , l_cg_cnt
      FROM wms_lpn_contents
     WHERE parent_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 7499

      INTO l_lpn_include_lpn
      FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
     WHERE outermost_lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
       AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 7528

            SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
              INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
             WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
               AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
               AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
                                          SELECT serial_number
                                            FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                                           WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                                             AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                             AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
Line: 7575

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
            , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 7612

                mydebug('after update qty tree for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7613

      mydebug('after update qty tree for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7617

                mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 1st time failed ');
Line: 7627

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
            , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 7664

                mydebug('after update qty tree without lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7665

      mydebug('after update qty tree without lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7669

                mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 1st time failed ');
Line: 7764

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
            , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 7801

                mydebug('after update qty tree back for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7802

      mydebug('after update qty tree back for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7806

                mydebug('calling update qty tree back with lpn 1st time failed ');
Line: 7816

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
            , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 7853

                mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7854

      mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 7858

                mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 1st time failed ');
Line: 7886

        SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
          INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
         WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
           AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
                                        SELECT serial_number
                                          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                                         WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                                           AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                           AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
Line: 7913

        SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
          INTO l_total_serial_cnt
          FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
         WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
           AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 7956

             SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
               INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
               FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
              WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
                                   SELECT serial_number
                                     FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                                    WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                                      AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                      AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
Line: 7992

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => -l_pr_qty
          , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8029

              mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 2nd time: l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 8030

      mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 2nd time: l_satt:' || l_satt); -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8034

              mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 2nd time failed ');
Line: 8044

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => -l_pr_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8081

              mydebug('update qty tree without lpn 2nd time:l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 8082

      mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 2nd time: l_satt:' || l_satt); -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8086

              mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time failed ');
Line: 8159

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => l_pr_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => l_sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8196

              mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 2nd time: l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 8197

      mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 2nd time: l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8201

              mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 2nd time failed ');
Line: 8211

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => l_pr_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => l_sec_qty   -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8248

              mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time:l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 8249

      mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time:l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8253

              mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 2nd time failed ');
Line: 8273

      SELECT primary_quantity, NVL(secondary_transaction_quantity, 0) -- Bug #4141928
        INTO l_mmtt_qty, l_mmtt_sec_qty           -- Bug #4141928
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
       WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 8298

          SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
            INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
           WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
             AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
             AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
                                        SELECT serial_number
                                          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                                         WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                                           AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                           AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
Line: 8356

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8393

                mydebug('update qty tree 3rd time for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 8394

      mydebug('update qty tree 3rd time for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8398

                mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 3rd time failed ');
Line: 8408

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mtlt_primary_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8445

                mydebug('after update without lpn 3rd time l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 8446

      mydebug('after update without lpn 3rd time l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8450

                mydebug('calling update qty tree back 3rd time without lpn 3rd time failed ');
Line: 8680

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8717

                mydebug('update qty tree back 3rd time for lpn l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 8718

      mydebug('update qty tree back 3rd time for lpn l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8722

                mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 3rd time failed ');
Line: 8732

              p_api_version_number         => 1.0
            , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
            , x_return_status              => l_return_status
            , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
            , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
            , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
            , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
            , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
            , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
            , p_is_lot_control             => TRUE
            , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
            , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
            , p_lot_number                 => l_mtlt_lot_number
            , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
            , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
            , p_primary_quantity           => l_mtlt_primary_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mtlt_secondary_qty -- Bug #4141928
            , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
            , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
            , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
            , x_qr                         => l_qr
            , x_qs                         => l_qs
            , x_att                        => l_att
            , x_atr                        => l_atr
            , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh        -- Bug #4141928
            , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
            , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
            --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
            , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8769

                mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn 3rd time l_att:' || l_att || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);
Line: 8770

      mydebug('after update qty tree back without lpn 3rd time l_satt:' || l_satt || ' for lot:' || l_mtlt_lot_number);   -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8774

                mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 3rd time failed ');
Line: 8804

           SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
             INTO l_total_serial_cnt
             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
            WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
              AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id;
Line: 8867

          SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
            INTO l_serial_exist_cnt
            FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
           WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
             AND msnt.fm_serial_number IN(
                                        SELECT serial_number
                                          FROM mtl_serial_numbers
                                         WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                                           AND inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                                           AND NVL(revision, '-999') = NVL(p_rev, '-999'));
Line: 8904

