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2 /* $Header: WMSLABLB.pls 115.0 2000/07/07 15:47:27 pkm ship        $ */
3    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4    -- Name
5    --   PROCEDURE Location_Label
6    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7    --
8    -- Purpose
9    --   Create XML File for Location label
10    --
11    -- Input Parameters
12    --   p_api_version
13    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
14    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
15    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
16    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
17    --                                   initialize error message list
18    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
19    --                                   message list
20    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
21    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
22    -- 	p_organization_id    	Organization Id - Required Value
23    --   p_Zone_From             Zone Range From
24    --   p_Zone_To               Zone Range To
25    --   p_location_fr           Location Range From
26    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
27    --   p_location_to           Location Range To
28    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
29    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
30    --
31    --
32    -- Output Parameters
33    --   x_return_status
34    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
35    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
36    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
37    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
38    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
39    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
40    --   x_msg_count
41    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
42    --           in the buffer
43    --   x_msg_data
44    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
45    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
47 PROCEDURE Location_Label
48 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
49    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
50    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
51    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
52    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
53    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
54    p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER                          ,
55    p_zone_fr    	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_miss_char ,
56    p_zone_to		IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_miss_char ,
57    p_location_fr        IN      VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_miss_char ,
58    p_location_to        IN      VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_miss_char ,
59    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER   :=1
60 ) IS
61 CURSOR loc_cursor IS
62        select  inventory_location_id
63               ,concatenated_segments locator
64               ,subinventory_code
65        from mtl_item_locations_kfv
66        where concatenated_segments between
67                  decode(p_location_fr,null,concatenated_segments,p_location_fr)
68              and decode(p_location_to,null,concatenated_segments,p_location_to)
69        and subinventory_code between
70              decode(p_zone_fr,null,subinventory_code,p_zone_fr)
71              and decode(p_zone_to,null,subinventory_code,p_zone_to)
72        and organization_id = p_organization_id;
73 l_loc_rec loc_cursor%ROWTYPE;
74 l_rec_count NUMBER :=0;
75 l_printer_header_once VARCHAR2(1):='N';
76 --
77 begin
78   g_dir := Output_file_dir(); -- get this from profile
79   --dbms_output.put_line('directory='||g_dir);
80   g_file := 'text123.xml';
81   g_no_copies := p_no_of_copies;
82 /* wms.rules.label needs to be called here to get the correct label
83  as per the data created for the label request line
84 */
85 --g_label := wms_rules.label();
86 /*User the function Get_printer_name() to get the appropriate printer name
87   as per the data */
88 --g_printer := Get_printer_name();
89   g_label := 'Loation_Label';
90   g_printer := '3op1035ap';
91   WMS_CLABEL.setDefaultLabelInfo(g_label,g_printer,g_no_copies);
92   WMS_CLABEL.openLabelFile(g_dir,g_file);
93   FOR l_loc_rec IN loc_cursor
94   LOOP
95     IF l_printer_header_once = 'Y' then
96        WMS_CLABEL.clearHeader;
97        g_variable_name := 'Zone';
98        g_variable_value := l_loc_rec.subinventory_code;
99        WMS_CLABEL.setHeaderVariable(g_variable_name,g_variable_value);
100        g_variable_name := 'Locator';
101        g_variable_value := l_loc_rec.locator;
102        WMS_CLABEL.setHeaderVariable(g_variable_name,g_variable_value);
103   -- Note: Header is also useful to
104   -- define the static strings like "Address" on the
105   -- label themselves as variables so that language
106   -- translations can be done
107   -- on these labels and hence making it possible to
108   -- use the same label template.
