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Line 88: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

84: -- just leave lines allocated, but start count over.
85: DebugLineCount := 0;
86: debug_msg('debug list reset!');
87: if DebugOn then
88: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
89: else
90: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
91: end if;

Line 90: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

86: debug_msg('debug list reset!');
87: if DebugOn then
88: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
89: else
90: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
91: end if;
93: END;

Line 106: hr_utility.trace('');

102: l_end_line NUMBER;
103: l_tmp_line VARCHAR2(120);
104: BEGIN
106: hr_utility.trace('');
107: hr_utility.trace('');
108: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
109: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: no lines to dump');
110: if DebugOn then

Line 107: hr_utility.trace('');

103: l_tmp_line VARCHAR2(120);
104: BEGIN
106: hr_utility.trace('');
107: hr_utility.trace('');
108: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
109: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: no lines to dump');
110: if DebugOn then
111: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

Line 109: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: no lines to dump');

106: hr_utility.trace('');
107: hr_utility.trace('');
108: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
109: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: no lines to dump');
110: if DebugOn then
111: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
112: else
113: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

Line 111: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

107: hr_utility.trace('');
108: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
109: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: no lines to dump');
110: if DebugOn then
111: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
112: else
113: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
114: end if;
115: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 113: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

109: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: no lines to dump');
110: if DebugOn then
111: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
112: else
113: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
114: end if;
115: hr_utility.trace('');
116: hr_utility.trace('');
117: return;

Line 115: hr_utility.trace('');

111: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
112: else
113: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
114: end if;
115: hr_utility.trace('');
116: hr_utility.trace('');
117: return;
118: end if;

Line 116: hr_utility.trace('');

112: else
113: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
114: end if;
115: hr_utility.trace('');
116: hr_utility.trace('');
117: return;
118: end if;
120: l_start_line := p_start_line;

Line 125: hr_utility.trace('start line negative: ' ||

121: l_end_line := p_end_line;
123: if l_start_line < 0 then
124: l_start_line := 0;
125: hr_utility.trace('start line negative: ' ||
126: p_start_line || ', using 0.');
127: end if;
129: if l_start_line > DebugLineCount then

Line 131: hr_utility.trace('start line too high: ' ||

127: end if;
129: if l_start_line > DebugLineCount then
130: l_start_line := 0;
131: hr_utility.trace('start line too high: ' ||
132: p_start_line || ', using 0.');
133: end if;
135: if l_end_line >= DebugLineCount then

Line 137: hr_utility.trace('end line too high: ' ||

133: end if;
135: if l_end_line >= DebugLineCount then
136: l_end_line := (DebugLineCount - 1);
137: hr_utility.trace('end line too high: ' ||
138: p_end_line || ', using end of list: ' ||
139: l_end_line);
140: end if;

Line 144: hr_utility.trace('end line lower than start line: ' ||

140: end if;
142: if l_end_line < l_start_line then
143: l_end_line := (l_start_line + 1);
144: hr_utility.trace('end line lower than start line: ' ||
145: p_end_line ||
146: ', using start line + 1: ' ||
147: l_end_line);
148: end if;

Line 150: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: lines: ' ||

146: ', using start line + 1: ' ||
147: l_end_line);
148: end if;
150: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: lines: ' ||
151: l_start_line ||
152: ' to ' ||
153: l_end_line);
154: if DebugOn then

Line 155: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

151: l_start_line ||
152: ' to ' ||
153: l_end_line);
154: if DebugOn then
155: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
156: else
157: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
158: end if;

Line 157: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

153: l_end_line);
154: if DebugOn then
155: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
156: else
157: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
158: end if;
160: FOR l_current_line in l_start_line .. l_end_line LOOP
161: begin

Line 163: hr_utility.trace(l_current_line ||

160: FOR l_current_line in l_start_line .. l_end_line LOOP
161: begin
162: l_tmp_line := DebugList(l_current_line);
163: hr_utility.trace(l_current_line ||
164: ': ' ||
165: rtrim(l_tmp_line));
166: exception
167: when no_data_found then

