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1 PACKAGE igs_re_sprvsr_lgcy_pub AS
2 /* $Header: IGSRE19S.pls 120.1 2006/01/17 03:36:09 rnirwani noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * The Research Supervisor Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with
5  * data during a system conversion.  This API is also used by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment
6  * and Records when importing rows from the IGS_RE_LGCY_SPR_INT interface table.
7  * @rep:scope public
8  * @rep:product IGS
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
10  * @rep:displayname Import Legacy Research Supervisor
11  * @rep:compatibility S
13  */
14  -- irep annotations above.
15 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
16  |  Copyright (c) 1994, 1996 Oracle Corp. Redwood Shores, California, USA       |
17  |                            All rights reserved.                              |
18  +==============================================================================+
19  |                                                                              |
20  | DESCRIPTION                                                                  |
21  |      PL/SQL package: igs_re_sprvsr_lgcy_pub                                  |
22  |                                                                              |
23  | NOTES : Research Supervisor Legacy API. This API imports supervisor          |
24  |         information against the specified program attempt / candidature.     |
25  |         Created as part of Enrollment Legacy build. Bug# 2661533             |
26  |                                                                              |
27  | HISTORY                                                                      |
28  | Who        When           What                                               |
29  | pradhakr   03-Dec-2002    Changed the reference to the table                 |
30  |                           igs_re_lgcy_sprvsr_int to igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.     |
31  *==============================================================================*/
33  TYPE sprvsr_dtls_rec_type IS RECORD
34  (
35     ca_person_number            igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.ca_person_number%TYPE,
36     program_cd                  igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.program_cd%TYPE,
37     person_number		igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.person_number%TYPE,
38     start_dt			igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.start_dt%TYPE,
39     end_dt			igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.end_dt%TYPE,
40     research_supervisor_type	igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.research_supervisor_type%TYPE,
41     supervisor_profession	igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.supervisor_profession%TYPE,
42     supervision_percentage	igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.supervision_percentage%TYPE,
43     funding_percentage		igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.funding_percentage%TYPE,
44     org_unit_cd			igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.org_unit_cd%TYPE,
45     replaced_person_number	igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.replaced_person_number%TYPE,
46     comments			igs_re_lgcy_spr_int.comments%TYPE
47 );
49 -- irep annotations below
50 /*#
51  * The Research Supervisor Import process is a public API designed for use in populating rows with
52  * data during a system conversion.  This API is also used by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment
53  * and Records when importing rows from the IGS_RE_LGCY_SPR_INT interface table.
54  * @param p_api_version The version number will be used to compare with claim public api's current version number.Unexpected error is raised if version in-compatibility exists.
55  * @param P_init_msg_list Set to FND_API.G_TRUE to have API automatically to initialize message list.
56  * @param p_commit Set to FND_API.G_TRUE to have API to commit automatically.
57  * @param p_validation_level Public API will always perform full level of validation.
58  * @param p_sprvsr_dtls_rec Legacy Research Supervisor record type. Refer to IGS_EN_LGCY_SPR_INT for detail column descriptions.
59  * @param x_return_status The return status values are as follows; Success - FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS ; Error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ; Unexpected error - FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR.
60  * @param x_msg_count Message count.
61  * @param x_msg_data Message data.
62  * @rep:scope public
63  * @rep:lifecycle active
64  * @rep:displayname Import Legacy Research Supervisor
65  */
66  PROCEDURE create_sprvsr
67  (
68     p_api_version             IN           NUMBER,
69     p_init_msg_list           IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
70     p_commit                  IN           VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE ,
71     p_validation_level        IN           NUMBER   DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL ,
72     p_sprvsr_dtls_rec         IN           sprvsr_dtls_rec_type,
73     x_return_status           OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
74     x_msg_count               OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
75     x_msg_data                OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
76  );
79 END igs_re_sprvsr_lgcy_pub;