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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 178

select distinct to_number(substr(puc1.user_column_name,1, instr(puc1.user_column_name,'_')-1)) organization_id
  from pay_user_tables  put
     , pay_user_columns puc
     , pay_user_columns puc1
     , pay_user_rows_f  pur
     , pay_user_column_instances_f puci
  where put.user_table_name = g_priority_udt_name
  and   puc.user_table_id = put.user_table_id
  and   pur.user_table_id = put.user_table_id
  and   pur.business_group_id = g_bg_id
  and   puci.user_row_id = pur.user_row_id
  and   puci.user_column_id = puc1.user_column_id;
Line: 205

Line: 206

Line: 207

Line: 208

Line: 209

Line: 210

Line: 212

Line: 213

Line: 215

Line: 216

Line: 218

Line: 219

Line: 242

    select Attribute1,Attribute2,Attribute3,Attribute4,Attribute5,Attribute6,
           Attribute7,Attribute8,Attribute9,Attribute10, Attribute11,
           Attribute12, Attribute13, Attribute14, Attribute15,
           substr(lookup_code,5) lookup_code
      from  fnd_lookup_values
      where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
      and   lookup_code like p_year || '%'
      and   security_group_id = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(p_lookup_type,3)
      and   attribute_category = G_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
      and (
           Attribute1 || Attribute2 || Attribute3 || Attribute4  || Attribute5  ||
           Attribute6 || Attribute7 || Attribute8 || Attribute9  || Attribute10 ||
           Attribute11|| Attribute12|| Attribute13|| Attribute14 || Attribute15
          ) is not null;
Line: 450

  select  row_low_range_or_name   --, effective_start_date, effective_end_date
    from  pay_user_rows_f
    where user_row_id = p_csr_user_row_id
    and   p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 456

  select distinct substr(puc.user_column_name,1, instr(puc.user_column_name,'_')-1) organization_id
    from pay_user_column_instances_f puci
       , pay_user_columns_tl puc
    where puci.user_row_id = p_csr_user_row_id
    and   puc.user_column_id = puci.user_column_id
    and   p_effective_date between puci.effective_start_date and puci.effective_end_date;
Line: 464

    select level_number, unit_standard_id  --saqa_id
    from   per_competences
    where  competence_id = p_csr_trng_event_id;
Line: 469

    select level_number, qual_framework_id  --saqa_id
    from   per_qualification_types
    where  qualification_type_id   = p_csr_trng_event_id;
Line: 700

    select substr(l_index,16,15) into l_skills_pri_id from dual;
Line: 753

    select substr(l_index,16,15) into l_skills_pri_id from dual;
Line: 838

select Attribute1,Attribute2,Attribute3,Attribute4,Attribute5,Attribute6,
       Attribute7,Attribute8,Attribute9,Attribute10, Attribute11,
       Attribute12, Attribute13, Attribute14, Attribute15,
       substr(lookup_code,5) lookup_code -- trng event id
from  fnd_lookup_values
where lookup_type = p_lookup_type
and   lookup_code like p_year || '%'
and   security_group_id = fnd_global.lookup_security_group(p_lookup_type,3)
and   attribute_category = G_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY
and (
      Attribute1 || Attribute2 || Attribute3 || Attribute4  || Attribute5  ||
      Attribute6 || Attribute7 || Attribute8 || Attribute9  || Attribute10 ||
      Attribute11|| Attribute12|| Attribute13|| Attribute14 || Attribute15
     ) is not null;
Line: 855

select pce.competence_id
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'DELIVERY'
and pce.activity_version_id = p_course_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 863

select pce.competence_id
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'OTA_LEARNING_PATH'
and pce.object_id = p_lp_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 871

select pce.competence_id
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'OTA_CERTIFICATION'
and pce.object_id = p_cert_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 879

select olpm.activity_version_id
from   ota_learning_paths olp
     , ota_lp_sections    olps
     , ota_learning_path_members olpm
where olp.learning_path_id = p_learning_path_id
and   olp.learning_path_id = olps.learning_path_id
and   olps.learning_path_section_id = olpm.learning_path_section_id;
Line: 889

select ocm.object_id
where oc.certification_id = p_cert_id
and ocm.certification_id = oc.certification_id
and ocm.object_type = 'H';
Line: 899

select count(pce.competence_id)
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'DELIVERY'
and pce.activity_version_id = p_course_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 1462

