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2 /* $Header: FAVPOLB.pls 120.11.12010000.1 2008/07/28 13:18:47 appldev ship $ */
4 -- === Overview ============================================================ --
5 --
6 -- The Polish Tax Enhancement feature is fairly complicated with a number of
7 -- business rules that do not follow normal Fixed Assets behaviour.  Therefore,
8 -- I am going to summarize a few points here.  For a more in-depth look at
9 -- this feature, refer to the design document or the official published
10 -- documentation.  For precise formulas such as the formula for calculating
11 -- the new basis after a negative adjustment, refer to the code.
12 --
13 -- Definitions:
14 -- -------------
15 -- adjusted_cost: depreciation basis for an asset to derive deprn amount
16 -- adjusted_recoverable_cost: cost that determines when an asset becomes
17 --    fully reserved.
18 --
19 -- Polish Mechanisms or Rules:
20 --   ---> : change happens automatically when moving from year 1 to year 2
21 --   -?-> : switch test is performed to check if method moves to next code
22 --
23 --   1: 30 ---> D2 -?-> FR
24 --   2: 30 ---> FR
25 --   3: DM ---> D2 -?-> FR
26 --   4: DM ---> FR
27 --   5: SD -?-> FR
28 --
29 -- Switch Codes:
30 --   30: adjusted rate = 30% in period asset placed in service
31 --     : ignore prorate convention
32 --     : no deprn in rest of first year after first periods
33 --     : basis = adjusted_cost
34 --   D2: adjusted rate = flat rate * deprn factor
35 --     : basis = adjusted_cost - previous year reserve + first year reserve
36 --   SD: adjusted rate = flat rate * deprn factor
37 --     : basis = adjusted_cost - previous year reserve
38 --   DM: adjusted rate = flat rate * alternate deprn factor
39 --     : basis = adjusted_cost
40 --   FR: adjusted rate = flat rate
41 --     : basis = adjusted_cost
42 --
43 -- Basic Features:
44 -- ----------------
45 -- Polish assets are assets that are assigned to a flat-rate method using
46 -- one of the five Polish depreciation basis rules in addition to a bonus rule.
47 -- The bonus rule determines the deprn factor and alternate deprn factor.
48 --
49 -- Throughout the asset's life, it moves from one rate, which is determined
50 -- by the switch code, to another.  Sometimes the switch happens automatically,
51 -- such as for some mechanisms from year 1 to year 2.  Other times, you need
52 -- to run a switch test to see if the asset moves to the next method in the
53 -- chain.  The switch test happens only at the close of the fiscal and
54 -- determines the rate for all of the periods in that year.  In general, the
55 -- switch test checks to see which code will generate the greater monthly
56 -- depreciation in the year and returns that code.  Once an asset has moved
57 -- to the next part of the chain, it cannot revert back to a previous one.
58 --
59 -- In addition to the rate, the switch code also determines the depreciation
60 -- basis for an asset.  The formulas for the rate and the depreciation basis
61 -- for each switch code is in the definitions section.
62 --
63 -- When you perform a transaction on an asset, it may affect the basis for
64 -- that asset immediately or not take affect until the next fiscal year
65 -- depending on the transaction and the switch code the asset currently has.
66 -- For a negative cost adjustment, the formula to determine the new basis is
67 -- also predicated on the value of the polish adjustment calculate basis flag
68 -- which is tied to the method.
69 --
70 -- Partial retirement:
71 --   basis: for formula see Calc_Basis_Partial_Ret procedure
72 --
73 -- Negative adjustment w/ polish_adj_calc_basis_flag set to Yes:
74 --   basis: for formula see Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_Yes procedure
75 --
76 -- Negative adjustment w/ polish_adj_calc_basis_flag set to No:
77 --   basis: for formula see Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_No
78 --
79 -- Positive adjustment
80 --   basis: if switch is FR, take new adjusted_cost as basis immediately
81 --        : otherwise, do not take it until next fiscal year, running new
82 --        : new adjusted_cost through the switch test if necessary.
83 --
84 -- In addition, if you do a negative adjustment, the asset can over-depreciate.
85 -- That is, when a new basis is calculated for the asset, the asset's
86 -- adjusted_recoverable_cost is also set to this amount so that the asset can
87 -- depreciate to this new basis amount even if it is greater than the asset's
88 -- cost.  This brings up an important point with regard to the code.  The
89 -- Polish asset's adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable cost that it uses
90 -- to determine the depreciation basis are the ones in fa_books.  Instead, I
91 -- currently use polish_deprn_basis in fa_books_summary for adjusted_cost and
92 -- polish_adj_rec_cost in fa_books_summary for adjusted_recoverable_cost.
93 -- The reason for this is that I treat the values in fa_books as the baseline.
94 -- For example, when the user changes the cost from 20,000 to 12,000, the
95 -- value of adjusted_cost and adjusted_recoverable_cost are both 12,000 in
96 -- fa_books.  However, since we need to run negative adjustments through a
97 -- formula to determine the basis, etc, these numbers will be different from
98 -- the 12,000.  However, I still want the user to see the 12,000, so if they
99 -- perform an subsequent transactions on the asset, they are using the 12,000
100 -- figure and not the new figure calculated by the program.  Therefore, for
101 -- Polish assets, the depreciation basis and the adjusted_recoverable_cost
102 -- used to determine when the asset becomes fully reserved are essentially
103 -- internal figures and not ones that the user sees.  Of course, we could
104 -- display these figures in fields separately that the user can see such as
105 -- in the new new book value of the asset.
106 --
107 -- This Polish procedure is currently called from the depreciation engine
108 -- and the adjustment API (when catchup is needed).  For this, we have two
109 -- modes, DEPRN and ADJUSTMENT.  We have separate code for adjustments
110 -- because none of the rows have been inserted into the tables when
111 -- catchup is called.  Therefore, we can't derive from the tables when
112 -- the adjustment occurred, how much was adjusted, and so forth.  During
113 -- depreciation, all of this is stored in the tables, so we can drill down
114 -- and obtain the information we need that way.  For adjustments, we are
115 -- currently reading some global variables that the adjustment API provides,
116 -- and this is enough to calculate the appropriate rate and cost.  Note
117 -- that using global variables is not an ideal solution as they do not work
118 -- if called from OA Framework since the variables are reset constantly and
119 -- not when you expect.
120 --
121 -- Business Rules:
122 -- ----------------
123 -- This is a summary of different business rules that Polish assets need to
124 -- follow.  Some of them have been mentioned previously.
125 --
126 -- * Assets with a switch code of 30, take a flat rate of 30% in the period
127 --   they are placed in service regardless of prorate convention.  On a
128 --   related note, please remember if you are using a following month prorate
129 --   convention for a Polish asset using one of the other rules, if you have
130 --   the Depreciate When Placed in Service Flag checked for your following
131 --   month prorate convention in the Setup Prorate Conventions form, the asset
132 --   will still take depreciation in the period it was added.  For example, if
133 --   you add such an asset in October 2003 with a following month prorate
134 --   convention and the Depreciate When Placed In Service flag checked, the
135 --   asset will take two months depreciation (November and December) for the
136 --   rest of 2003 because it is a following month convention.  However, it will
137 --   spread these two months of depreciation across three months since it will
138 --   begin depreciating in October.  If the Depreciate When Placed In Service
139 --   flag is not checked, the asset would begin depreciating in November 2003
140 --   and spread two months of depreciation across two months, November and
141 --   December as you would expect.
142 --
143 -- * You can never move backwards in the switch chain.  For example, after
144 --   an asset moves to FR, it can never move back to SD, even if you made a
145 --   cost adjustment to the asset where if you performed the switch test,
146 --   it would result in SD.  It still must stay FR.
147 --
148 -- * The switch test for the next year is determined after the close of the
149 --   last period in the fiscal year.  Therefore even if you do an adjustment
150 --   in the first period of the next year before depreciation is charged,
151 --   the switch test is still performed based upon the values for the last
152 --   year.  All subsequent rules for that switch code also apply for the first
153 --   period of that year.  Therefore, if the first period is supposed to be
154 --   SD, all rules regarding SD apply such as a positive cost adjustment
155 --   does not affect the basis for SD in the year of adjustment.
156 --
157 -- * For a positive cost adjustment, the basis only changes in the current
158 --   year if the switch is FR.  For any other code, the basis remains the
159 --   same until the next year when the new cost takes affect.
160 --
161 -- * For a negative cost adjustment, the basis changes immediately for any
162 --   switch value except 30 since all periods after 30 don't depreciate at all.
163 --
164 -- * For partial retirement, the basis changes immediately for any switch
165 --   value except 30.
166 --
167 -- * Backdated adjustments across fiscal years do not affect the switch in
168 --   those years.  Therefore, when you are calculating the catchup in those
169 --   previous years, the rates stay the same as they were.  In addition, the
170 --   basis may not change either, depending on whether it is allowed.  For
171 --   example, if you do a backdated positive adjustment on year, and the
172 --   previous year were SD, the basis would not change in that previous year
173 --   either.  The basis would change if it were FR or a negative adjustment
174 --   instead of a positive one.  Note that since partial retirements cannot
175 --   cross fiscal years, this is not relevant for this type of transaction.
176 --
177 -- * If you have multiple adjustments in the same period, you take the
178 --   summation of the adjustments to determine the net adjustment for the
179 --   period and treat this as a single cost change rather than taking the
180 --   adjustments individually.  For example, if you have a positive
181 --   adjustments of 100 and a negative adjustment of 25, you treat this as
182 --   a positive 75 adjustment.
183 --
184 -- Possible Improvements:
185 -- -----------------------
186 -- One thing mentioned is the use of global variables and the drawbacks.
187 -- These should be removed ideally.
188 --
189 -- One thing that I do not do here that could be improved is the
190 -- calculate of the switch code.  That is, typically, the switch
191 -- only need to be calculated at the end of the year, and at times
192 -- when a transaction occurs.  However, I calculate the switch
193 -- during every period regardless.  Theoretically, in the middle of a
194 -- year w/ no transactions, I could take a look at the switch_code in
195 -- fa_books_summary, and just use that for the current period.  If
196 -- performance improvements need to be made, that can be one of the
197 -- first places to look.  One of the reasons that I didn't do this
198 -- was that I wanted to make the code as generic as possible.  That is,
199 -- when transactions occur, you do need to do the switch mid-year on
200 -- occasion.  When backdated adjustments happen, you might need to do
201 -- this over a range of periods, and here the switch_code in
202 -- fa_books_summary may not give you the value that you are looking
203 -- for anymore since that was the switch value at the time of that
204 -- period, but now that the backdated adjustment has occurred, it's
205 -- obsolete.  To try to avoid these complexities, I just do the
206 -- switch all the time even though there are performance drawbacks.
207 --
208 -- ============================================================ Overview === --
210 PROCEDURE Calc_Polish_Rate_Cost (
211                     p_Book_Type_Code         IN            VARCHAR2,
212                     p_Asset_Id               IN            NUMBER,
213                     p_Polish_Rule            IN            NUMBER,
214                     p_Deprn_Factor           IN            NUMBER,
215                     p_Alternate_Deprn_Factor IN            NUMBER,
216                     p_Polish_Adj_Calc_Basis_Flag
217                                              IN            VARCHAR2,
218                     p_Rate                   IN            NUMBER,
219                     p_Depreciate_Flag        IN            VARCHAR2,
220                     p_Adjusted_Cost          IN            NUMBER,
221                     p_Recoverable_Cost       IN            NUMBER,
222                     p_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost
223                                              IN            NUMBER,
224                     p_Fiscal_Year            IN            NUMBER,
225                     p_Period_Num             IN            NUMBER,
226                     p_Periods_Per_Year       IN            NUMBER,
227                     p_Year_Retired           IN            VARCHAR2,
228                     p_MRC_Sob_Type_Code      IN            VARCHAR2,
229                     x_Rate                      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
230                     x_Depreciate_Flag           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
231                     x_Adjusted_Cost             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
232                     x_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost
233                                                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
234                     x_Success                   OUT NOCOPY INTEGER,
235                     p_Calling_Fn             IN            VARCHAR2,
237                     p_log_level_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
238 IS
240    l_period_counter              number(15);
241    l_first_period_counter        number(15);
242    l_first_fiscal_year           number(4);
243    l_year_of_life                number(15);
244    l_old_adjusted_cost           number;
245    l_adjusted_cost               number;
246    l_adjusted_recoverable_cost   number;
247    l_adjusted_rate               number;
248    l_depreciate_flag             varchar2(3);
249    l_switch_code                 varchar2(2);
251    l_adjusted_cost_old           number;
252    l_adj_rec_cost_old            number;
254    l_transaction_type_code       varchar2(20);
255    l_transaction_header_id       number(15);
257    l_adjustment_amount           number;
258    l_retirement_amount           number;
259    l_bef_trxn_period_counter     number(15);
260    l_pos_neg_adjustment          varchar2(3);
261    l_prev_adj_rec_cost           number;
262    l_prev_basis                  number;
263    l_prev_reserve                number;
265    l_first_year_period_counter   number(15);
266    l_prev_year_period_counter    number(15);
267    l_first_year_reserve          number;
268    l_prev_year_reserve           number;
269    l_prev_year_adjusted_cost     number;
270    l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost      number;
271    l_min_period_counter          number;
273    l_previous_year_adjustment    boolean;
274    l_previous_year_retirement    boolean;
276    l_open_period_counter         number(15);
277    l_bs_row                      number(15);
279    polish_err                    exception;
286    l_previous_year_adjustment := FALSE;
283    -- === Initializations ================================================== --
285    l_transaction_type_code := 'NONE';
287    l_previous_year_retirement := FALSE;
289    l_first_year_reserve := 0;
290    l_prev_year_reserve := 0;
292    -- Fix for Bug #3649102.  Need to initialize this in case we're in 1st yr
293    l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost := p_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
295    if (p_Calling_Fn = 'fadpdp.faxgpolr') then
296       -- We are calling this from the deprn engine.  Set the mode.
297       FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode := 'DEPRN';
298    elsif (p_Calling_Fn = 'faproj.faxgpolr') then
299       FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode := 'PROJECT';
300    elsif (p_Calling_Fn = 'fa_cde_pkg.whatif.faxgpolr') then
301       FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode := 'WHATIF';
302    end if;
304    -- Derive current period_counter.  Note that this may be different from
305    -- the current open period if we are looping through backdated periods.
306    l_period_counter := (p_Fiscal_Year * p_Periods_Per_Year) + p_Period_Num;
308    -- Determine the year_of_life.  For a Polish asset, the first year is
309    -- always the year of the dpis regardless of the prorate convention.
310    begin
312       if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
314          select fy.fiscal_year
315          into   l_first_fiscal_year
316          from   fa_fiscal_year fy,
317                 fa_book_controls_mrc_v bc,
318                 fa_books_mrc_v bks
319          where  bc.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
320          and    bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
321          and    bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
322          and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
323          and    bks.transaction_header_id_out is null
324          and    bks.date_placed_in_service between
325                 fy.start_date and fy.end_date;
327          select dp.period_counter
328          into   l_first_period_counter
329          from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp,
330                 fa_books_mrc_v bks
331          where  dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
332          and    bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
333          and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
334          and    bks.transaction_header_id_out is null
335          and    bks.date_placed_in_service between
336                 dp.calendar_period_open_date and dp.calendar_period_close_date;
338          select period_counter
339          into   l_open_period_counter
340          from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v
341          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
342          and    period_close_date is null;
344       else
346          select fy.fiscal_year
347          into   l_first_fiscal_year
348          from   fa_fiscal_year fy,
349                 fa_book_controls bc,
350                 fa_books bks
351          where  bc.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
352          and    bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
353          and    bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
354          and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
355          and    bks.transaction_header_id_out is null
356          and    bks.date_placed_in_service between
357                 fy.start_date and fy.end_date;
359          select dp.period_counter
360          into   l_first_period_counter
361          from   fa_deprn_periods dp,
362                 fa_books bks
363          where  dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
364          and    bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
365          and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
366          and    bks.transaction_header_id_out is null
367          and    bks.date_placed_in_service between
368                 dp.calendar_period_open_date and dp.calendar_period_close_date;
370          select period_counter
371          into   l_open_period_counter
372          from   fa_deprn_periods
373          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
374          and    period_close_date is null;
376       end if;
377    exception
378       when others then
379          -- We're going to assume that if there are errors, the asset is
380          -- too old for the calendar, so we'll just set the first year to 0
381          l_first_fiscal_year := 0;
382          l_first_period_counter := 0;
383    end;
385    l_year_of_life := p_Fiscal_Year - l_first_fiscal_year + 1;
387    -- For an adjustment, the p_Adjusted_Cost passed in is not necessarily the
388    -- new cost.  We will need to derive this amount.
389    if (FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode = 'ADJUSTMENT') then
391       if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
393          select adjusted_cost
394          into   l_old_adjusted_cost
395          from   fa_books_mrc_v
396          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
397          and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
398          and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
400       else
402          select adjusted_cost
403          into   l_old_adjusted_cost
404          from   fa_books
405          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
406          and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
407          and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
408       end if;
410       l_adjusted_cost := FA_POLISH_PVT.adjustment_amount + l_old_adjusted_cost;
411    else
412       l_adjusted_cost := p_Adjusted_Cost;
413    end if;
415    -- Save parameters into local variables if we may be modifying them
416    l_adjusted_recoverable_cost := p_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
417    l_adjusted_rate := p_Rate;
418    l_depreciate_flag := p_Depreciate_Flag;
420    -- ============================================== End Initializations === --
421    --                                                                        --
422    -- === Initial Checks =================================================== --
424    -- If before first period of life, then just return
425    if (l_period_counter < l_first_period_counter) then
426       x_Rate := 0;
427       x_Depreciate_Flag := l_depreciate_flag;
428       x_Adjusted_Cost := l_adjusted_cost;
429       x_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost := l_adjusted_recoverable_cost;
430       X_Success := 1;
431       return;
432    end if;
434    -- If we are not calling this from a recognized program, then error.
435    if (FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode not in ('DEPRN', 'ADJUSTMENT',
436                                           'PROJECT', 'WHATIF')) then
438       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
439          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_polish_rate_cost',
440          name       => '***FA_POLISH_INVALID_MODE***',
441          p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec);
443       raise polish_err;
444    end if;
446    -- =============================================== End Initial Checks === --
447    --                                                                        --
448    -- === Check Transactions =============================================== --
450    if (FA_POLISH_PVT.calling_mode = 'ADJUSTMENT') then
451       -- If we are currently doing an adjustment, no rows for the adjustment
452       -- will be been added yet, so there will not exist rows for the
453       -- adjustment in fa_transaction_headers or fa_adjustments.
454       l_transaction_type_code := 'ADJUSTMENT';
456    else
458       -- Check to see if any transactions have been performed on this asset,
459       -- specifically, adjustments and partial retirements, which would affect
460       -- the rate and deprn basis.  We want to get the most recent transaction.
462       -- Fix for Bug #3629991.  Added transaction_header_id to select b/c
463       -- we may have multiple transactions to select from fa_adjustments
464       -- later.
465       begin
466          select transaction_type_code,
467                 transaction_header_id
468          into   l_transaction_type_code,
469                 l_transaction_header_id
470          from   fa_transaction_headers
471          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
472          and    asset_id = p_Asset_ID
473          and    transaction_type_code in ('ADJUSTMENT', 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT')
474          and    transaction_header_id =
475          (
476           select max(transaction_header_id)
477           from   fa_transaction_headers
478           where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
479           and    asset_id = p_Asset_ID
480           and    transaction_type_code in ('ADJUSTMENT', 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT')
481          );
483       exception
484          when no_data_found then
485             -- No adjustments or partial retirements found
486             l_transaction_type_code := 'NONE';
487       end;
488    end if;
490    -- =========================================== End Check Transactions === --
491    --                                                                        --
492    -- === Calculate Transaction Values ===================================== --
493    -- If there are transactions that were done, let's calculate some
494    -- intermediate values since nearly every scenario will require them.
496    if (l_transaction_type_code <> 'NONE') then
498       if (not FA_POLISH_PVT.Calc_Trxn_Values (
499                     p_book_type_code          => p_book_type_code,
500                     p_asset_id                => p_asset_id,
501                     p_transaction_type_code   => l_transaction_type_code,
502                     p_transaction_header_id   => l_transaction_header_id,
503                     p_first_period_counter    => l_first_period_counter,
504                     p_mrc_sob_type_code       => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
505                     p_calling_mode            => fa_polish_pvt.calling_mode,
506                     x_adjustment_amount       => l_adjustment_amount,
507                     x_retirement_amount       => l_retirement_amount,
508                     x_bef_trxn_period_counter => l_bef_trxn_period_counter,
509                     x_pos_neg_adjustment      => l_pos_neg_adjustment,
510                     x_prev_basis              => l_prev_basis,
511                     x_prev_adj_rec_cost       => l_prev_adj_rec_cost,
512                     x_prev_reserve            => l_prev_reserve,
513                     p_log_level_rec           => p_log_level_rec
514       )) then
515          raise polish_err;
516       end if;
517    end if;
519    -- ================================= End Calculate Transaction Values === --
520    --                                                                        --
521    -- === Calculate Transaction Switch Values ============================== --
526    -- new deprn basis may be derived differently based on these values.
523    -- After the first year, we need to calculate some new values because a
524    -- transaction in the middle of a year can cause a switch test to be
525    -- re-done, especially if it is a backdated adjustment.  Therefore the
528    if ((l_year_of_life > 1) and (p_Year_Retired = 'N')) then
530       -- The previous year last period counter is period_ctr - per
531       l_prev_year_period_counter := l_period_counter - p_Period_Num;
533       -- The first year last period counter is (begin_fy + 1) * 12)
534       l_first_year_period_counter := (l_first_fiscal_year + 1) * 12;
536       if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
537          select  deprn_reserve
538          into    l_first_year_reserve
539          from    fa_deprn_summary_mrc_v
540          where   book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
541          and     asset_id = p_Asset_Id
542          and     period_counter = l_first_year_period_counter;
544          select  deprn_reserve
545          into    l_prev_year_reserve
546          from    fa_deprn_summary_mrc_v
547          where   book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
548          and     asset_id = p_Asset_Id
549          and     period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter;
551          -- Fix for Bug #5550557.  Need to catch if books summary row
552          -- does not exist.
553          begin
555             select  polish_deprn_basis,
556                     polish_adj_rec_cost
557             into    l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
558                     l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
559             from    fa_books_summary_mrc_v
560             where   book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
561             and     asset_id = p_Asset_Id
562             and     period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter;
564             -- Fix for Bug #5907258.  If these values are null, can cause
565             -- data corruption.  Needs to be fixed first.
566             if (l_prev_year_adjusted_cost is null) or
567                (l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost is null) then
569                fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
570                   calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_polish_rate_cost',
571                   name       => '***FA_POLISH_NULL_COST***',
572                   p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
574                raise polish_err;
575             end if;
576          exception
578             when no_data_found then
580                select min(period_counter)
581                into   l_min_period_counter
582                from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v
583                where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code;
585                if (l_prev_year_period_counter >= l_min_period_counter) then
587                   begin
589                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
590                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
591                      into   l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
592                             l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
593                      from   fa_books_mrc_v bks
594                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
595                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
596                      and    bks.rowid =
597                      (
598                       select max(bks1.rowid)
599                       from   fa_books_mrc_v bks1,
600                              fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp
601                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
602                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
603                       and    bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
604                       and    dp.period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter
605                       and    bks1.date_effective <=
606                              nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
607                      );
608                   exception
609                      when others then
610                         l_prev_year_adjusted_cost := l_Adjusted_Cost;
611                         l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost := l_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
612                   end;
613                else
614                   begin
616                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
617                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
618                      into   l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
619                             l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
620                      from   fa_books_mrc_v bks
621                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
622                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
623                      and    bks.rowid =
624                      (
625                       select min(bks1.rowid)
626                       from   fa_books_mrc_v bks1
627                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
628                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
629                      );
630                   exception
631                      when others then
632                         l_prev_year_adjusted_cost := l_Adjusted_Cost;
633                         l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost := l_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
634                   end;
635                end if;
636          end;
638       else
639          select  deprn_reserve
640          into    l_first_year_reserve
644          and     period_counter = l_first_year_period_counter;
641          from    fa_deprn_summary
642          where   book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
643          and     asset_id = p_Asset_Id
646          select  deprn_reserve
647          into    l_prev_year_reserve
648          from    fa_deprn_summary
649          where   book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
650          and     asset_id = p_Asset_Id
651          and     period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter;
653          -- Fix for Bug #5550557.  Need to catch if books summary row
654          -- does not exist.
655          begin
657             select  polish_deprn_basis,
658                     polish_adj_rec_cost
659             into    l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
660                     l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
661             from    fa_books_summary
662             where   book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
663             and     asset_id = p_Asset_Id
664             and     period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter;
666             -- Fix for Bug #5907258.  If these values are null, can cause
667             -- data corruption.  Needs to be fixed first.
668             if (l_prev_year_adjusted_cost is null) or
669                (l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost is null) then
671                fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
672                   calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_polish_rate_cost',
673                   name       => '***FA_POLISH_NULL_COST***',
674                   p_log_level_rec  => p_log_level_rec);
676                raise polish_err;
677             end if;
679          exception
681             when no_data_found then
683                select min(period_counter)
684                into   l_min_period_counter
685                from   fa_deprn_periods
686                where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code;
688                if (l_prev_year_period_counter >= l_min_period_counter) then
690                   begin
692                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
693                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
694                      into   l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
695                             l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
696                      from   fa_books bks
697                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
698                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
699                      and    bks.rowid =
700                      (
701                       select max(bks1.rowid)
702                       from   fa_books bks1,
703                              fa_deprn_periods dp
704                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
705                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
706                       and    bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
707                       and    dp.period_counter = l_prev_year_period_counter
708                       and    bks1.date_effective <=
709                              nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
710                      );
711                   exception
712                      when others then
713                         l_prev_year_adjusted_cost := l_Adjusted_Cost;
714                         l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost := l_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
715                   end;
716                else
717                   begin
719                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
720                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
721                      into   l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
722                             l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost
723                      from   fa_books bks
724                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
725                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
726                      and    bks.rowid =
727                      (
728                       select min(bks1.rowid)
729                       from   fa_books bks1
730                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
731                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
732                      );
733                   exception
734                      when others then
735 				l_prev_year_adjusted_cost := l_Adjusted_Cost;
736 				l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost := l_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
737                   end;
738                end if;
739          end;
740       end if;
742       if (l_transaction_type_code  = 'ADJUSTMENT') then
744          -- Check to see if the ADJUSTMENT occurred in a past fiscal year
745          -- from this current period.  If it did, we will need to do the
746          -- switch test again even though we may be in the middle of the
747          -- year.  If the transaction occurred in the same fiscal year, we
748          -- may change the basis, but we would still stay with the same
749          -- switch rate since we're not doing the re-test again.
750          -- If the current period counter - period adjustment occurred >=
751          -- period num then the adjustment occurred in a previous year.
752          if (l_period_counter - (l_bef_trxn_period_counter + 1) >=
753              p_Period_Num) then
755             -- Adjustment occurred in previous year
756             l_previous_year_adjustment := TRUE;
758             -- Fix for Bug #5710413.  Need to use correct adjusted cost
762                select adjusted_cost
759             -- for the previous year.
760             if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
763                into   l_prev_year_adjusted_cost
764                from   fa_books_mrc_v
765                where  asset_id = p_asset_id
766                and    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
767                and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
769             else
770                select adjusted_cost
771                into   l_prev_year_adjusted_cost
772                from   fa_books
773                where  asset_id = p_asset_id
774                and    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
775                and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
776             end if;
778          else
779             -- Adjustment occurred in current year
780             -- ??? Do we need logic for if adjustment in a future year?
781             l_previous_year_adjustment := FALSE;
782          end if;
784       elsif (l_transaction_type_code  = 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT') then
785          -- Same logic as above.  Partial retirements cannot cross fiscal
786          -- years.  However, in the year after the retirement, we still
787          -- need to subtract the previous reserve  when doing the switch test.
788          if (l_period_counter - (l_bef_trxn_period_counter + 1) >=
789              p_Period_Num) then
791             -- Retirement occurred in previous year
792             l_previous_year_retirement := TRUE;
793          else
795             -- Retirement occurred in current year
796             -- ??? Do we need logic for if retirement in a future year?
797             l_previous_year_retirement := FALSE;
798          end if;
799       end if;
800    end if;
802    -- ========================== End Calculate Transaction Switch Values === --
803    --                                                                        --
804    -- === Derive Rate ====================================================== --
806    -- Calculate the rate and switch code for this period.
807    if (not FA_POLISH_PVT.Calc_Rate (
808                     p_book_type_code         => p_book_type_code,
809                     p_asset_id               => p_asset_id,
810                     p_polish_rule            => p_polish_rule,
811                     p_year_of_life           => l_year_of_life,
812                     p_year_retired           => p_year_retired,
813                     p_period_counter         => l_period_counter,
814                     p_first_period_counter   => l_first_period_counter,
815                     p_open_period_counter    => l_open_period_counter,
816                     p_period_num             => p_period_num,
817                     p_periods_per_year       => p_periods_per_year,
818                     p_adjusted_rate          => p_rate,
819                     p_deprn_factor           => p_deprn_factor,
820                     p_alternate_deprn_factor => p_alternate_deprn_factor,
821                     p_depreciate_flag        => p_depreciate_flag,
822                     p_first_year_reserve     => l_first_year_reserve,
823                     p_prev_year_reserve      => l_prev_year_reserve,
824                     p_prev_year_adjusted_cost
825                                              => l_prev_year_adjusted_cost,
826                     p_prev_year_adj_rec_cost => l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
827                     p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
828                     x_adjusted_rate          => l_adjusted_rate,
829                     x_depreciate_flag        => l_depreciate_flag,
830                     x_switch_code            => l_switch_code,
831                     p_log_level_rec          => p_log_level_rec
832    )) then
833       raise polish_err;
834    end if;
836    -- ================================ End Derive Rate ===================== --
837    --                                                                        --
838    -- === Calculate New Basis ============================================== --
840    if ((l_transaction_type_code = 'NONE') or
841        ((l_transaction_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT') and
842         (l_previous_year_adjustment)) or
843        ((l_transaction_type_code = 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT') and
844         (l_previous_year_retirement))) then
846       -- Determine the basis depending on the switch
847       if (l_switch_code in ('30', 'DM')) then
849          -- Set the basis to be the fully reservable cost
850          l_adjusted_cost := nvl(l_adjusted_recoverable_cost, 0);
852       elsif (l_switch_code = 'D2') then
854          -- Set the basis to be cost - previous year rsv + 1st year rsv
855          l_adjusted_cost := nvl(l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
856                                 l_adjusted_recoverable_cost) -
857                             nvl(l_prev_year_reserve,0) +
858                             nvl(l_first_year_reserve,0);
859          l_adjusted_recoverable_cost := nvl(l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
860                                             l_adjusted_recoverable_cost);
862       elsif (l_switch_code = 'SD') then
864          -- Set the basis to be the cost - previous year rsv
865          l_adjusted_cost := nvl(l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
866                                  l_adjusted_recoverable_cost) -
867                             nvl(l_prev_year_reserve,0);
868          l_adjusted_recoverable_cost := nvl(l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
869                                             l_adjusted_recoverable_cost);
871       elsif (l_switch_code = 'FR') then
873          -- Set the basis to be the fully reservable cost
874          l_adjusted_cost := nvl(l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
875                                 l_adjusted_recoverable_cost);
876          l_adjusted_recoverable_cost := nvl(l_prev_year_adj_rec_cost,
877                                             l_adjusted_recoverable_cost);
879       end if;
881   else
883       -- Need to copy into separate variables since can't have same
884       -- as IN and OUT parameters when using NOCOPY
885       l_adjusted_cost_old := l_adjusted_cost;
886       l_adj_rec_cost_old := l_adjusted_recoverable_cost;
888       -- Calculate the new basis depending on the transaction
889       if not (Calc_Basis_Trxn (
890          p_book_type_code             => p_Book_Type_Code,
891          p_transaction_type_code      => l_transaction_type_code,
892          p_pos_neg_adjustment         => l_pos_neg_adjustment,
893          p_polish_adj_calc_basis_flag => p_polish_adj_calc_basis_flag,
894          p_adjusted_cost              => l_adjusted_cost_old,
895          p_adjusted_recoverable_cost  => l_adj_rec_cost_old,
896          p_prev_adj_rec_cost          => l_prev_adj_rec_cost,
897          p_prev_reserve               => l_prev_reserve,
898          p_prev_basis                 => l_prev_basis,
899          p_adjustment_amount          => l_adjustment_amount,
900          p_retirement_amount          => l_retirement_amount,
901          p_switch_code                => l_switch_code,
902          x_adjusted_cost              => l_adjusted_cost,
903          x_adjusted_recoverable_cost  => l_adjusted_recoverable_cost,
904          p_log_level_rec              => p_log_level_rec
905       )) then
906          raise polish_err;
907       end if;
908    end if;
910    -- ================================================== End Audit Trail === --
911    --                                                                        --
912    -- === Set OUT Parameters =============================================== --
914    x_Adjusted_Cost := l_adjusted_cost;
915    x_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost := l_adjusted_recoverable_cost;
916    x_Depreciate_Flag := l_depreciate_flag;
917    x_Rate := l_adjusted_rate;
919    -- =========================================== End Set OUT Parameters === --
921    X_Success := 1;
924    WHEN polish_err THEN
926       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
927         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
928       end if;
930       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
931          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Polish_Rate_Cost',
932          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
933       x_Rate := 0;
934       X_Success := 0;
938       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
939         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
940       end if;
942       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
943           calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Polish_Rate_Cost',
944           p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
946       x_Rate := 0;
947       X_Success := 0;
949 END Calc_Polish_Rate_Cost;
951 FUNCTION Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_Yes (
952                     p_book_type_code         IN            VARCHAR2,
953                     p_old_cost               IN            NUMBER,
954                     p_old_reserve            IN            NUMBER,
955                     p_adjustment_amount      IN            NUMBER,
956                     x_new_deprn_basis           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
957                     p_log_level_rec          IN           FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
960    l_adjustment_reserve number;
961    l_adjustment_nbv     number;
963    l_dummy_bool         boolean;
967    l_adjustment_reserve := p_old_reserve * p_adjustment_amount / p_old_cost;
969    l_adjustment_nbv := p_adjustment_amount - l_adjustment_reserve;
971    x_new_deprn_basis := p_old_cost - l_adjustment_nbv;
973    l_dummy_bool := fa_utils_pkg.faxrnd (x_new_deprn_basis, p_Book_Type_Code, p_log_level_rec);
975    return (TRUE);
980       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
981         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
982       end if;
984       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
985          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_Yes',
986          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
987       return (FALSE);
988 END Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_Yes;
990 FUNCTION Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_No (
991                     p_book_type_code         IN            VARCHAR2,
992                     p_old_cost               IN            NUMBER,
993                     p_old_deprn_basis        IN            NUMBER,
