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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 36

         SELECT invoice_distribution_id
          FROM fa_mass_additions_gt
         ORDER BY 2,1;
Line: 156

      select count(*)
        into l_count
        from fa_book_controls
       where set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
         and book_class = 'CORPORATE';
Line: 163

      DebugLog( 'inserting', 'category accounts into GT');
Line: 168

         insert into fa_category_accounts_gt
         select clearing_acct
                       1, 'CIP',
           from (select asset_clearing_acct clearing_acct
                       , 2 acct_type
                   from fa_category_books
                  where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                 select cip_clearing_acct , book_type_code, 1
                   from fa_category_books
                  where cip_clearing_acct is not null
                    and book_type_code = p_book_type_code)
          group by clearing_acct, book_type_code;
Line: 191

         insert into fa_category_accounts_gt
         select clearing_acct
               , book_type_code
               , decode(max(acct_type),
                        1, 'CIP',
           from (select asset_clearing_acct clearing_acct
                       , cb.book_type_code
                       , 2 acct_type
                   from fa_category_books cb,
                        fa_book_controls  bc
                  where cb.book_type_code  = bc.book_type_code
                    and bc.book_class      = 'CORPORATE'
                    and bc.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id
                 select cip_clearing_acct , cb.book_type_code, 1
                   from fa_category_books cb,
                        fa_book_controls  bc
                  where cip_clearing_acct is not null
                    and cb.book_type_code  = bc.book_type_code
                    and bc.book_class      = 'CORPORATE'
                    and bc.set_of_books_id = p_ledger_id)
          group by clearing_acct, book_type_code;
Line: 221

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Inserted ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 231

        from fa_category_accounts_gt gt1
       where gt1.book_type_code <> p_book_type_code
         and exists
             (select /*+ index (gt2 FA_CATEGORY_ACCOUNTS_GT_N1) */ 1
                from fa_category_accounts_gt gt2
               where gt2.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                 and gt2.clearing_acct  = gt1.clearing_acct);
Line: 241

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Deleted ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 245

        from fa_category_accounts_gt gt1
       where not exists
             (select /*+ index (gt2 FA_CATEGORY_ACCOUNTS_GT_N1) */ 1
                from fa_category_accounts_gt gt2
               where gt2.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                 and gt2.clearing_acct  = gt1.clearing_acct)
         and gt1.rowid <>
             (select min(rowid)
                from fa_category_accounts_gt gt3
               where gt3.clearing_acct  = gt1.clearing_acct);
Line: 258

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Deleted ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 266

      update /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N2) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt
         set (asset_type, line_status, book_type_code) =
             (select /*+ index(fca FA_CATEGORY_ACCOUNTS_GT_N2 */
                            null, decode(glcc.account_type,
                                         ''E'', ''EXPENSED'',
                                         nvl(fca.asset_type, gt.asset_type)),
                            ''E'', ''VALID'',
                                   null, decode(fca.book_type_code,
                                                :h_book_type_code, ''VALID'',
                                                  null,             ''REJECTED'',
                                                ''OTHER BOOK''),
                                          :h_book_type_code, ''VALID'',
                                          ''OTHER BOOK''))),
                            ''E'', :h_book_type_code,
                                   null, decode(fca.book_type_code,
                                                :h_book_type_code, :h_book_type_code,
                from gl_code_combinations glcc,
                     fa_category_accounts_gt fca
               where gt.payables_code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
                 and fca.clearing_acct(+)           = '  ||
                      ' glcc.segment' ||
                      to_char(p_segment_num) || '
       where gt.line_type_lookup_code in (''ITEM'', ''ACCRUAL'')
         and gt.ledger_category_code = ''P''
         and gt.line_status = ''NEW'' ';
Line: 311

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Updated ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 320

      update /*+ index(gt1 FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt1
         set (asset_type, line_status , book_type_code) =
             (select /*+ index(gt2 FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N3) */
                            'VALID', 'VALID_CHILD1',
                            gt2.line_status),   -- OTHER BOOK / REJECTED
                from fa_mass_additions_gt gt2
               where gt2.invoice_distribution_id = gt1.parent_invoice_dist_id)
       where gt1.line_type_lookup_code not in ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL')
         and gt1.ledger_category_code = 'P'
         and gt1.line_status = 'NEW'
         and exists
             (select /*+ index(gt3 FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N3) */ 1
                from fa_mass_additions_gt gt3
               where gt3.invoice_distribution_id = gt1.parent_invoice_dist_id);
Line: 341

