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1 package hr_utility as
2 /* $Header: pyutilty.pkh 120.0.12010000.2 2008/12/12 10:52:39 sathkris ship $ */
3 /*
4   Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation (UK) Ltd 1993.
5   All rights reserved
7   Name:   hr_utility
9   Description:
11      -- Cover routines for FND_MESSAGE
12      -- HR trace routines
13      -- Miscellaneous other things. See also HR_GENERAL
17   Autonomous Transaction (8.1.x)
18   DBMS_SYSTEM (8.0.x)
21   Change List
22   -----------
23   dkerr          11-DEC-2002   Added NOCOPY hint to OUT and IN OUT parameters
24   dkerr          03-DEC-2002   Added debug_enabled()
25   nbristow       28-FEB-2002   Added dbdrv statements.
26   nbristow       28-FEB-2002   Changed read_trace_table to have a smaller PL/SQL
27                                table. NT could not support a large table.
28   P.Walker       24-AUG-2001   Removed pragma restriction from set_location()
29                                to enable AOL Process Logging
30                                added following procedures:
31                                log_at_statement_level()
32                                log_at_procedure_level()
33                                log_at_event_level()
34                                log_at_exception_level()
35                                log_at_error_level()
36                                log_at_unexpected_level()
37                                switch_logging_on()
38                                switch_logging_off()
39   N.Bristow      18-JUL-2001   Added read_trace_table to improve PYUPIP
40                                performance.
41   D Kerr         22-MAR-1999   Added set_trace_options
42   T Habara       03-DEC-1998   Added pragma WNDS to all the procedures and
43                                functions except for trace_on and fnd_insert.
44   M Reid         06-NOV-1998   Added language parameter to chk_product_install
45                                and created overloaded version.
46   KKOH           08-SEP-1998   Added PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES command
47                                to allow HR_DISCOVERER.GET_ACTUAL_BUDGET_VALUES
48                                function to call a procedure HRGETACT.GET_ACTUALS
49                                which references this package
51   D Kerr         20-JUL-1998     - Changes to hr_trace to ensure compatibility
52                                    with NT.
53                                  - Added trace_udf to allow FastFormula to
54                                    be traced.
55   D Kerr         09-JAN-1997     Added WNDS purity assertions to
56                                  set_location and trace.
57                                  This depends on fnd_message.raise_error
58                                  having the same (519748)
59   K Mundair      02-JUN-1997     Added procedure chk_product_install
60   D Kerr         22-DEC-1996     Added trace_on overloads,
61                                  read_trace_pipe and get_trace_id.
62   D Harris       14-SEP-1993     Changed the HR_ERROR_NUMBER number
63                                  from -20000 to -20001 form forms 4 and
64                                  10x.
65   P Gowers       05-APR-1993     Add get_message_details, get_token_details
66   P Gowers       02-MAR-1993     Add set_message_token which translates token
67   P Gowers       20-JAN-1993     Big bang.
68   C Carter       12-OCT-1999     Removed pragma restriction from SET_MESSAGE
69                                  and ORACLE_ERROR for bug 1027169.
70   Sathkris       12-DEC-2008     Added get_icx_val function
71 */
72 --
73 -- Public Package variables
74 --
76 --
77    type t_varchar180 is table of varchar2(180) index by binary_integer;
78 --
79 --  define HR error number
80   HR_ERROR_NUMBER CONSTANT number := -20001;
82 --
83 -- PIPE timeout constants
84 --
85 PIPE_READ_TIMEOUT  constant number := 600 ;
86 PIPE_PUT_TIMEOUT   constant number := 300 ;
88 --
89 -- Note, pragma only accepts numeric literals for error number, but this
90 -- number MUST be the same as the package global constant HR_ERROR_NUMBER
91 --
92   hr_error exception;
93   pragma exception_init (hr_error, -20001);
94 --
96   procedure trace (trace_data in varchar2);
97   pragma restrict_references (trace , WNDS) ;
98   -- The following overloads are used to overcome the forms PL/SQL v1
99   -- limitation which prevents defaults from being used in stored
100   -- procedures.