Line 168: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');

164: ': ' ||
165: rtrim(l_tmp_line));
166: exception
167: when no_data_found then
168: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');
169: return;
170: end;
171: END LOOP;

Line 173: hr_utility.trace('');

169: return;
170: end;
171: END LOOP;
173: hr_utility.trace('');
174: hr_utility.trace('');
175: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP');
176: hr_utility.trace('');
177: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 174: hr_utility.trace('');

170: end;
171: END LOOP;
173: hr_utility.trace('');
174: hr_utility.trace('');
175: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP');
176: hr_utility.trace('');
177: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 175: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP');

171: END LOOP;
173: hr_utility.trace('');
174: hr_utility.trace('');
175: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP');
176: hr_utility.trace('');
177: hr_utility.trace('');
179: END;

Line 176: hr_utility.trace('');

173: hr_utility.trace('');
174: hr_utility.trace('');
175: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP');
176: hr_utility.trace('');
177: hr_utility.trace('');
179: END;

Line 177: hr_utility.trace('');

173: hr_utility.trace('');
174: hr_utility.trace('');
175: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP');
176: hr_utility.trace('');
177: hr_utility.trace('');
179: END;
181: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 203: hr_utility.trace('');

199: l_end_line NUMBER;
200: l_tmp_line VARCHAR2(120);
201: BEGIN
203: hr_utility.trace('');
204: hr_utility.trace('');
205: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
206: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LIKE: no lines to dump');
207: if DebugOn then

Line 204: hr_utility.trace('');

200: l_tmp_line VARCHAR2(120);
201: BEGIN
203: hr_utility.trace('');
204: hr_utility.trace('');
205: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
206: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LIKE: no lines to dump');
207: if DebugOn then
208: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

Line 206: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LIKE: no lines to dump');

203: hr_utility.trace('');
204: hr_utility.trace('');
205: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
206: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LIKE: no lines to dump');
207: if DebugOn then
208: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
209: else
210: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

Line 208: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

204: hr_utility.trace('');
205: if DebugLineCount = 0 then
206: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LIKE: no lines to dump');
207: if DebugOn then
208: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
209: else
210: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
211: end if;
212: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 210: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

206: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LIKE: no lines to dump');
207: if DebugOn then
208: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
209: else
210: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
211: end if;
212: hr_utility.trace('');
213: hr_utility.trace('');
214: return;

Line 212: hr_utility.trace('');

208: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
209: else
210: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
211: end if;
212: hr_utility.trace('');
213: hr_utility.trace('');
214: return;
215: end if;

Line 213: hr_utility.trace('');

209: else
210: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
211: end if;
212: hr_utility.trace('');
213: hr_utility.trace('');
214: return;
215: end if;
217: l_start_line := 0;

Line 224: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LINES LIKE: ' || p_string_like);

220: if l_end_line < l_start_line then
221: l_end_line := (l_start_line + 1);
222: end if;
224: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LINES LIKE: ' || p_string_like);
225: if DebugOn then
226: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
227: else
228: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

Line 226: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

222: end if;
224: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LINES LIKE: ' || p_string_like);
225: if DebugOn then
226: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
227: else
228: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
229: end if;

Line 228: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

224: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP LINES LIKE: ' || p_string_like);
225: if DebugOn then
226: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
227: else
228: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
229: end if;
231: FOR l_current_line in l_start_line .. l_end_line LOOP
232: begin

Line 235: hr_utility.trace(l_current_line || ': ' ||

231: FOR l_current_line in l_start_line .. l_end_line LOOP
232: begin
233: l_tmp_line := DebugList(l_current_line);
234: if l_tmp_line like ('%' || p_string_like || '%') then
235: hr_utility.trace(l_current_line || ': ' ||
236: rtrim(l_tmp_line));
237: end if;
238: exception
239: when no_data_found then