994                     p_adjustment_amount      IN            NUMBER,
995                     x_new_deprn_basis           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
996                     p_log_level_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
999    l_dummy_bool       boolean;
1001 BEGIN
1003    x_new_deprn_basis := p_old_deprn_basis -
1004                         (p_old_deprn_basis * p_adjustment_amount /
1005                          p_old_cost);
1007    l_dummy_bool := fa_utils_pkg.faxrnd (x_new_deprn_basis, p_Book_Type_Code, p_log_level_rec);
1009    return (TRUE);
1014       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
1015         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
1016       end if;
1018       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
1019          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_No',
1020          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1021       return (FALSE);
1023 END Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_No;
1025 FUNCTION Calc_Basis_Partial_Ret (
1026                     p_book_type_code         IN            VARCHAR2,
1027                     p_old_cost               IN            NUMBER,
1028                     p_old_deprn_basis        IN            NUMBER,
1029                     p_retirement_amount      IN            NUMBER,
1030                     x_new_deprn_basis           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1031                     p_log_level_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
1034    l_dummy_bool       boolean;
1036 BEGIN
1038    x_new_deprn_basis := p_old_deprn_basis -
1039                         (p_old_deprn_basis * p_retirement_amount /
1040                          p_old_cost);
1042    l_dummy_bool := fa_utils_pkg.faxrnd (x_new_deprn_basis, p_Book_Type_Code, p_log_level_rec);
1044    return (TRUE);
1049       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
1050         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
1051       end if;
1053       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
1054          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Partial_Ret',
1055          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1056       return (FALSE);
1058 END Calc_Basis_Partial_Ret;
1060 FUNCTION Calc_Basis_Trxn (
1061                     p_book_type_code         IN            VARCHAR2,
1062                     p_transaction_type_code  IN            VARCHAR2,
1063                     p_pos_neg_adjustment     IN            VARCHAR2,
1064                     p_polish_adj_calc_basis_flag
1065                                              IN            VARCHAR2,
1066                     p_adjusted_cost          IN            NUMBER,
1067                     p_adjusted_recoverable_cost
1068                                              IN            NUMBER,
1069                     p_prev_adj_rec_cost      IN            NUMBER,
1070                     p_prev_basis             IN            NUMBER,
1071                     p_prev_reserve           IN            NUMBER,
1072                     p_adjustment_amount      IN            NUMBER,
1073                     p_retirement_amount      IN            NUMBER,
1074                     p_switch_code            IN            VARCHAR2,
1075                     x_adjusted_cost             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1076                     x_adjusted_recoverable_cost OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1077                     p_log_level_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
1080    basis_err      exception;
1082 BEGIN
1084    if ((p_transaction_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT') and
1085        (p_pos_neg_adjustment = 'NEG')) then
1087       -- Calculate new basis
1088       if (p_Polish_Adj_Calc_Basis_Flag = 'Y') then
1089          if not (Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_Yes (
1090             p_book_type_code    => p_book_type_code,
1091             p_old_cost          => p_prev_adj_rec_cost,
1092             p_old_reserve       => p_prev_reserve,
1093             p_adjustment_amount => p_adjustment_amount,
1094             x_new_deprn_basis   => x_adjusted_cost,
1095             p_log_level_rec     => p_log_level_rec
1096          )) then
1097             raise basis_err;
1098          end if;
1100          -- For a negative adjustment with the polish_adj_calc_basis_flag
1101          -- checked, we over-depreciate the asset, setting the cost at
1102          -- which it becomes fully reserved, i.e., the
1103          -- adjusted_recoverable_cost to the new basis.
1104          x_adjusted_recoverable_cost := x_adjusted_cost;
1106       else
1107          if not (Calc_Basis_Neg_Adj_Flag_No (
1108             p_book_type_code    => p_book_type_code,
1109             p_old_cost          => p_prev_adj_rec_cost,
1110             p_old_deprn_basis   => p_prev_basis,
1111             p_adjustment_amount => p_adjustment_amount,
1112             x_new_deprn_basis   => x_adjusted_cost,
1113             p_log_level_rec     => p_log_level_rec
1114          )) then
1115             raise basis_err;
1116          end if;
1118          -- These values don't change from the defaults
1119          x_adjusted_recoverable_cost := p_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
1120       end if;
1122    elsif ((p_transaction_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT') and
1123           (p_pos_neg_adjustment = 'POS')) then
1125       -- For a positive adjustment, the new basis is just the new
1126       -- cost if the switch is currently FR.  However, for anything else,
1130          x_adjusted_recoverable_cost := p_adjusted_cost;
1127       -- the basis stays the same as it was before the adjustment.
1128       if (p_switch_code = 'FR') then
1129          x_adjusted_cost := p_adjusted_cost;
1132       else
1133          -- Need to go w/ the value before the adjustment occurred.
1134          x_adjusted_cost := p_prev_basis;
1136          -- We will change the fully reservable cost to reflect the new cost
1137          -- however.
1138          x_adjusted_recoverable_cost := p_adjusted_recoverable_cost;
1139       end if;
1140    elsif (p_transaction_type_code = 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT') then
1142       if not (Calc_Basis_Partial_Ret (
1143          p_book_type_code    => p_book_type_code,
1144          p_old_cost          => p_prev_adj_rec_cost,
1145          p_old_deprn_basis   => p_prev_basis,
1146          p_retirement_amount => p_retirement_amount,
1147          x_new_deprn_basis   => x_adjusted_cost,
1148          p_log_level_rec     => p_log_level_rec
1149       )) then
1150          raise basis_err;
1151       end if;
1153       -- These values don't change from the defaults
1154       x_adjusted_recoverable_cost := p_Adjusted_Recoverable_Cost;
1155    end if;
1157    return (TRUE);
1160    WHEN basis_err THEN
1162       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
1163         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
1164       end if;
1166       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
1167          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Trxn',
1168          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1169       return (FALSE);
1173       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
1174         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
1175       end if;
1177       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
1178          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Trxn',
1179          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1180       return (FALSE);
1181 END Calc_Basis_Trxn;
1183 FUNCTION Calc_Trxn_Values (
1184                     p_book_type_code         IN            VARCHAR2,
1185                     p_asset_id               IN            NUMBER,
1186                     p_transaction_type_code  IN            VARCHAR2,
1187                     p_transaction_header_id  IN            NUMBER,
1188                     p_first_period_counter   IN            NUMBER,
1189                     p_mrc_sob_type_code      IN            VARCHAR2,
1190                     p_calling_mode           IN            VARCHAR2,
1191                     x_adjustment_amount         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1192                     x_retirement_amount         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1193                     x_bef_trxn_period_counter   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1194                     x_pos_neg_adjustment        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1195                     x_prev_basis                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1196                     x_prev_adj_rec_cost         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1197                     x_prev_reserve              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1198                     p_log_level_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
1201    l_amortization_start_date     date;
1202    l_debit_credit_flag           varchar2(2);
1203    l_min_period_counter          number;
1205    polish_err                    exception;
1207 BEGIN
1209    -- ??? Probably need to still account for multiple adjustments or
1210    -- partial retirements in a single period.  If we get the max id, we'd
1211    -- be missing some transactions.  Maybe need to do a sum or something.
1212    if (p_transaction_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT') then
1214       if (p_calling_mode = 'ADJUSTMENT') then
1216          l_amortization_start_date := FA_POLISH_PVT.amortization_start_date;
1218          if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
1220             select period_counter - 1
1221             into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1222             from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v
1223             where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1224             and    l_amortization_start_date between
1225                    calendar_period_open_date and calendar_period_close_date;
1226          else
1227             select period_counter - 1
1228             into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1229             from   fa_deprn_periods
1230             where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1231             and    l_amortization_start_date between
1232                    calendar_period_open_date and calendar_period_close_date;
1233          end if;
1235          -- Can't go before the first period of the asset's life
1236          if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter < p_first_period_counter) then
1237             x_bef_trxn_period_counter := p_first_period_counter;
1238          end if;
1240          x_adjustment_amount := FA_POLISH_PVT.adjustment_amount;
1242          if (x_adjustment_amount > 0) then
1243             -- Positive adjustment
1244             x_pos_neg_adjustment := 'POS';
1245          else
1246             x_pos_neg_adjustment := 'NEG';
1248             -- Always need to have this positive.