101   -- See package body for details of calls
102   procedure trace_on ;
103   procedure trace_on (trace_mode         in varchar2 ) ;
104   procedure trace_on (trace_mode         in varchar2,
105 		      session_identifier in varchar2 ) ;
106   procedure trace_off;
107   pragma restrict_references (trace_off , WNDS);
109   -- UDF covers
110   -- DK 26-MAR-98
111   -- Added UDF to allow formulas to be traced.
112   -- This performanes the same as trace() however it has to be
113   -- a function as procedures are not yet supported from formula
114   -- It returns 'TRUE' if tracing is enabled otherwise FALSE.
115   --
116   function  trace_udf (trace_data in varchar2) return varchar2 ;
117   pragma restrict_references (trace_udf , WNDS);
119 ---------------------------------- hr_error ----------------------------------
120 /*
121   NAME
122     hr_error  -  Returns the equivalent sqlcode of hr_error exception
124     Needed because forms 3.0/4.0 cannot handle package exception 'hr_error'
125   function hr_error return number;
126 */
127 -------------------------------- clear_message ----------------------------
128 /*
129   NAME
130     clear_message
132     clears current message text and number
133 */
134   procedure clear_message;
135   pragma restrict_references (clear_message , WNDS);
136 -------------------------------- set_message --------------------------------
137 /*
138   NAME
139     set_message
141     Calls fnd_dict package to set up the named error
142 */
143   procedure set_message (applid in number, l_message_name in varchar2);
144   --pragma restrict_references (set_message , WNDS);
145 ------------------------------ set_message_token ------------------------------
146 /*
147   NAME
148     set_message_token
150     Calls fnd_dict set set up a message token value
151 */
152   procedure set_message_token (l_token_name in varchar2,
153                                l_token_value in varchar2);
154   pragma restrict_references (set_message_token , WNDS);
155 ------------------------------ set_message_token ------------------------------
156 /*
157   NAME
158     set_message_token
160     Overloaded: Sets up a translated message token
161 */
162   procedure set_message_token (l_applid in number,
163                                l_token_name in varchar2,
164                                l_token_message in varchar2);
165   pragma restrict_references (set_message_token , WNDS);
166 -------------------------------- get_message --------------------------------
167 /*
168   NAME
169     get_message
171     Calls fnd_dict to assemble the current message text and return it
172 */
173   function get_message return varchar2;
174   pragma restrict_references (get_message , WNDS);
175 ----------------------------- get_message_details -----------------------------
176 /*
177   NAME
178     get_message_details
180     Gets the name and the application short name of the message last set
181 */
182   procedure get_message_details (msg_name in out nocopy varchar2,
183                                  msg_appl in out nocopy varchar2);
184   pragma restrict_references (get_message_details , WNDS);
185 -------------------------------- set_warning --------------------------------
186 /*
187   NAME
188     set_warning
190     Sets the package warning flag to indicate that a warning has occurred
191 */
192   procedure set_warning;
193   pragma restrict_references (set_warning , WNDS);
194 -------------------------------- check_warning --------------------------------
195 /*
196   NAME
197     check_warning
199     Returns the value of the warning flag
200 */
201   function check_warning return boolean;
202   pragma restrict_references (check_warning , WNDS);
203 -------------------------------- clear_warning --------------------------------
204 /*
205   NAME
206     clear_warning
208     Resets the package warning flag
209 */
210   procedure clear_warning;
211   pragma restrict_references (clear_warning , WNDS);
212 -------------------------------- set_location --------------------------------
213 /*
214   NAME
215     set_location
217     Sets package variables to store location name and stage number which
218     enables unexpected errors to be located more easily
219 */
220   procedure set_location (procedure_name in varchar2, stage in number);
221   -- pragma restrict_references (set_location , WNDS) ;
222 -------------------------------- oracle_error --------------------------------
223 /*
224   NAME
225     oracle_error
227     Sets generic oracle error message and passes the sqlcode, and error
228     location information
229 */
230   procedure oracle_error (oracode in number);
231   --pragma restrict_references (oracle_error , WNDS);
232 -------------------------------- raise_error --------------------------------
233 /*
234   NAME
235     raise_error
237     Performs raise_application_error but always with the same error number
238     HR_ERROR_NUMBER for consistency
239 */
240   procedure raise_error;
241   pragma restrict_references (raise_error , WNDS);
242 -------------------------------- fnd_insert --------------------------------
243 /*
244   NAME
245     fnd_insert
247     Inserts a row into FND_SESSIONS for the date passed for the current
248     session id
249 */
250   procedure fnd_insert (l_effective_date in date);
252 -------------------------------- read_trace_pipe  ----------------------------
253 /*
254   NAME
255     read_trace_pipe
257     Reads the next message from the pipe
258     Bug ?????? Using a default parameter was causing problems on NT
259     For now include an overload
260 */
261 procedure read_trace_pipe(p_pipename in varchar2,
262 		 	  p_status   in out nocopy number,
263 		          p_retval   in out nocopy varchar2 ) ;
264 pragma restrict_references (read_trace_pipe , WNDS);