Line 240: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');

236: rtrim(l_tmp_line));
237: end if;
238: exception
239: when no_data_found then
240: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');
241: return;
242: end;
243: END LOOP;

Line 245: hr_utility.trace('');

241: return;
242: end;
243: END LOOP;
245: hr_utility.trace('');
246: hr_utility.trace('');
247: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP LIKE');
248: hr_utility.trace('');
249: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 246: hr_utility.trace('');

242: end;
243: END LOOP;
245: hr_utility.trace('');
246: hr_utility.trace('');
247: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP LIKE');
248: hr_utility.trace('');
249: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 247: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP LIKE');

243: END LOOP;
245: hr_utility.trace('');
246: hr_utility.trace('');
247: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP LIKE');
248: hr_utility.trace('');
249: hr_utility.trace('');
251: END;

Line 248: hr_utility.trace('');

245: hr_utility.trace('');
246: hr_utility.trace('');
247: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP LIKE');
248: hr_utility.trace('');
249: hr_utility.trace('');
251: END;

Line 249: hr_utility.trace('');

245: hr_utility.trace('');
246: hr_utility.trace('');
247: hr_utility.trace('END OF DEBUG DUMP LIKE');
248: hr_utility.trace('');
249: hr_utility.trace('');
251: END;
253: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 265: -- Same as debug_dump, but uses hr_utility.trace.

262: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
263: -- PROCEDURE debug_dump_to_trace
264: --
265: -- Same as debug_dump, but uses hr_utility.trace.
266: --
267: -- p_trace_id is passed to hr_utility.trace_on, see pyutilty.pkb
268: -- for description of this parameter.
269: --

Line 267: -- p_trace_id is passed to hr_utility.trace_on, see pyutilty.pkb

263: -- PROCEDURE debug_dump_to_trace
264: --
265: -- Same as debug_dump, but uses hr_utility.trace.
266: --
267: -- p_trace_id is passed to hr_utility.trace_on, see pyutilty.pkb
268: -- for description of this parameter.
269: --
270: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
271: PROCEDURE debug_dump_to_trace(p_trace_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

Line 296: l_existing_trace_id := hr_utility.get_trace_id;

292: return;
293: end if;
295: -- see if trace is already on, null trace ID means no
296: l_existing_trace_id := hr_utility.get_trace_id;
298: -- turn on trace (if not already on)
299: if l_existing_trace_id is NULL then
300: hr_utility.trace_on(NULL, p_trace_id);

Line 300: hr_utility.trace_on(NULL, p_trace_id);

296: l_existing_trace_id := hr_utility.get_trace_id;
298: -- turn on trace (if not already on)
299: if l_existing_trace_id is NULL then
300: hr_utility.trace_on(NULL, p_trace_id);
301: end if;
303: hr_utility.trace('======================================');
304: hr_utility.trace('BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');

Line 303: hr_utility.trace('======================================');

299: if l_existing_trace_id is NULL then
300: hr_utility.trace_on(NULL, p_trace_id);
301: end if;
303: hr_utility.trace('======================================');
304: hr_utility.trace('BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');
306: l_start_line := 0;
307: l_end_line := (DebugLineCount - 1);

Line 304: hr_utility.trace('BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');

300: hr_utility.trace_on(NULL, p_trace_id);
301: end if;
303: hr_utility.trace('======================================');
304: hr_utility.trace('BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');
306: l_start_line := 0;
307: l_end_line := (DebugLineCount - 1);

Line 309: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: lines: ' ||

306: l_start_line := 0;
307: l_end_line := (DebugLineCount - 1);
309: hr_utility.trace('DEBUG DUMP: lines: ' ||
310: l_start_line ||
311: ' to ' ||
312: l_end_line);
313: if DebugOn then

Line 314: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');

