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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 127

    select null
    from ben_popl_rptg_grp_f rgr, ben_rptg_grp bnr
    where rgr.pl_id = p_pl_id
    and ( rgr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id or p_business_group_id is null)
    and p_validation_start_date <= rgr.effective_end_date
    and p_validation_end_date >= rgr.effective_Start_date
    and rgr.rptg_grp_id = bnr.rptg_grp_id
    and bnr.rptg_prps_cd = 'IREC'
    and ( bnr.business_group_id = p_business_group_id  or p_business_group_id is null);
Line: 138

    select opt_typ_cd
    from ben_pl_typ_f ptp
    where ptp.pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
    and p_effective_date between ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date;
Line: 187

  	  -- Raise error : as there is plan associated with the plan type being updated - which
	  -- is also associated to iRecruitment Reporting Group
Line: 220

    select null
    from   ben_prtt_reimbmt_rqst_f a
    where  a.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
    and    a.pl_id = p_pl_id
    and    a.prtt_reimbmt_rqst_stat_cd <> 'VOIDD';
Line: 265

  select plt.opt_typ_cd
    from ben_pl_typ_f plt,
         ben_pl_f pl
   where pl.pl_id = p_pl_id
     and plt.pl_typ_id  = pl.pl_typ_id
     and p_effective_date between plt.effective_start_date
          and  plt.effective_end_Date
     and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date
          and  pl.effective_end_Date  ;
Line: 276

   select 'x'
     from  ben_pl_f
     where group_pl_id = p_pl_id
       and pl_id <> p_pl_id
       and effective_end_date > p_effective_date
Line: 326

   select 'x'
    from ben_pl_f
   where pl_id = p_group_pl_id
     and pl_id = group_pl_id
     and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
         and  effective_end_Date ;
Line: 335

  select opt_typ_cd
    from ben_pl_typ_f plt
   where plt.pl_typ_id  = p_pl_typ_id
     and plt.opt_typ_cd = 'CWB'
     and p_effective_date between plt.effective_start_date
          and  plt.effective_end_Date  ;
Line: 445

    select null
    from   ben_pl_f a
    where  a.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
    and    a.pl_id <> nvl(p_pl_id,-1)
    and    a.name = p_name
    and p_validation_start_date <= effective_end_date
    and p_validation_end_date >= effective_start_date;
Line: 513

     select null
     from   ben_oipl_f cop
     where  cop.pl_id=p_pl_id
      and   cop.auto_enrt_flag = 'Y'
      and  p_effective_date between cop.effective_start_date
           and cop.effective_end_date
      and  cop.business_group_id(+) = p_business_group_id;
Line: 573

     select null
     from   ben_elig_per_elctbl_chc epe,
	    ben_per_in_ler pil
     where  epe.pl_id = p_pl_id
      and   pil.per_in_ler_stat_cd not in ('VOIDD','BCKDT')
      and   epe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id
      and   epe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
      and   epe.business_group_id = pil.business_group_id;
Line: 671

     select opt_typ_cd
     from ben_pl_typ_f
     where pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
     and business_group_id = p_business_group_id
     and p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 678

    select null
    from ben_pl_f pln, ben_pl_typ_f ptp
    where pln.pl_typ_id = ptp.pl_typ_id
    and ptp.opt_typ_cd = 'CWB'
    and pln.pl_id <> nvl(p_pl_id,-1)
    and pln.name = p_name
    and p_validation_start_date <= pln.effective_end_date
    and p_validation_end_date >= pln.effective_start_date
    and p_effective_date between ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date;
Line: 689

    select null
    from ben_pl_f pln, ben_pl_typ_f ptp
    where pln.pl_typ_id = ptp.pl_typ_id
    and ptp.opt_typ_cd = 'CWB'
    and pln.pl_id <> nvl(p_pl_id,-1)
    and pln.name = p_name
    and pln.pl_id = nvl(pln.group_pl_id, pl_id)
    and p_validation_start_date <= pln.effective_end_date
    and p_validation_end_date >= pln.effective_start_date
    and p_effective_date between ptp.effective_start_date and ptp.effective_end_date;
Line: 858

    select null from BEN_CVG_AMT_CALC_MTHD_F cvg
    where nvl(cvg.pl_id,-1) = p_pl_id
    and cvg.cvg_mlt_cd = 'FLFX'
    and cvg.entr_val_at_enrt_flag = 'Y'
    and cvg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and p_effective_date between cvg.effective_start_date and cvg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1325

