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Line 1: Package Body hr_dflex_utility as

1: Package Body hr_dflex_utility as
2: /* $Header: hrdfutil.pkb 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/22 14:45:33 appldev ship $ */
3: --
4: -- PLSQL table of rows types
5: --

Line 17: g_package varchar2(33) := 'hr_dflex_utility.';

13: Type Var2TabType is table of Var2Rectype index by binary_integer;
14: --
15: -- Package Variables
16: --
17: g_package varchar2(33) := 'hr_dflex_utility.';
18: g_dfcode_structure l_ignore_dfcode_varray := l_ignore_dfcode_varray();
19: -- Bug fix 1218702.
20: g_debug boolean := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
21: --

Line 1276: end hr_dflex_utility;

1272: end if;
1273: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc, 120);
1274: end ins_or_upd_descflex_attribs;
1275: --
1276: end hr_dflex_utility;