Line: 1821

Line: 1857

Line: 1860

Line: 1863

Line: 1866

Line: 1867

Line: 1945

  Purpose   : This returns the select statement that is used to created the
              range rows.
  Arguments :
  Notes     : The range cursor determines which people should be processed.
              The normal practice is to include everyone, and then limit
              the list during the assignment action creation.
procedure range_cursor
    pactid in number,
    sqlstr out nocopy varchar2
) is

l_proc             varchar2(100);
Line: 1978

Select hoi1.org_information1    org_name                  -- A(1).1 Organization Name
     , hoi.org_information4     post_add_line_1           -- A(1).2 Postal Address
     , hoi.org_information5     post_add_line_2
     , hoi.org_information6     post_add_line_3
     , hoi.org_information8     post_town_or_city
     , hoi.org_information7     post_postal_code
     , hoi.org_information9     post_province
     , hoi.org_information10    phy_add_line_1            -- A(1).3 Physical Address
     , hoi.org_information11    phy_add_line_2
     , hoi.org_information12    phy_add_line_3
     , hoi.org_information14    phy_town_or_city
     , hoi.org_information13    phy_postal_code
     , hoi.org_information15    phy_province
     , hoi.org_information1     tel_no                    -- A(1).5 Telephone number
     , hoi.org_information2     fax_no                    -- A(1).6 Fax number
     , hoi.org_information3     email_add                 -- A(1).7 E-mail Address
  From hr_all_organization_units   haou
     , hr_organization_information hoi
     , hr_organization_information hoi1
 Where haou.business_group_id         = g_bg_id
   and haou.organization_id           = p_legal_entity_id
   and haou.organization_id           = hoi1.organization_id
   and hoi.org_information_context(+) = 'ZA_LEGAL_ENTITY_CONTACT_INFO'
   and hoi.organization_id(+)         = haou.organization_id
   and hoi1.org_information_context   = 'ZA_LEGAL_ENTITY';
Line: 2005

select hoi.org_information1     SETA_Name
     , hoi.org_information3     activity_name
from  hr_all_organization_units   haou
    , hr_organization_information hoi
where haou.business_group_id         = g_bg_id
and   haou.organization_id           = p_legal_entity_id
and   haou.organization_id           = hoi.organization_id
and   hoi.org_information_context = 'ZA_NQF_SETA_INFO';
Line: 2016

    Select 'sdl_number'         sdl_num                 -- A(1).4  Skills Development Levy Number
         , 'bank_name'          bank_name               -- A(1).8  Banking details
         , 'bank_add_line_1'    bank_add_line_1
         , 'bank_add_line_2'    bank_add_line_2
         , 'bank_add_line_3'    bank_add_line_3
         , 'bank_town_or_city'  bank_town_or_city
         , 'bank_postal_code'   bank_postal_code
         , 'bank_province'      bank_province
         , 'sic_code'           sic_code                -- A(1).9  Main business activity
         , 'total_employement'  tot_emp                 -- A(1).10 Total Employment
         , 'Tot Ann Payroll'    tot_prev_ann_pay        -- A(1).11 Total prev fin-year annual payroll
      From dual;
Line: 2031

select hoi.org_information1     sdf_name
     , hoi.org_information2     sdf_add_line_1
     , hoi.org_information3     sdf_add_line_2
     , hoi.org_information4     sdf_add_line_3
     , hoi.org_information5     sdf_add_line_4
     , hoi.org_information6     sdf_town_or_city
     , hoi.org_information7     sdf_province
     , hoi.org_information8     sdf_postal_code
     , hoi.org_information9     sdf_telephone_no
     , hoi.org_information10    sdf_fax_no
     , hoi.org_information11    sdf_email_id
     , hoi.org_information12    sdf_mobile_no
from   hr_all_organization_units   haou
     , hr_organization_information hoi
where haou.business_group_id          = g_bg_id
and   haou.organization_id            = p_legal_entity_id
and   haou.organization_id            = hoi.organization_id
and   hoi.org_information_context     = 'ZA_SDF_INFO';
Line: 2058