  cursor c1 is select 'x'
                  from  ben_ler_chg_dpnt_cvg_f ldc1
                  where ldc1.pl_id = p_pl_id
                    and ldc1.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
                    /* start of bug 3981774
		    and p_effective_date between ldc1.effective_start_date
                                             and ldc1.effective_end_date; */
Line: 1336

  cursor c2 is select 'x'
                  from  ben_apld_dpnt_cvg_elig_prfl_f ade1
                  where ade1.pl_id = p_pl_id
                    and ade1.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
                    /*and p_effective_date between ade1.effective_start_date
                                             and ade1.effective_end_date;*/
Line: 1346

  cursor c3 is select 'x'
                  from  ben_pl_dpnt_cvg_ctfn_f pnd
                  where pnd.pl_id = p_pl_id
                    and pnd.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
                   /* and p_effective_date between pnd.effective_start_date
                                             and pnd.effective_end_date;*/
Line: 1356

  cursor c4 is select 'x'
                  from  ben_pl_bnf_ctfn_f pcx
                  where pcx.pl_id = p_pl_id
                    and pcx.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
                    /*and p_effective_date between pcx.effective_start_date
                                             and pcx.effective_end_date;*/
Line: 1378

Line: 1395

Line: 1412

Line: 1429

Line: 2821

  cursor c1 is select currency_code
                      from fnd_currencies_vl
                      where currency_code = p_nip_pl_uom
                          and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 3616

    select null
    from   ff_formulas_f ff,
           per_business_groups pbg
    where  ff.formula_id = p_rule
    and    ff.formula_type_id = p_rule_type_id
    and    pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    and    nvl(ff.business_group_id,p_business_group_id) =
    and    nvl(ff.legislation_code,pbg.legislation_code) =
    and    p_effective_date
           between ff.effective_start_date
           and     ff.effective_end_date;
Line: 4471

    select null
    from   ben_oipl_f a
    where  a.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
    and    a.actl_prem_id = p_actl_prem_id
    and    p_effective_date
           between a.effective_start_date
           and     a.effective_end_date;
Line: 4553

  select opt_typ_cd ,comp_typ_cd
  from   ben_pl_typ_f
  where  pl_typ_id = p_pl_typ_id
  and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and    p_effective_date
         between effective_start_date
         and     effective_end_date;
Line: 4650

     select null
       from ben_prtn_elig_f epa, ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep, ben_prtn_eligy_rl_f cer
         where epa.pl_id = p_pl_id
           and ((epa.prtn_elig_id  = cep.prtn_elig_id
		   and p_validation_start_date <= cep.effective_end_date
           and p_validation_end_date >= cep.effective_start_date)
		   (epa.prtn_elig_id  = cer.prtn_elig_id
		   and p_validation_start_date <= cer.effective_end_date
           and p_validation_end_date >= cer.effective_start_date));
Line: 4662

     select null
       from ben_prtn_elig_f epa, ben_prtn_elig_prfl_f cep,
	        ben_prtn_eligy_rl_f cer, ben_plip_f plip
         where plip.pl_id = p_pl_id
		   and epa.plip_id = plip.plip_id
		   and p_effective_date between plip.effective_start_date and plip.effective_end_date
		   and ((p_validation_start_date <= cep.effective_end_date
               and p_validation_end_date >= cep.effective_start_date
               and epa.prtn_elig_id  = cep.prtn_elig_id)
               (p_validation_start_date <= cer.effective_end_date
               and p_validation_end_date >= cer.effective_start_date
               and epa.prtn_elig_id  = cer.prtn_elig_id));
Line: 4756

Procedure dt_update_validate
            (p_auto_enrt_mthd_rl           in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_mn_cvg_rl                   in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_mx_cvg_rl                   in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_mx_wtg_perd_rl              in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_nip_dflt_enrt_det_rl        in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_prort_prtl_yr_cvg_rstrn_rl  in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_pl_typ_id                   in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_actl_prem_id                in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_mx_wtg_dt_to_use_rl         in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_dflt_to_asn_pndg_ctfn_rl    in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_dpnt_cvg_end_dt_rl          in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl         in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl          in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl         in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_postelcn_edit_rl            in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_rt_end_dt_rl                in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_rt_strt_dt_rl               in number default hr_api.g_number,
             p_ENRT_RL                     in NUMBER default hr_api.g_NUMBER,
             p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl      in NUMBER default hr_api.g_NUMBER,
             p_bnft_prvdr_pool_id          in number default hr_api.g_NUMBER,
             p_datetrack_mode              in varchar2,
             p_validation_start_date       in date,
             p_validation_end_date         in date) Is
  l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'dt_update_validate';
Line: 5055

