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Line 82: l_wdd_rec wsh_delivery_details%rowtype;

78: x_msg_count NUMBER :=0;
79: x_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
80: x_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
82: l_wdd_rec wsh_delivery_details%rowtype;
83: l_batch_rec gmi_auto_allocation_batch%rowtype;
84: l_where_clause VARCHAR2(3000):= NULL;
85: l_number_of_rows NUMBER;
86: l_order_by VARCHAR2(3000):= NULL;

Line 99: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd

97: CURSOR get_wdd_line_cur(p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER) Is
98: SELECT *
99: FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd
100: WHERE wdd.delivery_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id;
102: CURSOR Get_Batch_Rec_Cur IS
103: SELECT *

Line 339: 'SELECT * FROM wsh_delivery_details

336: /* fetch the delivery detail rec into l_wdd_line for the above where clause */
338: OPEN wdd_cur1 FOR
339: 'SELECT * FROM wsh_delivery_details
341: WHERE ' || l_where_clause ||
342: 'ORDER BY delivery_detail_id ' ;
343: LOOP

Line 506: | p_wdd_rec wsh_delivery_details%rowtype

502: | p_commit Commit flag. API commits if this is set.
503: | x_return_status Return status
504: | x_msg_count Number of messages in the list
505: | x_msg_data Text of messages
506: | p_wdd_rec wsh_delivery_details%rowtype
507: | p_batch_rec gmi_auto_allocation_batch%rowtype
508: | x_number_of_rows
509: | x_qc_grade
510: | x_detailed_qty

Line 530: , p_wdd_rec IN wsh_delivery_details%rowtype

526: PROCEDURE Auto_Alloc_wdd_Line (
527: p_api_version IN NUMBER
528: , p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2
529: , p_commit IN VARCHAR2
530: , p_wdd_rec IN wsh_delivery_details%rowtype
531: , p_batch_rec IN gmi_auto_allocation_batch%rowtype
532: , x_number_of_rows OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
533: , x_qc_grade OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
534: , x_detailed_qty OUT NOCOPY NUMBER

Line 622: From wsh_delivery_details

618: AND completed_ind = 0
619: AND delete_mark = 0
620: AND line_detail_id in
621: (Select delivery_detail_id
622: From wsh_delivery_details
623: Where move_order_line_id = p_mo_line_id
624: and released_status in ('R','S'));
626: /* Cursor For Existing Allocations */

Line 629: FROM ic_tran_pnd ic, wsh_delivery_details wsh

626: /* Cursor For Existing Allocations */
627: CURSOR c_get_trans_id(p_delivery_detail_id IN NUMBER) IS
628: SELECT ic.trans_id, ic.line_id
629: FROM ic_tran_pnd ic, wsh_delivery_details wsh
630: WHERE ic.line_detail_id = p_delivery_detail_id
631: AND wsh.delivery_detail_id = ic.line_detail_id
632: AND wsh.released_status IN ('R','S')
633: AND ic.doc_type = 'OMSO'

Line 1066: From wsh_delivery_details

1062: AND delete_mark = 0
1063: AND (line_detail_id is not null
1064: and line_detail_id in
1065: ( Select delivery_detail_id
1066: From wsh_delivery_details
1067: Where source_line_id = p_line_id
1068: and released_status in ('Y','C'))); -- only the staged, and completed qtys should count
1069: -- then add the current line
1070: CURSOR get_trans_qty_for_del ( p_line_id NUMBER,

Line 1277: ( p_wdd_line IN wsh_delivery_details%rowtype

1274: END Call_Pick_Confirm;
1276: PROCEDURE get_allocation_record
1277: ( p_wdd_line IN wsh_delivery_details%rowtype
1278: , x_allocation_rec OUT NOCOPY GMI_Auto_Allocate_PUB.gmi_allocation_rec
1279: , x_ic_item_mst_rec OUT NOCOPY GMI_Reservation_Util.ic_item_mst_rec
1280: , x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
1281: , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER