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2 /* $Header: FLMCPSYB.pls 120.2 2005/08/04 12:06:28 asuherma noship $ */
3 -- Modified to support lot based material
4 -- Added basis type and qty per lot
5 type comp_rec is record
6         (item_id                NUMBER,
7          usage                  NUMBER,
8          line_id                NUMBER,
9 	 operation_seq_num	NUMBER,
10 	 line_op_seq_id	        NUMBER,
11          basis_type		NUMBER,
12          qty_per_lot		NUMBER);
14 type comp_list is table of comp_rec index by BINARY_INTEGER;
16 g_debug     boolean := FALSE;
18 -- Return the operation time of a particular line-op rounded up to the
19 -- next takt time.
20 FUNCTION get_operation_times (p_line_op_seq_id NUMBER, p_takt_time NUMBER) return NUMBER IS
21   l_total_time NUMBER;
23   select CEIL(NVL(total_time_calc,0)/p_takt_time) * p_takt_time
24   into l_total_time
25   from bom_operation_sequences
26   where operation_sequence_id = p_line_op_seq_id;
28   return (l_total_time);
29 END get_operation_times;
31 -- To calculate the schedule start time of the feeder line schedule
32 FUNCTION feeder_line_start_date (p_org_id NUMBER,
33                                  p_feeder_line_id NUMBER,
34 			         p_item_id NUMBER,
35                                  p_qty NUMBER,
36 				 p_completion_date DATE) return DATE
37 IS
38   l_start_time NUMBER;
39   l_stop_time NUMBER;
40   l_lead_time NUMBER;
42   select start_time, stop_time
43   into l_start_time, l_stop_time
44   from wip_lines
45   where line_id = p_feeder_line_id
46     and organization_id = p_org_id;
48   select nvl(fixed_lead_time,0) + (p_qty - 1)*nvl(variable_lead_time,0)
49   into l_lead_time
50   from mtl_system_items
51   where organization_id = p_org_id
52     and inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
54   return ( MRP_LINE_SCHEDULE_ALGORITHM.calculate_begin_time(
55                 p_org_id ,
56                 p_completion_date,
57                 l_lead_time ,
58                 l_start_time,
59                 l_stop_time) );
61 END feeder_line_start_date;
63 -- This function is used to calculate the completion date
64 -- of the feeder line. The input parameter is the line_op
65 -- sequence id from where the feeder line goes in.
66 -- Using the routing networks information, it sums up the
67 -- operation time (rounded up to the multiple of takt time)
68 -- of the line-op from the given line op
69 -- to the last completion line op by tracing only the primary path.
70 -- Then substract that time from the completion time
71 -- (using calculate_begin_time routine) to get required
72 -- completion time of the feeder line at particular line op.
73 -- 2 parameters p_qty and p_fast_feeder_line added for bug 2373141
74 FUNCTION feeder_line_comp_date (p_org_id NUMBER,
75 				p_assembly_line_id NUMBER,
76 				p_assembly_item_id NUMBER,
77 				p_assembly_start_date DATE,
78 				p_assembly_comp_date DATE,
79 				p_line_op_seq_id NUMBER,
80                                 p_qty NUMBER,
81 				p_fast_feeder_line NUMBER) return DATE
82 IS
83   l_takt_time NUMBER;
84   l_operation_times NUMBER;
85   l_date DATE;
86   l_start_time NUMBER;
87   l_stop_time NUMBER;
88   l_working_hours NUMBER;
89   l_assembly_comp_date DATE;
91   cursor network_cur (cv_start_operation_sequence_id number) is
92   select bon.to_op_seq_id to_op_seq_id
93   from bom_operation_networks bon
94   connect by prior to_op_seq_id = from_op_seq_id
95              and
96              nvl(bon.transition_type, 0) not in (2, 3)
97   start with from_op_seq_id = cv_start_operation_sequence_id
98              and
99              nvl(bon.transition_type, 0) not in (2, 3);
103   select start_time, stop_time, 1/maximum_rate
104   into l_start_time, l_stop_time, l_takt_time
