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Line 108: from iem_post_mdts where email_account_id=l_email_account_id and agent_id=v3.resource_id ;

104: l_status:='S';
105: for v3 in c_agent LOOP
106: if l_folder_type='I' then
107: select count(*) into l_total_count
108: from iem_post_mdts where email_account_id=l_email_account_id and agent_id=v3.resource_id ;
109: else
110: select count(a.rt_media_item_id)
111: into l_total_count
112: from iem_rt_media_items a, iem_msg_parts part

Line 115: where rtm.message_id in (select message_id from iem_post_mdts

111: into l_total_count
112: from iem_rt_media_items a, iem_msg_parts part
113: where a.rt_interaction_id in (select rtm.rt_interaction_id
114: from iem_rt_media_items rtm, iem_rt_interactions rti
115: where rtm.message_id in (select message_id from iem_post_mdts
116: where email_account_id = l_email_account_id and agent_id = v3.resource_id)
117: and rtm.email_type ='I' and rtm.rt_interaction_id = rti.rt_interaction_id
118: and rti.expire = 'N') and a.email_type = 'O' and a.folder_uid > 0
119: and a.folder_name = 'Drafts' and part.ref_key = a.rt_media_item_id

Line 174: from iem_post_mdts where email_account_id=l_email_account_id

170: l_class_id:=substr(x_folder_tbl(i),instr(x_folder_tbl(i),',',1)+1);
171: l_folder_name:=substr(x_folder_tbl(i),1,instr(x_folder_tbl(i),',',1)-1);
172: l_folder_type:='Q';
173: select count(*) into l_total_count
174: from iem_post_mdts where email_account_id=l_email_account_id
175: and rt_classification_id=l_class_id and agent_id=0;
176: l_status_text:='Succesfully Count for Folder ';
177: l_status:='S';
178: end if;

Line 228: l_post_rec iem_post_mdts%rowtype;

224: l_mail_type number;
225: l_received_Date date;
226: l_folder_type varchar2(10);
227: l_priority number;
228: l_post_rec iem_post_mdts%rowtype;
229: l_ret_status varchar2(10);
230: l_msg_count number;
231: l_msg_Data varchar2(250);
232: l_message_id number;

Line 347: select * into l_post_rec from iem_post_mdts

343: END LOOP;
344: elsif l_folder_type in ('Q','I') then -- Queued/Acquired Message
345: for v1 in c1 LOOP
346: BEGIN
347: select * into l_post_rec from iem_post_mdts
348: where message_id=v1.message_id;
349: if l_post_rec.priority='High' then
350: l_priority:=2;
351: elsif l_post_rec.priority='Low' then

Line 436: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b

432: l_folder_type varchar2(10);
433: l_mig_rec iem_migration_store_temp%rowtype;
434: l_error_text varchar2(500);
435: cursor c_queue is
436: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b
437: where a.email_account_id=l_email_account_id and a.agent_id=0
438: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and
439: b.name=l_folder_name and a.message_id not in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
440: where migration_id=p_migration_id)

Line 442: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b

438: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and
439: b.name=l_folder_name and a.message_id not in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
440: where migration_id=p_migration_id)
441: union -- select records which are also errors out
442: select a.* from iem_post_mdts a,iem_route_classifications b
443: where a.email_account_id=l_email_account_id and a.agent_id=0
444: and a.rt_classification_id=b.route_classification_id and
445: b.name=l_folder_name and a.message_id in (select message_id from iem_migration_store_temp
446: where migration_id=p_migration_id and mig_status='E' and dp_status is null);

Line 1130: -- record in iem_post_mdts.otherwise the loop will be never

1126: update iem_migration_details
1127: set folder_Status='M' where total_msg_count=0 and status='S';
1128: -- Reset MEssage Id Sequence to the highest Post mdts message id
1129: -- fix by ranjan on 5th nov. use nvl where there is no
1130: -- record in iem_post_mdts.otherwise the loop will be never
1131: -- ending
1132: select nvl(max(message_id),0) into l_id from iem_post_mdts;
1133: LOOP
1134: select iem_ms_base_headers_s1.nextval into l_id1 from dual;

Line 1132: select nvl(max(message_id),0) into l_id from iem_post_mdts;

1128: -- Reset MEssage Id Sequence to the highest Post mdts message id
1129: -- fix by ranjan on 5th nov. use nvl where there is no
1130: -- record in iem_post_mdts.otherwise the loop will be never
1131: -- ending
1132: select nvl(max(message_id),0) into l_id from iem_post_mdts;
1133: LOOP
1134: select iem_ms_base_headers_s1.nextval into l_id1 from dual;
1135: exit when l_id1>l_id;
1136: END LOOP;