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mmtt_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mmtt_sec_qty  -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8941

              mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 4th time: l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 8942

      mydebug('update qty tree with lpn 4th time: l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8946

              mydebug('calling update qty tree with lpn 4th time failed ');
Line: 8957

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => -l_mmtt_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => -l_mmtt_sec_qty  -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 8994

              mydebug('update qty tree without lpn 4th time:l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 8995

      mydebug('update qty tree without lpn 4th time:l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 8999

              mydebug('calling update qty tree without lpn 4th time failed ');
Line: 9118

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => l_mmtt_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mmtt_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          , p_lpn_id                     => p_fromlpn_id
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 9155

              mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 4th time: l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 9156

      mydebug('update qty tree back with lpn 4th time: l_satt:' || l_satt);  -- Bug #4141928
Line: 9160

              mydebug('calling update qty tree back with lpn 4th time failed ');
Line: 9170

            p_api_version_number         => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst               => fnd_api.g_false
          , x_return_status              => l_return_status
          , x_msg_count                  => l_msg_cnt
          , x_msg_data                   => l_msg_data
          , p_organization_id            => p_org_id
          , p_inventory_item_id          => p_item_id
          , p_tree_mode                  => inv_quantity_tree_pub.g_transaction_mode
          , p_is_revision_control        => b_is_revision_control
          , p_is_lot_control             => FALSE
          , p_is_serial_control          => b_is_serial_control
          , p_revision                   => NVL(p_rev, NULL)
          , p_lot_number                 => NULL
          , p_subinventory_code          => l_sub
          , p_locator_id                 => l_loc_id
          , p_primary_quantity           => l_mmtt_qty
    , p_secondary_quantity         => l_mmtt_sec_qty -- Bug #4141928
          , p_quantity_type              => inv_quantity_tree_pvt.g_qs_txn
          , x_qoh                        => l_qoh
          , x_rqoh                       => l_rqoh
          , x_qr                         => l_qr
          , x_qs                         => l_qs
          , x_att                        => l_att
          , x_atr                        => l_atr
    , x_sqoh                       => l_sqoh         -- Bug #4141928
    , x_srqoh                      => l_srqoh                -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqr                        => l_sqr                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_sqs                        => l_sqs                  -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satt                       => l_satt                 -- Bug #4141928
    , x_satr                       => l_satr                 -- Bug #4141928
          --  , p_lpn_id                =>   p_fromlpn_id      withour lpn_id, only to locator level
          , p_transfer_subinventory_code => l_xfr_sub_code
Line: 9207

              mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 4th time:l_att:' || l_att);
Line: 9208

      mydebug('update qty tree back without lpn 4th time:l_satt:' || l_satt);
Line: 9212

              mydebug('calling update qty tree back without lpn 4th time failed ');
Line: 9230

           SELECT COUNT(fm_serial_number)
             INTO l_total_serial_cnt
             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt
            WHERE msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 9436

    delete from wms_allocations_gtmp;
Line: 9448

              SELECT mtlt.lot_number,fm_serial_number,1,1
              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
                   mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
                   mtl_serial_numbers msn
              WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
                AND msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 9498

              SELECT fm_serial_number,1,1
              FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
                   mtl_serial_numbers msn
              WHERE  msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
                AND msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 9533

                INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp
                SELECT mtlt.lot_number, serial_number, 1, 1
                FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
                     mtl_serial_numbers msn
                WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                  AND msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                  AND mtlt.lot_number = msn.lot_number
                  AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                  AND Nvl(msn.group_mark_id, -1) = -1;
Line: 9547

               INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp
                SELECT serial_number,1,1
                FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
                WHERE msn.lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
                AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
                AND Nvl(msn.group_mark_id, -1) = -1;
Line: 9575

            INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp(lot_number, primary_quantity,
                                             transaction_quantity, secondary_quantity)  -- Bug #4141928
          );                     -- Bug #4141928
Line: 9712

    SELECT NVL(SUM(primary_transaction_quantity),0), NVL(SUM(secondary_transaction_quantity),0)
    INTO l_qoh, l_sqoh
    FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
    WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
      AND organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 9743

 *  We will select this LPN for Update , so that otehr processes cannot get it.
 *  yes, there is a possibility that
    IF (x_match = 3) or (x_match = 1) THEN   -- added x_match=1
       IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
         mydebug('Lock lpn_ID : ' || p_fromlpn_id);
Line: 9752

