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2 /* $Header: pqhppdff.pkb 120.0 2006/02/06 14:45:12 rthiagar noship $ */
5 -- =============================================================================
6 -- ~ get_concat_dff_segs :
7 --   Function returns the concatenated string of Segment Values for a given DFFG
8 -- =============================================================================
10 FUNCTION get_concat_dff_segs
11          (p_context_value In Varchar2
12           ,p_attribute1   In Varchar2
13           ,p_attribute2   In Varchar2
14           ,p_attribute3   In Varchar2
15           ,p_attribute4   In Varchar2
16           ,p_attribute5   In Varchar2
17           ,p_attribute6   In Varchar2
18           ,p_attribute7   In Varchar2
19           ,p_attribute8   In Varchar2
20           ,p_attribute9   In Varchar2
21           ,p_attribute10   In Varchar2
22           ,p_attribute11   In Varchar2
23           ,p_attribute12   In Varchar2
24           ,p_attribute13   In Varchar2
25           ,p_attribute14   In Varchar2
26           ,p_attribute15   In Varchar2
27           ,p_attribute16   In Varchar2
28           ,p_attribute17   In Varchar2
29           ,p_attribute18   In Varchar2
30           ,p_attribute19   In Varchar2
31           ,p_attribute20   In Varchar2
32          )
33 RETURN Varchar2 IS
35   -- Cursor to get Delimiter for a given DFF
36   CURSOR csr_get_delim_contxt IS
37   SELECT concatenated_segment_delimiter
38     FROM fnd_descriptive_flexs
39    WHERE descriptive_flexfield_name IN ('PER_PAY_PROPOSALS')
40      AND application_id = 800;
42   -- Cursor to get segments for a given DFF and Context
43   CURSOR csr_get_segments(c_context_value IN Varchar2
44                          ) IS
45   SELECT descriptive_flex_context_code,application_column_name, flex_value_set_id
46     FROM fnd_descr_flex_column_usages
47    WHERE descriptive_flexfield_name = 'PER_PAY_PROPOSALS'
48      AND descriptive_flex_context_code IN ('Global Data Elements', c_context_value)
49      AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
50      AND display_flag = 'Y'
51      AND application_id = 800
52    ORDER BY decode(descriptive_flex_context_code,'Global Data Elements',0,1), column_seq_num;
54   l_func_name   CONSTANT    Varchar2(150):= g_pkg ||'pqh_concat_ddfsegs';
56   l_delimiter               fnd_descriptive_flexs.concatenated_segment_delimiter%TYPE;
58   l_cnct_segs               Varchar2(2000);
59   l_cnct_seg_val            Varchar2(2000) ;
60   cnt_attributes            integer := 0;
61   cnt_glb_data_elmnts       integer := 0;
64   Hr_Utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_func_name, 5);
65   -- Get the Delimiter for the given DFF
66   IF g_delimiter is null then
67      OPEN  csr_get_delim_contxt;
68      FETCH csr_get_delim_contxt INTO g_delimiter;
70      -- If Delimiter is not found then that means the passed DFF doesn't exist
71      -- for the passed application id. Raise an Error
72      IF csr_get_delim_contxt%NOTFOUND THEN
73         CLOSE csr_get_delim_contxt;
74         Hr_Utility.raise_error;
75      END IF;
76      CLOSE csr_get_delim_contxt;
77    END IF;
79   l_delimiter := g_delimiter;
81   -- Get the Segments for a given DFF and corresponding Context and
82   -- Global Data Elements Context
84   for l_seg_val_rec in csr_get_segments(c_context_value => p_context_value)
85   LOOP
86     l_cnct_segs := l_seg_val_rec.application_column_name;
88     if ((l_seg_val_rec.descriptive_flex_context_code <> 'Global Data Elements') and cnt_attributes = 0 and cnt_glb_data_elmnts=0) then
89          l_cnct_seg_val := p_context_value;
90          cnt_glb_data_elmnts := 1;
91     elsif ((l_seg_val_rec.descriptive_flex_context_code <> 'Global Data Elements') and cnt_glb_data_elmnts = 0) then
92          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_context_value;
93          cnt_glb_data_elmnts := 1;
94     end if;
96     if  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE1') then
97          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
98             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute1;
99             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
100          else
101             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute1;
102          end if;
103     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE2') then
104          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
105             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute2;
106             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
107          else
108             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute2;
109          end if;
110     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE3') then
111          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
112             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute3;
113             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
114          else
115             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute3;
116          end if;
117     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE4') then
118          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
119             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute4;
120             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
121          else
122             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute4;
123          end if;
124     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE5') then
125          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
126             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute5;
127             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
128          else
129             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute5;
130          end if;
131     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE6') then
132          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
133             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute6;
134             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
135          else
136             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute6;
137          end if;
138     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE7') then
139          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
140             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute7;
141             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
142          else
143             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute7;
144          end if;
145     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE8') then
146          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
147             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute8;
148             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
149          else
150             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute8;
151          end if;
152     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE9') then
153          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
154             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute9;
155             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
156          else
157             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute9;
158          end if;
159     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE10') then
160          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
161             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute10;
162             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
163          else
164             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute10;
165          end if;
166     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE11') then
167          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
168             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute11;
169             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
170          else
171             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute11;
172          end if;
173     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE12') then
174          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
175             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute12;
176             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
177          else
178             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute12;
179          end if;
180     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE13') then
181          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
182             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute13;
183             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
184          else
185             l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute13;
186          end if;
187     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE14') then
188          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
189             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute14;
190             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
191          else
192          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute14;
193          end if;
194     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE15') then
195          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
196             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute15;
197             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
198          else
199          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute15;
200          end if;
201     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE16') then
202          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
203             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute16;
204             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
205          else
206          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute16;
207          end if;
208     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE17') then
209          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
210             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute17;
211             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
212          else
213          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute17;
214          end if;
215     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE18') then
216          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
217             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute18;
218             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
219          else
220          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute18;
221          end if;
222     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE19') then
223          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
224             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute19;
225             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
226          else
227          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute19;
228          end if;
229     elsif  (l_cnct_segs = 'ATTRIBUTE20') then
230          if (cnt_attributes = 0) then
231             l_cnct_seg_val := p_attribute20;
232             cnt_attributes := cnt_attributes+1;
233          else
234          l_cnct_seg_val := l_cnct_seg_val || l_delimiter || p_attribute20;
235          end if;
236     end if;
237   END LOOP;
240      RETURN l_cnct_seg_val;
242   Hr_Utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_func_name, 10);
244 END get_concat_dff_segs;