109     END IF;
110 --  FOR l_loc_rec in loc_cursor
111 --  LOOP
112     l_rec_count := l_rec_count+1;
113   --  dbms_output.put_line('first row '||l_loc_rec.locator||l_loc_rec.subinventory_code);
114     WMS_CLABEL.clearLine;  -- Clear all the previous line variables
115     g_printer := '3op1035ap';
116     g_label := 'Location_Label';
117 --    WMS_CLABEL.setLabelInfo(g_label,g_printer,g_no_copies); -- do this to override
118     WMS_CLABEL.setLabelInfo(null,null,null); -- do this to override
119   -- Now set all the label variables
120     g_variable_name := 'Zone';
121     g_variable_value := l_loc_rec.subinventory_code;
122     WMS_CLABEL.setLineVariable(g_variable_name,g_variable_value);
123     g_variable_name := 'Locator';
124     g_variable_value := l_loc_rec.locator;
125     WMS_CLABEL.setLineVariable(g_variable_name,g_variable_value);
126     WMS_CLABEL.writeLabel(2);  -- This call writes the variables of both the header and the lines.
127   END LOOP;
128   WMS_CLABEL.closeLabelFile;
129   --dbms_output.put_line('Total records in the label '||to_char(l_rec_count));
130   x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
131 exception
132 when others then
133   x_return_status := 'E';
134    --dbms_output.put_line('Invalid Path:'||sqlcode||' '||sqlerrm);
135 end Location_Label;
136    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
137    -- Name
138    --   PROCEDURE Item_Label
139    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
140    --
141    -- Purpose
142    --   Create XML File for Item Label
143    --
144    -- Input Parameters
145    --   p_api_version
146    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
147    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
148    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
149    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
150    --                                   initialize error message list
151    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
152    --                                   message list
153    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
154    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
155    -- 	p_organization_id    	Organization Id - Required Value
156    --   p_Zone_From             Zone Range From
157    --   p_Zone_To               Zone Range To
158    --   p_location_fr           Location Range From
159    --                           (Segment Values are passed)
160    --   p_location_to           Location Range To
161    --                           (Segment Values are passed)
162    --   p_item_fr               item Range From
163    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
164    --   p_item_to                Location Range To
165    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
166    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
167    --
168    --
169    -- Output Parameters
170    --   x_return_status
171    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
172    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
173    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
174    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
175    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
176    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
177    --   x_msg_count
178    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
179    --           in the buffer
180    --   x_msg_data
181    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
182    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
184 PROCEDURE Item_Label
185 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
186    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
187    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
188    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
189    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
190    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
191    p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER                          ,
192    p_zone_fr    	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
193    p_zone_to		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
194    p_location_fr        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
195    p_location_to        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL               ,
196    p_item_fr            IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
197    p_item_to            IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL               ,
198    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER
199 ) IS
200 begin
201   null;
202 end Item_Label;
203    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
204    -- Name
205    --   PROCEDURE Material_Movement_Label
206    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
207    --
208    -- Purpose
209    --   Create XML File for Material Movement Label like Pick and Putaway
210    --
211    -- Input Parameters
212    --   p_api_version
213    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
214    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
215    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
216    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
217    --                                   initialize error message list
218    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
219    --                                   message list
220    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
221    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
222    -- 	p_organization_id    	Organization Id - Required Value
223    --   p_Move_Order_Number     Move Order Number
224    --   p_Zone_From             Zone Range From
225    --   p_Zone_To               Zone Range To
226    --   p_location_fr           Location Range From
227    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
228    --   p_location_to           Location Range To
229    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
230    --   p_mo_no                 Mover Order Number
231    --   p_wip_job_no            WIP Job Number
232    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
233    --
234    --
235    -- Output Parameters
236    --   x_return_status
237    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
238    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
239    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
240    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
241    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
242    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
243    --   x_msg_count
244    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
245    --           in the buffer
246    --   x_msg_data
247    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
248    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
250 PROCEDURE Material_Movement_Label
251 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
252    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
253    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
254    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
255    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
256    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
257    p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER                          ,
258    p_zone_fr    	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
259    p_zone_to		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
260    p_location_fr        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
261    p_location_to        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL               ,
262    p_mo_no              IN      NUMBER := NULL               ,
263    p_wip_job_no         IN      NUMBER := NULL                ,
264    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER
265 ) is
266 begin
267   null;
268 end Material_Movement_Label;
269    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
270    -- Name
271    --   PROCEDURE Palette_Label
272    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
273    --
274    -- Purpose
275    --   Create XML File for Palette Label
276    --
277    -- Input Parameters
278    --   p_api_version
279    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
280    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
281    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
282    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