         SELECT lpn_context
           INTO l_lpn_context
           FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
          WHERE lpn_id = p_fromlpn_id
            FOR UPDATE NOWAIT;
Line: 9922

      SELECT mtlt.primary_quantity
           , mtlt.transaction_quantity
           , NVL(mtlt.secondary_quantity, 0)    -- Bug #4141928
           , mtlt.lot_number
        FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
       WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
Line: 9931

      SELECT lot_number, sum(transaction_quantity) transaction_quantity
      from wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
Line: 9937

      SELECT transfer_subinventory
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp
      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id; -- Bug #7257709
Line: 9951

    DELETE wms_allocations_gtmp;
Line: 9952

Line: 9974

                 INSERT INTO wms_allocations_gtmp
                  SELECT mtlt.lot_number,fm_serial_number,1,1
                  FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
                       mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
                       mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  WHERE mtlt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                    AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id
                    AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
                    AND msn.lpn_id is null -- make sure it is loose pick
                    AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 10005

                  SELECT fm_serial_number,1,1
                  FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt,
                       mtl_serial_numbers msn
                  WHERE  msnt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                    AND msnt.fm_serial_number = msn.serial_number
                    AND msn.lpn_id is null
                    AND msn.inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
Line: 10042

                     UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                        SET posting_flag = 'N'
                      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 10078

                     UPDATE mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                        SET posting_flag = 'Y'
                      WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 10154

                           mydebug('inserting into global temp table for serial is non allocated....');
Line: 10158

                        INSERT INTO wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
                          secondary_quantity) -- Bug #4141928
                        VALUES( l_lot_number,
Line: 10170

                        INSERT INTO wms_ALLOCATIONS_GTMP
                           secondary_quantity) -- Bug #4141928
                           VALUES( l_lot_number,
Line: 10315

        SELECT 'FAIL'
          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, mtl_txn_request_lines mol
         WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
           AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id
           AND mol.line_status = inv_globals.g_to_status_cancel_by_source
           AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 10380

        SELECT lpn_context
             , organization_id
             , locator_id
             , lpn_id
             , outermost_lpn_id
          INTO lpn_cont
             , l_org_id
             , l_locator_id
             , x_lpn_id
             , x_outermost_lpn_id
          FROM wms_license_plate_numbers
         WHERE license_plate_number = p_lpn;
Line: 10415

         l_CursorStmt := 'SELECT count (*) FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt, wms_user_task_type_attributes wutta '||
                         'WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = :x_temp_id ' ||
                         ' AND mmtt.standard_operation_id = wutta.user_task_type_id '||
                         ' AND mmtt.organization_id = wutta.organization_id '||
                         ' AND wutta.honor_case_pick_flag = ''Y'' ';  --Added for Bug#7584906
Line: 10646

      wsh_update_tbl  WSH_GLBL_VAR_STRCT_GRP.delivery_details_Attr_tbl_Type;
Line: 10668

        SELECT wda.delivery_id
          FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v        wda
             , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v   wdd
             , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
         WHERE mmtt.transfer_lpn_id   = l_lpn_id
           AND wda.delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
           AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
           AND wdd.organization_id    = mmtt.organization_id;
Line: 10679

        SELECT lpn_id
        FROM   wms_license_plate_numbers
        START  WITH lpn_id = l_lpn_id
        CONNECT BY parent_lpn_id = PRIOR lpn_id;
Line: 10687

        SELECT wda.delivery_id
          FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v        wda
             , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v   wdd
             , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
         WHERE wda.delivery_detail_id   = wdd.delivery_detail_id
           AND wdd.move_order_line_id   = mmtt.move_order_line_id
           AND wdd.organization_id      = mmtt.organization_id
           AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
           AND mmtt.organization_id     = p_organization_id;
Line: 10698

        SELECT wda.delivery_id
          FROM wsh_delivery_assignments_v       wda
             , wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v  wdd
         WHERE wda.parent_delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
           AND wdd.lpn_id = l_lpn_id
           AND wdd.organization_id = p_organization_id
           AND wdd.released_status = 'X';  -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650
Line: 10711

        SELECT NVL(mil.project_id, -1)
             , NVL(mil.task_id, -1)
          FROM mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         WHERE mil.inventory_location_id = mmtt.transfer_to_location
           AND mil.organization_id       = mmtt.organization_id
           AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id      = p_pick_to_lpn_id
           AND mmtt.organization_id      = p_organization_id;
Line: 10724