1249             x_adjustment_amount := x_adjustment_amount * -1;
1250          end if;
1252       else
1254          if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
1256             -- Determine if it's a positive or negative adj, amount and period
1257             -- immediately before the period of adjustment
1258             select adjustment_amount,
1262              from  fa_adjustments_mrc_v
1259                    debit_credit_flag
1260              into  x_adjustment_amount,
1261                    l_debit_credit_flag
1263              where book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
1264              and   asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1265              and   transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1266              and   source_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT'
1267              and   adjustment_type = 'COST';
1269          else
1270             select adjustment_amount,
1271                    debit_credit_flag
1272              into  x_adjustment_amount,
1273                    l_debit_credit_flag
1274              from  fa_adjustments
1275              where book_type_code  = p_Book_Type_Code
1276              and   asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1277              and   transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1278              and   source_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT'
1279              and   adjustment_type = 'COST';
1281          end if;
1283          if ((l_debit_credit_flag = 'CR') and (x_adjustment_amount >= 0)) then
1285             -- Negative adjustment
1286             x_pos_neg_adjustment := 'NEG';
1288          elsif ((l_debit_credit_flag = 'DR') and (x_adjustment_amount < 0)) then
1289             -- Negative adjustment
1290             x_pos_neg_adjustment := 'NEG';
1292             -- Flip the adjustment amount
1293             x_adjustment_amount := x_adjustment_amount * -1;
1295          elsif ((l_debit_credit_flag = 'CR') and (x_adjustment_amount < 0)) then
1296             -- Positive adjustment
1297             x_pos_neg_adjustment := 'POS';
1299          elsif ((l_debit_credit_flag = 'DR') and
1300                 (x_adjustment_amount >= 0)) then
1302             -- Positive adjustment
1303             x_pos_neg_adjustment := 'POS';
1305             -- Flip the adjustment amount
1306             x_adjustment_amount := x_adjustment_amount * -1;
1307          end if;
1308       end if;
1310       if (p_calling_mode = 'DEPRN') then
1312          if (x_pos_neg_adjustment = 'POS') then
1314             if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
1316                select dp.period_counter - 1
1317                into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1318                from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp,
1319                       fa_transaction_headers th
1320                where  th.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1321                and    dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1322                and    th.date_effective between
1323                       dp.period_open_date and
1324                       nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate);
1325             else
1327                select dp.period_counter - 1
1328                into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1329                from   fa_deprn_periods dp,
1330                       fa_transaction_headers th
1331                where  th.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1332                and    dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1333                and    th.date_effective between
1334                       dp.period_open_date and
1335                       nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate);
1336             end if;
1338             -- Can't go before the first period of the asset's life
1339             if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter < p_first_period_counter) then
1340                x_bef_trxn_period_counter := p_first_period_counter;
1341             end if;
1343          elsif (x_pos_neg_adjustment = 'NEG') then
1345             if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
1347                select dp.period_counter - 1
1348                into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1349                from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp,
1350                       fa_transaction_headers th
1351                where  th.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1352                and    dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1353                and    th.transaction_date_entered between
1354                       dp.calendar_period_open_date and
1355                       dp.calendar_period_close_date;
1356             else
1358                select dp.period_counter - 1
1359                into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1360                from   fa_deprn_periods dp,
1361                       fa_transaction_headers th
1362                where  th.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1363                and    dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1364                and    th.transaction_date_entered between
1365                       dp.calendar_period_open_date and
1366                       dp.calendar_period_close_date;
1367             end if;
1369             -- Can't go before the first period of the asset's life
1370             if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter < p_first_period_counter) then
1371                x_bef_trxn_period_counter := p_first_period_counter;
1372             end if;
1373          end if;
1374       end if;
1376       -- Determine the cost and the reserve in the period before the adj
1377       if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
1379          -- Fix for Bug #5550557.  Need to catch if books summary row
1380          -- does not exist.
1381          begin
1383             select polish_deprn_basis,
1384                    polish_adj_rec_cost
1385             into   x_prev_basis,
1389             and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1386                    x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1387             from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v
1388             where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1390             and    period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;
1392             -- Fix for Bug #5907258.  If these values are null, can cause
1393             -- data corruption.  Needs to be fixed first.
1394             if (x_prev_basis is null) or
1395                (x_prev_adj_rec_cost is null) then
1397                fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
1398                   calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_trxn_values',
1399                   name       => '***FA_POLISH_NULL_COST***',
1400                   p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1402                raise polish_err;
1403             end if;
1405          exception
1407             when no_data_found then
1409                select min(period_counter)
1410                into   l_min_period_counter
1411                from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v
1412                where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code;
1414                if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter >= l_min_period_counter) then
1416                   begin
1418                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1419                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1420                      into   x_prev_basis,
1421                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1422                      from   fa_books_mrc_v bks
1423                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1424                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1425                      and    bks.rowid =
1426                      (
1427                       select max(bks1.rowid)
1428                       from   fa_books_mrc_v bks1,
1429                              fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp
1430                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1431                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1432                       and    bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
1433                       and    dp.period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1434                       and    bks1.date_effective <=
1435                              nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
1436                      );
1437                   end;
1438                else
1439                   begin
1441                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1442                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1443                      into   x_prev_basis,
1444                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1445                      from   fa_books_mrc_v bks
1446                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1447                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1448                      and    bks.rowid =
1449                      (
1450                       select min(bks1.rowid)
1451                       from   fa_books_mrc_v bks1
1452                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1453                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1454                      );
1455                   end;
1456                end if;
1457          end;
1459          select deprn_reserve
1460          into   x_prev_reserve
1461          from   fa_deprn_summary_mrc_v
1462          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1463          and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1464          and    period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;
1465       else
1467          -- Fix for Bug #5550557.  Need to catch if books summary row
1468          -- does not exist.
1469          begin
1471             select polish_deprn_basis,
1472                    polish_adj_rec_cost
1473             into   x_prev_basis,
1474                    x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1475             from   fa_books_summary
1476             where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1477             and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1478             and    period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;
1480             -- Fix for Bug #5907258.  If these values are null, can cause
1481             -- data corruption.  Needs to be fixed first.
1482             if (x_prev_basis is null) or
1483                (x_prev_adj_rec_cost is null) then
1485                fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
1486                   calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_trxn_values',
1487                   name       => '***FA_POLISH_NULL_COST***',
1488                   p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1490                raise polish_err;
1491             end if;
1493          exception
1495             when no_data_found then
1497                select min(period_counter)
1498                into   l_min_period_counter
1499                from   fa_deprn_periods
1500                where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code;
1502                if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter >= l_min_period_counter) then
1504                   begin
1506                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1507                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1508                      into   x_prev_basis,
1509                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1510                      from   fa_books bks
1511                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1512                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1513                      and    bks.rowid =
1517                              fa_deprn_periods dp
1514                      (
1515                       select max(bks1.rowid)
1516                       from   fa_books bks1,
1518                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1519                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1520                       and    bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
1521                       and    dp.period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1522                       and    bks1.date_effective <=
1523                              nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
1524                      );
1525                   end;
1526                else
1527                   begin
1529                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1530                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1531                      into   x_prev_basis,
1532                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1533                      from   fa_books bks
1534                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1535                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1536                      and    bks.rowid =
1537                      (
1538                       select min(bks1.rowid)
1539                       from   fa_books bks1
1540                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1541                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1542                      );
1543                   end;
1544                end if;
1545          end;
1547          select deprn_reserve
1548          into   x_prev_reserve
1549          from   fa_deprn_summary
1550          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1551          and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1552          and    period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;
1553       end if;
1555       -- Fix for Bug #3629784.  If you have an asset with a following month
1556       -- prorate convention, the basis will be 0 in the first period of its
1557       -- life since you don't want to depreciate until the next period.
1558       -- However, if you do an adjustment that is effective in the second
1559       -- period, the previous basis will get a value of 0, which you don't
1560       -- want.  You need the actual cost here since you do want to
1561       -- depreciate in the 2nd period.