Select business_group_id
Into g_bg_id  -- Business Group Id
From pay_payroll_actions
Where payroll_action_id = pactid ;
Line: 2063

select ppa.legislative_parameters
into l_leg_param
from pay_payroll_actions ppa
where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 2072

Select effective_date
Into   g_archive_effective_date
From   pay_payroll_actions
Where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 2552

   'select distinct asg.person_id
      from per_assignments_f   asg,
           pay_payroll_actions ppa
     where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
       and asg.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
       and asg.assignment_type   = ''E''
     order by asg.person_id';
Line: 2593

    select ppf.person_id
         , paa.assignment_id
      from per_all_people_f             ppf
         , per_all_assignments_f        paa
         , per_assignment_extra_info    paei
         , pay_payroll_actions          ppa_arch
         , per_periods_of_service       pps
     where paa.business_group_id = g_bg_id
       and paa.person_id = ppf.person_id
       and ppf.person_id between p_stperson and p_endperson
       and paa.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
       and paei.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
       and paa.assignment_type = 'E'
       and paa.primary_flag = 'Y'
--       and ppa_arch.payroll_id = paa.payroll_id          -- payroll id isnt populated in R12
       and ppa_arch.payroll_action_id = p_pactid
       and paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO'
       and paei.aei_information7 = p_legal_entity_id -- support archive for one or all legal entities in that bg
       -- check if the person is active within the training and plan year
       and ppf.effective_start_date = ( select max(effective_start_date)
                        from   per_all_people_f ppf1
                        where  ppf1.person_id             = ppf.person_id
                        and    ppf1.effective_start_date <= g_wsp_end_date
                        and    ppf1.effective_end_date   >= g_atr_start_date
               -- check if the asg is active within the training and plan year
       and paa.effective_start_date = ( select max(paa1.effective_start_date)
                        from   per_all_assignments_f paa1
                        where paa1.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                        and    paa1.effective_start_date <= g_wsp_end_date
                        and    paa1.effective_end_date   >= g_atr_start_date
Line: 2645

Select business_group_id
Into g_bg_id  -- Business Group Id
From pay_payroll_actions
Where payroll_action_id = pactid ;
Line: 2650

select ppa.legislative_parameters
into l_leg_param
from pay_payroll_actions ppa
where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 2659

Select effective_date
Into   g_archive_effective_date
From   pay_payroll_actions
Where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 2702

             select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into lockingactid
              from dual;
Line: 2723

             select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
              into lockingactid
              from dual;
Line: 2786

Select business_group_id
Into g_bg_id  -- Business Group Id
From pay_payroll_actions
Where payroll_action_id = pactid ;
Line: 2791

select ppa.legislative_parameters
into l_leg_param
from pay_payroll_actions ppa
where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 2800

Select effective_date
Into   g_archive_effective_date
From   pay_payroll_actions
Where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 2876

  select rpad(p_legal_entity_id,15,0) into l_legal_entity_id from dual;
Line: 2955

select olp.learning_path_id, olp_tl.name
from   ota_learning_paths       olp
      ,ota_learning_paths_tl    olp_tl
      ,ota_lp_enrollments       ole
where ole.person_id = p_person_id
and ole.learning_path_id = olp.learning_path_id
and ole.path_status_code  <> 'CANCELLED'
--and ole.completion_target_date between g_wsp_start_date and  g_wsp_end_date --changed
and ole.creation_date between g_wsp_start_date and  g_wsp_end_date
and olp.learning_path_id = olp_tl.learning_path_id
and olp_tl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 2969