105   from wip_lines
106   where line_id = p_assembly_line_id
107     and organization_id = p_org_id;
109   if (l_stop_time > l_start_time) then
110     l_working_hours := (l_stop_time - l_start_time)/3600;
111   else
112     l_working_hours := (l_stop_time + 24*3600 - l_start_time)/3600;
113   end if;
115   l_operation_times := get_operation_times(p_line_op_seq_id, l_takt_time);
116   for network_rec in network_cur (p_line_op_seq_id) loop
117     l_operation_times := l_operation_times +
118                          get_operation_times(network_rec.to_op_seq_id,l_takt_time);
119   end loop;
121  /* Added for bug 2373141 */
122   if ( p_fast_feeder_line > 0 ) then
123     l_assembly_comp_date := p_assembly_comp_date - ((((p_qty -1) * l_takt_time) * 3600)/86400);
124   else
125     l_assembly_comp_date := p_assembly_comp_date;
126   end if;
127  /* Added for bug 2373141 */
129   l_date := MRP_LINE_SCHEDULE_ALGORITHM.calculate_begin_time(
130                 p_org_id ,
131                 l_assembly_comp_date,
132                 l_operation_times/l_working_hours ,
133                 l_start_time,
134                 l_stop_time);
136   -- If completion time is the same as line start time in the day, then
137   -- the completion time is set to the previous work day at line stop time
138   --fix bug#3170105
139   --if ( l_date = (trunc(l_date)+l_start_time/(24*3600)) ) then
140   --    l_date := mrp_calendar.prev_work_day(p_org_id,1,trunc(l_date)-1)+l_stop_time/(24*3600);
141   --end if;
142   if ( l_date = (flm_timezone.server_to_calendar(l_date)+l_start_time/(24*3600)) ) then
143       l_date := mrp_calendar.prev_work_day(p_org_id,1,
144                   flm_timezone.server_to_calendar(l_date)-1)+l_stop_time/(24*3600);
145   end if;
146   --end of fix bug#3170105
148   return (l_date);
150 END feeder_line_comp_date;
152 -- Find out if the line-op is a valid line-op.
153 -- Valid line-op is line-op that is in the primary-path
154 FUNCTION is_valid_seq (p_op_seq_id in number) return boolean is
155   l_cnt NUMBER;
157   if (p_op_seq_id is null) then
158     return false;
159   end if;
161   -- Look at the from_op_seq_id to find out if the line-op
162   -- is in primary path.
163   select count(*)
164   into l_cnt
165   from bom_operation_networks
166   where from_op_seq_id = p_op_seq_id
167       and nvl(transition_type, 3) = 1;
169   if (l_cnt = 0) then
170     -- Look at the to_op_seq_id to find out if the line-op
171     -- is in primary path. This is the exception for the
172     -- last line-op
173     select count(*)
174     into l_cnt
175     from bom_operation_networks
176     where to_op_seq_id = p_op_seq_id
177       and nvl(transition_type, 3) = 1;
179     if (l_cnt = 0) then
180       -- If not network exists, then if only one line operation exists
181       -- for this routing, it's valid, otherwise it's not valid.
182       select count(*)
183       into l_cnt
184       from bom_operation_sequences
185       where operation_type = 3
186         and routing_sequence_id = (
187               select max(routing_sequence_id)
188               from bom_operation_sequences
189               where operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq_id
190             );
191       if l_cnt = 1 then
192         return true;
193       end if;
194       return false;
195     end if;
197   end if;
199   return true;
201 END is_valid_seq;
203 -- This function returns the subassemblies that are being supplied from
204 -- another line. It takes all subassemblies that are being used in the
205 -- line operations which are in the primary path or in the alternate path.
206 -- It ignores any subassemblies that are used in the rework operations.
207 -- This routine also explodes the phantom component.