1562       if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter = p_first_period_counter) then
1563          x_prev_basis := x_prev_adj_rec_cost;
1564       end if;
1565    elsif (p_transaction_type_code = 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT') then
1567       -- Get the retirement values
1568       if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
1570          select adjustment_amount,
1571                 debit_credit_flag
1572          into   x_retirement_amount,
1573                 l_debit_credit_flag
1574          from   fa_adjustments_mrc_v
1575          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1576          and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1577          and    transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1578          and    source_type_code = 'RETIREMENT'
1579          and    adjustment_type = 'COST';
1581          select dp.period_counter - 1
1582          into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1583          from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp,
1584                 fa_transaction_headers th
1585          where  th.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1586          and    dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1587          and    th.transaction_date_entered between
1588                 dp.calendar_period_open_date and
1589                 dp.calendar_period_close_date;
1591       else
1592          select adjustment_amount,
1593                 debit_credit_flag
1594          into   x_retirement_amount,
1595                 l_debit_credit_flag
1596          from   fa_adjustments
1597          where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1598          and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1599          and    transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1600          and    source_type_code = 'RETIREMENT'
1601          and    adjustment_type = 'COST';
1603          select dp.period_counter - 1
1604          into   x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1605          from   fa_deprn_periods dp,
1606                 fa_transaction_headers th
1607          where  th.transaction_header_id = p_transaction_header_id
1608          and    dp.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1609          and    th.transaction_date_entered between
1610                 dp.calendar_period_open_date and
1611                 dp.calendar_period_close_date;
1612       end if;
1614       -- Can't go before the first period of the asset's life
1615       if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter < p_first_period_counter) then
1616          x_bef_trxn_period_counter := p_first_period_counter;
1617       end if;
1619       if (l_debit_credit_flag = 'DR') then
1620          -- Flip adjustment_amount
1621          x_retirement_amount := x_retirement_amount * -1;
1622       end if;
1624       -- Determine the cost in the period before the retirement
1625       if (p_MRC_SOB_Type_Code = 'R') then
1627          -- Fix for Bug #5550557.  Need to catch if books summary row
1628          -- does not exist.
1629          begin
1631             select polish_deprn_basis,
1632                    polish_adj_rec_cost
1633             into   x_prev_basis,
1634                    x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1635             from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v
1636             where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1640             -- Fix for Bug #5907258.  If these values are null, can cause
1637             and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1638             and    period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;
1641             -- data corruption.  Needs to be fixed first.
1642             if (x_prev_basis is null) or
1643                (x_prev_adj_rec_cost is null) then
1645                fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
1646                   calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_trxn_values',
1647                   name       => '***FA_POLISH_NULL_COST***',
1648                   p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1650                raise polish_err;
1651             end if;
1653          exception
1655             when no_data_found then
1657                select min(period_counter)
1658                into   l_min_period_counter
1659                from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v
1660                where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code;
1662                if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter >= l_min_period_counter) then
1664                   begin
1666                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1667                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1668                      into   x_prev_basis,
1669                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1670                      from   fa_books_mrc_v bks
1671                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1672                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1673                      and    bks.rowid =
1674                      (
1675                       select max(bks1.rowid)
1676                       from   fa_books_mrc_v bks1,
1677                              fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp
1678                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1679                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1680                       and    bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
1681                       and    dp.period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1682                       and    bks1.date_effective <=
1683                              nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
1684                      );
1685                   end;
1686                else
1687                   begin
1689                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1690                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1691                      into   x_prev_basis,
1692                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1693                      from   fa_books_mrc_v bks
1694                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1695                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1696                      and    bks.rowid =
1697                      (
1698                       select min(bks1.rowid)
1699                       from   fa_books_mrc_v bks1
1700                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1701                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1702                      );
1703                   end;
1704                end if;
1705          end;
1707       else
1709          -- Fix for Bug #5550557.  Need to catch if books summary row
1710          -- does not exist.
1711          begin
1713             select polish_deprn_basis,
1714                    polish_adj_rec_cost
1715             into   x_prev_basis,
1716                    x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1717             from   fa_books_summary
1718             where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1719             and    asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1720             and    period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter;
1722             -- Fix for Bug #5907258.  If these values are null, can cause
1723             -- data corruption.  Needs to be fixed first.
1724             if (x_prev_basis is null) or
1725                (x_prev_adj_rec_cost is null) then
1727                fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
1728                   calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_trxn_values',
1729                   name       => '***FA_POLISH_NULL_COST***',
1730                   p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1732                raise polish_err;
1733             end if;
1735          exception
1737             when no_data_found then
1739                select min(period_counter)
1740                into   l_min_period_counter
1741                from   fa_deprn_periods
1742                where  book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code;
1744                if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter >= l_min_period_counter) then
1746                   begin
1748                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1749                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1750                      into   x_prev_basis,
1751                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1752                      from   fa_books bks
1753                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1754                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1755                      and    bks.rowid =
1756                      (
1757                       select max(bks1.rowid)
1758                       from   fa_books bks1,
1759                              fa_deprn_periods dp
1760                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1761                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1762                       and    bks1.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
1766                      );
1763                       and    dp.period_counter = x_bef_trxn_period_counter
1764                       and    bks1.date_effective <=
1765                              nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
1767                   end;
1768                else
1769                   begin
1771                      select bks.adjusted_cost,
1772                             bks.adjusted_recoverable_cost
1773                      into   x_prev_basis,
1774                             x_prev_adj_rec_cost
1775                      from   fa_books bks
1776                      where  bks.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1777                      and    bks.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1778                      and    bks.rowid =
1779                      (
1780                       select min(bks1.rowid)
1781                       from   fa_books bks1
1782                       where  bks1.book_type_code = p_Book_Type_Code
1783                       and    bks1.asset_id = p_Asset_Id
1784                      );
1785                   end;
1786                end if;
1787          end;
1788      end if;
1790       -- Fix for Bug #3629784.  If you have an asset with a following month
1791       -- prorate convention, the basis will be 0 in the first period of its
1792       -- life since you don't want to depreciate until the next period.
1793       -- However, if you do a retirement that is effective in the second
1794       -- period, the previous basis will get a value of 0, which you don't
1795       -- want.  You need the actual cost here since you do want to
1796       -- depreciate in the 2nd period.
1797       if (x_bef_trxn_period_counter = p_first_period_counter) then
1798          x_prev_basis := x_prev_adj_rec_cost;
1799       end if;
1800    end if;
1802    return (TRUE);
1806    WHEN polish_err THEN
1808       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
1809         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
1810       end if;
1812       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
1813          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Trxn',
1814          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1815       return (FALSE);
1819       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
1820         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
1821       end if;
1823       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
1824          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Basis_Trxn',
1825          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1826       return (FALSE);
1827 END Calc_Trxn_Values;
1829 FUNCTION Calc_Rate (
1830                     p_book_type_code         IN            VARCHAR2,
1831                     p_asset_id               IN            NUMBER,
1832                     p_polish_rule            IN            NUMBER,
1833                     p_year_of_life           IN            NUMBER,
1834                     p_year_retired           IN            VARCHAR2,
1835                     p_period_counter         IN            NUMBER,
1836                     p_first_period_counter   IN            NUMBER,
1837                     p_open_period_counter    IN            NUMBER,
1838                     p_period_num             IN            NUMBER,
1839                     p_periods_per_year       IN            NUMBER,
1840                     p_adjusted_rate          IN            NUMBER,
1841                     p_deprn_factor           IN            NUMBER,
1842                     p_alternate_deprn_factor IN            NUMBER,
1843                     p_depreciate_flag        IN            VARCHAR2,
1844                     p_first_year_reserve     IN            NUMBER,
1845                     p_prev_year_reserve      IN            NUMBER,
1846                     p_prev_year_adjusted_cost
1847                                              IN            NUMBER,
1848                     p_prev_year_adj_rec_cost IN            NUMBER,
1849                     p_mrc_sob_type_code      IN            VARCHAR2,
1850                     x_adjusted_rate             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
1851                     x_depreciate_flag           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1852                     x_switch_code               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
1853                     p_log_level_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
1856    FA_POLISH_30_RULE             constant number := .3;
1858    l_prev_switch_code            varchar2(2);
1859    l_new_basis                   number;
1860    l_switch_value                number;
1862    calc_rate_err                 exception;
1864 BEGIN
1866    -- Default values
1867    x_adjusted_rate := p_adjusted_rate;
1868    x_depreciate_flag := p_depreciate_flag;
1869    x_switch_code := 'XX';
1871    -- In an asset's first year of life, it has a specific rate and switch
1872    -- code.  In addition, we do not do the switch test in the first year.
1873    if ((p_year_of_life = 1) and (p_Year_Retired = 'N')) then
1875       if (p_Polish_Rule in (FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_1,
1876                             FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_2)) then
1878          x_switch_code := '30';
1880       elsif (p_Polish_Rule in (FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_3,
1881                                FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_4)) then
1883          x_switch_code := 'DM';
1885       elsif (p_Polish_Rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_5) then
1887          x_switch_code := 'SD';
1889       else
1893             calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_rate',
1890          -- Not one of the 5 Polish Mechanisms.
1892          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
1894             name       => '***FA_POLISH_INVALID_MECH***',
1895             p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1897          raise calc_rate_err;
1898       end if;
1899    end if;
1901    -- After the first year, some mechanisms automatically move to a new switch
1902    if ((p_year_of_life > 1) and (p_Year_Retired = 'N')) then
1903       if (p_Polish_Rule in (FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_1,
1904                             FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_3)) then
1905          if (p_Year_Of_Life = 2) then
1907             -- For 2nd year, rate is adj_rate * deprn_factor
1908             -- No switch test is done in the second year
1909             x_switch_code := 'D2';
1910             x_adjusted_rate := p_adjusted_rate * p_Deprn_Factor;
1912          else
1913             -- After year 2, we will always need to do the switch test.