select oc.certification_id, oc_tl.name
from ota_certifications_b  oc
    ,ota_certifications_tl oc_tl
    ,ota_cert_enrollments  oce
where oce.person_id = p_person_id
and oce.certification_id = oc.certification_id
and oc.certification_id = oc_tl.certification_id
and oc_tl.language = userenv('LANG')
and oc.start_date_active <= g_wsp_end_date
and (oc.end_date_active >= g_wsp_start_date or oc.end_date_active is null)
Line: 2983

select oav.activity_version_id, oav.version_name
from ota_events oe
    ,ota_activity_versions oav
    ,ota_delegate_bookings odb
    ,ota_booking_status_types obst
where odb.delegate_person_id = p_person_id
and   odb.event_id = oe.event_id
and   oe.event_type in ( 'SCHEDULED', 'SELFPACED')
and   oe.activity_version_id = oav.activity_version_id
and   oe.course_start_date <= g_wsp_end_date
and   nvl(oe.course_end_date, g_wsp_start_date) >= g_wsp_start_date
and   obst.booking_status_type_id = odb.booking_status_type_id
and   obst.type <> 'C'; -- include all status except the cancelled
Line: 2999

select pce.competence_id ,pc.name
from per_competence_elements pce
   , per_competences pc
where pce.type = 'DELIVERY'
and pce.activity_version_id = p_course_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id
and pce.competence_id = pc.competence_id;
Line: 3009

select pce.competence_id,pc.name
from per_competence_elements pce
   , per_competences pc
where pce.type = 'OTA_LEARNING_PATH'
and pce.object_id = p_lp_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id
and pce.competence_id = pc.competence_id;
Line: 3019

select pce.competence_id,pc.name
from per_competence_elements pce
   , per_competences pc
where pce.type = 'OTA_CERTIFICATION'
and pce.object_id = p_cert_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id
and pce.competence_id = pc.competence_id;
Line: 3029

select olpm.activity_version_id
from   ota_learning_paths olp
     , ota_lp_sections    olps
     , ota_learning_path_members olpm
where olp.learning_path_id = p_learning_path_id
and   olp.learning_path_id = olps.learning_path_id
and   olps.learning_path_section_id = olpm.learning_path_section_id;
Line: 3039

select ocm.object_id
where oc.certification_id = p_cert_id
and ocm.certification_id = oc.certification_id
and ocm.object_type = 'H';
Line: 3049

select count(pce.competence_id)
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'DELIVERY'
and pce.activity_version_id = p_course_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 3056

select count(pce.competence_id)
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'OTA_LEARNING_PATH'
and pce.object_id = p_lp_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 3063

select count(olpm.activity_version_id)
from   ota_learning_paths olp
     , ota_lp_sections    olps
     , ota_learning_path_members olpm
where olp.learning_path_id = p_learning_path_id
and   olp.learning_path_id = olps.learning_path_id
and   olps.learning_path_section_id = olpm.learning_path_section_id;
Line: 3072

select count(pce.competence_id)
from per_competence_elements pce
where pce.type = 'OTA_CERTIFICATION'
and pce.object_id = p_cert_id
and pce.business_group_id = g_bg_id;
Line: 3079

select count(ocm.object_id)
where oc.certification_id = p_cert_id
and ocm.certification_id = oc.certification_id
and ocm.object_type = 'H';
Line: 3089

select puci.user_row_id
from   pay_user_tables put
     , pay_user_rows_f pur
     , pay_user_column_instances_f puci
     , pay_user_columns puc
where put.user_table_name = 'ZA_WSP_SKILLS_PRIORITIES'
and   put.user_table_id = puc.user_table_id
and   puc.user_column_name like p_legal_entity_id || '%'
and   put.user_table_id = pur.user_table_id
and   puci.user_row_id = pur.user_row_id
and   puci.effective_start_date <= g_wsp_end_date
and   nvl(puci.effective_end_date,g_wsp_start_date) >= g_wsp_start_date
and   puci.user_column_id = puc.user_column_id;
Line: 3111