208 PROCEDURE get_subassemblies(
209                     arg_org_id          	in      number,
210                     arg_schedule_number         in      varchar2,
211                     arg_top_assy_id     	in      number,
212                     arg_alt_bom_desig   	in      VARCHAR2,
213                     arg_alt_rtg_desig   	in      VARCHAR2,
214                     arg_sched_start_date	in      DATE,
215                     arg_comp_table      	in out  NOCOPY comp_list)
216 IS
218     var_assy_id                     NUMBER;
219     assy_table                      comp_list;
220     max_assy_count                  NUMBER;
221     max_comp_count                  NUMBER;
222     curr_assy_count                 NUMBER;
223     var_comp_id                     NUMBER;
224     var_comp_name                   VARCHAR(40);
225     var_usage                       NUMBER;
226     var_wip_supply_type             NUMBER;
227     var_line_id                     NUMBER;
228     var_operation_seq_num           NUMBER;
229     var_routing_sequence_id         NUMBER;
230     var_line_op_seq_id         	    NUMBER;
231     var_count         	    	    NUMBER;
232     var_status			    BOOLEAN;
233     var_inherit_phantom		    NUMBER;
234     var_basis_type		    NUMBER;
235     var_qty_per_lot		    NUMBER;
237     l_top_bill_sequence_id	    NUMBER;
238     l_bill_sequence_id		    NUMBER;
240     CURSOR comp(var_assy_id NUMBER,p_start_date DATE) IS  --fix bug#3170105
241             select  expl.component_item_id component_item_id,
242 		    comp.operation_seq_num operation_seq_num,
243                     SUM(comp.component_quantity) extended_quantity,
244                     MIN(DECODE(comp.wip_supply_type, NULL,
245                             DECODE(sys.wip_supply_type, NULL,
246                                     1, sys.wip_supply_type),
247                             comp.wip_supply_type)) wip_supply_type,
248 		    MIN(comp.component_quantity) component_quantity,
249 		    MIN(nvl(comp.basis_type,WIP_CONSTANTS.ITEM_BASED_MTL)) basis_type
250             from    mtl_system_items sys,
251                     bom_inventory_components comp,
252                     bom_explosions expl,
253                     bom_bill_of_materials bbm
254             where   sys.planning_make_buy_code = 1
255             and     bbm.organization_id = sys.organization_id
256             and     comp.component_item_id = sys.inventory_item_id
257 /* Fixed bug #2503750
258    Added condition to take into consideration bom effectivity dates. */
259             and     comp.component_sequence_id = expl.component_sequence_id
260 /* Updated by Liye Ma.  Mar.5th 2001
261    Fixed bug 1668713
262    Select only components whose type is standard */
263             and     sys.bom_item_type = 4
264 /* End of Update */
265             and     comp.component_item_id = expl.component_item_id
266             and     comp.bill_sequence_id =  expl.bill_sequence_id
267             and     bbm.organization_id = arg_org_id
268             and     bbm.assembly_item_id = var_assy_id
269             and     (NVL(bbm.alternate_bom_designator, 'ABD756fhh466')
270                         = NVL(arg_alt_bom_desig, 'ABD756fhh466')
271                     or
272                     (bbm.alternate_bom_designator is null and
273                     not exists
274                     (select null
275                      from   bom_bill_of_materials bbm1
276                      where  bbm1.alternate_bom_designator =
277                                 arg_alt_bom_desig
278                      and    bbm1.organization_id = bbm.organization_id
279                      and    bbm1.assembly_item_id = bbm.assembly_item_id)))
280             and     bbm.common_bill_sequence_id = expl.bill_sequence_id
281 /* Added the following clause for the bug 1817962 */
282 /*            and     expl.top_bill_sequence_id =
283                                (select bill_sequence_id from
284                                       bom_bill_of_materials
285                                where assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
286                                and organization_id = arg_org_id
287                                and nvl(alternate_bom_designator,'@@@') =
288                                                 nvl(arg_alt_bom_desig,'@@@'))
289 */
290 	    and	    expl.top_bill_sequence_id = l_top_bill_sequence_id
291             and     expl.assembly_item_id is not null
292             and     expl.effectivity_date <= p_start_date  --fix bug#3170105
293             and     NVL(expl.disable_date,p_start_date+1) > p_start_date
294             and     expl.explosion_type = 'ALL'
295             group by expl.component_item_id,comp.operation_seq_num;
298     -- Find the routing for the arg_top_assy_id
299     select --routing_sequence_id
300     common_routing_sequence_id --3701766 3891345.999
301     into var_routing_sequence_id
302     from bom_operational_routings
303     where organization_id = arg_org_id
304       and assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
305       and NVL(alternate_routing_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
306          NVL(arg_alt_rtg_desig, 'ABD756fhh456');
308     max_assy_count := 1;
309     curr_assy_count := 0;
310     assy_table(1).item_id := arg_top_assy_id;
311     assy_table(1).usage := 1;
312     max_comp_count := 0;
314     if g_debug then
315         MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG('In get assemblies');
316     end if;
317     /* Added to retrive inherit_phantom_op_seq value for Bug # 1973152 */