283    --                                   initialize error message list
284    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
285    --                                   message list
286    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
287    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
288    -- 	p_organization_id    	Organization Id - Required Value
289    --   p_Move_Order_Number     Move Order Number
290    --   p_Zone_From             Zone Range From
291    --   p_Zone_To               Zone Range To
292    --   p_Location_fr           Location Range From
293    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
294    --   p_Location_to           Location Range To
295    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
296    --   p_Shipment Number       Shipment Number
297    --   p_Delivery_id           Delivery Id
298    --   p_Delivery_line_id      Delivery Line Id
299    --   p_Pslip_no              Pick Slip Number
300    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
301    --
302    --
303    -- Output Parameters
304    --   x_return_status
305    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
306    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
307    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
308    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
309    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
310    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
311    --   x_msg_count
312    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
313    --           in the buffer
314    --   x_msg_data
315    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
316    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
318 PROCEDURE Palette_Label
319 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
320    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
321    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
322    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
323    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
324    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
325    p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER                          ,
326    p_zone_fr    	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
327    p_zone_to		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
328    p_location_fr        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
329    p_location_to        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL               ,
330    p_delivery_id        IN      NUMBER := NULL               ,
331    p_shipment_number    IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL             ,
332    p_delivery_line_id   IN      NUMBER := NULL               ,
333    p_pslip_number       IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL          ,
334    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER
335 )is
336 begin
337   null;
338 end Palette_Label;
339    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
340    -- Name
341    --   PROCEDURE Kanban_Card_Label
342    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
343    --
344    -- Purpose
345    --   Create XML File for Kanban Card Label
346    --
347    -- Input Parameters
348    --   p_api_version
349    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
350    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
351    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
352    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
353    --                                   initialize error message list
354    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
355    --                                   message list
356    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
357    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
358    --   p_kanban_card_id_fr        Kanban Card Id Range from
359    --   p_kanban_card_id_to        Kanban Card Id Range To
360    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
361    --
362    --
363    -- Output Parameters
364    --   x_return_status
365    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
366    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
367    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
368    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
369    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
370    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
371    --   x_msg_count
372    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
373    --           in the buffer
374    --   x_msg_data
375    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
376    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
378 PROCEDURE  Kanban_Card_Label
379 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
380    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
381    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
382    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
383    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
384    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
385    p_kanban_card_id_fr	IN	NUMBER                          ,
386    p_kanban_card_id_to	IN	NUMBER                  ,
387    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER
388 )is
389 begin
390   null;
391 end Kanban_Card_Label;
392    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
393    -- Name
394    --   PROCEDURE LPN_Label
395    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
396    --
397    -- Purpose
398    --   Create XML File for LPN Label
399    --
400    -- Input Parameters
401    --   p_api_version
402    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
403    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
404    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
405    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
406    --                                   initialize error message list
407    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
408    --                                   message list
409    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
410    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
411    --   p_lpn_fr              LPN Range from
412    --   p_lpn_to              LPN Range To
413    --   p_customer_id         Customer ID
414    --   p_ship_to_loc_id      Ship To Location ID
415    --   p_Include_Contents    Include LPn Contents
416    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
417    --
418    --
419    -- Output Parameters
420    --   x_return_status
421    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
422    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
423    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
424    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
425    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
426    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
427    --   x_msg_count
428    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
429    --           in the buffer
430    --   x_msg_data
431    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
432    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
435 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
436    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
437    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
438    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
439    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
440    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
441    p_lpn_fr        	IN      VARCHAR2                        ,
442    p_lpn_to     	IN	VARCHAR2                        ,
443    p_customer_id        IN      NUMBER                          ,
444    p_ship_to_loc_id     IN      NUMBER                          ,
445    p_include_contents   IN	VARCHAR2                        ,
446    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER
447 )is
448 begin
449   null;
450 end LPN_Label;
452    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
453    -- Name
454    --   PROCEDURE Shipping Label
455    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
456    --
457    -- Purpose
458    --   Create XML File for Shipping Label
459    --
460    -- Input Parameters
461    --   p_api_version
462    --      API version number (current version is 1.0)
463    --   p_init_msg_list (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
464    --      Valid values: FND_API.G_FALSE or FND_API.G_TRUE.