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Updated ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 352

      update /*+ index(gt1 FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt1
         set (asset_type, line_status) =
             (select distinct mad.asset_type,
                            'POSTED',  'VALID_ORPHAN1',
                            'DELETED', 'VALID_ORPHAN2',
                from fa_mass_additions mad
               where mad.book_type_code(+)          = p_book_type_code
                 and mad.invoice_distribution_id(+) = gt1.parent_invoice_dist_id
                 and mad.invoice_id(+)              = gt1.invoice_id
                 and mad.parent_mass_addition_id(+)  is null
       where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         and gt1.line_type_lookup_code not in ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL')
         and gt1.ledger_category_code = 'P'
         and gt1.line_status = 'NEW'
         and exists
             (select 1
                from fa_mass_additions mad
               where mad.book_type_code(+)          = p_book_type_code
                 and mad.invoice_distribution_id(+) = gt1.parent_invoice_dist_id
                 and mad.invoice_id(+)              = gt1.invoice_id
                 and mad.parent_mass_addition_id(+)  is null);
Line: 379

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Updated ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 389

      update /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N2) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt
         set parent_payables_ccid =
             (select min(payables_code_combination_id)
                from fa_asset_invoices ai
               where invoice_distribution_id = gt.parent_invoice_dist_id)
       where gt.line_type_lookup_code not in ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL')
         and gt.ledger_category_code = 'P'
         and gt.line_status = 'NEW';
Line: 401

      update /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N2) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt
         set (asset_type, line_status, book_type_code) =
             (select /*+ index(fca FA_CATEGORY_ACCOUNTS_GT_N2 */
                            null, decode(glcc.account_type,
                                         ''E'', ''EXPENSED'',
                                         nvl(fca.asset_type, gt.asset_type)),
                            ''E'', ''VALID_ORPHAN3'',
                                   null, decode(fca.book_type_code,
                                                :h_book_type_code, ''VALID_ORPHAN3'',
                                                null, ''REJECTED'',
                                                ''OTHER BOOK''),
                                          :h_book_type_code, ''VALID_ORPHAN3'',
                                          ''OTHER BOOK''))),
                            ''E'', :h_book_type_code,
                                   null, decode(fca.book_type_code,
                                                :h_book_type_code, :h_book_type_code,
                from gl_code_combinations glcc,
                     fa_category_accounts_gt fca
               where gt.parent_payables_ccid = glcc.code_combination_id
                 and fca.clearing_acct(+)           = '  ||
                      ' glcc.segment' ||
                      to_char(p_segment_num) || '
       where gt.line_type_lookup_code not in (''ITEM'', ''ACCRUAL'')
         and gt.ledger_category_code = ''P''
         and gt.line_status = ''NEW''
         and gt.parent_payables_ccid is not null ';
Line: 446

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Updated ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 453

      update /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt
         set depreciate_flag =
               (select decode(gt.asset_type
                             ,nvl(CBD.depreciate_flag, 'YES'))
                  from fa_category_book_defaults CBD
                 where CBD.book_type_code(+) = p_book_type_code
                   and CBD.category_id(+)= gt.asset_category_id
                   and p_def_dpis_dt between CBD.start_DPIS(+)
                   and nvl(CBD.end_DPIS(+),p_def_dpis_dt)),
             inventorial =
               (select nvl(inventorial, 'YES')
                  from fa_categories_b c
                 where c.category_id(+) = gt.asset_category_id)
       where gt.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         and gt.line_status like 'VALID%'
         and gt.asset_category_id is not null;
Line: 473

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Updated ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 546

      update fa_system_controls
         set last_mass_additions = l_request_id;
Line: 630

      DebugLog('Insert FA_MASS_ADDITIONS with ITEM/ACCRUAL lines for primary ledger ',p_book_type_code );
Line: 634

