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APPS.PAY_AU_EXC dependencies on PAY_AU_EXC

Line 1: package body pay_au_exc as

1: package body pay_au_exc as
2: /* $Header: pyauexch.pkb 120.4 2007/08/13 06:11:16 dduvvuri noship $ */
3: --
4: -- Change List
5: -- ----------

Line 14: -- PAY_AU_EXC

10: -- 30-Jul-2002 Ragovind 1.2 2123970 Modified the SQL Statement and written a cursor.
11: -- 03-Dec-2002 Ragovind 1.3 2689226 Added NOCOPY to the functions pyauexc.asg_ptd_ec,
12: -- pyauexc.asg_span_ec.
13: -- 22-Mar-2004 jkarouza 1.0 3083198 Renamed file to pyauexch.pkb and package name to
14: -- PAY_AU_EXC
15: -- 07-Apr-2004 puchil 1.1 3075319 changed the function
16: -- asg_span_ec to use effective
17: -- date.
18: -- 21-Jun-2004 punmehta 115.2 3583020 Nulled the PTD expiry chekcing code

Line 520: end pay_au_exc;

516: --
517: -- get offset of fbt year start with reference to calender year in months and days
518: l_fbtyr_months_offset := to_char(to_date(g_fbt_year_start,'DD-MM-'), 'MM') - 1;
519: l_fbtyr_days_offset := to_char(to_date(g_fbt_year_start,'DD-MM-'), 'DD') - 1;
520: end pay_au_exc;