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APPS.IGP_VW_GEN_002_PKG SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

SELECT fnd.user_name
FROM   fnd_user fnd, fnd_responsibility_vl resp , fnd_user_resp_groups_direct rg
WHERE  rg.user_id = fnd.user_id AND
       rg.responsibility_id = resp.responsibility_id AND
       rg.responsibility_application_id = cp_app_id AND
       resp.responsibility_key = cp_resp_key ;
Line: 137

SELECT ''||(RPAD(NVL(port.portfolio_name, nbsp), 80))||''   name,
               ''||(RPAD(NVL(DECODE(port.pub_end_date,to_date('31/12/4172','dd/mm/yyyy'),NULL,port.pub_end_date),nbsp), 13))||''  pub_end_date,
               ''||(RPAD(NVL((hz.person_last_name||','||hz.person_first_name),nbsp), 360))||''  AUTHOR
FROM   igp_us_portfolios port, igp_ac_accounts acc, hz_parties hz
WHERE  port.account_id = acc.account_id AND
       acc.party_id = hz.party_id AND
       port.portfolio_id = cp_port_ids ;
Line: 323

SELECT (hz.person_last_name||','||hz.person_first_name) VIEWER , us.user_name
FROM   hz_parties hz, fnd_user us, igp_ac_accounts ac
WHERE   ac.party_id = hz.party_id AND
	us.user_id=ac.user_id AND
        hz.party_id = cp_viewer_id;
Line: 332

  SELECT  (hz.person_last_name||','||hz.person_first_name) CC_NAME
    FROM hz_parties hz,fnd_user fu
   WHERE fu.person_party_id=hz.party_id
     AND fu.user_name = cp_CC_user_name;
Line: 395

Line: 439

SELECT port.portfolio_name, fnd.user_name
FROM   igp_us_portfolios port, igp_ac_accounts acc, fnd_user fnd
WHERE  port.account_id = acc.account_id AND
       fnd.user_id = acc.user_id AND
       port.portfolio_id = cp_port_ids;
Line: 446

SELECT (hz.person_last_name||','||hz.person_first_name) VIEWER  ,  us.user_name,us.email_address
FROM   hz_parties hz, fnd_user us, igp_ac_accounts ac
WHERE   ac.party_id = hz.party_id AND
	us.user_id=ac.user_id AND
        hz.party_id = cp_viewer_id;
Line: 455

  SELECT  (hz.person_last_name||','||hz.person_first_name) CC_NAME
    FROM hz_parties hz,fnd_user fu
   WHERE fu.person_party_id=hz.party_id
     AND fu.user_name = cp_CC_user_name;
Line: 560

Line: 666

Line: 698

     SELECT portfolio_name
       FROM igp_us_portfolios
      WHERE portfolio_id=to_number(cp_port_id);
Line: 703

     SELECT person_last_name||', '||person_first_name
       FROM hz_parties
      WHERE party_id=to_number(cp_party_id);