      insert into fa_mass_additions(
           mass_addition_id                            ,
           asset_number                                ,
           tag_number                                  ,
           description                                 ,
           asset_category_id                           ,
           manufacturer_name                           ,
           serial_number                               ,
           model_number                                ,
           book_type_code                              ,
           date_placed_in_service                      ,
           fixed_assets_cost                           ,
           payables_units                              ,
           fixed_assets_units                          ,
           payables_code_combination_id                ,
           expense_code_combination_id                 ,
           location_id                                 ,
           assigned_to                                 ,
           feeder_system_name                          ,
           create_batch_date                           ,
           create_batch_id                             ,
           last_update_date                            ,
           last_updated_by                             ,
           reviewer_comments                           ,
           invoice_number                              ,
           vendor_number                               ,
           po_vendor_id                                ,
           po_number                                   ,
           posting_status                              ,
           queue_name                                  ,
           invoice_date                                ,
           invoice_created_by                          ,
           invoice_updated_by                          ,
           payables_cost                               ,
           invoice_id                                  ,
           payables_batch_name                         ,
           depreciate_flag                             ,
           parent_mass_addition_id                     ,
           parent_asset_id                             ,
           split_merged_code                           ,
           ap_distribution_line_number                 ,
           post_batch_id                               ,
           add_to_asset_id                             ,
           amortize_flag                               ,
           new_master_flag                             ,
           asset_key_ccid                              ,
           asset_type                                  ,
           deprn_reserve                               ,
           ytd_deprn                                   ,
           beginning_nbv                               ,
           created_by                                  ,
           creation_date                               ,
           last_update_login                           ,
           salvage_value                               ,
           accounting_date                             ,
           attribute_category_code                     ,
           fully_rsvd_revals_counter                   ,
           merge_invoice_number                        ,
           merge_vendor_number                         ,
           production_capacity                         ,
           reval_amortization_basis                    ,
           reval_reserve                               ,
           unit_of_measure                             ,
           unrevalued_cost                             ,
           ytd_reval_deprn_expense                     ,
           merged_code                                 ,
           split_code                                  ,
           merge_parent_mass_additions_id              ,
           split_parent_mass_additions_id              ,
           project_asset_line_id                       ,
           project_id                                  ,
           task_id                                     ,
           sum_units                                   ,
           dist_name                                   ,
           context                                     ,
           inventorial                                 ,
           short_fiscal_year_flag                      ,
           conversion_date                             ,
           original_deprn_start_date                   ,
           group_asset_id                              ,
           cua_parent_hierarchy_id                     ,
           units_to_adjust                             ,
           bonus_ytd_deprn                             ,
           bonus_deprn_reserve                         ,
           amortize_nbv_flag                           ,
           amortization_start_date                     ,
           transaction_type_code                       ,
           transaction_date                            ,
           warranty_id                                 ,
           lease_id                                    ,
           lessor_id                                   ,
           property_type_code                          ,
           property_1245_1250_code                     ,
           in_use_flag                                 ,
           owned_leased                                ,
           new_used                                    ,
           asset_id                                    ,
           material_indicator_flag                     ,
           invoice_distribution_id                     ,
           invoice_line_number                         ,
           invoice_payment_id                          ,
       select /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_s.nextval,
           gt.asset_number                             ,
           gt.tag_number                               ,
           gt.description                              ,
           gt.asset_category_id                        ,
           gt.manufacturer_name                        ,
           gt.serial_number                            ,
           gt.model_number                             ,
           p_book_type_code                           ,
           decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1, gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt ) ,
           gt.fixed_assets_cost                        ,
           gt.payables_units                           ,
           gt.fixed_assets_units                       ,
           gt.payables_code_combination_id             ,
           gt.expense_code_combination_id              ,
           gt.location_id                              ,
           gt.assigned_to                              ,
           gt.feeder_system_name                       ,
           gt.create_batch_date                        ,
           gt.create_batch_id                          ,
           gt.last_update_date                         ,
           gt.last_updated_by                          ,
           gt.reviewer_comments                        ,
           gt.invoice_number                           ,
           gt.vendor_number                            ,
           gt.po_vendor_id                             ,
           gt.po_number                                ,
           gt.posting_status                           ,
           gt.queue_name                               ,
           gt.invoice_date                             ,
           gt.invoice_created_by                       ,
           gt.invoice_updated_by                       ,
           gt.payables_cost                            ,
           gt.invoice_id                               ,
           gt.payables_batch_name                      ,
           gt.depreciate_flag                          ,
           gt.parent_mass_addition_id                  ,
           gt.parent_asset_id                          ,
           /* gt.split_merged_code */
           null                                        ,
           gt.ap_distribution_line_number              ,
           gt.post_batch_id                            ,
           gt.add_to_asset_id                          ,
           gt.amortize_flag                            ,
           gt.new_master_flag                          ,
           gt.asset_key_ccid                           ,
           gt.asset_type                               ,  -- reinstated
           gt.deprn_reserve                            ,
           gt.ytd_deprn                                ,
           gt.beginning_nbv                            ,
           gt.created_by                               ,
           gt.creation_date                            ,
           gt.last_update_login                        ,
           gt.salvage_value                            ,
           gt.accounting_date                          ,
           gt.attribute_category_code                  ,
           gt.fully_rsvd_revals_counter                ,
           gt.merge_invoice_number                     ,
           gt.merge_vendor_number                      ,
           gt.production_capacity                      ,
           gt.reval_amortization_basis                 ,
           gt.reval_reserve                            ,
           gt.unit_of_measure                          ,
           gt.unrevalued_cost                          ,
           gt.ytd_reval_deprn_expense                  ,
           /* gt.merged_code */
           gt.split_code                               ,
           gt.merge_parent_mass_additions_id           ,
           gt.split_parent_mass_additions_id           ,
           gt.project_asset_line_id                    ,
           gt.project_id                               ,
           gt.task_id                                  ,
           /* gt.sum_units */
           gt.dist_name                                ,
           gt.context                                  ,
           gt.inventorial                              ,
           gt.short_fiscal_year_flag                   ,
           gt.conversion_date                          ,
           gt.original_deprn_start_date                ,
           gt.group_asset_id                           ,
           gt.cua_parent_hierarchy_id                  ,
           gt.units_to_adjust                          ,
           gt.bonus_ytd_deprn                          ,
           gt.bonus_deprn_reserve                      ,
           gt.amortize_nbv_flag                        ,
           gt.amortization_start_date                  ,
           /* transaction_type_code  - only future add in future period */
           decode(sign(decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1, gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt)
                       - l_calendar_period_close_date), 1, 'FUTURE ADD', NULL ),
           /* transaction date */
           decode(sign(decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1, gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt)
                       - l_calendar_period_close_date), 1, decode(l_def_dpis_enabled,
                         1, invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt), null ),
           gt.warranty_id                              ,
           gt.lease_id                                 ,
           gt.lessor_id                                ,
           gt.property_type_code                       ,
           gt.property_1245_1250_code                  ,
           gt.in_use_flag                              ,
           gt.owned_leased                             ,
           gt.new_used                                 ,
           gt.asset_id                                 ,
           gt.material_indicator_flag                  ,
           gt.invoice_distribution_id                  ,
           gt.invoice_line_number                      ,
           gt.invoice_payment_id                       ,
      from fa_mass_additions_gt gt
     where gt.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
       and gt.line_type_lookup_code in ('ITEM', 'ACCRUAL')
       and gt.line_status = 'VALID';
Line: 851