318      SELECT inherit_phantom_op_seq  INTO var_inherit_phantom
319     from bom_parameters
320     where organization_id = arg_org_id;
322     BEGIN
323       l_bill_sequence_id := null;
324       select bill_sequence_id
325       into l_bill_sequence_id
326       from bom_bill_of_materials
327       where organization_id = arg_org_id
328         and assembly_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
329         and nvl(alternate_bom_designator, '@@@@') =
330 	    nvl(arg_alt_bom_desig, '@@@@');
331       l_top_bill_sequence_id := l_bill_sequence_id;
332       select max(top_bill_sequence_id)
333       into l_top_bill_sequence_id
334       from bom_explosions
335       where component_item_id = arg_top_assy_id
336         and organization_id = arg_org_id;
339 	l_top_bill_sequence_id := l_bill_sequence_id;
340     END;
342     LOOP
343         curr_assy_count := curr_assy_count + 1;
344         if curr_assy_count > max_assy_count then
345             exit;
346         end if;
348         var_assy_id := assy_table(curr_assy_count).item_id;
350         FOR comp_record IN comp(var_assy_id,arg_sched_start_date) LOOP
351             var_comp_id := comp_record.component_item_id;
352             var_usage := comp_record.extended_quantity;
353             var_wip_supply_type := comp_record.wip_supply_type;
354             -- This stores the operation_seq_num from the parent's BOM
355             var_operation_seq_num := comp_record.operation_seq_num;
357             -- Added to support lot based material
358             -- Retrieve the basis type and component quantity from bom_explosions table.
359             var_basis_type := comp_record.basis_type;
360 	    var_qty_per_lot := comp_record.component_quantity;
362             if g_debug then
363                 MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(' Component ' || to_char(var_comp_id) ||
364                                     ' Usage '|| to_char(var_usage) ||
365                                     ' Wip Supply type '|| to_char(var_wip_supply_type) ||
366                                     ' Basis Type '||to_char(var_basis_type) ||
367                                     ' Qty '||to_char(var_qty_per_lot));
368             end if;
369             if var_wip_supply_type = 6 then
370                 if g_debug then
371                     MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG('Phantom Component ');
372                 end if;
373                 max_assy_count := max_assy_count + 1;
374                 assy_table(max_assy_count).item_id := var_comp_id;
375                 assy_table(max_assy_count).usage :=
376                     assy_table(curr_assy_count).usage * var_usage;
378                 -- Two cases :
379                 -- a. For 1st level Subassembly, the operation_seq_num is the
380                 --    obtained from the BOM of its parent which is the top assembly.
381                 -- b. Otherwise, the operation_seq_num is the operation_seq_num of
382                 --    its parent.
383                 if (var_inherit_phantom = 1) then
384                    if (curr_assy_count = 1) then
385                       assy_table(max_assy_count).operation_seq_num := var_operation_seq_num;
386                    else
387                       assy_table(max_assy_count).operation_seq_num :=
388                       assy_table(curr_assy_count).operation_seq_num;
389                    end if;
390                  end if;
391                  if (var_inherit_phantom = 2) then
392                     assy_table(max_assy_count).operation_seq_num := var_operation_seq_num;
393                  end if;
394             else
395                 begin
396 		/* Changed the where clause of the query for bug #2508196 to
397 		   pick up the line on which primary routing of the item exists. */
398 		    select  line_id
399                     into    var_line_id
400                     from    bom_operational_routings flow_rtg
401                     where   flow_rtg.assembly_item_id = var_comp_id
402 		    and     flow_rtg.organization_id = arg_org_id
403                     and     flow_rtg.cfm_routing_flag = 1
404                     and     flow_rtg.alternate_routing_designator is null;
406 /*		    where   flow_rtg.routing_sequence_id =
407                             (select min(routing_sequence_id)
408                              from   bom_operational_routings rtg1
409                              where  rtg1.assembly_item_id = var_comp_id
410                              and    rtg1.organization_id = arg_org_id
411                              and    rtg1.cfm_routing_flag = 1
412                              and    NVL(rtg1.priority, 1) =
413                                 (select NVL(min(priority), 1)
414                                  from   bom_operational_routings rtg
415                                  where  rtg.assembly_item_id = var_comp_id
416                                  and    rtg.organization_id = arg_org_id));
417   */
418 		exception
419                     WHEN no_data_found THEN
420                         var_line_id := NULL;
421                 end;
422                 if g_debug then
423                     MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(' Line '|| to_char(var_line_id));
424                 end if;
425                 if var_line_id is not null then
426                   -- If it's 1st level Subassembly, the component operation_seq_num
427                   -- is the operation_seq_num obtained from the BOM. Otherwise,
428                   -- it's the operation_seq_num of the 1st subassembly parent.