465    --                           if set to FND_API.G_TRUE
466    --                                   initialize error message list
467    --                           if set to FND_API.G_FALSE - not initialize error
468    --                                   message list
469    --   p_commit (optional, default FND_API.G_FALSE)
470    --		whether or not to commit the changes to database
471    -- 	p_organization_id    	Organization Id - Required Value
472    --   p_Move_Order_Number     Move Order Number
473    --   p_Zone_From             Zone Range From
474    --   p_Zone_To               Zone Range To
475    --   p_Location_fr           Location Range From
476    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
477    --   p_Location_to           Location Range To
478    --                           (only Segment Values are passed)
479    --   p_Shipment Number       Shipment Number
480    --   p_Delivery_id           Delivery Id
481    --   p_Delivery_line_id      Delivery Line Id
482    --   p_Pslip_no              Pick Slip Number
483    --   p_no_of_copies          No of copies of duplicate labels
484    --
485    --
486    -- Output Parameters
487    --   x_return_status
488    --       if the pick release process succeeds, the value is
489    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
490    --       if there is an expected error, the value is
491    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
492    --       if there is an unexpected error, the value is
493    --		fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
494    --   x_msg_count
495    --       if there is one or more errors, the number of error messages
496    --           in the buffer
497    --   x_msg_data
498    --       if there is one and only one error, the error message
499    --   (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
501 PROCEDURE Shipping_Label
502 (  p_api_version   	IN	NUMBER                          ,
503    p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
504    p_commit	      	IN	VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false     ,
505    x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
506    x_msg_count          OUT	NUMBER                          ,
507    x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2                        ,
508    p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER                          ,
509    p_zone_fr    	IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
510    p_zone_to		IN	VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
511    p_location_fr        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL                ,
512    p_location_to        IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL              ,
513    p_delivery_id        IN      NUMBER := NULL               ,
514    p_shipment_number    IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL             ,
515    p_delivery_line_id   IN      NUMBER := NULL               ,
516    p_pslip_number       IN      VARCHAR2 := NULL              ,
517    p_no_of_copies       IN      NUMBER
518 )is
519 begin
520   null;
521 end Shipping_Label;
522    /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
523    -- Name
524    --   FUNCTION Output_file_dir
525    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
526 function Output_file_dir return varchar2
527 IS
528    v_db_name VARCHAR2(100);
529    v_log_name VARCHAR2(100);
530    v_db_name VARCHAR2(100);
531    v_st_position number(3);
532    v_end_position number(3);
533    v_w_position number(3);
536    select INSTR(value,',',1,2),INSTR(value,',',1,3)
537    into v_st_position,v_end_position from  v$parameter
538    where upper(name) = 'UTL_FILE_DIR';
540    v_w_position := v_end_position - v_st_position - 1;
542    select substr(value,v_st_position+1,v_w_position)
543    into v_log_name from v$parameter
544    where upper(name) = 'UTL_FILE_DIR';
545    v_log_name := ltrim(v_log_name);
546    FND_FILE.PUT_NAMES(v_log_name,v_log_name,v_log_name);
547    return v_log_name;
549 WHEN OTHERS then
551 END Output_file_dir;
552 /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
553 END WMS_Label_PUB;