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Inserted ', to_char(l_count) );
Line: 859

      update /*+ leading(gt) index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt1
         set (posting_status
             ,merge_parent_mass_additions_id) =
             (select decode(mad.posting_status,
                            'POSTED', gt.posting_status,
                            'DELETE', gt.posting_status,
                            null,     gt.posting_status ,
                            'POSTED', null,
                            'DELETE', null,
                            'POSTED', null,
                            'DELETE', null,
                            null, null,
                            'POSTED', null,
                            'DELETE', null,
                            null,     null,
                            'POSTED', null,
                            'DELETE', null,
                from fa_mass_additions    mad,
                     fa_mass_additions_gt gt
               where gt.rowid = gt1.rowid
                 and mad.invoice_distribution_id(+)   = gt.parent_invoice_dist_id
                 and mad.book_type_code(+)            = p_book_type_code
                 and mad.invoice_distribution_id(+)  is not null
                 and mad.invoice_id(+)                = gt.invoice_id
                 and mad.parent_mass_addition_id(+)  is null)
       where gt1.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         and gt1.line_status  in ('VALID_CHILD1', 'VALID_CHILD2');
Line: 900

      DebugLog( 'Inserting FA_MASS_ADDITIONS with non-ITEM/ACCRUAL lines for primary',  p_book_type_code );
Line: 904