310: l_start_line ||
311: ' to ' ||
312: l_end_line);
313: if DebugOn then
314: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
315: else
316: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
317: end if;

Line 316: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');

312: l_end_line);
313: if DebugOn then
314: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently on');
315: else
316: hr_utility.trace(' Debug is currently off');
317: end if;
319: FOR l_current_line in l_start_line .. l_end_line LOOP
320: begin

Line 322: hr_utility.trace(l_current_line ||

319: FOR l_current_line in l_start_line .. l_end_line LOOP
320: begin
321: l_tmp_line := DebugList(l_current_line);
322: hr_utility.trace(l_current_line ||
323: ': ' ||
324: rtrim(l_tmp_line));
325: exception
326: when no_data_found then

Line 327: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');

323: ': ' ||
324: rtrim(l_tmp_line));
325: exception
326: when no_data_found then
327: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');
328: -- turn off trace, but only if *we* turned it on
329: if l_existing_trace_id is not NULL then
330: hr_utility.trace_off;
331: end if;

Line 330: hr_utility.trace_off;

326: when no_data_found then
327: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');
328: -- turn off trace, but only if *we* turned it on
329: if l_existing_trace_id is not NULL then
330: hr_utility.trace_off;
331: end if;
332: return;
333: end;
334: END LOOP;

Line 336: hr_utility.trace(' ');

332: return;
333: end;
334: END LOOP;
336: hr_utility.trace(' ');
337: hr_utility.trace(' ');
338: hr_utility.trace('END OF BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');
339: hr_utility.trace('=========================================');

Line 337: hr_utility.trace(' ');

333: end;
334: END LOOP;
336: hr_utility.trace(' ');
337: hr_utility.trace(' ');
338: hr_utility.trace('END OF BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');
339: hr_utility.trace('=========================================');
341: -- turn the trace back off, if it was not already on

Line 338: hr_utility.trace('END OF BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');

334: END LOOP;
336: hr_utility.trace(' ');
337: hr_utility.trace(' ');
338: hr_utility.trace('END OF BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');
339: hr_utility.trace('=========================================');
341: -- turn the trace back off, if it was not already on
342: if l_existing_trace_id is NULL then

Line 339: hr_utility.trace('=========================================');

336: hr_utility.trace(' ');
337: hr_utility.trace(' ');
338: hr_utility.trace('END OF BALANCE VIEW DEBUG LINES');
339: hr_utility.trace('=========================================');
341: -- turn the trace back off, if it was not already on
342: if l_existing_trace_id is NULL then
343: hr_utility.trace_off;

Line 343: hr_utility.trace_off;

339: hr_utility.trace('=========================================');
341: -- turn the trace back off, if it was not already on
342: if l_existing_trace_id is NULL then
343: hr_utility.trace_off;
344: end if;
346: END;

Line 368: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');

364: l_tmp_line := DebugList(p_line_number);
365: return l_tmp_line;
366: exception
367: when no_data_found then
368: hr_utility.trace('Error retrieving debug line!');
369: return NULL;
370: end;
371: END;

Line 565: hr_utility.trace('set session var, p_name: ' || p_name ||

561: -- force upper case name, remove leading/trailin spaces
562: l_temp_name := rtrim(ltrim(upper(p_name)));
564: /*
565: hr_utility.trace('set session var, p_name: ' || p_name ||
566: ', l_temp_name: ' || l_temp_name ||
567: ', p_value: ' || p_value);
568: */
569: if SessionVarCount > 0 then

Line 1044: hr_utility.trace('');

1040: l_ctxid NUMBER;
1041: --
1042: BEGIN
1043: l_pos := p_pos;
1044: hr_utility.trace('');
1045: hr_utility.trace('==== CONTEXT KNOWN AS: ' || p_known_name);
1046: if CtxValueByPos_is_found(l_pos) then
1047: l_ctxid := CtxIdByPos(l_pos);
1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);