Line: 3112

Line: 3114

select rpad(p_legal_entity_id,15,0) into l_legal_entity_id from dual;
Line: 3459

Line: 3460

Line: 3494

select rpad(p_legal_entity_id,15,0) into l_legal_entity_id from dual;
Line: 3569

select pqt.qualification_type_id, pqt.name, pqa.awarded_date, pqa.status--event id event name
from   per_qualifications pqa
      ,per_qualification_types pqt
      ,per_establishment_attendances pea
where (pqa.person_id = p_person_id or pea.person_id = p_person_id)
and   pqa.start_date <= g_atr_end_date
and   nvl(pqa.end_date,g_atr_start_date) >= g_atr_start_date
and   pqa.awarded_date between g_atr_start_date and g_atr_end_date
and   pqa.qualification_type_id = pqt.qualification_type_id
and   pqa.attendance_id = pea.attendance_id(+);
Line: 3582

select pc.competence_id, pc.name , pce.achieved_date , pce.status
from  per_competences pc
    , per_competence_elements pce
where pce.person_id = p_person_id
and   pce.competence_id = pc.competence_id
and   pce.effective_date_from between g_atr_start_date and g_atr_end_date
and   pce.type = 'PERSONAL';
Line: 3593

select olp.learning_path_id, olp_tl.name, ole.completion_date, ole.path_status_code
from   ota_learning_paths       olp
      ,ota_learning_paths_tl    olp_tl
      ,ota_lp_enrollments       ole
where ole.person_id = p_person_id
and ole.learning_path_id = olp.learning_path_id
and ole.path_status_code  = 'COMPLETED'
and ole.completion_date between g_atr_start_date and  g_atr_end_date
and olp.learning_path_id = olp_tl.learning_path_id
and olp_tl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 3607

select oc.certification_id, oc_tl.name,oce.completion_date, oce.certification_status_code
from ota_certifications_b  oc
    ,ota_certifications_tl oc_tl
    ,ota_cert_enrollments  oce
where oce.person_id = p_person_id
and oce.certification_id = oc.certification_id
and oc.certification_id = oc_tl.certification_id
and oc_tl.language = userenv('LANG')
and oce.completion_date between g_atr_start_date and g_atr_end_date
Line: 3620

select oav.activity_version_id, oav.version_name, odb.date_status_changed ,obst.name "status"
from ota_events oe
    ,ota_activity_versions oav
    ,ota_delegate_bookings odb
    ,ota_booking_status_types obst
where odb.delegate_person_id = p_person_id
and   odb.event_id = oe.event_id
and   oe.event_type in ( 'SCHEDULED', 'SELFPACED')
and   oe.activity_version_id = oav.activity_version_id
and   oe.course_start_date <= g_atr_end_date
and   nvl(oe.course_end_date, g_atr_start_date) >= g_atr_start_date
and   obst.booking_status_type_id = odb.booking_status_type_id
and   obst.type = 'A' -- Attended
and   odb.date_status_changed between g_atr_start_date and g_atr_end_date;
Line: 3637

select puci.user_row_id
from   pay_user_tables put
     , pay_user_rows_f pur
     , pay_user_column_instances_f puci
     , pay_user_columns puc
where put.user_table_name = 'ZA_WSP_SKILLS_PRIORITIES'
and   put.user_table_id = puc.user_table_id
and   puc.user_column_name like to_char(p_legal_entity_id) || '%'
and   put.user_table_id = pur.user_table_id
and   puci.user_row_id = pur.user_row_id
and   puci.effective_start_date <= g_atr_end_date
and   nvl(puci.effective_end_date,g_atr_start_date) >= g_atr_start_date
and   puci.user_column_id = puc.user_column_id;
Line: 3653