429                   /* commented out for bug #1973152
430                   if (curr_assy_count <> 1) then
431                     var_operation_seq_num := assy_table(curr_assy_count).operation_seq_num;
432 		  end if;
433 			*/
435 		 if ((var_inherit_phantom = 1) and (curr_assy_count <> 1)) then
436 		       var_operation_seq_num := assy_table(curr_assy_count).operation_seq_num;
437 		 end if;
439                   -- Get the corresponding line_op_seq_id for the given operation_seq_num in
440                   -- the routing of the top assembly
441                   begin
442                     select line_op_seq_id
443                     into var_line_op_seq_id
444                     from bom_operation_sequences
445                     where routing_sequence_id = var_routing_sequence_id
446                       and operation_seq_num = var_operation_seq_num
447                       and operation_type = 1
448                       and effectivity_date =
449                         (select max(effectivity_date)
450                          from bom_operation_sequences
451                          where routing_sequence_id = var_routing_sequence_id
452                          and operation_seq_num = var_operation_seq_num
453                          and operation_type = 1);
455                   exception
456                     WHEN no_data_found THEN
457                         select concatenated_segments
458 			into var_comp_name
459 			from mtl_system_items_kfv
460 			where inventory_item_id = var_comp_id
461 			  and organization_id = arg_org_id;
463                         fnd_message.set_name('FLM','FLM_SYNCH_INVALID_SEQ');
464                         fnd_message.set_token('SCHEDULE',arg_schedule_number);
465                         fnd_message.set_token('COMPONENT',var_comp_name);
466 			MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(fnd_message.get);
467                         var_line_op_seq_id := NULL;
468                         var_status := fnd_concurrent.set_completion_status( status => 'WARNING',
469                                                                           message => '');
471                   end;
472                   if g_debug then
473                     MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(' Line-Op : '|| to_char(var_line_op_seq_id));
474                   end if;
475                   if g_debug then
476                     MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(' Line-op : '|| to_char(var_operation_seq_num));
477                   end if;
479                   -- Find out if the component used in the particular operation seq number has
480                   -- been synchronized
481                   select count(*)
482                   into var_count
483                   from wip_flow_schedules
484                   where primary_item_id = var_comp_id
485                     and NVL(synch_schedule_num,FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR) = arg_schedule_number
486                     and NVL(synch_operation_seq_num,FND_API.G_MISS_NUM) = var_operation_seq_num;
488                   -- Include only components that :
489                   -- 1. hasn't been synchronized.