      insert into fa_mass_additions(
           mass_addition_id                            ,
           asset_number                                ,
           tag_number                                  ,
           description                                 ,
           asset_category_id                           ,
           manufacturer_name                           ,
           serial_number                               ,
           model_number                                ,
           book_type_code                              ,
           date_placed_in_service                      ,
           fixed_assets_cost                           ,
           payables_units                              ,
           fixed_assets_units                          ,
           payables_code_combination_id                ,
           expense_code_combination_id                 ,
           location_id                                 ,
           assigned_to                                 ,
           feeder_system_name                          ,
           create_batch_date                           ,
           create_batch_id                             ,
           last_update_date                            ,
           last_updated_by                             ,
           reviewer_comments                           ,
           invoice_number                              ,
           vendor_number                               ,
           po_vendor_id                                ,
           po_number                                   ,
           posting_status                              ,
           queue_name                                  ,
           invoice_date                                ,
           invoice_created_by                          ,
           invoice_updated_by                          ,
           payables_cost                               ,
           invoice_id                                  ,
           payables_batch_name                         ,
           depreciate_flag                             ,
           parent_mass_addition_id                     ,
           parent_asset_id                             ,
           split_merged_code                           ,
           ap_distribution_line_number                 ,
           post_batch_id                               ,
           add_to_asset_id                             ,
           amortize_flag                               ,
           new_master_flag                             ,
           asset_key_ccid                              ,
           asset_type                                  ,
           deprn_reserve                               ,
           ytd_deprn                                   ,
           beginning_nbv                               ,
           created_by                                  ,
           creation_date                               ,
           last_update_login                           ,
           salvage_value                               ,
           accounting_date                             ,
           attribute_category_code                     ,
           fully_rsvd_revals_counter                   ,
           merge_invoice_number                        ,
           merge_vendor_number                         ,
           production_capacity                         ,
           reval_amortization_basis                    ,
           reval_reserve                               ,
           unit_of_measure                             ,
           unrevalued_cost                             ,
           ytd_reval_deprn_expense                     ,
           merged_code                                 ,
           split_code                                  ,
           merge_parent_mass_additions_id              ,
           split_parent_mass_additions_id              ,
           project_asset_line_id                       ,
           project_id                                  ,
           task_id                                     ,
           sum_units                                   ,
           dist_name                                   ,
           context                                     ,
           inventorial                                 ,
           short_fiscal_year_flag                      ,
           conversion_date                             ,
           original_deprn_start_date                   ,
           group_asset_id                              ,
           cua_parent_hierarchy_id                     ,
           units_to_adjust                             ,
           bonus_ytd_deprn                             ,
           bonus_deprn_reserve                         ,
           amortize_nbv_flag                           ,
           amortization_start_date                     ,
           transaction_type_code                       ,
           transaction_date                            ,
           warranty_id                                 ,
           lease_id                                    ,
           lessor_id                                   ,
           property_type_code                          ,
           property_1245_1250_code                     ,
           in_use_flag                                 ,
           owned_leased                                ,
           new_used                                    ,
           asset_id                                    ,
           material_indicator_flag                     ,
           invoice_distribution_id                     ,
           invoice_line_number                         ,
           invoice_payment_id                          ,
      select /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_s.nextval              ,
           gt.asset_number                             ,
           gt.tag_number                               ,
           gt.description                              ,
           gt.asset_category_id                        ,
           gt.manufacturer_name                        ,
           gt.serial_number                            ,
           gt.model_number                             ,
           p_book_type_code                            ,
           decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1, gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt ) ,
           gt.fixed_assets_cost                        ,
           gt.payables_units                           ,
           gt.fixed_assets_units                       ,
           gt.payables_code_combination_id             ,
           gt.expense_code_combination_id              ,
           gt.location_id                              ,
           gt.assigned_to                              ,
           gt.feeder_system_name                       ,
           gt.create_batch_date                        ,
           gt.create_batch_id                          ,
           gt.last_update_date                         ,
           gt.last_updated_by                          ,
           gt.reviewer_comments                        ,
           gt.invoice_number                           ,
           gt.vendor_number                            ,
           gt.po_vendor_id                             ,
           gt.po_number                                ,
           gt.posting_status                           ,
           gt.queue_name                               ,
           gt.invoice_date                             ,
           gt.invoice_created_by                       ,
           gt.invoice_updated_by                       ,
           gt.payables_cost                            ,
           gt.invoice_id                               ,
           gt.payables_batch_name                      ,
           gt.depreciate_flag                          ,
           gt.parent_mass_addition_id                  ,
           gt.parent_asset_id                          ,
           gt.split_merged_code                        ,
           gt.ap_distribution_line_number              ,
           gt.post_batch_id                            ,
           gt.add_to_asset_id                          ,
           gt.amortize_flag                            ,
           gt.new_master_flag                          ,
           gt.asset_key_ccid                           ,
           gt.asset_type                               ,
           gt.deprn_reserve                            ,
           gt.ytd_deprn                                ,
           gt.beginning_nbv                            ,
           gt.created_by                               ,
           gt.creation_date                            ,
           gt.last_update_login                        ,
           gt.salvage_value                            ,
           gt.accounting_date                          ,
           gt.attribute_category_code                  ,
           gt.fully_rsvd_revals_counter                ,
           gt.merge_invoice_number                     ,
           gt.merge_vendor_number                      ,
           gt.production_capacity                      ,
           gt.reval_amortization_basis                 ,
           gt.reval_reserve                            ,
           gt.unit_of_measure                          ,
           gt.unrevalued_cost                          ,
           gt.ytd_reval_deprn_expense                  ,
           gt.merged_code                              ,
           gt.split_code                               ,
           gt.merge_parent_mass_additions_id           ,
           gt.split_parent_mass_additions_id           ,
           gt.project_asset_line_id                    ,
           gt.project_id                               ,
           gt.task_id                                  ,
           gt.sum_units                                ,
           gt.dist_name                                ,
           gt.context                                  ,
           gt.inventorial                              ,
           gt.short_fiscal_year_flag                   ,
           gt.conversion_date                          ,
           gt.original_deprn_start_date                ,
           gt.group_asset_id                           ,
           gt.cua_parent_hierarchy_id                  ,
           gt.units_to_adjust                          ,
           gt.bonus_ytd_deprn                          ,
           gt.bonus_deprn_reserve                      ,
           gt.amortize_nbv_flag                        ,
           gt.amortization_start_date                  ,
           /* transaction_type_code  - only future add in future period */
           decode(sign(decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1, gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt)
                        - l_calendar_period_close_date), 1, 'FUTURE ADD', NULL ),
           /* transaction date */
           decode(sign(decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1, gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt)
                       - l_calendar_period_close_date), 1, decode(l_def_dpis_enabled, 1,
                         gt.invoice_date, l_def_dpis_dt), null ),
           gt.warranty_id                              ,
           gt.lease_id                                 ,
           gt.lessor_id                                ,
           gt.property_type_code                       ,
           gt.property_1245_1250_code                  ,
           gt.in_use_flag                              ,
           gt.owned_leased                             ,
           gt.new_used                                 ,
           gt.asset_id                                 ,
           gt.material_indicator_flag                  ,
           gt.invoice_distribution_id                  ,
           gt.invoice_line_number                      ,
           gt.invoice_payment_id                       ,
       from fa_mass_additions_gt gt
      where gt.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
        and gt.line_status in ('VALID_CHILD1',  'VALID_CHILD2',
                               'VALID_ORPHAN1', 'VALID_ORPHAN2', 'VALID_ORPHAN3');
Line: 1118