End dt_update_validate;
Line: 5092

Procedure dt_delete_validate
            (p_pl_id        in number,
             p_datetrack_mode        in varchar2,
         p_validation_start_date    in date,
         p_validation_end_date    in date,
         p_name                   in varchar2) Is
  l_proc    varchar2(72)     := g_package||'dt_delete_validate';
Line: 5106

    select 1
    from   ben_popl_yr_perd  t
    where  t.pl_id       = p_pl_id ;
Line: 5111

    select 1
    from   ben_cwb_wksht_grp t
    where  t.pl_id       = p_pl_id ;
Line: 5128

  If (p_datetrack_mode = 'DELETE' or
      p_datetrack_mode = 'ZAP') then
    -- Ensure the arguments are not null
      (p_api_name       => l_proc,
       p_argument       => 'validation_start_date',
       p_argument_value => p_validation_start_date);
Line: 5455

End dt_delete_validate;
Line: 5460

Procedure insert_validate
    (p_rec              in ben_pln_shd.g_rec_type,
     p_effective_date     in date,
     p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2,
     p_validation_start_date in date,
     p_validation_end_date     in date) is
  l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 5749

End insert_validate;
Line: 5754

Procedure update_validate
    (p_rec              in ben_pln_shd.g_rec_type,
     p_effective_date     in date,
     p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2,
     p_validation_start_date in date,
     p_validation_end_date     in date) is
  l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 6043

    (p_auto_enrt_mthd_rl             => p_rec.auto_enrt_mthd_rl,
     p_mn_cvg_rl                     => p_rec.mn_cvg_rl,
     p_mx_cvg_rl                     => p_rec.mx_cvg_rl,
     p_mx_wtg_perd_rl                => p_rec.mx_wtg_perd_rl,
     p_nip_dflt_enrt_det_rl          => p_rec.nip_dflt_enrt_det_rl,
     p_prort_prtl_yr_cvg_rstrn_rl    => p_rec.prort_prtl_yr_cvg_rstrn_rl,
     p_pl_typ_id                     => p_rec.pl_typ_id,
     p_actl_prem_id                  => p_rec.actl_prem_id,
     p_mx_wtg_dt_to_use_rl           => p_rec.mx_wtg_dt_to_use_rl,
     p_dflt_to_asn_pndg_ctfn_rl      => p_rec.dflt_to_asn_pndg_ctfn_rl,
     p_dpnt_cvg_end_dt_rl            => p_rec.dpnt_cvg_end_dt_rl,
     p_dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl           => p_rec.dpnt_cvg_strt_dt_rl,
     p_enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl            => p_rec.enrt_cvg_end_dt_rl,
     p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl           => p_rec.enrt_cvg_strt_dt_rl,
     p_postelcn_edit_rl              => p_rec.postelcn_edit_rl,
     p_rt_end_dt_rl                  => p_rec.rt_end_dt_rl,
     p_rt_strt_dt_rl                 => p_rec.rt_strt_dt_rl,
     p_ENRT_RL                       => p_rec.enrt_rl,
     p_rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl        => p_rec.rqd_perd_enrt_nenrt_rl,
     p_datetrack_mode                => p_datetrack_mode,
     p_validation_start_date         => p_validation_start_date,
     p_validation_end_date           => p_validation_end_date);
Line: 6113

End update_validate;
Line: 6118

Procedure delete_validate
    (p_rec              in ben_pln_shd.g_rec_type,
     p_effective_date     in date,
     p_datetrack_mode     in varchar2,
     p_validation_start_date in date,
     p_validation_end_date     in date) is
  l_proc    varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 6131

      SELECT pln.NAME
        FROM ben_pl_f pln
       WHERE pln.pl_id = p_rec.pl_id
         AND p_validation_start_date BETWEEN pln.effective_start_date
                                         AND pln.effective_end_date;
Line: 6159

    (p_datetrack_mode           => p_datetrack_mode,
     p_validation_start_date    => p_validation_start_date,
     p_validation_end_date      => p_validation_end_date,
     p_pl_id                    => p_rec.pl_id,
     p_name                     => l_plan_name     );
Line: 6167

End delete_validate;
Line: 6181

    select a.legislation_code
    from   per_business_groups a,
           ben_pl_f b
    where b.pl_id      = p_pl_id
    and   a.business_group_id = b.business_group_id;