        SELECT NVL(mil.project_id, -1)
             , NVL(mil.task_id, -1)
          FROM mtl_item_locations mil, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         WHERE mil.inventory_location_id = mmtt.transfer_to_location
           AND mil.organization_id       = mmtt.organization_id
           AND mmtt.organization_id      = p_organization_id
           AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id  = p_temp_id;
Line: 10733

        SELECT mol.carton_grouping_id
          FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
           AND mmtt.organization_id     = mol.organization_id
           AND mmtt.move_order_line_id  = mol.line_id;
Line: 10740

        SELECT DISTINCT mol.carton_grouping_id
                   FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mol, mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
                  WHERE mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
                    AND mmtt.organization_id = mol.organization_id
                    AND mmtt.move_order_line_id = mol.line_id;
Line: 10749

      SELECT distinct wda.delivery_id
      FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda
      WHERE wdd.lpn_id IN (select lpn_id from wms_license_plate_numbers
                        where organization_id = p_organization_id
                        and (lpn_id = p_lpn_id
                        or parent_lpn_id = p_lpn_id
                        or outermost_lpn_id = p_lpn_id))
      AND wda.parent_delivery_detail_id = wdd.delivery_detail_id
      AND wdd.released_status = 'X';  -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650
Line: 10843

                           SELECT wlpn.LICENSE_PLATE_NUMBER
                           INTO l_lpn_name
                           FROM Wms_License_Plate_Numbers wlpn
                           WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
                           and (lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
                           or parent_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
                           or outermost_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id);
Line: 10851

                           SELECT wdd.released_status,wdd.delivery_detail_id
                           INTO l_status_code,l_delivery_detail_id
                           FROM wsh_delivery_details_ob_grp_v wdd
	                        WHERE wdd.container_name = l_lpn_name
                           AND wdd.released_status = 'X';      -- For LPN reusability ER : 6845650
Line: 10861

			   2. Replace API call to wsh_container_grp.update_container
			      with new API call WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers

			   IF l_status_code = 'C' THEN

			      l_wsh_dd_upd_rec.delivery_detail_id := l_delivery_detail_id;
Line: 10870

			      wsh_update_tbl(1) := l_wsh_dd_upd_rec;
Line: 10873

			      l_IN_rec.action_code := 'UPDATE_NULL';
Line: 10875

			      WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers (
			          p_api_version     => 1.0
			        , p_init_msg_list   => fnd_api.g_false
			        , p_commit          => fnd_api.g_false
			        , x_return_status   => x_return_status
			        , x_msg_count       => x_msg_count
			        , x_msg_data        => x_msg_data
			        , p_detail_info_tab => wsh_update_tbl
			        , p_IN_rec          => l_IN_rec
			        , x_OUT_rec         => l_OUT_rec );
Line: 10920

                     SELECT nvl(inventory_item_id, -999)
                       INTO l_container_item_id
                      FROM  wms_license_plate_numbers
                      WHERE license_plate_number = p_pick_to_lpn
                        AND organization_id = p_organization_id
                        AND lpn_context IN (wms_container_pub.lpn_context_packing, wms_container_pub.LPN_CONTEXT_PREGENERATED);
Line: 10950

                          SELECT CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS
                            INTO  l_concatenated_segments
                            FROM  MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_KFV
                           WHERE  inventory_item_id = l_container_item_id
                             AND  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 11070

        UPDATE wms_license_plate_numbers
           SET lpn_context = wms_container_pub.lpn_context_packing
         WHERE lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id;
Line: 11090

      SELECT mmtt.transfer_subinventory
    , mmtt.transfer_to_location
    , mmtt.inventory_item_id
    , mmtt.operation_plan_id
    , nvl(mmtt.parent_line_id,-1)
    , mmtt.transaction_header_id
      INTO l_xfr_sub
    , l_xfr_to_location
    , l_item_id
    , l_operation_plan_id
    , l_parent_line_id
    , l_transaction_header_id
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
      WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 11115

          select 'N'
          into l_multiple_pick
          from dual
          where exists (select 1
            from mtl_material_transactions_temp
            where transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
       and transaction_header_id <>l_transaction_header_id);
Line: 11132

                               select 'Y'
                               into l_bulk_task_exist
                               from dual
                               where exists (select 1
                                             from mtl_material_transactions_temp
                                             where transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
                                             and transaction_temp_id = parent_line_id  -- bulk task
Line: 11160