490                   -- 2. feeder line goes into the primary path
491                   if (var_count = 0 and is_valid_seq(var_line_op_seq_id)) then
492                     max_comp_count := max_comp_count + 1;
493                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).item_id := var_comp_id;
494                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).usage := var_usage *
495                                     assy_table(curr_assy_count).usage;
496                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).line_id := var_line_id;
497                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).operation_seq_num := var_operation_seq_num;
498                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).line_op_seq_id := var_line_op_seq_id;
500                     -- Added to support lot based material
501 		    -- Stores the basis type and qty per lot in the arg_comp_table
502                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).basis_type := var_basis_type;
503                     arg_comp_table(max_comp_count).qty_per_lot := var_qty_per_lot;
505                   end if;
506                 end if;
507             end if;
508         END LOOP;
509     END LOOP;
510 END;    -- end of procedure
512 PROCEDURE create_schedules(
513                     errbuf                      out   NOCOPY  varchar2,
514                     retcode                     out   NOCOPY  number,
515                     arg_org_id                  in      number,
516                     arg_min_line_code           in      varchar2,
517                     arg_max_line_code           in      varchar2,
518                     arg_start_date              in      varchar2,
519                     arg_end_date                in      varchar2,
520                     arg_commit                  in      varchar2 DEFAULT NULL)
521 IS
522     CURSOR scheds(p_start_date DATE, p_end_date DATE, p_sysdate DATE) IS  --fix bug#3170105
523     SELECT      flow.schedule_number,
524 		flow.build_sequence build_sequence,
525                 flow.primary_item_id primary_item_id,
526                 flow.line_id line_id,
527                 flow.planned_quantity planned_quantity,
528                 flow.scheduled_start_date scheduled_start_date,
529                 flow.scheduled_completion_date scheduled_completion_date,
530                 flow.alternate_bom_designator alternate_bom_designator,
531                 flow.alternate_routing_designator alternate_routing_designator,
532 		nvl(flow.roll_forwarded_flag,2) roll_forwarded_flag
533     FROM        wip_flow_schedules flow,
534                 wip_lines lines
535     WHERE       flow.planned_quantity - nvl(flow.quantity_completed, 0) > 0
536     AND         flow.scheduled_start_date >= p_sysdate
537     AND         flow.scheduled_start_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
538     AND         flow.line_id = lines.line_id
539     AND         flow.organization_id = lines.organization_id
540     AND         lines.organization_id = arg_org_id
541     AND         lines.line_code BETWEEN arg_min_line_code AND
542                     arg_max_line_code;
544     var_schedule_number     varchar2(30);
545     var_build_seq_id        number;
546     var_assy_item_id        number;
547     var_line_id             number;
548     var_qty                 number;
549     var_start_date          date;
550     var_completion_date     date;
551     var_alt_bom             varchar2(10);
552     var_alt_rtg             varchar2(10);
553     var_comp_tbl            comp_list;
554     var_x                   number;
555     var_y                   number;
556     var_count               number;
557     var_current_row         number;
558     var_bom_exists          number;
559     var_rtg_exists          number;
560     loop_count              number;
561     var_roll_forwarded_flag number;
563     -- declarations reqd for Flow schedule API
564     l_flow_schedule_rec     MRP_Flow_Schedule_PVT.Flow_Schedule_PVT_Rec_Type;
565     l_x_flow_schedule_rec   MRP_Flow_Schedule_PVT.Flow_Schedule_PVT_Rec_Type;
566     l_old_flow_schedule_rec
567                             MRP_Flow_Schedule_PVT.Flow_Schedule_PVT_Rec_Type;
568     l_control_rec           MRP_GLOBALS.Control_Rec_Type := MRP_GLOBALS.G_MISS_CONTROL_REC;
569     l_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
570     l_msg_count             NUMBER;
571     l_msg_data              VARCHAR2(240);
573     l_fast_feeder_line      NUMBER;
575     --fix bug#3170105
576     l_start_date            DATE;
577     l_end_date              DATE;
578     l_sysdate               DATE;
579     --end of fix bug#3170105
581 begin
583     g_debug := FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MRP_DEBUG') = 'Y';
585     --fix bug#3170105
586     flm_timezone.init_timezone(arg_org_id);
587     l_start_date := flm_timezone.client_to_server(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(arg_start_date));
588     l_end_date :=  flm_timezone.client_to_server(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(arg_end_date))+1-1/(24*60*60);
589     l_sysdate := flm_timezone.sysdate00_in_server;
590     --end of fix bug#3170105
592     FOR scheds1 IN scheds(l_start_date, l_end_date, l_sysdate) LOOP  --fix bug#3170105
593         var_build_seq_id := scheds1.build_sequence;