1914             -- We're going to use XX to signify that we'll figure out the
1915             -- switch and new basis later.
1916             x_switch_code := 'XX';
1918          end if;
1919       elsif (p_Polish_Rule in (FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_2,
1920                                FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_4)) then
1921           -- After the first year, rate is adj_rate
1922           -- No switch test is done
1923           x_switch_code := 'FR';
1924           x_adjusted_rate := p_adjusted_rate;
1926       elsif (p_Polish_Rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_5) then
1927          -- For Mech 5, we do the switch test immediately after year 1.
1928          -- We're going to use XX to signify that we'll figure out the
1929          -- switch and new basis later.
1930          x_switch_code := 'XX';
1932       end if;
1933    end if;
1935    -- Check if old period
1936    if ((x_switch_code = 'XX') and
1937        (p_period_counter < p_open_period_counter)) then
1939       -- We never modify a switch_code once we set it, so if we are doing a
1940       -- backdated transaction or something else where we're looking at old
1941       -- periods, just take the switch_code that was there originally.  The
1942       -- nvl is to handle perhaps a method change where the asset wasn't
1943       -- always a Polish one.
1944       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
1946          begin
1948             select nvl(switch_code, 'XX')
1949             into   x_switch_code
1950             from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v
1951             where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
1952             and    asset_id = p_asset_id
1953             and    period_counter = p_period_counter;
1954          exception
1955              when no_data_found then
1956                 null;
1957          end;
1958       else
1960          begin
1961             select nvl(switch_code, 'XX')
1962             into   x_switch_code
1963             from   fa_books_summary
1964             where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
1965             and    asset_id = p_asset_id
1966             and    period_counter = p_period_counter;
1967          exception
1968              when no_data_found then
1969                 null;
1970          end;
1971       end if;
1972    end if;
1974    -- Check previous switch code rules
1975    if (x_switch_code = 'XX') then
1976       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
1978          begin
1979             select nvl(switch_code, 'XX')
1980             into   l_prev_switch_code
1981             from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v
1982             where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
1983             and    asset_id = p_asset_id
1984             and    period_counter = p_period_counter - 1;
1985          exception
1986              when no_data_found then
1987                 l_prev_switch_code := 'XX';
1988          end;
1989       else
1991          begin
1992             select nvl(switch_code, 'XX')
1993             into   l_prev_switch_code
1994             from   fa_books_summary
1995             where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
1996             and    asset_id = p_asset_id
1997             and    period_counter = p_period_counter - 1;
1998          exception
1999              when no_data_found then
2000                 l_prev_switch_code := 'XX';
2001          end;
2002       end if;
2004       -- You never change the switch with a fiscal year, so after the first
2005       -- period.
2006       if (p_period_num > 1) then
2007          x_switch_code := l_prev_switch_code;
2009       -- You can never move backwards in the switch chain, so once the switch
2010       -- is at FR, it stays there.
2011       elsif (p_period_num = 1) then
2012          if (l_prev_switch_code = 'FR') then
2013             x_switch_code := 'FR';
2014          end if;
2015       end if;
2016    end if;
2018    -- Do the switch test if necessary.  The switch test is always based on
2019    -- old data, and specifically, what happened after the last period of the
2020    -- previous fiscal year close.  Even if a transaction occurred in the
2021    -- current period, even the first period, it does not affect the switch
2022    -- code.  Transactions such as this would only affect the basis.  It would
2023    -- not affect the switch until the nexte year.  Even backdated transactions
2027    --
2024    -- have no effect since you cannot change the switch code within the
2025    -- fiscal year.  Once the year end for a fiscal year has closed, the
2026    -- switch code for the next year is set.
2028    -- Here is how the switch test is derived.
2029    --
2030    -- The switch formula is as follows:
2031    -- (basis for D2) * (rate for D2) / pers_per_year <=
2032    -- (basis for FR) * (rate for FR) / pers_per_year.
2033    --
2034    --  This derives into: (when cancelling common variables)
2035    --
2036    -- (adjusted_cost for D2) * (adj_rate * deprn_factor) <=
2037    -- (adjusted_cost) * (adj_rate)
2038    --
2039    --  Further deriving into:
2040    --
2041    --  (adjusted_cost - prev_yr_rsv + first_yr_rsv) * deprn_factor
2042    --   <= (adjusted_cost)
2043    --
2044    --  This simiplied switch rule is common to Polish mechanisms
2045    --  1 and 3.  For mechanism 5, we just want the nbv and don't
2046    --  want to add back the first year reserve for the formula is:
2047    --
2048    --  (adjusted_cost - prev_yr_rsv) * deprn_factor <= (adjusted_cost)
2049    --
2050    if (x_switch_code = 'XX') then
2051       if (p_Polish_Rule in (FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_1,
2052                             FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_3)) then
2054          -- Switch between D2 and FR
2056          l_new_basis := p_prev_year_adjusted_cost - p_prev_year_reserve +
2057                         p_first_year_reserve;
2059          l_switch_value := l_new_basis * p_deprn_factor;
2061          -- Now do switch test
2062          if (l_switch_value > p_prev_year_adjusted_cost) then
2064             -- Stay with current D2
2065             x_switch_code := 'D2';
2066          else
2067             -- Switch to FR
2068             x_switch_code := 'FR';
2069          end if;
2071       elsif (p_Polish_Rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_POLISH_5) then
2073          -- Switch between SD and FR
2075          l_new_basis := p_prev_year_adj_rec_cost - p_prev_year_reserve;
2077          l_switch_value := l_new_basis * p_deprn_factor;
2079          -- Now do switch test
2080          if (l_switch_value > p_prev_year_adj_rec_cost) then
2082             -- Stay with current SD
2083             x_switch_code := 'SD';
2085           else
2086             -- Switch to FR
2087             x_switch_code := 'FR';
2089          end if;
2090       end if;
2091    end if;
2093    -- Set the rate based on the switch code derived.
2094    if (x_switch_code = '30') then
2096       if (p_period_counter = p_first_period_counter) then
2098          -- We're multiplying the rate by the periods in the year because
2099          -- for the first year, we want to take the entire year's worth of
2100          -- depreciation in a single period when the switch is 30.  For the
2101          -- rest of the year, we'll turn the depreciate flag off.
2102          x_adjusted_rate := FA_POLISH_30_RULE * p_Periods_Per_Year;
2104          -- Note that an adjustment does not affect the rate or basis
2105          -- here since an adjustment in the period of addition creates
2106          -- an ADDITION/ADDITION VOID row rather than an ADJUSTMENT row
2107          -- Similarly, you can't retirement an asset in the period of add
2108          -- ???  How about an asset with a FOL MONTH convention and an
2109          -- ??? ADJUSTMENT that occurs in the period after addition?
2110          -- After discussion w/ Som, we decided to use our judgment and
2111          -- take the new cost after the adjustment as the new basis
2112          -- since depreciation had not been taken yet.  For example, if
2113          -- user added an asset w/ cost 10K in March w/ FOL MON convention,
2114          -- and in April, adjusted the cost to 20K, we would use 20K as the
2115          -- the basis in April when we apply the 30% rule.
2117       else
2118          -- When switch is 30, don't depreciate the asset in the first year
2119          -- after the first period
2120          x_adjusted_rate := 0;
2121          x_depreciate_flag := 'NO';
2123          -- Note that transactions such as adjustments do not affect
2124          -- the rate here.
2125       end if;
2126    elsif (x_switch_code = 'DM') then
2127       -- When switch is DM, rate is adj_rate * alt_deprn_factor
2128       x_adjusted_rate := p_adjusted_rate * p_Alternate_Deprn_Factor;
2130    elsif (x_switch_code in ('D2','SD')) then
2131       -- When switch is D2 or SD, rate is adj_rate * deprn_factor
2132       x_adjusted_rate := p_adjusted_rate * p_Deprn_Factor;
2133    elsif (x_switch_code = 'FR') then
2134       -- When switch is FR, rate is adj_rate
2135       x_adjusted_rate := p_adjusted_rate;
2136    else
2137       -- Unknown switch_code.
2138       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
2139          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.calc_rate',
2140          name       => '***FA_POLISH_INVALID_SWITCH_CODE***',
2141          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2143       raise calc_rate_err;
2144    end if;
2146    return (TRUE);
2149    WHEN calc_rate_err THEN
2151       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
2152         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
2153       end if;
2155       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
2156          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Rate',
2157          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2158       return (FALSE);
2161       if (sqlcode <> 0) then
2162         fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(sqlerrm);
2163       end if;
2165       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error (
2166          calling_fn => 'fa_polish_pvt.Calc_Rate',
2167          p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2168       return (FALSE);
2169 END Calc_Rate;