      SELECT mtrh.move_order_type
           , mmtt.transaction_type_id
           , mmtt.wip_entity_type
        INTO l_mmtt_mo_type
           , l_mmtt_txn_type_id
           , l_mmtt_wip_entity_type
        FROM mtl_txn_request_headers         mtrh
           , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
           , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
       WHERE mtrh.header_id           = mtrl.header_id
         AND mtrl.line_id             = mmtt.move_order_line_id
         AND mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 11174

         SELECT mtrh.move_order_type
              , mmtt.wip_entity_type
           INTO l_mo_type_in_lpn
              , l_wip_entity_type_in_lpn
           FROM mtl_txn_request_headers         mtrh
              , mtl_txn_request_lines           mtrl
              , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
          WHERE mtrh.header_id       = mtrl.header_id
            AND mtrl.line_id         = mmtt.move_order_line_id
            AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
            AND ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 11227

                      SELECT mmtt.transfer_subinventory
           , mmtt.transfer_to_location
           , mmtt.inventory_item_id
           , mmtt.operation_plan_id
        INTO l_xfr_sub
           , l_xfr_to_location
           , l_item_id
           , l_operation_plan_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id; */
Line: 11241

         SELECT lpn_controlled_flag
           INTO l_lpn_controlled_flag
           FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
          WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND secondary_inventory_name = l_xfr_sub;
Line: 11260

            SELECT COUNT(*)
              INTO l_count
              FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
             WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> p_temp_id
               AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
               AND ( NVL(mmtt.transfer_subinventory, 0) <> l_xfr_sub
                     NVL(mmtt.transfer_to_location, 0)  <> l_xfr_to_location
Line: 11298

            SELECT 1
              INTO l_count
              FROM DUAL
             WHERE EXISTS
                 ( SELECT 'x'
                     FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
                        , mtl_secondary_inventories       msi
                    WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id    <> p_temp_id
                      AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id         = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
                      AND msi.organization_id          = p_organization_id
                      AND msi.secondary_inventory_name = mmtt.transfer_subinventory
                      AND msi.lpn_controlled_flag      = wms_globals.g_lpn_controlled_sub
Line: 11335

        SELECT COUNT(1)
          INTO l_count
          FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
         WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id <> p_temp_id
           AND mmtt.transfer_lpn_id      = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
           AND mmtt.operation_plan_id   <> l_operation_plan_id;
Line: 11478

                SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id INTO  l_line_rows(1)
                FROM wsh_delivery_details    wdd
                    , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
                WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id
                AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
                AND wdd.organization_id    = mmtt.organization_id;
Line: 11485

                SELECT wdd.delivery_detail_id  INTO  l_line_rows(2)
                FROM wsh_delivery_details  wdd
                     , mtl_material_transactions_temp  mmtt
                WHERE mmtt.transfer_lpn_id   = pick_to_lpn_rec.lpn_id
                AND wdd.move_order_line_id = mmtt.move_order_line_id
                AND wdd.organization_id    = mmtt.organization_id
                AND rownum<2;
Line: 11848

      SELECT mmtt.transaction_type_id
           , mmtt.organization_id
           , mmtt.inventory_item_id
        INTO l_transaction_type_id
           , l_org_id
           , l_item_id
        FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
       WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_temp_id;
Line: 11920

PROCEDURE insert_serial(
    p_serial_transaction_temp_id IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    p_organization_id            IN     NUMBER,
    p_item_id                    IN     NUMBER,
    p_revision                   IN     VARCHAR2,
    p_lot                        IN     VARCHAR2,
    p_transaction_temp_id        IN     NUMBER,
    p_created_by                 IN     NUMBER,
    p_from_serial                IN     VARCHAR2,
    p_to_serial                  IN     VARCHAR2,
    p_status_id                  IN     NUMBER := NULL,
    x_return_status              OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_data                   OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS

Line: 11949

         mydebug('Enter insert_serial: 10:'|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 11959

             SELECT 1
             INTO l_count
             FROM mtl_serial_numbers_temp msnt, mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt,
                  mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt
             WHERE (p_from_serial BETWEEN msnt.fm_serial_number AND msnt.to_serial_number
                OR p_to_serial BETWEEN msnt.fm_serial_number AND msnt.to_serial_number)
               AND mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
               AND mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
               AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id(+) = mmtt.transaction_temp_id
               AND msnt.transaction_temp_id = nvl(mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id, mmtt.transaction_temp_id);
Line: 11985