   select rpad(p_legal_entity_id,15,0) into l_legal_entity_id from dual;
Line: 3947

   select user_table_id
   into   l_user_table_id
   from   pay_user_tables
   where  user_table_name = 'ZA_OCCUPATIONAL_TYPES'
   and    business_group_id is null
   and    legislation_code = 'ZA';
Line: 3954

   select user_column_id
   into   l_user_column_id_flex
   from   pay_user_columns
   where  user_table_id = l_user_table_id
   and    business_group_id is null
   and    legislation_code = 'ZA'
   and    user_column_name = 'Flexfield';
Line: 3962

   select user_column_id
   into   l_user_column_id_seg
   from   pay_user_columns
   where  user_table_id = l_user_table_id
   and    business_group_id is null
   and    legislation_code = 'ZA'
   and    user_column_name = 'Segment';
Line: 3970

   select user_row_id
   into   l_user_row_id_cat
   from   pay_user_rows_f
   where  user_table_id = l_user_table_id
   and    row_low_range_or_name = 'Occupational Categories'
   and    p_report_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3977

   select user_row_id
   into   l_user_row_id_lev
   from   pay_user_rows_f
   where  user_table_id = l_user_table_id
   and    row_low_range_or_name = 'Occupational Levels'
   and    p_report_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3984

   select user_row_id
   into   l_user_row_id_func
   from   pay_user_rows_f
   where  user_table_id = l_user_table_id
   and    row_low_range_or_name = 'Function Type'
   and    p_report_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 3992

   select value
   into   g_cat_flex
   from   pay_user_column_instances_f
   where  user_row_id    = l_user_row_id_cat
   and    user_column_id = l_user_column_id_flex
   and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
   and    p_report_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 4000

   select value
   into   g_cat_segment
   from   pay_user_column_instances_f
   where  user_row_id    = l_user_row_id_cat
   and    user_column_id = l_user_column_id_seg
   and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
   and    p_report_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 4046

            l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_job_definitions pjd, per_jobs pj where pj.job_id = '
                     || to_char(p_job_id)
                     || '  and pjd.job_definition_id = pj.job_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = '''
                     || p_type || ''' and hl.lookup_code = pjd.' || p_segment;
Line: 4061

           l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_grade_definitions pgd, per_grades pg where pg.grade_id = '
                     || to_char(p_grade_id)
                     || '  and pgd.grade_definition_id = pg.grade_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = '''
                     || p_type ||''' and hl.lookup_code = pgd.' || p_segment;
Line: 4076

            l_sql := 'select hl.meaning from hr_lookups hl, per_position_definitions ppd, per_all_positions pap where pap.position_id = '
                     || to_char(p_position_id)
                     || '  and ppd.position_definition_id = pap.position_definition_id and hl.application_id = 800 and hl.lookup_type = '''
                     || p_type || ''' and hl.lookup_code = ppd.' || p_segment;
Line: 4159

    Select paaf.person_id
         , paaf.assignment_id
         , perf.per_information4  -- Race
         , perf.sex
         , perf.registered_disabled_flag
         , paei.aei_information7 --legal_entity_id
         , per_za_wsp_archive_pkg.get_occupational_category( p_effective_date
                                    , paaf.assignment_id
                                    , paaf.job_id
                                    , paaf.grade_id
                                    , paaf.position_id
                                    , paaf.business_group_id)
       Into l_person_id
          , l_assignment_id
          , l_race
          , l_sex
          , l_disability
          , l_legal_entity_id
          , l_ass_cat_name
       From per_all_assignments_f  paaf
          , pay_assignment_actions paa
          , per_all_people_f       perf
          , per_assignment_extra_info paei
      Where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
        and paa.assignment_id        = paaf.assignment_id
        and paaf.person_id           = perf.person_id
        and p_effective_date   between perf.effective_start_date
                                   and perf.effective_end_date
        and p_effective_date   between paaf.effective_start_date
                                   and paaf.effective_end_date
        and paaf.assignment_id = paei.assignment_id
        and paei.aei_information_category = 'ZA_SPECIFIC_INFO';