      DebugLog( 'No of NON-ITEM Records Inserted ', to_char(l_count) );
Line: 1126

      update fa_mass_additions ma
         set ma.split_merged_code = 'MP',
             ma.merged_code       = 'MP',
             ma.sum_units         = 'NO'
       where ma.posting_status not in ('POSTED', 'DELETE')
         and ma.book_type_code      = p_book_type_code
         and ma.parent_mass_addition_id is null
         and ma.merged_code             is null
         and ma.split_merged_code       is null
         and ma.invoice_payment_id      is null
         and exists
               (select 1
                  from fa_mass_additions mac,
                       fa_mass_additions_gt gt
                 where mac.posting_status  = 'MERGED'
                   and mac.book_type_code  = p_book_type_code
                   and mac.merged_code     = 'MC'
                   and mac.merge_parent_mass_additions_id = ma.mass_addition_id
                   and mac.invoice_distribution_id = gt.invoice_distribution_id);
Line: 1147

      DebugLog('No of Records Updated ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 1150

      DebugLog('Inserting into FA_MC_MASS_RATES for reporting ledger(s) ', p_book_type_code);
Line: 1154

      Insert into fa_mc_mass_rates
                ( set_of_books_id,
         select /*+ leading(gt)  */
           from fa_mass_additions    mad,
                fa_mass_additions_gt gt
          where mad.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
            and mad.invoice_distribution_id = gt.invoice_distribution_id
            and gt.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
            and gt.ledger_category_code <> 'P';
Line: 1172

      DebugLog( 'No of Records Inserted ', to_char(l_count));
Line: 1181

      update /*+ index(gt FA_MASS_ADDITIONS_GT_N1) */ fa_mass_additions_gt gt
         set gt.line_status = 'PROCESSED'
       where book_type_code = p_book_type_code
         and line_status like 'VALID%'
         and gt.invoice_distribution_id IN
                 ( select mad.invoice_distribution_id
                     from fa_mass_additions mad
                    where mad.invoice_distribution_id = gt.invoice_distribution_id
                      and mad.book_type_code = p_book_type_code
                      and mad.create_batch_id = gt.create_batch_id