         SELECT serial_transaction_temp_id
           INTO p_serial_transaction_temp_id
           FROM mtl_transaction_lots_temp
          WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
            AND lot_number= p_lot;
Line: 11993

              SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
                INTO p_serial_transaction_temp_id
                FROM DUAL;
Line: 11999

              UPDATE mtl_transaction_lots_temp
                 SET serial_transaction_temp_id = p_serial_transaction_temp_id
               WHERE transaction_temp_id = p_transaction_temp_id
                 AND lot_number= p_lot;
Line: 12009

       l_return         := inv_trx_util_pub.insert_ser_trx(
                             p_trx_tmp_id => p_serial_transaction_temp_id,
                             p_user_id    => p_created_by,
                             p_fm_ser_num => p_from_serial,
                             p_to_ser_num => p_to_serial,
                             p_status_id  => p_status_id,
                             x_proc_msg   => x_msg_data
Line: 12020

         UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
            SET group_mark_id = p_serial_transaction_temp_id
          WHERE inventory_item_id = p_item_id
            AND serial_number BETWEEN p_from_serial AND p_to_serial
            AND LENGTH(serial_number) = LENGTH(p_from_serial);
Line: 12033

          mydebug('Insert serial vals'|| p_item_id || ':' || p_from_serial || ':' || p_to_serial, 4);
Line: 12034

          mydebug('Insert serial, inserted with '|| p_serial_transaction_temp_id || ':' || l_success, 4);
Line: 12044

          mydebug('Exitting insert_serial : 90  '|| TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 12055

            mydebug('Exitting insert_serial - execution error:'|| l_progress || ' ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 12063

           inv_mobile_helper_functions.sql_error('wms_task_load.insert_serial', l_progress, SQLCODE);
Line: 12067

            mydebug('Exitting insert_serial - other exception:'|| l_progress || ' ' || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:DD:SS'), 1);
Line: 12072

           fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, 'insert_serial');
Line: 12075

END insert_serial;
Line: 12128

         select mmtt.subinventory_code,
                mmtt.transaction_action_id, -- Bug 4632519
                mmtt.transaction_type_id -- Bug 4632519
           INTO l_sub,
                l_transaction_action_id, -- Bug 4632519
                l_transaction_type_id -- Bug 4632519
           from mtl_material_Transactions_temp mmtt
          where mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
            and mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
            and mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_transfer_lpn_id
            and mmtt.content_lpn_id is null
            and decode(p_revision_control,2,mmtt.revision,1,'~~') = nvl(p_revision,'~~')
            and rownum<2;
Line: 12151

         select mmtt.subinventory_code,
         INTO l_sub,
              l_transaction_action_id, -- Bug 4632519
              l_transaction_type_id -- Bug 4632519
         from mtl_material_Transactions_temp mmtt,
              mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
        where mmtt.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
          and mmtt.organization_id = p_organization_id
          and mmtt.transfer_lpn_id = p_transfer_lpn_id
          and mmtt.content_lpn_id is null
          and decode(p_revision_control,2,mmtt.revision,1,'~~') = nvl(p_revision,'~~')
          and mmtt.transaction_temp_id = mtlt.transaction_temp_id
          and mtlt.lot_number = p_lot_number
          and rownum<2;
Line: 12194

        p_organization_id       => p_organization_id,
        p_inventory_item_id     => p_inventory_item_id,
        p_subinventory_code     => p_subinventory_code,
        p_locator_id            => p_locator_id,
        p_revision              => p_revision,
        p_lot_number            => p_lot_number,
        p_serial_number         => null,
        p_containerized_flag    => null,
        p_lpn_id                => p_lpn_id,
        p_transaction_action_id => p_trx_action_id,
        p_is_backflush_txn      => l_is_bf,
        x_cost_group_id         => l_cur_cost_group_id,
        x_return_status         => x_return_status);
Line: 12216

           p_organization_id       => p_organization_id,
           p_inventory_item_id     => p_inventory_item_id,
           p_subinventory_code     => l_sub,
           p_locator_id            => l_loc,
           p_revision              => l_rev,
           p_lot_number            => l_lot,
           p_serial_number         => l_ser,
           p_containerized_flag    => null,
           p_lpn_id                => l_lpn,
           p_transaction_action_id => l_transaction_action_id,
           p_is_backflush_txn      => l_is_bf,
           x_cost_group_id         => l_exist_cost_group_id,
           x_return_status         => x_return_status);