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Line 35: functions call igs_ps_val_tr.crsp_val_tr_perc,igs_ps_val_ud.crsp_val_ud_perc.

31: For the PSP Enhancements TD:
32: Modified the procedure validate_uoo.
33: sarakshi 04-Mar-2003 Bug#2768783,modified get_call_number and validate_uoo procedures
34: smvk 12-Dec-2002 Passing the value TRUE to the newly added parameter p_b_lgcy_validator to the
35: functions call igs_ps_val_tr.crsp_val_tr_perc,igs_ps_val_ud.crsp_val_ud_perc.
36: As a part of the Bug # 2696207.
37: smvk 26-Dec-2002 Added a generic procedure (get_party_id) and a function (validate_staff_person)
38: As a part of Bug # 2721495
39: ********************************************************************************************** */

Line 515: smvk 12-Dec-2002 Added a boolean parameter to the function call igs_ps_val_ud.crsp_val_ud_perc.

512: Known limitations,enhancements,remarks:
513: Change History (in reverse chronological order)
514: Who When What
515: smvk 12-Dec-2002 Added a boolean parameter to the function call igs_ps_val_ud.crsp_val_ud_perc.
516: As a part of the Bug # 2696207
517: ********************************************************************************************** */
518: l_c_message VARCHAR2(30);
519: l_n_count_msg NUMBER(6);

Line 523: IF NOT igs_ps_val_ud.crsp_val_ud_perc ( p_tab_unit_dscp(p_tab_unit_dscp.FIRST).unit_cd, p_tab_unit_dscp(p_tab_unit_dscp.FIRST).version_number, l_c_message ,TRUE) THEN

519: l_n_count_msg NUMBER(6);
521: BEGIN
522: -- Check if total percentage for a given unit_cd and version_number is 100. If not, change the status of records accordingly.
523: IF NOT igs_ps_val_ud.crsp_val_ud_perc ( p_tab_unit_dscp(p_tab_unit_dscp.FIRST).unit_cd, p_tab_unit_dscp(p_tab_unit_dscp.FIRST).version_number, l_c_message ,TRUE) THEN
524: fnd_message.set_name ( 'IGS', l_c_message );
525: fnd_msg_pub.add;
527: l_n_count_msg := fnd_msg_pub.count_msg;