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Line 1229: particular the tables ff_database_items and ff_routes). Having retrieved

1225: --
1227: This function is used to retrieve a database item value. The sql to be run
1228: needs to be assembled from the information held in the entity horizon (in
1229: particular the tables ff_database_items and ff_routes). Having retrieved
1230: the route (the part of the sql statement after the 'FROM' clause) into a
1231: large string, the context bind variables and where clause fillers need to be
1232: replaced. The text string is then updated with the definition text
1233: information from ff_database_items (the part of the sql statement after

Line 1233: information from ff_database_items (the part of the sql statement after

1229: particular the tables ff_database_items and ff_routes). Having retrieved
1230: the route (the part of the sql statement after the 'FROM' clause) into a
1231: large string, the context bind variables and where clause fillers need to be
1232: replaced. The text string is then updated with the definition text
1233: information from ff_database_items (the part of the sql statement after
1234: the 'SELECT' and before the 'FROM'). The complete text string is then
1235: executed using dynamic pl/sql.
1236: */
1237: function run_db_item

Line 1272: l_definition_text ff_database_items.definition_text%type;

1268: order by RP.sequence_no;
1269: --
1270: sql_cursor integer;
1271: l_rows integer;
1272: l_definition_text ff_database_items.definition_text%type;
1273: l_data_type ff_database_items.data_type%type;
1274: l_user_entity_id ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type;
1275: l_creator_type ff_user_entities.creator_type%type;
1276: l_notfound_allowed_flag ff_user_entities.notfound_allowed_flag%type;

Line 1273: l_data_type ff_database_items.data_type%type;

1269: --
1270: sql_cursor integer;
1271: l_rows integer;
1272: l_definition_text ff_database_items.definition_text%type;
1273: l_data_type ff_database_items.data_type%type;
1274: l_user_entity_id ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type;
1275: l_creator_type ff_user_entities.creator_type%type;
1276: l_notfound_allowed_flag ff_user_entities.notfound_allowed_flag%type;
1277: l_route_id ff_routes.route_id%type;

Line 1318: from ff_database_items DBI

1314: l_notfound_allowed_flag,
1315: l_route_id,
1316: l_text,
1317: l_o_hint
1318: from ff_database_items DBI
1319: , ff_user_entities ENT
1320: , ff_routes RO
1321: where DBI.user_name = p_database_name
1322: and DBI.user_entity_id = ENT.user_entity_id

Line 2376: --l_data_type ff_database_items.data_type%type;

2372: --
2373: sql_cursor integer;
2374: l_rows integer;
2375: l_definition_text varchar2(240);
2376: --l_data_type ff_database_items.data_type%type;
2377: l_data_type varchar2(1) := 'N';
2378: l_user_entity_id ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type;
2379: l_creator_type ff_user_entities.creator_type%type;
2380: l_notfound_allowed_flag ff_user_entities.notfound_allowed_flag%type;

Line 2719: from ff_database_items dbi

2715: is
2716: select dbi.user_name
2717: , nvl(ent.business_group_id, -1)
2718: , nvl(ent.legislation_code, ' ')
2719: from ff_database_items dbi
2720: , ff_user_entities ent
2721: where ent.creator_id = p_def_bal
2722: and ent.creator_type = 'B'
2723: and ent.user_entity_id = dbi.user_entity_id;

Line 2726: l_user_name ff_database_items.user_name%type;

2722: and ent.creator_type = 'B'
2723: and ent.user_entity_id = dbi.user_entity_id;
2724: --
2725: l_balance_val varchar2(240);
2726: l_user_name ff_database_items.user_name%type;
2727: l_business_group_id ff_user_entities.business_group_id%type;
2728: l_legislation_code ff_user_entities.legislation_code%type;
2729: --
2730: BEGIN