594         var_schedule_number := scheds1.schedule_number;
595         var_assy_item_id := scheds1.primary_item_id;
596         var_line_id := scheds1.line_id;
597         var_qty := scheds1.planned_quantity;
598         var_start_date := scheds1.scheduled_start_date;
599         var_completion_date := scheds1.scheduled_completion_date;
600         var_alt_bom := scheds1.alternate_bom_designator;
601         var_alt_rtg := scheds1.alternate_routing_designator;
602 	var_roll_forwarded_flag := scheds1.roll_forwarded_flag;
604         if (var_roll_forwarded_flag = 1) then
605           fnd_message.set_name('FLM','FLM_SYNCH_ROLL_FORWARDED');
606           fnd_message.set_token('SCHEDULE',var_schedule_number);
607 	  MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(fnd_message.get);
608         else
609           if g_debug then
610               MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG('Retrieved Schedules '||
611                                    ' Assy '|| to_char(var_assy_item_id) ||
612                                    ' Line '|| to_char(var_line_id) ||
613                                    ' Qty '||  to_char(var_qty) ||
614                                    ' Start Date'|| to_char(var_start_date) ||
615                                    ' Alt BOM ' || var_alt_bom ||
616                                    ' Alt Rtg ' || var_alt_rtg);
617           end if;
619           -- Make sure to empty out the pl/sql table. Fix bug 1125219
620           if (var_comp_tbl.COUNT <> 0) then
621             var_comp_tbl.DELETE;
622           end if;
624           -- get all the sub components for this assembly
625           get_subassemblies(arg_org_id,
626   			    var_schedule_number,
627                             var_assy_item_id,
628                             var_alt_bom,
629                             var_alt_rtg,
630                             var_start_date,
631                             var_comp_tbl);
633           var_current_row := 1;
635           while var_comp_tbl.EXISTS(var_current_row) LOOP
636             if g_debug then
637                 MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG(
638                         ' Component '||
639                             to_char(var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id) ||
640                         ' Usage '||
641                             to_char(var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).usage));
642             end if;
643             select  count(*)
644             INTO    var_rtg_exists
645             from    bom_operational_routings rtg
646             where   rtg.organization_id = arg_org_id
647             and     rtg.assembly_item_id =
648                         var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id
649             and     NVL(rtg.alternate_routing_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
650                         NVL(var_alt_rtg, 'ABD756fhh456');
652             select  count(*)
653             INTO    var_bom_exists
654             from    bom_bill_of_materials bom
655             where   bom.organization_id = arg_org_id
656             and     bom.assembly_item_id =
657                         var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id
658             and     NVL(bom.alternate_bom_designator, 'ABD756fhh456') =
659                         NVL(var_alt_bom, 'ABD756fhh456');
661             -- create flow schedule using the API
662             l_flow_schedule_rec.organization_id := arg_org_id;
663             l_flow_schedule_rec.primary_item_id :=
664                 var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id;
666             -- Added for Lot Based Material Support
667             -- For item basis type, the usage is the subassembly cumulative usage * flow schedule qty
668             -- For lot basis type, the usage is the qty per assembly for that subassembly.
669   	    if (var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).basis_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.ITEM_BASED_MTL) then
670 		l_flow_schedule_rec.planned_quantity := var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).usage * var_qty;
671 	    else
672                 l_flow_schedule_rec.planned_quantity := var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).qty_per_lot;
673 	    end if;
675             l_flow_schedule_rec.line_id :=
676                 var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).line_id;
677             if var_bom_exists = 1 then
678                 l_flow_schedule_rec.alternate_bom_designator := var_alt_bom;
679             else
680                 l_flow_schedule_rec.alternate_bom_designator := null;
681             end if;
682             if var_rtg_exists = 1 then
683                 l_flow_schedule_rec.alternate_routing_desig := var_alt_rtg;
684             else
685                 l_flow_schedule_rec.alternate_routing_desig := null;
686             end if;
688             /* Added for bug 2373141 */
689             Select (fl.maximum_rate - ml.maximum_rate)
690             INTO   l_fast_feeder_line
691             FROM   wip_lines fl, wip_lines ml
692             Where  ml.line_id = var_line_id
693             and    fl.line_id = var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).line_id;