266 procedure read_trace_pipe(p_pipename in varchar2,
267 			  p_timeout  in number,
268 		 	  p_status   in out nocopy number,
269 		          p_retval   in out nocopy varchar2 ) ;
270 pragma restrict_references (read_trace_pipe , WNDS);
271 -------------------------------- read_trace_table -----------------------------
272 /*
273   NAME
274     read_trace_table
276     Reads the next message from the named pipe into a PL/SQL table.
278     If the pipename is PIPEnnnn then after the given timeout period.
279     The routine will check whether the corresponding session still
280     exists. Support for other types may be added later.
284        p_pipename      Name of the pipe
285        p_status        The return status from DBMS_PIPE.RECEIEVE_MESSAGE
286        p_retval        The text PL/SQL table containing the messages
287        p_messages      The maximum number of entries that should be placed
288                        in the PL/SQL table.
289        p_cnt_mess      The number of entries actually created in PL/SQL
290                        table.
291 */
292 procedure read_trace_table(p_pipename in varchar2,
293                            p_status   in out nocopy number,
294                            p_retval   in out nocopy t_varchar180,
295                            p_messages in number,
296                            p_cnt_mess in out nocopy number );
297 -------------------------------- get_trace_id  -------------------------------
298 /*
299   NAME
300     get_trace_id
302     Returns the name of the PIPE that HR trace statements are written
303     to
304 */
305   function get_trace_id return varchar2 ;
306   pragma restrict_references (get_trace_id , WNDS);
307 -------------------------------- chk_product_install -------------------------
308 /*
309   NAME
310     chk_product_install
312     Checks whether the product specified is installed for the legislation
313     specified
315     p_product      Name of the product in initcap
316     p_legislation  Legislation code(US,GB...)
317 */
318 function chk_product_install (
319         p_product             VARCHAR2,
320         p_legislation         VARCHAR2,
321         p_language            VARCHAR2) return boolean;
322 pragma restrict_references (chk_product_install , WNDS);
324 function chk_product_install (
325         p_product             VARCHAR2,
326         p_legislation         VARCHAR2) return boolean;
327 pragma restrict_references (chk_product_install , WNDS);
329 ----------------------------- log_at_statement_level -------------------------
330 /*
331   NAME
332       log_at_statement_level
335       Used for low level logging messages giving maximum detail
336       Example:  Copying string from buffer xyz to buffer zyx
340     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
342     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
343                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
345     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
346             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
347             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
348             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
349             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
353             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
350             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
351             within a routine.
352             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
354             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
355             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
356             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
357             validation code might have several log calls in different places
358             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
359             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
360             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
361             though they all exist in different code locations.
362             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
363                       myfeature.done_exec
365     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
366               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
367               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
368               code execution.
369               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
370 */
372 procedure log_at_statement_level
373                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
374                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
375                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
376                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null);
378 ----------------------------- log_at_procedure_level -------------------------
379 /*
380   NAME
381       log_at_procedure_level
385       Used to log messages called upon entry and/or exit from a routine
386       Example:  Entering routine fdllov()
390     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
392     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
393                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
395     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
396             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
397             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
398             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
399             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
400             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
401             within a routine.