Line 1045: hr_utility.trace('==== CONTEXT KNOWN AS: ' || p_known_name);

1041: --
1042: BEGIN
1043: l_pos := p_pos;
1044: hr_utility.trace('');
1045: hr_utility.trace('==== CONTEXT KNOWN AS: ' || p_known_name);
1046: if CtxValueByPos_is_found(l_pos) then
1047: l_ctxid := CtxIdByPos(l_pos);
1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);
1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));

Line 1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);

1044: hr_utility.trace('');
1045: hr_utility.trace('==== CONTEXT KNOWN AS: ' || p_known_name);
1046: if CtxValueByPos_is_found(l_pos) then
1047: l_ctxid := CtxIdByPos(l_pos);
1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);
1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));
1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));

Line 1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));

1045: hr_utility.trace('==== CONTEXT KNOWN AS: ' || p_known_name);
1046: if CtxValueByPos_is_found(l_pos) then
1047: l_ctxid := CtxIdByPos(l_pos);
1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);
1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));
1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));

Line 1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));

1046: if CtxValueByPos_is_found(l_pos) then
1047: l_ctxid := CtxIdByPos(l_pos);
1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);
1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));
1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));
1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));

Line 1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));

1047: l_ctxid := CtxIdByPos(l_pos);
1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);
1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));
1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));
1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));
1055: else

Line 1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));

1048: hr_utility.trace(' context id: ' || l_ctxid);
1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));
1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));
1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));
1055: else
1056: hr_utility.trace(' NOT SET ');

Line 1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));

1049: hr_utility.trace(' name by pos: ' || CtxNameByPos(l_pos));
1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));
1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));
1055: else
1056: hr_utility.trace(' NOT SET ');
1057: end if;

Line 1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));

1050: hr_utility.trace(' val by pos: ' || CtxValueByPos(l_pos));
1051: hr_utility.trace(' id by pos: ' || CtxIdByPos(l_pos));
1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));
1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));
1055: else
1056: hr_utility.trace(' NOT SET ');
1057: end if;
1058: hr_utility.trace('');

Line 1056: hr_utility.trace(' NOT SET ');

1052: hr_utility.trace(' val by id: ' || CtxValueById(l_ctxid));
1053: hr_utility.trace(' id by id: ' || CtxIdById(l_ctxid));
1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));
1055: else
1056: hr_utility.trace(' NOT SET ');
1057: end if;
1058: hr_utility.trace('');
1060: debug_msg( 'Exiting dump_context' );

Line 1058: hr_utility.trace('');

1054: hr_utility.trace(' name by id: ' || CtxNameById(l_ctxid));
1055: else
1056: hr_utility.trace(' NOT SET ');
1057: end if;
1058: hr_utility.trace('');
1060: debug_msg( 'Exiting dump_context' );
1061: END dump_context;

Line 1939: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'NO_EXP_CHECK_FOR_THIS_DIMENSION');

1937: /*
1938: ELSE
1939: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'NO_EXP_CHECK_FOR_THIS_DIMENSION');
1940: hr_utility.raise_error;
1941: */
1943: END IF;

Line 1940: hr_utility.raise_error;

1937: /*
1938: ELSE
1939: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'NO_EXP_CHECK_FOR_THIS_DIMENSION');
1940: hr_utility.raise_error;
1941: */
1943: END IF;

Line 1977: --hr_utility.trace ( chr(10) || /* for sanity check */

1973: v_hours := to_number ( substr ( v_now, 9, 2 ) );
1974: v_minutes := to_number ( substr ( v_now, 12, 2 ) );
1975: v_seconds := to_number ( substr ( v_now, 15, 2 ) );
1977: --hr_utility.trace ( chr(10) || /* for sanity check */
1978: -- to_char ( v_hours ) || ':' ||
1979: -- to_char ( v_minutes ) || ':' ||
1980: -- to_char ( v_seconds ) ||
1981: -- chr(10)