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1 PACKAGE wip_autoSerialProc_priv AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2  /* $Header: wipserps.pls 115.1 2002/11/13 03:02:32 kboonyap noship $ */
4 /******************************************************************************
5  * This package will do serial derivation. It will take an object of items and
6  * then derive serials for those items based on the genealogy built for
7  * assembly. Serials can be derived as follows:
8  *
9  * Return           : A quantity tree is built to query the amount of onhand
10  *                    serial quantities in the given backflush location.
11  *
12  * Issues           : Serial cannot be derived for this transaction type
13  *                    because no genealogy have been built yet.
14  *
15  * Negative Return/ : Serial cannot be derived for these transaction types
16  * Negative Issue     because no genealogy have been built for these txns
17  *
18  * parameters:
19  * x_compLots        This parameter contains all the items that need to be
20  *                   unbackflushed. On output, derived serial/lot are added to
21  *                   the object appropriately.
22  * p_objectID        Object_id of the parent serial(assembly). Used to derive
23  *                   all the child serial number
24  * p_orgID           Organization ID
25  * p_initMsgList     Initialize the message list?
26  * x_returnStatus    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success if success without any errors.
27  *                   Otherwise return fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error.
28  *****************************************************************************/
29   PROCEDURE deriveSerial(x_compLots  IN OUT NOCOPY system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t,
30                          p_orgID         IN        NUMBER,
31                          p_objectID      IN        NUMBER,
32                          p_initMsgList   IN        VARCHAR2,
33                          x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
35 END wip_autoSerialProc_priv;