402             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
403             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
404             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
405             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
406             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
407             validation code might have several log calls in different places
408             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
409             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
410             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
411             though they all exist in different code locations.
412             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
413                       myfeature.done_exec
415     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
416               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
417               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
418               code execution.
419               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
420 */
422 procedure log_at_procedure_level
423                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
424                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
425                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
426                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null);
428 -------------------------------- log_at_event_level -------------------------
429 /*
430   NAME
431       log_at_event_level
434       Used for high level logging message
435       Examples: User pressed "Abort" button
436                 Beginning establishment of apps security session
440     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
442     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
443                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
445     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
446             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
447             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
448             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
449             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
450             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
451             within a routine.
452             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
453             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
454             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
455             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
459             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
456             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
457             validation code might have several log calls in different places
458             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
460             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
461             though they all exist in different code locations.
462             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
463                       myfeature.done_exec
465     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
466               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
467               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
468               code execution.
469               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
470 */
472 procedure log_at_event_level
473                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
474                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
475                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
476                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null);
478 ----------------------------- log_at_exception_level -------------------------
479 /*
480   NAME
481       log_at_exception_level
483       Used to to log a message when an internal routine is returning a failure
484       code or exception, but the error does not necessarily indicate a problem
485       at the user's level.
487       Examples: Profile ABC not found,
488                 Networking routine XYZ could not connect; retrying.
489                 File not found (in a low-level file routine)
490                 Database error (in a low-level database routine like afupi)
493     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
495     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
496                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
498     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
499             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
500             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
501             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
502             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
503             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
504             within a routine.
505             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
506             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
507             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
508             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
509             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
510             validation code might have several log calls in different places
511             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
512             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
513             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
514             though they all exist in different code locations.
515             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
516                       myfeature.done_exec
518     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
519               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
520               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
521               code execution.
522               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
523 */
525 procedure log_at_exception_level
526                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
527                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
528                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
529                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null);
531 -------------------------------- log_at_error_level -------------------------
532 /*
533   NAME
534       log_at_error_level
536       An error message to the user; logged automatically by Message
537       Dict calls to "Error()" routines, but can also be logged
538       by other code.
540       Examples: User entered a duplicate value for field XYZ
541                 Invalid apps username or password at Signon screen.
542                 Function not available
546     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
548     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
549                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
551     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
552             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
553             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
554             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
555             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
556             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
557             within a routine.
558             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
559             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
563             validation code might have several log calls in different places
560             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
561             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
562             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
564             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
565             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
566             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
567             though they all exist in different code locations.
568             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
569                       myfeature.done_exec
571     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
572               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
573               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
574               code execution.
575               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
576 */
578 procedure log_at_error_level
579                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
580                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
581                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
582                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null);
584 --------------------------- log_at_unexpected_level -------------------------
585 /*
586   NAME
587       log_at_unexpected_level
589       An unexpected situation occurred which is likely to indicate
590       or cause instabilities in the runtime behavior, and which
591       the System Administrator needs to take action on.
592       Note to developers: Think very carefully before logging
593       messages at this level; Administrators are going to get worried
594       and file high priority bugs if your code logs at this level
595       frequently.
597       Examples: Out of memory, Required file not found, Data integrity error
598                 Network integrity error, Internal error, Fatal database error
602     p_product         Short name of the application e.g. 'pay', 'per',...
604     p_procedure_name  name of calling procedure including package name
605                       eg. package_name.procedure_name
607     p_label A unique name for the part within the procedure.  The major
608             reason for providing the label is to make a module name uniquely
609             identify exactly one log call.   This will allow support analysts
610             or programmers who look at logs to know exactly which piece of code
611             produced your message, even without looking at the message (which
612             may be translated).  So make labels for each log statement unique
613             within a routine.
