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Line 56: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_PK');

52: <> ben_crt_shd.g_old_rec.crt_ordr_id) then
53: --
54: -- raise error as PK has changed
55: --
56: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_PK');
57: --
58: elsif not l_api_updating then
59: --
60: -- check if PK is null

Line 66: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_PK');

62: if p_crt_ordr_id is not null then
63: --
64: -- raise error as PK is not null
65: --
66: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_PK');
67: --
68: end if;
69: --
70: end if;

Line 144: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_DT1');

140: --
141: -- raise error as FK does not relate to PK in per_all_people_f
142: -- table.
143: --
144: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_DT1');
145: --
146: end if;
147: --
148: close c1;

Line 236: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_DT2');

232: --
233: -- raise error as FK does not relate to PK in ben_pl_f
234: -- table.
235: --
236: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_DT2');
237: --
238: end if;
239: --
240: close c1;

Line 379: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_DT3');

375: --
376: -- raise error as FK does not relate to PK in ben_pl_typ_f
377: -- table.
378: --
379: ben_crt_shd.constraint_error('BEN_CRT_ORDR_DT3');
380: --
381: end if;
382: --
383: close c1;

Line 636: (p_lookup_type => 'BEN_CRT_ORDR_TYP',

632: -- check if value of lookup falls within lookup type.
633: --
634: --
635: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups
636: (p_lookup_type => 'BEN_CRT_ORDR_TYP',
637: p_lookup_code => p_crt_ordr_typ_cd,
638: p_effective_date => p_effective_date) then
639: --
640: -- raise error as does not exist as lookup

Line 644: fnd_message.set_token('TYPE','BEN_CRT_ORDR_TYP');

640: -- raise error as does not exist as lookup
641: --
642: fnd_message.set_name('BEN','BEN_91628_LOOKUP_TYPE_GENERIC');
643: fnd_message.set_token('FIELD','p_crt_ordr_typ_cd');
644: fnd_message.set_token('TYPE','BEN_CRT_ORDR_TYP');
645: fnd_message.raise_error;
646: --
647: end if;
648: --

Line 922: ben_crt_ordr b

918: --
919: cursor csr_leg_code is
920: select a.legislation_code
921: from per_business_groups a,
922: ben_crt_ordr b
923: where b.crt_ordr_id = p_crt_ordr_id
924: and a.business_group_id = b.business_group_id;
925: --
926: -- Declare local variables