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Line 751: -- Return the actn_typ_id or NULL when given the ben_actn_typ.type_cd

747: (p_type_cd in varchar2
748: ,p_business_group_id in number)
749: return number is
750: --
751: -- Return the actn_typ_id or NULL when given the ben_actn_typ.type_cd
752: -- type_cd examples DDDOB, DDSSN, BNFADDR, etc.
753: -- note: future improvement could be to get this list once and then find
754: -- the values from the pl/sql record
755: --

Line 757: l_actn_typ_id ben_actn_typ.actn_typ_id%type := NULL;

753: -- note: future improvement could be to get this list once and then find
754: -- the values from the pl/sql record
755: --
756: l_proc varchar2(80);
757: l_actn_typ_id ben_actn_typ.actn_typ_id%type := NULL;
758: --
759: cursor c_actn_typ_id is
760: select bat.actn_typ_id
761: from ben_actn_typ bat

Line 761: from ben_actn_typ bat

757: l_actn_typ_id ben_actn_typ.actn_typ_id%type := NULL;
758: --
759: cursor c_actn_typ_id is
760: select bat.actn_typ_id
761: from ben_actn_typ bat
762: where bat.type_cd = p_type_cd
763: and bat.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
764: --
765: begin

Line 1092: from ben_actn_typ typ,

1088: ,p_prtt_enrt_actn_id out nocopy number) is
1089: --
1090: cursor c_act_name is
1091: select tl.name actn_typ_name
1092: from ben_actn_typ typ,
1093: ben_actn_typ_tl tl
1094: where p_actn_typ_id = typ.actn_typ_id
1095: and typ.actn_typ_id = tl.actn_typ_id
1096: and tl.language = userenv('lang')

Line 1093: ben_actn_typ_tl tl

1089: --
1090: cursor c_act_name is
1091: select tl.name actn_typ_name
1092: from ben_actn_typ typ,
1093: ben_actn_typ_tl tl
1094: where p_actn_typ_id = typ.actn_typ_id
1095: and typ.actn_typ_id = tl.actn_typ_id
1096: and tl.language = userenv('lang')
1097: and typ.type_cd <> 'BNF'

Line 4659: ben_actn_typ typ,

4655: cursor c_other_dpnt_actn_items is
4656: select pea.prtt_enrt_actn_id,
4657: pea.object_version_number
4658: from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea,
4659: ben_actn_typ typ,
4660: ben_per_in_ler pil
4661: where pea.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
4662: and pea.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
4663: and typ.type_cd <> 'DD'

Line 7410: ben_actn_typ eat

7406: --
7407: cursor c_bnf_actn_item is
7408: select null
7409: from ben_popl_actn_typ_f pat,
7410: ben_actn_typ eat
7411: where pat.pl_id = p_pl_id
7412: and pat.actn_typ_id = eat.actn_typ_id
7413: and eat.type_cd = p_actn_type_cd
7414: and pat.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 7674: from ben_actn_typ typ,

7670: AND effective_end_date;
7672: cursor c_act_name (v_actn_typ_id in number) is
7673: select tl.name actn_typ_name
7674: from ben_actn_typ typ,
7675: ben_actn_typ_tl tl
7676: where v_actn_typ_id = typ.actn_typ_id
7677: and typ.actn_typ_id = tl.actn_typ_id
7678: and tl.language = userenv('lang')

Line 7675: ben_actn_typ_tl tl

7672: cursor c_act_name (v_actn_typ_id in number) is
7673: select tl.name actn_typ_name
7674: from ben_actn_typ typ,
7675: ben_actn_typ_tl tl
7676: where v_actn_typ_id = typ.actn_typ_id
7677: and typ.actn_typ_id = tl.actn_typ_id
7678: and tl.language = userenv('lang')
7679: and typ.type_cd <> 'BNF'

Line 7692: l_act_name ben_actn_typ_tl.name%TYPE;

7688: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN pl.effective_start_date
7689: AND pl.effective_end_date;
7691: plan_name_rec c_plan_name%ROWTYPE;
7692: l_act_name ben_actn_typ_tl.name%TYPE;
7693: l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE := 'BEN_94108_BNF_ACT_ITEM';
7694: l_write_ctfn BOOLEAN;
7695: l_ff_ctfn_exits BOOLEAN;
7696: --

Line 8425: ben_actn_typ typ,

8421: cursor c_other_bnf_actn_items is
8422: select pea.prtt_enrt_actn_id,
8423: pea.object_version_number
8424: from ben_prtt_enrt_actn_f pea,
8425: ben_actn_typ typ,
8426: ben_per_in_ler pil
8427: where pea.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
8428: and pea.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
8429: and typ.type_cd <> 'BNF'