614             If it is desired to group a number of log calls from different
615             routines and files into a group that can be enabled or disabled
616             atomically, this can be done with a two part label.  The first part
617             would be the functional group name, and the second part would be
618             the unique code location.  For instance, descriptive flexfield
619             validation code might have several log calls in different places
620             with labels desc_flex_val.check_value,
621             desc_flex_val.display_window, and desc_flex_val.parse_code.  Those
622             would all be enabled by enabling module fnd.%.desc_flex_val even
623             though they all exist in different code locations.
624             Examples: begin, lookup_app_id, parse_sql_failed,
625                       myfeature.done_exec
627     p_message This is the string that will actually be written to the log file.
628               It will be crafted by the programmer to clearly tell the reader
629               whatever information needs to be conveyed about the state of the
630               code execution.
631               if p_message is omitted the message will default to p_label
632 */
634 procedure log_at_unexpected_level
635                 (p_product          IN VARCHAR2
636                 ,p_procedure_name   IN VARCHAR2
637                 ,p_label            IN VARCHAR2
638                 ,p_message          IN VARCHAR2 default null);
640 -------------------------------- switch_logging_on -------------------------
641 /*
642   NAME
643     switch_logging_on
645     Turns on AOL debug message logging at specified level when not using
646     standard applications login (eg sqlplus session). Logging is enabled
647     for a user by setting user profile options. The user and responsibility
648     can be specified with p_user_id and p_responsibility_id .If p_user_id
649     is not specified the user will default to SYSADMIN. If p_responsibility_id
650     is not specified the responsibility will default to the first
651     responsibility in the list of responsibilities for the user ordered by
652     responsibility_id.
656     p_logging_level:       possible values: FND_LOG.LEVEL_UNEXPECTED
657                                         FND_LOG.LEVEL_ERROR
658                                         FND_LOG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION
659                                         FND_LOG.LEVEL_EVENT
660                                         FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE
661                                         FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
665 */
662                            default is FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT
663     p_user_id:             user id for which logging will be enabled
664     p_responsibility_id:   responsibility id for which logging will be enabled
667 procedure switch_logging_on
668                 (p_logging_level     in number default fnd_log.level_statement
669                 ,p_user_id           in number default null
670                 ,p_responsibility_id in number default null);
673 -------------------------------- switch_logging_off -------------------------
674 /*
675   NAME
676     switch_logging_off
678     Turns off AOL debug messaging previously turned on by calling
679     switch_logging_on. Logging is disabled by setting user profile
680     options for the user defined in the prior call to switch_logging_on.
681     If switch_logging_on is not called before calling
682     switch_logging_off, the user is set to 'SYSADMIN'.
684 */
686 procedure switch_logging_off;
688 -- DK 22-MAR-1999. Added to end of the package to avoid recompilations
689 procedure set_trace_options (p_options         in varchar2 ) ;
690 --
691 -------------------------------- debug_enabled -------------------------
692 /*
693   NAME
694     debug_enabled
696     Returns TRUE if the logging function if either HR Trace is enabled
697     or if AOL Logging has been enabled at procedure level.
699     This is currently implemented as a function call. This may be changed
700     to a public variable at some point. Don't use the empty argument list
701     form eg. hr_utility.debug_enabled() when referring to this function.
703     This is intended to be used a performance optimization to limit the
704     number of package function calls made in code that is called _very_
705     frequently.
707     The typical usage will be like this :
710     package body some_package is
712          ...
713          ...
714          g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
716          ...
717          ...
720          procedure public_procedure(params,..) is
721          l_proc   varchar2(72) ;
722          begin
724             g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled ;
726             if (g_debug) then
727               l_proc := g_package||'chk_type_id';
728               hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
729             end if;
731              ...
732              ...
734             if (g_debug) then
735               hr_utility.trace('xyz')
736             end if;
738              ...
739              ...
742             if (g_debug) then
743               fnd_log.string(parameters,...);
744             end if;
746              ...
748         end public_procedure ;
751         Note that in most cases it is sufficient to synchronize the
752         value of g_debug only in the implementations of public procedures
753         and functions.
757     *None*
758 */
759 --
760 function debug_enabled return boolean;
761 --
765   /*Function added to get the ICX Attribute values */
766    FUNCTION get_icx_val(p_attribute_name varchar2,p_session_id number)
769 end hr_utility;