694             /* Added for bug 2373141 */
696              l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_completion_date :=
697               feeder_line_comp_date ( arg_org_id, var_line_id,
698                                       var_assy_item_id, var_start_date, var_completion_date,
699                          	      var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).line_op_seq_id ,var_qty, l_fast_feeder_line);
701             l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_start_date :=
702                feeder_line_start_date ( arg_org_id, l_flow_schedule_rec.line_id,
703                                         l_flow_schedule_rec.primary_item_id,
704                                         l_flow_schedule_rec.planned_quantity,
705                                         l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_completion_date);
707             l_flow_schedule_rec.synch_schedule_num := var_schedule_number;
708             l_flow_schedule_rec.synch_operation_seq_num := var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).operation_seq_num;
709             l_flow_schedule_rec.operation := MRP_GLOBALS.G_OPR_CREATE;
711             --  check if build sequence exists for same line, org,
712             --  component combination from wip_flow_schedules
713             var_count := 0;
714             loop_count := 1;
715             var_build_seq_id := scheds1.build_sequence;
716             LOOP
717                 select  count(*)
718                 into    var_count
719                 from    wip_flow_schedules flow
720                 where
721 --			flow.primary_item_id =
722 --                            var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).item_id
723 --                and
724 			flow.line_id =
725                             var_comp_tbl(var_current_row).line_id
726                 and     flow.organization_id = arg_org_id
727                 and     flow.build_sequence = var_build_seq_id
728 		and     scheduled_completion_date between  --fix bug#3170105
729                         l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_completion_date and
730                         l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_completion_date+1-(1/(24*60*60));
732                 loop_count := loop_count + 1;
734                 EXIT WHEN var_count = 0;
735                 if g_debug then
736                     MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG('Found build sequence '||
737                         to_char(var_build_seq_id));
738                 end if;
739                 var_x := ROUND(1/(10*loop_count), 6);
740                 var_y := ROUND(1/(10*(loop_count-1)), 6);
741                 if var_x = var_y then
742                     var_x := ROUND(1/(10*loop_count),1) + 0.1;
743                 end if;
744                 if var_count > 0 then
745                     var_build_seq_id := var_build_seq_id + var_x;
746                 end if;
747             END LOOP;
749             -- at this point, var_build_seq_id holds the correct build_sequence
750             l_flow_schedule_rec.build_sequence := var_build_seq_id;
752             if g_debug then
753                 MRP_UTIL.MRP_LOG('Creating schedule: '||
754                     ' Assy ' ||
755                     to_char(l_flow_schedule_rec.primary_item_id) ||
756                     ' Line ' ||
757                     to_char(l_flow_schedule_rec.line_id) ||
758                     ' Alt BOM '||
759                     l_flow_schedule_rec.alternate_bom_designator ||
760                     ' Alt Rtg '||
761                     l_flow_schedule_rec.alternate_routing_desig ||
762                     ' Date '||
763                     to_char(l_flow_schedule_rec.scheduled_completion_date) ||
764                     ' Build Sequence ' ||
765                     to_char(l_flow_schedule_rec.build_sequence) ||
766                     ' Qty ' ||
767                     to_char(l_flow_schedule_rec.planned_quantity));
768             end if;
770             /* Added p_explode_bom for bug number 2079836 */
771             MRP_Flow_Schedule_PVT.Process_Flow_Schedule(
772                 p_api_version_number    => 1.0,
773                 p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_TRUE,
774                 x_return_status         => l_return_status,
775                 x_msg_count             => l_msg_count,
776                 x_msg_data              => l_msg_data,
777 		p_control_rec		=> l_control_rec,
778                 p_flow_schedule_rec     => l_flow_schedule_rec,
779                 x_flow_schedule_rec     => l_x_flow_schedule_rec,
780                 p_old_flow_schedule_rec => l_old_flow_schedule_rec,
781                 p_explode_bom           => 'Y');
783             IF l_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR THEN
785             ELSIF l_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR THEN
786                 RAISE FND_API.G_EXC_ERROR;
787             END IF;
789             var_current_row := var_current_row + 1;
791           end loop; -- end of while loop
793         end if; -- end of if (var_roll_forwarded_flag = 2)
795     END LOOP;  -- end of FOR scheds1 IN scheds LOOP
797     if NVL(arg_commit,'Y') = 'Y' then
798         COMMIT;
799     end if;
801 end;  -- end of procedure
804 END;  -- package